31 December 2012

December Newsletter 2012


“What Does 2013 Hold for You?”

Mankind throughout the ages and even up to the present day believes he is right in so many ways – the full stubbornness, which propels Mankind headlong into situations, where he shouldn’t even be in the first place.

Advice from a Higher Intelligence was given when asked for and inspite of this many still think they know best and go headlong into situations, which they as individuals have been advised against.  Yet again they think they know best and carry on regardless on their own path of destruction.

As time goes by, they who are in the middle of it can begin to see the various circumstances they have put themselves in as not being right.  Yet again their egos tell them if they work hard enough or apply themselves more, all will come right for them in the long run.  Even with the help from friends and family members, it still will not go right for them.

Finally the time will come when circumstances around them come to breaking point.  Everything by this time has already broken down, inspite of their hard worked for efforts.

Relationships are strained to breaking point.  They have lost a great deal of money.  Their reputation is in tatters with low morale and lack of confidence hits them hard.  The individuals then start to question, “Why did it all go wrong?  I put everything I had into it and now I have nothing to show for it.” 

It is then that the reality finally hits home and then they begin to remember the advice that was given all that time ago.  “Do not venture down this road.  It will not work out.”

The full horror of their actions is finally revealed to them.  Excuses of all manner of things will be given to excuse them from it being their fault.  It can never be their fault, they have done everything humanly possible to make it work, but it hasn’t.

Mankind at last comes to his/her senses and screaming now in desperate mental and physical pain, they again ask for help.  The truth of their actions is plain for all to see.

Help then comes in.  It will of course take time for The Higher Intelligence to rectify the damage that that individual has put themselves in.  With time and much effort by The Higher Intelligence, the new way is given.   The new pathway is shown and then, and only then, is salvation realised.

Had Mankind listened and acted on the advice given in the first place, all hardships, despair and breakdown would have been avoided.  Mankind thinks he knows best and more often than not, he does not.

When advice is given and not taken, then Mankind must take on board the gross responsibilities for their actions no matter how much it hurts.  Then new advice from The Higher Intelligence is given to rectify situations and a new outcome of a different sort is given.

What will be interesting is, will Mankind have learnt from the experience or will they continue to go their own way, because they think they know best?

The Higher Intelligence knows the entire picture, is armed with the facts and therefore is able to give a clear indication and is therefore qualified to give the correct advice.

Mankind is not privy to all the facts, all the information years ahead and therefore only thinks they know and it is this dangerous assumption that leads Mankind into all sorts of problems.  In severe cases of misjudgement people’s lives are put at risk. Some even die.  That is how treacherous their own ego can be and land them in it.

It can be heart-breaking and very devastating.  They will in time have to come to terms with their own mistakes.  Before you enter into any situation, where you think you know the facts, but highly likely you do not, then consult with The Higher Intelligence and have peace of mind.

In the long run it will be worth it, unless of course your own intelligence is deemed higher than The Higher Intelligence and you go your own way.  Think before you act and then think again!

The New Year will bring many challenges to so many people.  Are you ready to know what it holds for you?

          Jenny Ayers
Monday, 31st December 2012

As we are all here after surviving that Apocalypse on 21st it is worth reflecting on what Mustafa gave us in answer to a question on 9th September 2009, “Is the World going to end in 2012?”

“You must be joking.  This World hopefully by then will be set on a path of some type of righteous living and working.
“All those who were selfish in one way or another will already have received their comeuppance and another wave of spiritual enlightenment, like a wave form, will start to further oust all small growths of unrest.
“Those people who have bought boats or even dwellings that will float at their so called appointed time, when the sea waters will rise and the land lost, will be so very disappointed.
“Yes, the flood waters will rise, but equally there will be enormous droughts and much famine of which this Globe had not experienced for centuries.
“Until Man is aware that food is not in unlimited supply overall and where destruction to land and livestock occurs, so the delicate balance of nature then falls down.
“Crops are not able to mature and in some cases are not able even to take root.  The Earth does not have an inexhaustible supply of food.  It is all starting to run out.
“Crops are indeed affected and the current climate, both economical and environmental, has brought about these collapses.
So the World will not end in 2012, but there will be a vast reawakening to Mankind that they must put precious resources to work and that they take precedence over profit every time.
“Profit to Man is of no use if that person is starving.  A luxury house is of no use if you are dying of thirst and there is no longer water to drink.
“The World can only supply so much and until Mankind comes to his senses then more will have to suffer until the necessary adjustment is put into action.
“So the World will not blow up and cease to exist.  It will however be on a path to get matters of enormous necessity for the sustaining of human life back into balance, whereby new ways to produce food and water are realised and a new beginning starts to evolve.
“It will only be a start, but in itself that is something – God bless, Mustafa.”

21st December 2012 (ladylydialondon twitter)

“The so called End of the World was given a generous lift off by so many people.  The new beginnings are about to come into the mind-set of so many, who will see this time to reflect and to understand that a new beginning is possible, if only they will try for the sake of themselves and for humanity as a whole.
“Every person will start to look at themselves and see where they have been found wanting and where if their own mind-sets had been less rigid, less aggressive, then a calmer more productive path would have been open to them.  There is time now to change and to benefit from the new energies coming our way.  The death of an old era and the birth of a new one is already born.”


Can we at last strike back against the Poachers?

‘Drones could soon be helping protect rhinos, tigers and elephants in Africa and Asia, thanks to cash from Google. Controlled via a tablet computer, the small autonomous aircraft will photograph poachers and track animals via smart radio tags. The World Wildlife Fund added the $5m (£3.1m) grant, which would also fund software that could map where poachers strike. And it was developing a mobile DNA sampling kit to match body parts with animals. The WWF said poaching and trafficking of body parts was having a devastating effect on the wild populations of some species, setting back decades long conservation efforts. The past 12 months have seen a significant rise in attacks on some animals, such as rhinos. In five years the number of rhinos killed in South Africa has risen from 13 to 588, according to statistics from Traffic, which monitors the trade in endangered animal parts. WWF president Carter Roberts said: "We face an unprecedented poaching crisis. The killings are way up. We need solutions that are as sophisticated as the threats we face. This pushes the envelope in the fight against wildlife crime." Google gave the WWF the cash as part of its Global Impact Award programme. The first round of these awards handed out $23m (£14.2m) to seven separate organisations.’

            ‘South Africa has signed a deal with Vietnam to help curb the rising number of illegally slaughtered rhinos, officials announced on Monday. The price of rhino horn - used in traditional medicine in Asian countries - has soared. Rhino poaching is already banned under international conventions but figures show the number of rhinos killed in 2012 was nearly double the 2010 figure. South Africa is home to about 85% of Africa's estimated 25,000 rhinos. Conservation groups have welcomed the move as the first official co-operation between the two nations on the issue. The trade in rhino horn has been banned by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (Cites) since 1980. At least 618 rhinos have been poached in South Africa in 2012, nearly double the number of those killed in 2010, latest official figures show. Most of the killings took place in the world-famous Kruger National Park.’

From UN climate talks in Doha, Qatar
The representatives for the small island states are at severe risk from climate change was vociferous. "We see the package before us as deeply deficient in mitigation (carbon cuts) and finance. It's likely to lock us on the trajectory to a 3,4,5C rise in global temperatures, even though we agreed to keep the global average temperature rise of 1.5C to ensure survival of all islands," he said. "There is no new finance (for adapting to climate change and getting clean energy) - only promises that something might materialise in the future. Those who are obstructive need to talk not about how their people will live, but whether our people will live."’

Why couldn’t they live in the wild, Daddy?

The line in illegal wildlife trade is taking a more sinister role. A study comes in, as Malaysian officials captured 20 tonnes of ivory – their biggest seizure to date.  Rebel militia groups in Africa are cashing in on the demand for elephants and rhinos to fund civil conflicts.
The slaughtering of 450 elephants and selling their ivory to purchase arms for local conflicts, this trade is worth £12bn and is now threatening the stability of some Governments in Africa.  The situation is far more worrying than was first envisaged and control will need to come in right across borders in African countries.
International Law to take a tighter control over this situation will be enforced as the problem is ever growing.  The only way to see these endangered species will in time be in zoos.  African National Parks are not always enough protection for these magnificent animals.

12th December 2012 (ladylydialondon twitter)

Lost Teachings of Atlantis
Remains to See
As Free Will Changes the Things
That Will Be
Earth there Will be, but Man May
there Not
We Forge Our Will
In the Fires of Our Suffering
We Temper Our Will
In the Waters of Discipline

When One Applies Free Will
To achieve Freedom From the
Separate Self,
The Self Causes Pain

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
www.spiritualist-guidance.org and www.living-proof.biz

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for WINTER and SPRING 2013

Sunday, 10th February 2013
06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Wednesday, 27th March 2013                        
03.00pm Eastbourne Christian Spiritualist Church, Eastbourne, E Sussex

Wednesday, 3rd April 2013
07.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex


Demonstration of Clairvoyance   Divine Service including Clairvoyance

Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the world continues to change and our lives have to change with it.
Our Twitter forecasts continue to go to over two thousand followers from all over the world and they continue to tell us what to expect, so we know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks and help the Greater Good to survive as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.
As said above, 2013 will bring many challenges to us all and we must be ready to face them correctly for all concerned.

Bless you all, Jenny and Michael

30 November 2012

November Newsletter 2012


We Are Not the Only Ones Living in This World

The ground is breaking under the strain of negativity and despair.  So many things appear to be going wrong in our lives that we all feel battered and bruised, yet inspite of all this we have times when we are actually happy and can look around us and see just why we are so blessed in so many ways.

The severe climatic conditions have wreaked havoc in our lives and we still do not seem to understand that the planet is suffering under what we, Man has done to it. 

The world is out of balance and will take several generations to right itself and to allow new growth and understanding to develop in order that it may heal in time to allow for future generations to be able to live off its natural resources.

All water and natural resources are fast running out, yet we continue to live our lives oblivious of the consequences of our actions.  We are all living as if there is no tomorrow and totally disregard what will be so vitally important for our children’s livelihood in the years to come.

There is fast coming a time now when we will have to start growing our own food in a much bigger way, where gardens won’t just be for the flowers, but for vital food which we will need to sustain life.

This is not a myth, but will become a reality.  As the world stands now there is not enough food on this planet to sustain the many mouths we still have to feed.

Yet because our supermarkets are full does not mean there is enough food, when millions the world over are suffering with nothing in their mouths for days and weeks.  We too often turn a blind eye to their suffering, as it does not apply to us in the affluent West.

Now begins the slow adjusting time to change our habits.  We cannot live as we once did; we must start now to repair and to bring back food processing to this planet as the destruction to the world further threatens our livestock and our crops.

There has to be a balance in all things.  We can no longer continue to rape this planet and not suffer from those consequences.  Two-thirds of the world’s resources are now used up and that means, oil, gas, coal and wood together with other natural elements which took hundreds of years to evolve. Those shortages cannot be replaced overnight.

There will come a time when world Governments will have to speak out and to bring in a form of rationing to allow for resources to come back to life.

So never mind about the financial situation, which seems to be plaguing our daily lives, think now to our other worries.  Money means nothing when there is literally nothing to eat.

We all can lend a hand and, by doing our own little bit, we can preserve so much for our children, so that they can have a life and enjoy it as we have done.

As the sun shines, so growth for harvest can come about.  In the meantime let’s do our bit for saving the ecology of this world.  We are not the only ones living on it!

Jenny Ayers
Friday, 30th November 2012

27th November 2012 (ladylydialondon twitter)

The UN climate change summit held in Qatar will see many mixed emotions and feelings. It is one thing talking about it, a very different thing to do anything about it. From this summit, up to now, all will walk away without the necessary objective. There are too many people talking about cross purposes and they do not really understand the problems.
It is the scientists, who have to lead the way in these talks and present the facts and then ask the respective governments. “What are you going to do about it in the light that the entire world now is suffering on a mammoth scale?”
            There has to be hard-line activity to halt this damaging process and to bring us back from the brink of destruction. Procrastinating solves nothing. Action today is what is needed to safeguard this world.

26th November 2012 (jandmayers twitter)

The floods in much of England have devastated homes and land. All are complaining that they have been flooded out several times in recent months and have never seen rain like this in 70 years.
It is strangely naïve that although complaints are given, nobody complains to Governments over climate change. It is affecting our planet on a daily basis. Everywhere, this world over, is now being affected.
            It is being destroyed on a massive scale and scientists are unanimous that this is happening. The scientific data is staring us in the face, yet it is continually to be ignored. We, as a species, are murdering our planet, yet we still do not want to recognise that we are doing anything wrong”
Some 17,000 participants are due to attend the UN climate talks in Qatar.  Over the next two weeks they will be negotiating a new global deal in climate. Qatar is a surprising venue, as it has the highest emissions for CO2 in the world and what are they actually doing about it – nothing!
We all have to live on this planet & it is imperative as never before, that major steps now have to be met to meet these changing conditions. It is getting dangerously too late and there will be no future for our children, never mind those who come after them.

26th November 2012 (ladylydialondon twitter)

Due to global warming conditions, a tanker, carrying liquefied natural gas across the Arctic, is sailing north of Russian to deliver to Japan. The decision to use the northern route was due to the recent scientific record on the melting of the ice in the Arctic. The ice melting allows for greater conditions for such trade to become possible, which before were out of reach.
This you might think is a significant gain? Yes it is, but the overall impact of global warming throughout the world shows a different picture. It is one of massive destruction and there is no stopping it, as Governments do not put it at the top of their agendas.
For them it is not important enough. The tide of opinion in the light of so much global devastation will bite hard. Country after country has to pay the cost in repair and renewed infrastructure. Costly revenue, which could have been better spent in other directions.
Botswana to ban hunting over wildlife species decline

About a third of the world's elephant population lives in Botswana

Botswana will ban commercial hunting from January 2014 over growing concerns about the sharp decline in wildlife species, officials have announced.

"The shooting of wild game for sport and trophies is no longer compatible with our commitment to preserve local fauna," the environment ministry said. The ban is likely to be controversial as many communities depend on hunting for their livelihoods. As much as a third of the global elephant population lives in Botswana. Recent estimates place the number at about 130,000.

Conservationists are concerned about the erosion of river banks caused by the animals in some nature parks, the BBC's Letlhogile Lucas in the capital, Gaborone, reports. The ban, set to come into place on 1 January, could also pose a threat to local communities, in particular bushmen, for whom hunting is a means to survive, our correspondent adds.

Furthermore, selling hunting licences to wealthy Westerners is an extremely lucrative business, he says.

Average trophy fee per species
  • Elephant: Up to $30,000, depending on weight
  • Lion: $29,000
  • Leopard: $7,150
  • Buffalo: $3,744
  • Giraffe: $3,500
  • Zebra: $1,923
Source: Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations

Hunting concessions currently exist in the northern Okavango Delta and the parks of the Kalahari region, famous for its upmarket safari lodges. According to the environment ministry's official statement, the government will continue to issue special game licences "for traditional hunting by some local communities within designated wildlife management areas".

Due to its seasonal nature, hunting has only contributed a minimal amount to the tourism sector, which ranks second to the diamond industry in terms of its revenue earnings, the ministry said.

Designated hunting zones will be turned into "photographic areas". The announcement has been welcomed by the International Fund for Animal Welfare. "The ideal scenario would be that it has a similar effect to the ban on whaling 20 years ago," the organisation's spokesman, Adrian Hiel, told the BBC. "Whale watching is now proven to be more sustainable and profitable than hunting and killing the animals."

Earlier this year, Spain's King Juan Carlos faced international criticism for going on a hunting trip in Botswana.

30th November 2012 (ladylydialondon twitter)

Botswana’s ban on commercial hunting from January 2014 is a brave thing. The ailing population of wild life, especially elephants who have under gone the greatest slaughter and now are an endangered species just because man wants to have some fun, is both scandalous and incomprehensible.
How would these hunters feel if it was a member of their own family that was hunted for no other reason than to be a trophy on their wall? They would be outraged, yet the feeling of these animals is of no consequence to them.
Perhaps instead of killing them, they found the time to educate themselves into getting to know them. They could start to communicate with these intelligent animals and then they might think differently.
These are all God’s creations and have as much right to live on this planet as Man himself.

            While reading the fascinating book ‘The Robe of Glory’ by John Davidson, Michael came across this balanced view of the difference between the Spirit within and the doctrine without.

For the true disciple of a Master, everything centres around the unspoken language of meditation.  But for the followers of religion, the focus of attention becomes the verbal teachings.  And therein lies a great difference.  For the one is a meal, the other only a recipe.  The one is travel, the other only a travel brochure.  The one is an experience, the other only a description.

In the absence of meditation leading to inner mystic experience, the teachings alone, however sublime and inspiring they may be, are only a shell.

John Davidson
The Robe of Glory

Should we be surprised that this ancient relic has emerged now?

The Tibetan statue, known as the Iron Man, is nine inches tall and has a swastika on its stomach, which is the Buddhist symbol for being good or being with your higher self.
The properties of this ancient statue are the same as the meteorite, which crashed to Earth some 15,000 years ago.
            It is the rarest type of meteorite you can find.  Meteorites have been seen as a sign of divine activity across many cultures since the dawn of time.
           Should we be surprised that this ancient relic has emerged now?  The Universal Intelligence is sorting out all aspects of life that are rotten and corrupted in so many ways.
            The signs are all there to see, as the battle against good and negative remains constant.  These changes need to occur to bring Mankind back from the brink of anarchy and into a better life, where helping each other is the only way forwards.
            Strength to each and every one of us is now in place to make those relative changes and to master our own defences against those who wish to overthrow us.
            The battle is on, but we are not alone as the Universal Forces always protect those who look for the right way to live.
1st October 2012 (ladylydialondon twitter)

Lost Teachings of Atlantis

Where you are
Where you have Been
Where You will Be
Is affected by Your Choice

Judge the Path of Another,
Only to Judge and Determine
Your Own Path.
Never Condemn Another.
Condemn Only Actions.

Think You that You can Hide From God?
Think You that You can Run from Yourself?
Think You that God is not One & All?

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
www.spiritualist-guidance.org and www.living-proof.biz

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for WINTER 2012

Sunday, 10th February 2013
06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Wednesday, 27th March 2013
03.00pm Eastbourne Christian Spiritualist Church, Eastbourne, E Sussex


Demonstration of Clairvoyance   Divine Service including Clairvoyance

         Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the world continues to change all about us and we hope that you are able to see your spiritual path and change with it and to respect and understand the Higher Source of All Things.

30 October 2012

October Newsletter 2012


“Are We as Parents the Best People to Bring up our Children?
          “The situation of our children, with the abuse scandals that are all around and coupled with the teenage gang culture, which is plaguing our cities, everything appears out of control.

          “Young people today are having to go outside the family to organisations for help in their times of severe trouble and unrest.

          “Schools are offering counselling much of which is dire, as these so called counsellors are not doing their job effectively enough, because they do not have the experience to give those who are in turmoil in ever increasing numbers, some kind of a direction to ease their suffering.

          “Much of the suffering is on the home front, where parents who have their own problems and their own agendas inflict these on the children whose lives they are meant to protect.

          “Many parents are psychologically damaged from their own parents and so learnt behaviour is often passed on.  Their children then begin to suffer at the hands of these parents and so the cycle continues until therapy finally sorts one or all of them out and harmony in the family home begins to stabilise.

          “An alcoholic parent will often teach the child unwittingly that severe drinking is acceptable, coupled with the behavioural problems that go with it.  The child begins to grow up in an environment of unrest and severe upheaval, not knowing who to turn to and who can help them to be released from this daily abusive situation.

          “A parent sometimes has behavioural problems and is dictatorial and changeable to the extent that the child does not know from one minute to the next what is normal about that parent and what is not.  In the confusion of a topsy-turvy home life, the child’s confusion exacerbates until they do not know how to behave as they are unsettled in an unsettled atmosphere. 

“This then forms a situation where the child to secure a kind of sanity becomes withdrawn and quiet, the parents never realising there is anything wrong with the child, as they have their own sets of problems to deal with, which they often fail to recognise in themselves and therefore are not able to recognise them in their own children.  

“Abuse, whether it is sexual or emotional in families, is rife.  The sexual act is usually caused by the father onto the daughter or the grandfather onto the granddaughter.  The child is instructed that the adult loves them and this is their little secret and nothing must be said.  The child has to suffer the abuse until it is of an age that they feel they can start to fight back.  All that time suffering in silence, their world shattered for all time.

“Often it is known, but overlooked and this is the irresponsibility of parents within the family home, where the home is supposed to be a safe haven.  In many cases it is a constant battle ground.

“Love and understanding within the family home is in very short supply these days, as the parents have to work primarily to keep a roof over their heads and of their children also.

“Parents don’t have the time or in many cases the inclination to love their children, so this is where the children go out of the home seeking love and affection, another kind of family.  This is where the various gang cultures stem from, where loyalty to the surrogate family takes them in and cares for them, but for a price.

“The children of the gangs have a unity, which was not there in the family home and where they are listened to and help within that support group is often given.

“Home life now is not what it used to be and parents now have to see the kind of society they indirectly have bred and have brought upon themselves, where we have failed our children in so many ways.

“We must start to repair the damage and to instruct on what is right and wrong.  Old fashion principles and laws within the family unit will need to go back to basics, where all start to talk to one another and where grievances are expressed and put right, so we are able to teach our children that love exists in the home and that the boundaries are there for all, not only the children to live and work by.

“If we as parents cannot demonstrate by our own actions, we cannot expect our children to do the same.  They must learn by these examples that to behave well is acceptable and to behave badly simply is not.

“We have all been complacent by allowing our children to watch the soaps on television, where the characters exploit one another with serious bad language and behaviour.  We have accepted this as being alright and, as a result, bad behaviour is all around us.  We, as a nation, have lost respect for one another and we now reap this lackadaisical attitude every day.

“Our children are being abused right, left and centre and we, the parents, sit back and think somebody else should do our work for us.  It is our responsibility to act as responsible loving parents or we reap what we sow.

“Look at the world today with the amount of paedophiles, sexual predators and psychologically damaged people that are out there and nobody has been there to save them.  Isn’t it time we did?

          “God bless, Jenny.”
Tuesday, 30th October 2012

The door is wide open now with regards to the Savile affair.  Nothing will stop this legal process from unravelling what was a sordid time at the BBC and other institutions.  The BBC cover up, which was known by a few so called respected people of society, will see their cover of secrecy blown for all time.  It is now that the police will be able to get a good lead on the various perpetrators of this disgusting violation of human life whose lives have been totally ruined by this scam.  Heads will indeed role, as more evidence will come to the fore and be squeezed by the Spiritual machine of decency and love.

The juvenile gang culture in this country will be sorted out as more investment of money to alleviate the suffering of so many young people, who have lost their way where the standards of home behaviour have left little to no understanding to the young people of what true behaviour is all about.  The parents of these children have let them down and it is they now that must take the stand of their own irresponsibility together with their own retribution.
28th October 2012 (jandmayers twitter)

Women are equal and should be respected as such, as Jesus respected women as disciples, as teachers to the masses

The 4th Century Papyrus fragment, which makes reference to Jesus having a wife, could not be better timed. The wife, who is identified by the name of Mary, is wholly significant in today’s modern world, but also about the world at that time”
The creation of women as equal has always been. It is men and the Church’s teachings that women are but second-class citizens and not allowed their place as individuals and equals.
            In olden days women were revered and worshipped as the giver of life and protector of their people. It was men’s fear alone which put a stop to that and created an edict that women became second-class citizens so that they could remain in power and lessen the rights of women just to be.
            It is these misogamist men throughout the world, who still hold power today in the Churches and as rulers. Jesus and all the prophets of the land before and since have all spoken about Love, care and compassion to all.
There has never been any talk of women being second-class citizens or to be sold as slaves like cattle. The Churches are in disarray and they feel they cannot open their doors to women as priests and bishops for fear of losing their own status.
            These priests have done enough damage.  That is why the Churches are now failing and falling. With this Papyrus being exposed now by the media is not coincidental, but questions every part of society in every corner of the world, which is going through this vast transition of change.
            Women are equal and should be respected as such, as Jesus respected women as disciples, as teachers to the masses.  His loyal disciple Mary Magdalene was the first person whom he wished to appear to after his crucifixion, because he had faith that she would deliver his words correctly, that he had risen from the dead.
            So now it is happening that women will become more recognised as equals. It is up to the women themselves globally to come together to make that difference to remember they are only second-class citizens, because they allow themselves to be dominated by men.
The revolution towards women is not only for equality, but for everything that women stand for, which is Love and peace. Fewer wars would happen if women were in charge.
The economic banking crisis would not have happened if women were overseeing these situations. Let men have their testosterone. That is not a problem, but to have it where they can do no harm would be best advised.
2nd October 2012 (ladylydialondon twitter)

           Lost Teachings of Atlantis

To Be Whole
with the One Again
Is the Great Goal.
The Great Mountain
we can climb
with our Will.
For Those who Take Power over
Their Selfish Separate Self,
Will Return
And Be Wholly One.

The Wholly Ones use the Power of
Sacrifice Their Selfish Separate
And Make To Give.

Thusly did they Find Their Spiritual
Self Again.
Thusly do they Forever Walk
With the Peace of the Whole,
And in Their Wholiness,
are a Blessing to All.

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
www.spiritualist-guidance.org and www.living-proof.biz

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for WINTER 2012
Sunday, 18th November 2012
06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Sunday, 10th February 2013
06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Demonstration of Clairvoyance

Divine Service including Clairvoyance
          Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the world continues to change. Our Twitter forecasts (now with 1992 followers from all over the world) continue to tell us what to expect, so we know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks and help the greater good to survive as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

30 September 2012

September Newsletter 2012


“Crunch Time for the World”

The world now in rapid change, as so many institutions are brought to their knees and finally demolished for all time.  See the rapid destruction occur, so that a new phase of life can materialise and a better way to live will be pointed out.

          The old ways of living have now finally given up the ghost and all must now fall in line if they wish to secure a position for themselves and their loved ones.  The time is now passed where the lackadaisical way living and working has come to its final conclusion.

          It is no longer, “Can we change it?”  It is a case now that we must change in order to put matters right.  Parents have to take the strong stance with their children and to bring them back into line.

Discipline on so many levels now will be brought to the fore, where to allow a child self-expression is fine and wonderful, but not at the expense of disrespect to those around them.

Discipline not only in the home, but in schools also, where the old rules will be brought back, where the teacher at last has the authority to teach and to administer the law in the classroom.  This will be followed up with home life.

Parents will sit and eat together with their children, where respect and love is openly shown and where all can express their opinions in a safe and loving environment.

Parents may need to go to parenting classes if their basic knowledge of how to conduct themselves is lacking, so they can administer their lives and the lives of their children in the right and orderly way.

It is the parents who rule the household and not the children, who will start to realise their place within the hierarchy of the home.  This format will then continue throughout the schools and the colleges and finally in the workplace.

Rights for all will be given, but mutual respect has to be the bedrock for all to function and thrive.  The greed of Man will be frowned upon and the need to get the latest and the most fashionable will no longer apply.

If things are functioning in the right way, there will not be the need to replace it only to get the new updated model.  It is the people who will pride themselves as having had things for years and the throwaway society will be frowned upon.

Those who keep things that are good and worthwhile will be hailed as great in the eyes of many.  True values will return to society in all ways, in respect, in consideration for each other, but also in a new way, where individuals will have common courtesy for each other once more.

The vast expense of fashion/consumer items will be moderated and to be seen in last years’ fashion or the years’ before, will be considered with pride and not to be frivolous as equally grows.

See people recycle their own clothes and use them again and again and where the fashion industry will have to look at their own over-inflated prices, as the need to be an individual in one’s own attire will reflect the modern way of thinking and acting.

Being practical in so many ways will see many industries go to the wall, as more and more people will do with less and less and realise eventually they can actually do without and no longer need to be seen in this year’s model of clothes, car, phone or consumer goods.

The world needs to change and people will put their energy into building a better environment for the people and animals to live in, where the rich will no longer want to be seen with £1,000 worth of designer handbag, but to contribute that money to obtaining a much needed baby incubator for those hospitals who are in need.

Where money is giving to those who will dig wells, so that a fresh water supply for the irrigation of crops can then feed the thousands, to eradicate the spread of famine throughout our world.

Organisations to emerge around the world to put back a better life for those thrust into poverty and to bring decency to all people, whose right to live is as valued as yours and mine.

It is up to Man to help Mankind and to remove all hate and prejudice and for the people to exercise that will by demonstrating first locally and then nationally and finally globally.

 We all need each other in times of crisis and crisis has hit our world.  It is time to mend and rebuild it, starting in the home and continuing outwards.  All will gain and a better life structure is formed.

          Jenny Ayers
Sunday, 30th September 2012

We have taken the step of discontinuing the practice of putting the Daily Tweets on our websites, because as our International work increases, so is there less time available.  However they can still be read on Twitter using our two addresses of jandmayers and ladylydialondon.

In his recent article ‘We Must Act Now to Save the Elephants’ http://bit.ly/PaeE06, Eric Margolis quotes Gandhi’s maxim, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
          The New York Times took time off from urging war against Syria and Iran to run a major study on the destruction of Africa’s elephants. Africa once was home to 5-10 million elephants. Only some 600,000 remain, scattered across Africa. They are being rapidly massacred. In 2011, an estimated 4,000 elephants were slaughtered for their ivory.
          A Kenya based charity, the Sheldrick Trust Wildlife, run by the magnificent Dame Daphne Sheldrick, goes into the bush to rescue orphaned baby elephants and nurse them back to life. Half the orphans still die from shock in spite of intense care. Mr Eric is proud to help their work www.sheldrickwildlifetrust.org.
          China is believed to account for 70% of ivory imports, followed by Thailand and other Asian markets. Ivory goes for $1,000 per pound in China. Chinese still value ground rhino horns and elephants sexual organs as aphrodisiacs, though both have been proven totally ineffective.
Is there anything we can do to stop the mass slaughter of elephants? The only answers that come to this writer, who thinks a lot about animal welfare, are: a. ban all hunting of elephants, a despicable practice; b. impose long prison terms and heavy fines on ivory poachers; c. boycott ivory producers.
Most Chinese and many other Asians have poorly developed or non-existent concerns for animal welfare. The only way to stop their nations from allowing imports of ivory is by selective public boycotts of specific consumer goods, like clothing, chemicals, fish, pharmaceutical products, toys, etc. that they export to the west.
Such action must be done by non-governmental organizations. If governments get directly involved, trade wars are likely. Consumer boycotts are the only practical way to inflict sufficient pain on importing nations to halt the odious ivory trade.
So it’s up to western animal welfare organizations and consumers to halt the butchery in Africa of the noble, highly intelligent elephant. If we fail, our moral progress, to paraphrase Gandhi, will rank below that of the hyena.

Smarter than the average!
‘Black bears have demonstrated counting abilities, in a first for the species. Three captive bears took a series of number-based tests on a touch-screen computer, research published in the journal Animal Behaviour showed. They had to choose between two different-sized sets of dots and were rewarded with food for correct answers. "People don't generally understand them to be as intelligent as they probably are," said Jennifer Vonk, the researcher who led the study. Although bears have the largest relative brain size of any carnivore, their cognition is not well understood. Black bears have a large brain size in comparison to their bodies. They have been filmed doing some remarkable things:
  • Bears versus bees: See the stings a black bear endures for the taste of honey
  • Going it alone: Meet an abandoned bear cub, surviving on her own in the wilderness
  • Climbing daredevils: Look at how high up in the forest black bear cubs can climb
  • Bear bite: Find out how a BBC cameraman got a warning bite from an adult bear
  • Takeaway fish: Watch a white black bear go fishing for the first time

READY MEALS, but not for long, when will we ever learn…
            ‘The spider tortoise - one of the rarest tortoises in the world - is the equivalent of a microwave meal for the Mikea, a hardy Madagascan forest tribe. The method is simple: bury tortoise in heated sand, wait 20 minutes, slurp superheated innards. "It even comes in its own bowl," explains Solo, a seasoned tortoise hunter, although, he adds, "It's hard to get big or fat or full from eating such small animals." Due to the Mikea and a slew of other threats, the spider tortoise is hurtling towards extinction. Could a newly identified population rescue them from the brink or are the odds against them too high? The island of Madagascar, off the south-eastern coast of Africa, is home to a host of one-off animal and plant species found nowhere else in the world. Under a worst case scenario, scientists calculate that spider tortoises could disappear in a matter of a few decades: less than a single tortoise's lifespan. As a result, in 2008 it was listed as critically endangered on the IUCN's Red List for Threatened Species.’

Lost Teachings of Atlantis

To Be Whole Again
To Be home Again
Only The Weary Learn
Only The Bleeding heart Returns

Fighting Dragons, or Surrendering
to Roaches,
Matters Not,
To the Fearless One Who has
Faced Death
And Lives in the Service of God.

We have received the following email request:

Hi Jenny and Michael,

Finally I have got my book published! If you go to www.williamwesterleigh.com and click through to Amazon you can see it or straight to Amazon and search for it by name "William Westerleigh and the Secret Time Tunnel".

I wondered if you would like to write about it in one of your newsletters as the book is aimed at encouraging children to face their fears, something that I've learned to do, especially with Jenny's help. The story is about a little boy who searches for his beloved grandfather through time and in doing so gains confidence and self-belief. I have always liked the idea of transcending time and space to face your fears and search for love.

Teagan Ridgeway

For those interested then please go to the above website – J&M.

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
www.spiritualist-guidance.org and www.living-proof.biz

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for WINTER 2012

Sunday, 18th November 2012
06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Sunday, 10th February 2013
06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex


Demonstration of Clairvoyance

Divine Service including Clairvoyance

          Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the world continues to change. Our Twitter forecasts (now with 2077 followers from all over the world) continue to tell us what to expect, so we know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks and help the greater good to survive as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.