08 September 2010

September Newsletter 2010


MUSTAFA'S MESSAGE tells us that

"A New Kind of Evolution is Born"

"To look within oneself and to see what we truly need to make us happy, so many people think that they must have this person, or that person, or a child, or a house, a car etc.
"We are never content to just beUs, ourselves, are never enough.  We are always striving for something else all the time.
"Happiness really does start and end in us.  Who are we?  Are we happy with ourselves in our own skin/body?
"That contentment when practiced and believed, will bring to us a certain strength, a stabilization that we are content to be just who we are
"Once we have achieved that, then we become a whole person, self sufficient in so many ways. 
"There will be periods in everybody's life when loneliness hits us and it is at this time that we are able to truly find out whom we are and how do we operate alone.
"Can we surviveHave we the means to manage on our own? 
"It is at this time that a greater understanding of our strengths comes in.  We begin to understand what we're capable of doing and achieving.
"For many this becomes a very productive time and it allows us to grow into a more purposeful and accommodating person.
"We find we have to rely on ourselvesWe have nobody else to rely on.  When we are thirsty it is us alone who has to get that drink.  We cannot ask anybody else as we are alone.
"So we start to manage ourselves in a better more organised wayWe grow both in mental, emotional and physical strength.  A pattern to our lives begins to form and slowly we begin to be content with a routine that we have made for ourselves.
"We start to feel more safe and loneliness is no longer a problemWe find we are able to cope far better than we first thought, so we begin to grow and evolve and this is our greatest time.
"Once we feel strong enough and experienced in coping, we are less frightened.  We become strong and efficient in our own world.
"Then, should we require another person to come into our lives when we are ready, that happens and a partnership of love is evolved.
"This partnership is strong because we are strong and we can cope, because we have had to, so there is no pressure on this new relationship but mutual appreciation and support.
"Happiness, that we were able to find in ourselves in the right way, can then be transferred to another.  As we give to ourselves, we are then ready to give to another and happiness continues both within and without.
"A new kind of evolution is born.
"God bless, Mustafa."


Jenny and Michael will soon be on the move away from their present address in East Sussex and as the work begins to change as predicted from the Spirit Realms, so will the new order be born and greater responsibilities will be placed on them.

See later Newsletters for further details as they emerge through the predictions of Mustafa, who has been paving the way and smoothing out the directions as in trust and love they venture forth.

Never feel stuck in that rut that you call life.  There are always new avenues and courses to run and your life is in your own hands.  Sure we all have responsibilities, but those are for the greater good around us and that includes our families, who either support us well or go their own way and, if the latter, then seek a life for yourself to be happy.  Ask and with the right intentions it will be given to you.  Seek and you will find.

          "It is in the believing that you are saved.  The outcome has already been blessed,"
– Mustafa.

The Spark of Life

          "Let all in this little circle find themselves and God, because you and God are one.
          "Here is a big light, say a candle, which stands in the centre.  Around it are smaller candles, but they are all part of the same materials as the larger candle.  You take the smaller candles and light them from the big one, then you have the spark of Life.  Can you then understand what is meant by being a spark of God?
          "When you die, as Christians call it, you only blow out the candle.  The tallow has gone back to the elements.
          "Find God within you, then you have Power, Strength and Love, and the learning to get Wisdom."
Esovilia Chevilia, Esquimo

Some thoughts from White Feather

Jenny & Michael's House Move

Dear Jenny & Michael,
This move signifies the start of new beginnings. The long and hard journey you have both been on is at last starting to become fruitful and positive. No longer will you have to scrape for basic survival; the fruits of your labour will now be given as it has always been intended.
The new dwelling is of much charm and will see you very happy, a much brighter picture. You are always shown the right way, so allow yourselves to rest in the knowledge you will be gently led to the door where you will continue long and happy life. The property is situated on the outskirts of a village or town in a NW direction from your current position.
Sit back and relax as it is all taken care of and it will be a smooth transition with little to no interruption.
God bless you, White Feather

          Through all the ages of earthly existence there have been messengers from the gods or angels to guide the paths of men, so why is it that the material greed is too great to allow the true help and guidance to help you fulfil your calling to help your fellow man through their difficulties?

A lady has written to share with us all

The power of hope is crucial and, for this reason, I try to keep the following verse in mind.
                                     Hope is the thing           
                                        With feathers
                                 That perches in the soul
                                     And sings the tune
                                    Without the words,
                                  And never stops at all.
                                                                           Emily Dickinson

I would ask everybody who have a blog or website put a link into ours. If you do it will help Google to help spread the word.....

          Please explore our Site and tell others who are like minded about it.  Mustafa's guidance on 'A League of Nations for the Greater Good', 'For Those who Work and Live Spiritually' and 'Allow Your Future to be Shown to You' is at www.spiritualist-guidance.org with much more…

We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for the rest of 2010

Friday, 10th September 2010
7.30pm Dorking Awareness, Odd Fellows Hall, Dorking Surrey

Sunday, 14th November 2010
06.30pm Tonbridge Spiritual Centre, Hadlow, Kent

Saturday, 27th November 2010
07.30pm Lantern of Light, Burgess Hill, East Sussex


Demonstration of Clairvoyance      Divine Service including Clairvoyance

Finally we send you our love and wish you well as the World continues to change and Mustafa's words continue to tell us what we can expect and gives us guidance as to what we should be doing to help and survive.

17 August 2010

August Newsletter 2010


MUSTAFA'S MESSAGE tells us about

"So many people are afraid of what is going to happen to them when they die; the reason being is that they do not really know.  It is only what they think might happen.
"In the Western World due to vast ignorance of people these days, it is no wonder that so many people fear death.
"The church is largely responsible for this as they breed fear into their congregation, "If you do wrong you will suffer pain and damnation.  Give us your money and we will secure your salvation into the Heavenly Kingdom."
"The medical profession and some of the scientific world are also ignorant of the afterlife, so where is a person to go to truly find out what will happen to them?
"No one wants to talk about it.  It is a taboo subject so with ignorance all manner of fears and uncertainties arise.  The most fear to the individual arises when they have not done things right in their lives.  They have been either negligent to themselves or to others within their lifetime.
"They have not sought the right information, which is out there to relieve their suffering.  Every one of us must take it upon themselves to seek out the facts of dying and to make amends for the consequences of their actions before that day occurs.
"There is enough scientific literature out there for individuals to read, where proof beyond doubt of the afterlife exists the extensive proof having been obtained over centuries and is ongoing, especially where science has improved its vital research.
"Of course, there are always those scientists who have a closed mind, but with the amount of scientific data that has been collected and where the proof is verified to such a considerable degree, one can no longer dispute centuries of evidence and facts which are known.
"The individual, when he or she chooses, can obtain this information, which is available to the public when they are ready to accept the facts.
"In the Eastern parts of the World the subject of dying is commonplace.  It is freely and openly discussed.  Families talk about it without fear of ridicule.
"They know where their ancestors went, where Granny and Granddad have gone, because they are still in communication with the souls of these people at regular intervals.
"So to speak about the dead is like speaking about a member of their family, as if they had just gone away on a journey and that they will meet up with them at a later date.
"There is no fear.  There is just the understanding that if a person has conducted their lives in a good and worthwhile manner, having been loving towards their family and their neighbours, they will meet up again and that relationship will continue into the next life.
"How we, as individuals, conduct ourselves on this Earth during our earthly life will depend on where we will be going in the next dimension, which is called the Spirit World.
"The reason for giving this title is because we will all be in a spirit form.  All of us have a physical earthly body and in it is housed our etheric or spiritual body.
"At the point of clinical brain death, the spirit form, which is us, is released and passes into the next dimension, which is the Spirit World where we can see each other and communication is possible.
"For most of us this dimension consists of love, warmth and security where peace of mind on every level is obtained and for those whose minds have been disturbed during their earthly existence much healing and love is given, so that they will be able to make that full recovery over time.
"It must also be said, that those who have not conducted their lives in an orderly manner, be it through selfishness, greed or extreme malice, they too will find themselves in that dimension which is called the Spirit World, but in the sections designed for those who were greedy, selfish, robbers, murderers and etc.
"They will find that they are with their own kind until that time occurs that they can show genuine remorse and, with spiritual help, they can be brought out of it and the finally transferred to that section where love, peace and harmony remain for all time.
"So it is very much of how you conduct your lives on this Earth that will secure your place in the next dimension.  Communication from deceased spirit people is commonplace throughout the world.
"It is only in the Western World that we are so closed in our minds to communicate with our loved ones.  For those people who are not afraid, who are not closed and where there is true love in their hearts and an understanding of the After Life, their deceased relatives will be in communication.
"They will be able to advise us as to how we should conduct our lives.  They will be able to say what it is like in the next dimension and where fear can be totally removed.
"This really is commonplace to so many, but it is really up to the individual to find out.  A closed mind, where death is concerned, can be a nightmare to so many.
"They are in great fear.  They, and no one, can reach them until they are prepared to open up and talk about it with those who know.  It is never too late to learn and it is never too late to put matters right before it is our time to pass.
"The one thing that is certain is we will all die.  Are you ready to go to the next dimension without fear?
"Remember, one does not need to be old to pass.  Many young people pass daily and they should be informed as their right to know.
"We talk to our children about the facts of life.  We also owe it to them to talk about the facts of dying, so that they can have peace of mind.
"So many young people are killed these days.  Such is the violence on our streets.  School children are left in shock as to the loss of their best friends.
"We owe it to these young people to give them peace with the assured understanding of where their friends have gone, so that they can recover and healing to their minds is swiftly given.
"To find out the facts is everybody's responsibility.  Act now before it is too late.   God bless, Mustafa."

If you are interested in more information, then contact Jenny and Michael Ayers on 44+ (0)1825-830-079 or email us

Psychic News, the Independent voice of Spiritualism from 1932-2010, has been abandoned as the Spiritualists' National Union called in the liquidators.

            Susan Farrow, who took over the editorship from Tony Ortzen after his 25 year spell with the PN, writes:  "The full story of what has happened to us is long and complicated and I had hoped to tell it here.  Alas, I cannot, since for the first time in its proud 78 year history of editorial independence Psychic News has been subject to censorship.  I received an email immediately following the Spiritualists' National Union's AGM in Blackpool, informing me that everything printed in this, the last ever issue, was to be subjected to the scrutiny and approval of the Executive Director of Psychic Press (1995) Ltd.  You may quite reasonably ask why it was deemed necessary to take such an unprecedented step.  As editor I have been offered no explanation for this directive and it begs many questions.  Nevertheless, I shall speak more fully at another time and in another place."

            Tony Ortzen, former PN editor and editor of Two Worlds, writes: "I have no doubt that on the Other Side, Maurice Barbanell, PN's founding editor and all those associated with it from the start will be beside themselves with anguish and despair that a once proud Spiritualist newspaper has been consigned to the scrapheap of publishing history.
            "I also have no doubt that those responsible for the paper's demise will pay a terrible price once they, too, enter the Higher Life.  This is all the more so since I understand that various sources offered financial help (£30,000) to keep the paper afloat.  For some bizarre reason, those offers were rejected.  I think we can justifiably expect an honest, direct answer as to why this was so."

            Michael Ayers writes: "Since my beloved wife Libby died on Thursday, 7th October 1999 and I was given much personal evidence that she was alive but out of body, I have contributed and read Psychic News.  It is a tragedy that this newspaper of spiritual history and comfort to so many has been uprooted by those who care so little for the people around the World, who have relied on this publication to keep in touch and are now left bereft in areas where there are no Spiritual Churches or mediums to guide them through the difficulties of every day life on this earth plane.
            "I ask all who have any understanding of spiritual matters to put out their prayers and thoughts in asking for enlightenment to be brought to all of us from the Realms of Spirit, so that out of the ashes of the Psychic News there may come new leadership and guidance for the giving of the true realities of life and death to all peoples around this World, who have ears to hear and minds to change for the Greater Good."

            The new President of the SNU, David Bruton, is quoted in the stop press of Two Worlds as saying, "Paper isn't dead and buried."

          Minnie R. Harrison wrote these appropriate words:

The Road of Dreams

Take the road that stretches out before you,
Walk in the dusk and know the end is bright.
Take what comes and find the way to glory
Much may go wrong – but even more comes right.

Face the day however hard before you
And with tears upon your cheeks still wet
Learn to smile and keep on looking forward –
Life is not done because the sun is set.

I thought that this communication from Spirit was worth passing on and sharing with you.  The messages from the Other Side of Life do not change and after all Mankind changes little as far as his progression goes…

THIRTY YEARS among the DEAD by Carl A. Wickland, MD

The Spirit called SILVER STAR is a First Nation girl speaking through The Psychic MRS. WICKLAND

            Mediums so often have Indians as controls, guides and helpers because Indians have no beliefs or dogmas to overcome when they pass to the spirit world.  From early infancy they are taught regarding The Great Spirit and The Happy Hunting Ground.  They believe in The Great Spirit of all Things and the Medicine Man has told them how to control Nature.
            We Indians are sent to the earth to guard the mortals because we know the law of protection, and so we are often the doorkeepers to protect mediums from earthbound spirits.  The pale-faces die from all sorts of diseases, but the Indians do not.  There is little sickness among the Indians; they live in Nature and they die a natural death.  So when they come back to control they bring an influence of strength and health.             Indian spirits seldom obsessed people; they do not make people crazy because they know the laws governing the control of a mortal. 
            I am a Chippewa Indian, and was born near Shell Lake, in 1888, on an Indian Reservation, in northern Wisconsin. I was four and a half years old when I was hurt on the head by a fall and passed to the spirit side of life, and when Mrs. Wickland cast a horoscope for me she found that death resulting from an injury was shown. I came to Mrs. Wickland in 1893 at Eau Claire, Wisconsin.  I am the doorkeeper.
            When I first controlled Mrs. Wickland, I could only talk the Chippewa language and what English I know I had learned while being in control of Mrs. Wickland.  Different persons in the circle have taught me English.  Some people think Indians do not know anything because they have not had much schooling, but they have true love for The Great Spirit and a true love of helping others.
            Of course there are evil Indians as well as good Indians, but the bad ones are only those who have no understanding of The Great Spirit, and most of their bad habits are acquired from the pale-faces.  Before the pale-faces came to America there was no fear among the Indians. The Indians of different tribes fought with each other but were fearless.
            Then the pale-faces came and hunted them down like animals.  Fear and anger crept into the hearts of the Indians and then came trouble and war.  Many pale-faces wanted Indian land and some stole the land from the Indians, and then the Indians got angry and fought.  They thought all the pale-faces were the same and then came trouble.  If the pale-faces had treated Indians kindly in the beginning they would never have had war with them.  Treat an Indian with kindness and he will do much for you.
            The Medicine Men are those who study Nature's forces and have power over them, and the Indians are often able to make rain.  When they pray they use the higher forces of life.  They do not do what the pale-faces often and do – pray with the mouth and only talk.  They say little, but dance around in a big circle and concentrate.
            Sometimes they have a Snake Dance.  They have learned to charm snakes so they will not bite, because the Indians have no fear.  If the pale-faces would overcome fear they could do wonderful things.
            In olden times the pale-faces had no fear, but they were scared by the stories of hell and the devil, and this fear grew so that the people lost control of Nature's finer forces.  There are no religions in the spirit world; all are brothers and sisters of the Truth.  All are alike in the Higher Life after they have an understanding of The Great Spirit.

White Feather says:

"There is truth in this message. We First Nations take nothing for granted and do indeed work in harmony with the natural world as our closeness to the spiritual world guides us through.

The destruction that followed when pale-faces came to our lands was inevitable. We fought for what we had to and nothing more. There are no religions in the Spirit World.  

That is removed once the truth is shown on our arrival. We have one purpose here and that is to help those who are willing to understand their purpose in life and assist in anyway we can on behalf of the Higher Realms as we are directed".

God bless,

White Feather

I would ask everybody who have a blog or website put a link into ours. If you do it will help Google to help spread the word.....

          Please explore our Site and tell others who are like minded about it.  Mustafa's guidance on 'Start to be Grateful', 'Look Deeply into Yourself and See what Changes can be Made', In Every Family there is a Saviour', 'There is Life after Fear' and 'Begin to Face Your Fears' is at www.spiritualist-guidance.org with much more…

We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.

This month we are working at new venue in Surrey called Dorking Awareness, where Jenny will give clairvoyant messages that Mustafa has allowed through to those in most need and Michael will give philosophy while in an entranced state of being.
All are welcome who come with an open mind and are interested in their reason for life on this plane of existence.

07.30 for 08.00pm Dorking Awareness, Odd Fellows Hall, Dorking, Surrey

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for the SEPTEMBER 2010

Sunday, 5th September 2010   06.30pm Chalice of Light, Tunbridge Wells, Kent

Friday, 10th September 2010 7.30pm Dorking Awareness, Odd Fellows Hall, Dorking Surrey


Demonstration of Clairvoyance   Divine Service including Clairvoyance

Finally we send you our love and wish you well as the World continues to change and Mustafa's words continue to tell us what we can expect and gives us guidance as to what we should be doing to help and survive.

19 July 2010

July Newsletter 2010



MUSTAFA'S MESSAGE reminds us that "If You Are Going Through Hell – Keep Going"

"Where there is hope there is always life.  Too many people seem to walk away, cut off from what they should be doing.  It is always easy when times are bad to bury one's head in the sand hoping it will all go away, where inaction almost freezes us into a desperate state of affairs.

"We become paralysed, almost morbid with the entire affair.  Instead we should always try to remain positive and work through it.  Winston Churchill's quote, "If you are going through hell – keep going" is so true.

"Never vegetate in a hellish situation.  Keep going.  Ride through what seems an impossible task.  If your mind remains positive at all times, those thoughts are like strong beacons being sent out to the Universe and these strong signals are picked up.

"That message is interpreted, so that help and a positive outcome becomes possible.  The Universe, like your mind, is made up of vibrational energies which blend together in the mix, so to speak.

"Where there is a positive outlook, then those positive elements are then stimulated and spark up into action and that positive action transmutes into a change of events, which can turn a negative situation into a positive charge.

"This allows circumstances, which were grave and awful, to fall away and so a better outcome emerges and what was once thought of as a lost situation, new fire of life emerges and new life is born.

"So out of nothing, a stalemate situation of hopelessness, new vibrational energies of the positive type overcomes the situation and new life becomes possible.

"Once you begin to understand the concept and start to attract the positive vibrational energies, then they will begin to manifest in your life.  So all energy, good or bad, will affect your life in some way or another – ask for the positive to come to you and so it will be.

"Think negativity and so the negative vibrations are equally drawn to you.  Speak good words.  Think good deeds.  All that is good comes your way.  So your thoughts, whether good or bad, will be attracted to your situation.  You in a way command these vibrational energies to come to you and they in time will become a large part of your life.

"It is never too late to change your thinking from the negative or pessimistic to the positive or optimistic thoughts.  Try it and see.  It actually does work. 

"What your thoughts are will determine your future and your future outcome, so if your thoughts are, "Oh, I'll never get a job" so never is probably right.

"If your thoughts however are, "I will get a job" then the avenue opens up for you for jobs to come in.

"You allow that opportunity to activate itself, so that the positive outcome will occur.  So with negative thinking, you push situations away from you.  By positive thinking you create the atmosphere for better opportunities always coming your way.

"These vibrations are activated and the positive response always comes to you, so keep hoping.  Remain positive in all matters and begin to see your life change in so many ways.

"You really can make a difference to your lives.  The position is in your hands.  The Universe does answer the call, which way will you react is your choice alone!
"God bless, Mustafa."
The Gateway into the Higher Life

          The spirit with transfigured face, gazing raptly upon some vision, said: "Look at that open door!  It is so beautifully engraved.  It has engraving on it:
The Door of Life
Understanding of Life
Understanding of God in the True Sense

            "The door is opening, very slowly and we look in.  What a beautiful Hall!  The altar in front is so beautiful, so beautiful!  On the altar, in the centre, is a beautiful statue which represents Wisdom.  There is a statue of Truth, one of Love, one of Understanding, one of Honesty, one of Life and one of Modesty.
            "Wisdom is the centre statue.  There are seven statues in all, each holding a light, each one of seven colours – three on each side of Wisdom, each with a light, all blending into Wisdom, the beautiful white light.

Truth              Honesty
Love                                                    Life
Understanding                                                                                   Modesty

            "From these colours come the seven musical notes.  Each note corresponds to a colour and then goes forward to the centre and blends into Wisdom.  There the real truth of life and an understanding of God is learned.
            "That is beautiful.  See those colours blend!  They go on and on, blending in all ways, into forms, into all kinds of shapes, into stars and flowers and then they become music.
            "Now they form into leaves, buds and flowers – music taking form and colour.  The music itself – I never heard such beautiful music.
            "They say to me: "This is the Gateway into the Higher Life.  You have had a glimpse of it, but you cannot be there"
            "There is one who says: "We have to learn our lessons, to be humble, to be charitable, to serve.  Learn to be honest and sincere, then you can enter that beautiful Hall.  Take up the cross and follow me.
            "That cross represents crucifying of self – selfishness, jealousy, envy, bigotry, dogma, creeds, false belief and pride.  Take your cross and follow me.""
From Thirty Years among the Dead by Carl A. Wickland, M.D.


            We are receiving an increasing number of emails asking us to send them on to other people on our mailing list.  I have been caught twice, but no more.
            My information from a good source tells me that the majority are used as a way to pass on virus as not all protection programmes are one hundred percent effective.
            Please don't send us any chain mail and we will not pass any on to you.

The Miraculous Power of Water

            As registered healers Jenny and Michael have known about the miraculous power of water for some time as they have worked in their own ministry of healing.
            A recent article suggested it was only known by "gifted" people, but this is not necessarily so.  What is true is that a positive spirit and belief system, which is resident in the true spiritual worker, allows the healing properties to be effective whereas negativity will render it inactive.
            Jesus, who was the greatest spiritual healer to have practiced on this earth plane, knew when his healing would be successful and when it would not, because his knowing showed him the positive or negative belief system of the 'patient'.
            There are so many 'miraculous cures' attributed to natural water sources.  Belief and prayer aid the healing process and allow the right positive energies to dominate the negativity of the condition of the dis-ease.  The three most successful watering places for cures are said to be:
            The Jesus Chahin well in the small Mexican town of Tlacote is the most popular.  Here the molecular composition of the water weighs less than normal drinking water.  Theo Tommes' spring water is a mine in the district of Schmakenberg in Germany at Nordenau.  Here in 1992 scientific investigation discovered 30% total cure of visitors with 28% reporting significant improvements to their health.
            In September 1992 water unexpectedly came gushing out of a tube well in the village of Nadana, north of Delhi, India.  Many who bathed in the water were cured of their skin diseases and many more claimed improvement to their health.
            The ancient form of divination of water scrying or hydromancy was apparently used by Nostradamus to observe the future through the water movements in the bowl.  That may be true or not, but we prefer the continued clairaudience from our guides who serve us well and our many clients also.

We recently received these words from a lady on Mindfulness
                                               You need not do anything
                                                Remain sitting at your table and listen
                                                Just wait
                                                And you need not even wait
                                                Just become quiet and still and solitary
                                                And the world will offer itself to you
                                                To be unmasked
                                                It has no choice
                                                It will roll in ecstasy at your feet.
                                                                                                                                               Senses by Franz Kafka
            I am grateful that a recent course in Mindfulness has 'unmasked' my world.  I am learning to be 'quiet and still' and to be mindful of all that is around me.   Mindfulness is defined as 'paying attention in a particular way - on purpose, in the present moment and non judgementally.'  (Jon Kabat-Zinn)  Training all my senses, I am learning to detach myself from intrusive thoughts and to live in the present moment. My mood is lifted. How liberating it is to really savour and to enjoy simple things such as the taste of a raisin or the feel of cool grass beneath the feet.   There is another priceless benefit. In the stillness of my quietened mind, my spirit guide can reach me. He is now truly ever present. As when the glass is cleared, the light floods in.

The Past is Alive and Broadcasting

            A World War II Pye valve wireless is currently picking up vintage broadcasts featuring Winston Churchill and Glen Miller's music without having a power source.
            The historic aerodrome of Montrose in Scotland, where it is, is now a heritage centre and is a well-known source of paranormal sightings and sounds going back nearly a century.
            Several people have apparently heard Second World War broadcasts.  They come at irregular intervals and usually last about half an hour.
            Technicians who have examined the wireless found only cobwebs and spiders.  For more information go to the heritage centre website www.rafmontrose.org.uk

Kids Who See Ghosts: How to Guide Them through Fear is a new book by Caron B. Goode, who is a psychotherapist from Fort Worth, Texas.
            "Whether children play with imaginary friends or are convinced they are visited by "spooks and apparitions" depends on their upbringing.  Generally, children at the age of two, three or four aren't able to distinguish between a ghost and a purely imaginary playmate," she says.  "By the time they are seven, eight or nine they are able to distinguish between an apparition and a shadow on the bed."
            She talks about apparitions that she saw as a child aged eight and also those that some of her young patients have brought to her.
            "Some children have one experience and some have a lot.  Sometimes these experiences can be attributed to stress, reactions to trauma, distress, fluctuating blood sugar levels or sleep deprivation – even plain daydreaming.  You need to look deeper and see how the child is coping with stress.
            "I don't want children going to bed scared or shaking.  I don't want them to grow into adults who are afraid of their environment.  If the book helps parents to understand their child might need to take a toy sword and fight the ghost in order to work through this, I'll be happy."
Published by Red Wheel/Weiser  ISBN-10: 1578634725  ISBN-13: 978-1578634729

Some thoughts from White Feather

Bring some Peace into Your Life

It is now that people need to manifest much needed Peace within their lives. The necessity to stabilise ones mind is becoming clearer to some who see the warning signs.

Peace allows the mind to open to new levels of understanding. Once the process is started, you will see how you may need to change your lifestyles in this hectic world of uncertainty to remain on firm ground.

Allow the Power of Peace to enter the hearts and minds of each and everyone of you, as it is in these difficult times that you need to remain calm and by going forwards with this within you, you will succeed.

God bless you all,

White Feather

          Please explore our Site and tell others who are like minded about it.  Mustafa's guidance on 'Where has our Caring Society gone', Movement always Comes when you Least Expect it, None of Us are Perfect and 'Start to be Grateful' is at www.spiritualist-guidance.org with much more…

We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.

Finally we send you our love and wish you well as the World continues to change and we must change too as Mustafa gives us guidance as to what we should be doing to help and survive.