21 December 2009

December Newsletter 2009




tells us to make the most

out of the least

"For those of us who feel we must spend a lot of money in order for us to have a good time is a commercial man's dictate.

"For most of us it will be the little things that will mean the most. Those homemade cakes, those jellies we are so fond of. Our all time favourites are always best.

"That small convivial gathering with those only that we love and who love us is enough. It makes this time of year special indeed.

"Above all, to be content in the arms of a loved one is all that we ever need. It is the most satisfying of all.

"The make the most of the least can be fun, because we have taken the time and made the effort for those who we feel are special in our lives.

"Some people even make and decorate their own cards. This gives much pleasure to the person making it and also for the receiver. Why?

"Because it is special and unique. It is not mass produced and therefore means so much more.

"Children are especially talented in this way making little things of beauty at school to offer their mothers and fathers, even grandparents.

"It is a time for the giving and receiving of love, which is especially noticed at this time of the year.

This of course costs nothing, but it can bring with it a permanent glow and it can transcend happiness over millions of miles.

"That long distant telephone call to loved ones abroad to hear that person's voice. The email system, the technology of the day, is so practical, yet so impersonal.

"You can never sense the other person's feelings whether it be of joy or pain, but that 'phone call can make all the difference.

"It is a statement, "I care for you especially at this time of the year and I want you to know that you are loved and not forgotten."

"The expression of contact, whether by 'phone call or by personal visitation especially when one is alone and often lonely, can mean so much – a few minutes of your time given with love always has a lasting effect.

"We all need love in our lives. None of us can survive without it.

It's what makes us grow and gives us the confidence and the spirit to carry on in our lives and helps often to conquer our own fears and anxieties.

"This Christmas for many will be a most wonderful time of the year to share in mutual joy.

"For those who feel they are alone, even in a crowd, will also be loved and that warmth of God's love will be enough to sustain them through this time of year and especially for those who have lost a loved one and it is hard for their family to let themselves be.

"That loss of a loved one must be talked about, the memory of that life remembered and to be reignited at this time of the year.

They may be in another dimension, but they are still alive and wish to be remembered.

"Love at Christmas, when given generously, is a very powerful product and can change peoples' lives always for the better and it costs nothing yet means so much.

"God bless, Mustafa."

The power of Spirit is so great and so universal that it brought a young man, who was of the Buddhist faith and way of life and originated from Sri Lanka and now has a prestigious job in the Newspaper Industry in London, to read his horoscope in a magazine, while waiting for his doctor's appointment.
The words in it were from Mustafa and sent through Jenny Ayers for publication voluntarily in the In Magazine and also put on one of our websites www.spiritualist-guidance.org.
He was so struck by Mustafa's words that he immediately telephoned Jenny for an appointment and despite 8" of snow he travelled from Essex to keep his appointment for a sitting with Mustafa.
He didn't tackle the homeward journey with any disappointment, because he had found new direction and understanding from Mustafa. This very pleasant young man can now follow his heart and seek out his love in Sri Lanka, who ironically had been snatched away from him by a bad horoscope.

Ken Grindle took this wonderful photograph of a mystical white stag in the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire.
In Celtic times the sight of a ghost like white stag was considered to be a messenger from the Spirit World and brought a message that there would be profound changes in the lives of any one who saw it.
By the time of King Arthur, who actively pursued one but never caught it, it was believed to represent man's quest for spiritual knowledge.
According to Scottish legend King David I fell from his horse while chasing one and the white stag turned on him and threatened to kill him, but the king was saved after he prayed for God to save him and the stag miraculously turned into a white cross and vanished. Inspired by this King David built a Holy Cross as a shrine at the place called Holy Rood.
In the second century a roman general called Placidus, who served the emperor Trajan, was hunting a white stag at Trivoli near Rome. He saw a picture of Christ between its horns and was immediately converted to Christianity. This white stag told him that he would suffer for Christ and later he became the martyr Saint Eustace.

I was very interested in a recent Gallop poll mentioned in the Psychic News that 82% of women and 72% of men believed in Angels. We have no doubt that Angels exist and that they are, as Mustafa has told us, a creation of 'God' and have never lived as humans on the earth plane, but are here to bring hope, love and healing and to take away negativity. We all benefit from the activities of the Angels.

Jenny picked up on a BBC radio programme called Gardiners Questiontime that Mother-in-Law's Tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata) was the best plant for removing negativity. It is ideal in that situation whether at home or in the office. We have put some around our work rooms as clients bring in negativity with their problems and I am pleased to say that they are thriving!
I had said that I didn't know any quotations about negativity when my guide, Red Cloud, immediately gave these words of significant truth to me:

Negativity is what holds up the advancement of enlightenment.

Jenny gave a Demonstration of Clairvoyance at Burgess Hill last month as regular readers of this Newsletter will know. Among many very accurate and personal messages given was one very special one as a mother came close to her daughter."

I found it very interesting when you told me Spirit chooses which medium they come through and it made absolute perfect sense. I won't forget the moment, Jenny, when you were feeling mum's love and you just looked into my eyes and held my gaze - it was like she was right there with me."

What made this especially interesting and wonderful was that a gentleman in the back row told Jenny afterwards that he saw Jenny's face change.

We received a very interesting and very pertinent email illustrating synchronicity at work in the lives of people today.
"Interestingly the window fitters found some old newspaper bits stuffed behind a window of my mum's new place dated 10th March 1920. It had the name COOMBS on it which is our family name. The synchronicity with that I'm sure is a sign to let her know she was meant to be there. I thought you might be interested to hear that."

I would ask everybody who have a blog or website put a link into ours. If you do it will help Google to help spread the word.....
Mustafa's Death Mask

Please explore our site and tell others who are like minded about it. Mustafa's guidance on 'Quality of Life and not Quantity', 'For Those of Us who Feel Hurt by Others', You All Have it in You to be Happy and Content and 'Make Time for Yourself this Christmas' is at www.spiritualist-guidance.org with much more…

We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for JANUARY 2010
Sunday, 17th January 2010
06.30pm Chalice of Light, Tunbridge Wells, Kent
Sunday, 31st January 2010
06.30pm Tonbridge Spiritual Centre, Hadlow, Kent

Demonstration of Clairvoyance

Divine Service including Clairvoyance

Finally we send you our love and wish you well as the World continues to change and Mustafa's words continue to tell us what we can expect and give us guidance as to what we should be doing to help and survive.
At this special time around a very disturbed and bewildered world, we sent out our greetings to all peoples of all belief systems and ask that they in turn send out thoughts of peace and tranquillity for all those who are not as well off as they are in material and spiritual values.

As we all enter a new decade may we resolve to do more in searching out truth and using the power that we all have within to further the cause of Universal love and understanding, thanking the Godhead for our lives and showing us how we can best live them in the service of others.

28 November 2009

November Newsletter 2009




tells us that

Man needs to consider

very carefully

his/her options…

"In this world of matter, where Man's only criterion appears to be to covet wealth at the so called possible expense of his soul, one should think very carefully.

          "As spirit beings created by 'God' in 'His' image, which is spiritual intellect and a knowing of certain things that the soul itself recognises to be true naturally, we are in danger of losing this oneness as our lives are continually being bombarded with the wanting of material pleasure.

          "It is not that we can't have it, but when it becomes the point of focus why we are here to constantly gain more and more almost obsessively then it becomes a problem.

"Society teaches us that wealth and position is all important, no matter what the personal cost to us or to those around us.

"The more we have the more problems are presented to us as other issues then come in as to how to hold on to it and safeguard our precious hoard.

"We start to live in fear.  Will it be taken from us?  Will we lose it and so our focus on life takes on another worry.

"All is no longer harmonious.  We expect so much of ourselves all the time, the constant striding forwards, the constant fretting, what if?

          "I ask you to reconsider your lives and to make it simple.  Discard all those belongings that are of no use to you.  Leave that burden of too many possessions and begin to see what is truly important in your life.

          "People, family those loved ones to invest in their wellbeing, will reap its own rewards.  These are the truly precious things that life has to offer.

          "Family and those who are dear to us will return that genuine love and so a complete support system is achieved from every angle and becomes a lifetime's investment growing stronger all the time.

          "For those humans, who do not invest in their fellow man, perhaps through psychological reasons of fear and hate, their lives will be pitiful and they will have little or no comfort within their own lives.

"'God' tries to get through and they are adamant in turning themselves away from 'His' goodness.

"They find that they cannot understand 'His' love which appears foreign to them. They are lost souls until it is their time to pass, then the reawakening to them becomes possible.

"So many people on this World are not in tune with the spiritual and so when disaster occurs for them the pain is greater and the sacrifice to them harder to bear.

"We must learn to be able to lose everything, so that we can become free in our living and in our thinking and it is only then can we be truly saved.

"All those who have lost either someone or something really appreciate what they have and with 'God's help are able every time to start a new.

"It is this new life which has life changing consequences, which allows us to grow emotionally and of the Spirit into a spiritual being that reaches even closer to 'God'.

"So it is perfectly alright to have wealth, but what is important is how we use it – to use it sensibly with responsibility and purpose, so more is obtained.

"It is in the giving to others, so more is given to you in ways you never thought possible before.  'God's rewards always come in at the precise time when it is needed most and where much joy and appreciation is acknowledged.

"Take these gifts that are given by love and in turn also pass them on and so a complete cycle of love continues.  It is never ending.

"Experience what seems the impossible.  Learn to grow through it and closer to 'God' you will become.

"All things are possible in 'God's world.  Enter in.  The door is always open.  Ask and the way is shown to you, always when the time is ready.

"Turn away from the greed and be accepting of what is freely given because by your spiritual mindset you are at one with the Creator, one doesn't need to want, want and acquire for acquiring sake.

"It comes to you in such a way that 'God's gifts are truly astonishing and always make sense.

"Man just needs to open himself out to become receptive of 'God's power that is all around us and this in itself makes us feel safe and fear of uncertainty is finally removed forever – Mustafa."

One to One Sittings with Mustafa
            Very many people are receiving guidance at this very difficult time of global changes to make sense of the many decisions which they have to make and by visiting Jenny personally or having a telephone/email sitting; minds have been put at rest when the directed advice makes complete sense to the sitter.
            In several cases evidence of survival has also been given and those who were bereaved can now live in peace knowing that their loved one is still alive and that they will certainly meet again.

Our Healing work
            There is an increasing number of people who are coming to receive healing through our hands from our Healing Team that are working so hard to bring through the healing vibratory energies that are giving relief to so very many people at this time.
            We are both glad to be of service to so many and are especially happy to see the reduction of pain as patents come to understand that miracles take a little longer, but are still possible.

Our Public Demonstrations
We are still in demand for Divine Services and Clairvoyance Demonstrations with the guides working hard and giving convincing proof of survival of family and friends as well as much spiritual guidance to the path of those who are in much need of direction.
With venues in both Kent and Sussex continuing to be enjoyed by us working there in the vibrant energies and those who come and receiving messages thank us and our team of spirit workers for what we are happy to give.
Red Cloud continues to speak strongly in the Addresses through Michael and even giving evidence of pet survival at Steyning when Michael was accompanied by two beautiful cats, who had recently passed, and their owners were delighted to have news of them again.
Mustafa never ceases to astonish listeners by his vast understanding on a huge range of subjects as he guides and advises those upon this earth plane and brings through many dearly departed and loving souls.
Our platforms for 2010 can be seen on the Public Demonstration page of www.spiritualist-guidance.org/

Our Spirit Rescue Work
            As visitors to our websites will know we continue to bless and cleanse troubled homes and recently we have sent to the Light several trapped spirits unable to move on by themselves.  See the Spirit Rescue page of www.spiritualist-guidance.org/ where there are some of the accounts of our adventures doing this work.
            We are pleased to be able to confirm that the souls that were hanged in 1667 by Judge Jefferies, who apparently delighted in cruelly by executing without allowing the poor souls to even say their prayers, have at last been taken to the light of the next dimension after being released from their ordeal.
            An Indian lady in south east London is now able to sleep securely at night after being molested by a dead spirit for several years, because she would not return his love for her.

Our Teaching Circles
            We are very happy and rewarded to see the progress of the lovely people who are making the contact with their guides through our teaching circles and who are now able to have a fuller understanding of the spiritual way that 'God' expects us to live our lives in helping our fellow man and women, who are in such need throughout the world.  Once enlightenment and the true way to look at how things really are, is achieved there are no limits to just what the Spirit Realms can do through us and for us.

On a lighter and happier note I wish to share an email that I received from a dear friend and client recently…

In the light of our discussion and to quote another part of Hamlet, 'There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio than are dreamt of in your philosophy.'   I heard a story this morning which makes the point and that we are only limited by our imagination and lack of faith. 
When Neil Armstrong had successfully landed on the moon and was on the point of re-entering the earth's atmosphere, he said in his American drawl these words that were transmitted around the world – "Good luck Mr. Gorsky".
For 40 years he would never be drawn as to why he said them.  He was asked about it 'just once more' some years ago and said "Well, I can tell you now because Mr. Gorsky has died.
"One day as a kid my football went over the fence and landed in Mr. Gorsky's garden.  I climbed over this tall fence to get it back and found myself in front of the big glass doors of their bedroom. In that moment I heard Mrs. Gorsky say, "Sex?  I'll give you sex the day the boy next door lands on the moon".
I would ask everybody who have a blog or website put a link into ours. If you do it will help Google to help spread the word.....

          Please explore our Site and tell others who are like minded about it.  Mustafa's guidance on 'You Are What You Are', 'Little Things Mean So Much', 'Respect' and 'Are You Ready to Change Your Ways' is at www.spiritualist-guidance.org with much more…

We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for DECEMBER 2009

Saturday, 28th November 2009
07.30pm Beacon of Light, Burgess Hill, West Sussex
Sunday, 6th December 2009
06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Demonstration of Clairvoyance 
Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Finally we send you our love and wish you well as the World continues to change and Mustafa's words continue to tell us what we can expect and gives us guidance as to what we should be doing to help and survive.

25 October 2009

October Newsletter 2009




tells us that


"The Credit Crunch is far from over.  There will be a new wave of despair and there will be large institutions that still need to fall.

"Everybody must now begin to see where the wayward management by those in this Government are directly responsible for the plight of so many.

"By subsequently taking their eye off the ball so to speak, situations have been left to their own devices under no element of control and so through mismanagement decay on so many fronts has occurred.

"The responsibility, or should we say misresponsibility, of this Government to properly govern and put matters into place to sort out what was right has not been met and never will be.

"Their sheer incompetence on every aspect led by a tyrant whose only role is for self glorification, has put this country in vital jeopardy.

"Everywhere there is chaos and confusion.  No one is safe.  Jobs are lost daily.  The destruction to people's lives is devastating and does this Government even care?

"Until this country is on its knees and we are almost there, will the people then stand up and demand a no confidence in this Government?

"Again it must be the Voice of the People to march and demand a change in Government, not to pitifully wait until their term of office is almost over.

"How much pain must the people of this country endure?

"What does it take to finally wake up the people of this country to take action and then a turn around of events can come about.

"It is painfully obvious that the people of this country are not yet hurting enough.  The outrage is not fully there yet.

"When it does happen, as more pain comes in daily to the poor people of this country, then the collective view of the people to demand justice will take place.

"It is your lives at the end of the day.

"The responsibility of all this destruction to this country lies squarely with this Government as history will in time show.

"Act now so that change and much vital help can come in.  Salvation is there for all who are right and just.

"Those that are not must fall and then through new enlightenment will discover themselves and start again.

"You, the people of this country, have a right to live.

"Take back your power and start to change matters for every man, woman and child and begin to see a turn for the good occur to this country and for it finally to be saved - God bless, Mustafa."

We have had a very busy and exciting month giving people their lives back through healing, spiritual guidance, psychotherapy/hypnotherapy and the home clearance of entities and negative energies.

          We are continuing to teach those with spiritual gifts to meet and work with their guides, so that their full potential can be met and that they can move on and do what is asked of them through the divine light of understanding.

          We continue to serve spiritual churches in the south-east of England and requests from new venues continue to come in.

The Remarkable Story of Eric Brocklebank

Many newspapers reported the story of this 64 year old chairman of an RAF squadron and how he survived when lightening hit his BBQ fork in Lincolnshire. England.
As he recovered in hospital he saw a little girl with black hair and a short fringe, a pinafore dress and strapped shoes standing at the end of his bed.  She told him in a soft voice that she was looking for her Nana.  "Where is my Nana?"
Eric told her that she wouldn't be in this ward as it was a Men's Ward, but as he had no knowledge of spiritual communication he was left feeling rather uncomfortable.
During that night he saw an elderly gentleman in a charcoal suit walking up the ward.  "You have been struck by lightening young man, haven't you?" he said with a non English accent.  "I was struck by lightening in 1957.  Don't worry about it.  It's done me good.  Whatever happens just go and do it, go and do it."
"Do what?" Eric asked.
"You'll know when it happens.  Just go and do it."
The following morning at breakfast time a woman approached him with a newspaper.  He said that he hadn't ordered one but she insisted that he was in the paper and must read it.  Eric looked but it wasn't him, it was the old man who he had seen during the night.
When he got home a few days later he found the little girl was there in a different dress but wearing the same shoes.  He smelt the fabric hessian.  She said she was looking for Mama and Dada.
He told his story to Auntie Kathleen, who brought out some old photographs and show one of them to Eric and said, "It's your sister.  Your Mum had a baby out of wedlock and I am the only other person who knew about it!"
This lovely story rings true and we hope Eric uses his new gift wisely…

From Karen in Denver, USA

The Book is here!!!

Cup Half Full is a beautiful, important book of women and men on the journey with breast cancer, photographed by the incredible Katy Tartakoff. Over a year ago I was asked to participate in a book about breast cancer. I was in a pretty dark place at the time - feeling sorry for myself and hiding under the covers. I declined.
In April, another friend suggested that I call this lady, Katy, who was photographing women with breast cancer for a book.  I called.  I was busy getting ready for Mexico and didn't have time.  Again, I declined.  When I returned, Katy's assistant called to ask if I was still interested in being a part of the book.  Katy had a few more spaces to fill and she had heard my story and wanted me to participate - if I wanted to. I had Zaiden (daughter) with me. Could I bring her?  Katy said sure.  Zaiden and I spent less than an hour in Katy's Denver studio. We were both extremely comfortable and had a great time.  Katy even gave us both a bit of Reiki (energy healing). And that was that...
About a month later I received a call that my photos were ready.  They were some of the most beautiful photos of me and my daughter I have ever seen. There was so much in those photos: Joy, sadness, love... The book was released to the participants this week and will be released to the public on Friday Nov 6. It is a beautiful book. It is an important book. It is a wonderful book.  If you are in Denver, please consider coming to the release party and fund raiser on Nov 6. And if you cannot participate, consider buying a copy of the book for your family. And if you know anyone living with cancer, Cup Half Full is a wonderful, positive, inspiring gift.
I've had the pleasure of meeting many of the women (and men) in the book and what an inspiring group!!
I am healing beautifully from my battle with brain cancer surgery.  Swollen in the eyes still but no pain and I am back to my usual happy self! Can't wait to Trick or Treat with my favourite girl (who is going as either Harry Potter or the werewolf in Harry Potter!!)  Continue to reach for the JOY- because all our cups are half full!!

          As many of you may know I lost my beloved Libby to breast cancer ten years ago.  She is still apart of my spiritual life and early this month on the tenth anniversary of her passing she came and gave this message.

"Well this is my Bear, who I left ten years ago to be reborn into Spirit and I waited and waited because I didn't want to go.  It took them a day and a half to persuade me to leave him.  I only left him then on the proviso that I could look after him and be close with him until he found his feet again.
          "It was a very sad time for both of us, because as I left my body I could see him and all that he went through and I was feeling his lost.  I could do nothing to stop his tears from flowing and his heart sagging into his knees.
          "But I was taken into the Astral, my body was clean and pure and I left all the disease and the cancer behind.  There were loving, helpful, kind people around me, who gave me healing and they gave me love and they guided me, so that I knew, and had to learn quickly, how I could communicate with my Bear.
          "I watched him go through the routines that we all have to do on this earth plane and I felt so strongly for him, sitting in the Register Office registering my death and outside the door was a lady, who had come to register and make arrangements for her wedding and he had to walk out past her and into the car park.
          "It was that moment, and for the first time, that I was able to put a thought into his mind.  He didn't know then that it was from me, but he responded to it and he did go up the road and thank the doctors and the nurses and to check my poor remains in the chapel.
          "It wasn't just the duty that was important.  We wanted to get him there so I could speak to him properly for the first time, so that he would know the intonations of my voice and know that I was alive, because we do not die.
          "We only leave behind a stage of our eternal life, but it is hard for those who suddenly find a gap, where before there was an object of their love and they can't feel it any more.  So many put up barriers, my mother did so.
"She was brought up, poor dear, with that stiff upper lip – you mustn't show anything.  There is a barrier around her.  I couldn't talk to her and she wouldn't let it down.
"But with my Bear I was so close.  We were almost souls together and I was able, and helped to do so, to get into his mind and talk to him that first time and to show him where I was and to lead him on through the great journey of spiritual understanding and showing him the Astral Plane, where I was.
"It is so much like the earth plane except there is no decay.  There is no hurt.  There is only love.  Everything is pure.  Everything is love.  We all know people who are on that plane, because that is where we go from here, where we are reborn to be healed, to be strengthened, to revue our lives and to see what we have made of them.
"We try and put right the things we have done wrong in error.  We try and give to those people, who perhaps we took from when we should not have done so.  We try and put right any wrongs we can and to learn how we should behave by looking towards the Godhead, the golden light of illumination in love and he shows us the way we should live.
"It is a great privilege to come into your circle of love.  You all shine so beautifully.  Your energies meld together as one and you all learn from each other.  You see, those who you love come close as you are prepared for more work, for more giving, for following your path and helping those who are not so fortunate as you are.
"You need the assurance and understanding, because God never meant us to be parted.  Barriers have been put up from the earth plane, so that so many don't even try to communicate and talk to those who they love and who love them.
"This is a great sadness to us all.  We all come and try to get through to those we left behind and so often they do not know we are there.  Do all you can to spread the word that we live and love and we are not far away from you.
"So be at peace.  Do what is right.  It is so much easier to do what is right on the earth plane than it is after you have passed here as so many people have to try to put right what they misjudged before.
"Don't be afraid of passing.  It is so easy and so many are there to help. Enjoy your life.  It is not meant to be a misery.  God wants you to be happy.  Don't yearn for things that you cannot have.
"Don't acquire more than you need and let your hearts be full of joy for all that you have.  God always sees that you have enough.
"God bless you ladies.  Sit and think of us, who love you well and will be no more than a thought away whenever you need us.  God bless you my dears."

I would ask everybody who has a blog or website put a link into ours. If you do it will help Google to help spread the word.....

          Please explore our Site and tell others who are like minded about it.  Mustafa's guidance on 'The Power of Greed', Afghanistan and its People, 'The Difference between God and Religion' and 'Take Courage and responsibility' is at www.spiritualist-guidance.org with much more…
We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for NOVEMBER 2009

Sunday, 25th October 2009
06.30pm Tonbridge Spiritual Centre, Hadlow, Kent

Wednesday, 11th November 2009
07.30pm Travelling Lantern of Light, Steyning, West Sussex


Demonstration of Clairvoyance                                                Divine Service including Clairvoyance

Finally we send you our love and wish you well as the World continues to change and Mustafa's words continue to tell us what we can expect and gives us guidance as to what we should be doing to help and survive.