01 March 2013

February Newsletter 2013


“Abusers Can No Longer Believe They Can Get Away With It”

The balance of power is now shifting away from those who hold high office and back into the hands of the common man and it is high time too.

For those who are in powerful positions today, many are seen to abuse their positions and have little or no regard towards their fellow man, whom they feel are now beneath them.  There is such a stance now of complete arrogance, as if they should not be bothered with petty trivia that do not interest them.

These people, who are in authority, see it as their right to behave and say as they like as if the natural laws of decency do not need to apply to them.  The Church is rotten with this behaviour over many centuries.  Government bodies are endemic with it.  Large institutions pass it down from one to the other, almost swearing blind they knew nothing was going on.

Mankind now, having obtained massive courage, are speaking out and reports are coming to the surface of intolerable behavioural abuse.  Respect is no longer there for anybody and this is failing our nations and others throughout the world.

There is abuse of power, by those who should know better and refuse to do anything about it, but carry on regardless as it is only in their self-interest that they are concerned about.

Many Governments will fall as will institutions, some of which have already fallen, as in the case of banks.

For those who have suffered abuse at the hands of those who are in power, those who have the power to hire, fire and in some cases exterminate their lives for good, the roles are now changing and it is finally the power of the people collectively, who are able to stand up and fight for their rights that will allow something finally to change.

We all live in this world together and we all have a right to expect respect within the home and out of it by our fellow human beings.  It is our job singularly and collectively to administer our rights to have a fair life and not to feel threatened by those who simply do not care and wish to harm another.

The influence of the media also has been greatly responsible showing extreme behaviour as entertainment, as being the normal way to act and perform.  Being ridiculed outright by television is acceptable and reality TV is glorified and so the seeds of bad behaviour are fostered on those who are innocent and naïve.  Then, by example, they too behave badly and they can quite rightly point the finger as to where they learnt it from directly and thought it was right to do so.

We are in danger of losing our own self-respect and in the end we will be like the slaves in olden times, demoralised and without character, because we did not speak out but allowed this bad behaviour to continue.  As a people, something inside of us will slowly die and in the end sheer disgust within ourselves is all that we will live with.

This cannot be allowed to happen.  The people must stand up and be heard that their voices must mean something and where there is abuse within the home or in the work place or by Governments who govern them, these abusers can no longer believe they can get away with it.

Decency and respect must be taught in the home and be demonstrated, so that children are given the correct way to behave.  Schools then must follow suit and so, also in the work place, respect for all is given.

The power of the people will be heard and their rights to decency and peace is everyone’s right to have and not just to those who are in a position of power and who abuse that right.

Those in authority, who exercise their position to abuse, will be sorely dealt with and their positions will be rendered untenable until they learn that Mankind are sacred individuals and must be respected.  The people now have a voice!
Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 26th February 2013

 “While sexual abuse is now being widely reported throughout the world, it finally allows for a clean-up operation that has been sadly left untouched for so many years. A continued culture of abuse throughout society and in the work place has been endemic for decades. Nothing was ever said; never mind any action formally taken. A general apathy of ‘what is the point’ has been encouraged. Victims feel out on a limb with no support, never mind actually being heard at all.
“Nick Clegg needs to get a grip. There is no point anymore saying, “Sorry” for what has been done wrong. Sorry doesn’t cut it anymore. Only actions by the Liberal Democrats will serve as anything done, but again far too late.
“As with the Jimmy Savile case, because nothing was ever done, so more victims over decades had their lives ruined. By continuing to do nothing only allows the perpetrator to injure and destroy again.
“Similarly, the Catholic Church can never repair the damage ever to the victims whose lives have been destroyed by these people, who hold power over another. The civilised world has to put its house in order. No longer will victims roll over and do nothing.  Justice needs to be seen to be done!

“Italy will see a new leader and it won’t be Berlusconi, whose life now is in tatters. He is seen for the jumped up opinionated person that he is. He cannot ever be trusted in politics, never mind any articles that he may write in his various magazines. He has systematically dug his own grave and that will become evidential in time. There is still an outstanding court case, which will see him diminish even further. His list of contacts and power sources can no longer help him, as a Higher Power is seeing to block that. This operation of this man further tarnishes anything he is involved in.”
25th February 2013 (jandmayers twitter)

The brilliant red sun rose slowly in the eastern sky of South Africa.

Out in the bush a Black Rhino and her calf moved slowly across the scrubby landscape.  They were in no hurry to meet their destiny. 

The calf was only a few months old and still dependant on its mother’s milk for its survival.

The bush was unusually quiet until that shoot rang out and the mother fell to the ground.  Men came and hacked off her horns and left her to die from loss of blood.  The bullet had only felled her to the ground and she was vulnerable to the attack of the heartless men, who killed for greed and would make a huge prize for the horns, now on their way to the Far East, where ignorant but wealthy people believed it had medical properties for curing any disease under the sun.

But no more was that possible, as this was the last one, the end of the bloody lust for utopia for the uneducated and ignorant and the gravy train for the killers.  They were soon gone carrying their ill-gotten and bloody parcel with them.

The calf would snuggle up to its mother asking for milk and even trying to dig under her one ton body to get at the teats, but to no avail.  This calf was born to be the last of the Black Rhinos, with its specialised curled upper lip for eating the leaves of the scrubby bushes of this landscape, but would soon die of starvation under the scorching hot sun.

Its mother was dead with her hacked off horns and the baby Rhino beside her starved for lack of the milk that was so near and yet so far.

Is Mankind proud of its achievements in letting this species with its protective horns for settling disputes die out, because of the ignorance of the few in the East while most of the rest did nothing, but stood by and allowed it to happen?

The few rangers, who gave their lives to protect these animals from the poachers, will be remembered by few of the local people in their stories and songs.  In the big cities, business goes on as usual and justice never moved the scales one way or the other.

But the Black Rhinos have gone and are but a distance memory, except where the bones give testament that they even existed.  One day soon…
Michael Ayers
Monday, 18th February 2013

“A new species of Owl has been found on the island of Lombok, Indonesia. It is called the Rinjani Scops Owl and it is tiny, with silvery markings and is all things beautiful. This beautiful planet still amazes scientists with new species not before discovered. All made by the great Creator, who never ceases to amaze us all.”
14th February 2013 (jandmayers twitter)

 “As always those who continue to think they are above the law will be brought down. Three people have been arrested in US for smuggling black rhino horns. Two were Chinese nationals, who have been charged for smuggling twenty raw rhino horns from US into China. Black rhinos are classified as an endangered species, but as always greed for money is the driving factor. Huge prices on the black market drive those who care nothing for these beautiful animals, but purely for the money they can spend. A Higher Power, who sees all, has now intervened putting them out of business. All they have received money wise will have been lost. Anything obtained dishonestly is never held.  All is always lost!”
14th February 2013 (ladylydialondon twitter)

“The heartbreak of elephants in Gabon is frightening, where 11,000 elephants have been killed by ivory poachers since 2004. Analysis shows in Minkebe National Park over the past nine years between 44 – 77% of elephants have been killed. The difficulty of trying to police against poachers is difficult in an area the size of Belgium. Until public awareness is given against the killing of these beautiful animals, there will be no more elephants left alive.”
7th February 2013 (ladylydialondon twitter)

“The public inquiry into failings at Stafford Hospital is taking place.  Hundreds of patients died due to gross neglect by nursing staff. There are 160 witnesses who have given evidence.  Their evidence has proved harrowing. No matter what targets hospitals have to deal with the human side to nursing must come first. It is overriding in all caring professions that the care of patients is the utmost priority. We, as a nation, have lost the art of caring. Many people no longer get involved or want to. Our nation reflects this in our society today. Selfishness has taken over from being self-less. To care one must have heart and desire and that has been lost in many hospitals today. Patients become a commodity and not a person any longer and one has to fight for one’s right to get anywhere in hospitals today.

“The wonderful instinct and intelligence of our Wild African Elephants. They prefer to live in the safer protected areas of The Serengeti National Park. They become distressed when they have to leave. Scientist have seen that elephants know which areas are safer for them and so distress is not there while they are within the park. Elephants never cease to surprise us with their extraordinary intelligence.  We all have a lot to learn from them.”
6th February 2013 (jandmayers twitter)

“The amazing feat of one distressed young dolphin has managed to save the lives of a large pod to safety. Environmental officials in Western Australia caught the distressed juvenile, who had got stranded in shallow waters. He was taken to deeper waters and it was his distress calls that entice the others to follow. Such co-operation between man and animals are a blessing to see when we are united to help for the Greater Good. Many humans have testified to being saved by dolphins. They have got into trouble in deep waters and dolphins have managed to save them.”
4th February 2013 (ladylydialondon twitter)

Lost Teachings of Atlantis

All Things Come First
From The Mind.

The Mind is Three
One of the Three Lives Below the
It Can Be a helpmate who Performs
Great Tasks
Or hinder us at Every Turn.
Tend it You must,
Like a Garden
Remove the Seeds of Destruction
And Water the Seeds of Life

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
www.spiritualist-guidance.org and www.living-proof.biz

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for SPRING 2013

Sunday, 24th March 2013                    06.30pm Tonbridge Spiritual Centre, Hadlow, Kent

Wednesday, 27th March 2013             03.00pm Eastbourne Christian Spiritualist Church, Eastbourne, E Sussex

Wednesday, 3rd April 2013                 07.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex


Demonstration of Clairvoyance   Divine Service including Clairvoyance

Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the world continues to change, but changes for the better can now be seen and understood. Our Twitter forecasts (now with 2448 global followers) continue to tell us what to expect, so we know what we need to do in order to change our own mind-sets and help the Greater Good.