30 October 2017

October Newsletter 2017


There Are Always Angels About

“This world is not all bad and doom and gloom.  It is when we least expect it and when we are not looking for it that unexpected help is there and offered.

“A prominent man was looking for a way out of this life.  He had been suffering from depression over a long period of time.

“He felt no one understood him and even though he was getting professional help, it wasn’t enough or in fact wasn’t the right sort of help for his problems.

“He went missing from his home for quite a long time.  A national search was alerted and they couldn’t find him.

“While he was sitting on a beach contemplating how to do away with himself, a man came up to him, recognised his face and sat with him.

“The passing stranger, we will call an angel, urged this man to contact his family, who were desperately worried about him.  He had purposely left his mobile phone at home.

“This angel just sat and talked to this man and said he would not leave his side until the right help was given to him.  He would stay with him for as long as it took.

“The angel told him his best friend had committed suicide just two days previously and then he placed his hand on this man’s shoulder and cried.

“Shortly help came in the way of paramedics and where the National Health Crisis Action Team kicked in.  A new psychiatric appraisal was given and the new treatment plan found and administered.

“It is often in our darkest hours that unexpected help from nowhere comes in.  This man is well on the way to recovery and another soul is saved.

“Lessons always need to be learnt and people need to be heard.  The signs of depression are not always easy to recognise.  We must be vigilant in today’s stressed driven society.

“Fortunately, there are always angels about!”

Jenny Ayers
Sunday, 29th October 2017

“Watch out for the miracles that the Higher Intelligence grants us every day and give thanks for them.  These are so apparent that even the blind can see them!”

Society Needs to Heal from These Abuses

“The whole sordid mess of abuse going on in the workplace has got out of hand in the last two decades or so. It is now time to bring these culprits out into the open.
            “Their exposure becomes a reminder to others that they will be exposed and dealt with severity. No longer can society tolerate this kind of behaviour. Serious consequences must be enforced to finally see its eradication from our lives.
            “Why should work colleagues, both female and male, be subjected to physical and mental abuse. The police are now getting prosecutions on a more regular basis.
            “The law is there to enforce the right sentences for this kind of behaviour. These crimes have gone largely unreported, because these perpetrators hold power over individuals & they have largely got away with it.
            “Society is now waking up to the fact that it is more prevalent than was first envisaged. Now, collectively, we all have a responsibility to bring these perpetrators to light, where they are named and shamed.
            “The bully is common place from the classroom to the boardroom in all aspects of society and backgrounds. Now society has to wake up and to protect itself and finally bring these perpetrators to justice, otherwise none of us are safe at any time.
            “We are coming up to the festive season and the Christmas party is a venue, which every year brings misery to so many. Again where women and men are exposed to drunken behaviour, because these people don’t know how to behaviour.
            “Abuse becomes rife under the guise, “It is the Christmas party and what is wrong with a little bit of fun?” The unruly feel they have a right to act badly & to make another’s life so miserable they can’t stand to go to another works party again.
            “We, as a society, must start taking personal responsibility for each other. We must seek out these vermin saying their behaviour is no longer tolerated or allowed.
            “Society needs to heal from these abuses and it is long overdue. Innocent children are now more protected than at any time from sexual and emotional abuse.
            “Now it is the time to protect the adults in the same way. “It has to be done now!  It has gone on long enough!”
29th October 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“When you reach out to others to give your love and help, be sure that you understand that they are the ones in need and are not just takers for their own selfishness.”

All Commanders-in-Chief Need to Become Consoler-in-Chief
            “President Trump keeps shooting himself in the foot regarding domestic and worldwide affairs. The latest insensibility regarding his disregard for the way he deals with the families of war dead.
            “A callous Presidential call to a grieving widow of a US soldier killed in NIGER. Trump said, “He knew what he was getting into.” This soldier gave his life for his country – he acted bravely and courageously as his regiment commander confirms.
            “This soldier’s duty was to his country first and foremost; his sacrifice was his life. No President, who has soldiers under his command and where he is the commander-in-chief, should ever utter such an insensitive remark.
            “How does that statement fall on the heads of all the US soldiers serving their country around the world? It does not allow for personal pride to enter in, to serve one’s country with courage and determination to fight for justice.
            “These soldiers should be regarded for the potential sacrifice they are all prepared to give. Not that it necessarily becomes a certain factor that they would die.
“If that was the case, there would be no serving soldiers entering into the US military at all. It is important that all commanders-in-chief become consoler-in-chief, a reassuring voice in times of national distress or tragedy.
            “It is a skill that successful politicians learn early, sadly this does not apply to Donald Trump. His insensitivity is now well renowned. He has shown himself up with celebrities, sports stars, major companies, prominent journalists & members of his own party.
            “Together with parents of a Muslim American soldier killed in Iraq – he just keeps digging himself into ever bigger holes. Yet Mr Trump likes to boast of his Presidential accomplishments.
            “His record so far is bereft of legislative victories, which includes his tried attack on abolishing Obamacare. He cares nothing for the people, only what he can obtain for his own self-interest.
            “He will go down in history as the worst US President of his era. The American people will hold their heads in shame, as to their folly to vote this man into The White House.
            “It will take a decade for America to resume any kind of respect from the rest of the world. At this time, they are falling!”
22nd October 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Even in our darkest hour we are not alone, so send out your universal thoughts and open your hearts.  Then you will understand that help is only a thought away.”

All of Us Have to Take Personal Responsibility

            “Making this world a better place to live is all our responsibility. Where we can sustain life in our own way to the amount of waste we produce. This world is filling up with so much waste that we are slowly killing our planet.
            “Landfills are a major contributor of methane and other glasshouse gases. When we burn waste, we release toxic gases into the atmosphere, resulting in global warming.
            “It takes less energy to recycle old items than produce items from scratch. Planting a tree helps reduce global warming. Trees give out oxygen and take carbon dioxide, which is the main source of global warming.
            “Conserving water, if we added up the water wasted by millions of Americans brushing their teeth we could provide water for 23 nations, who have no access to clean drinking water.
            “It takes energy to draw up and filter water from underground. We as meat consumers means the number of cows breathing out methane is a huge contribution to global warming to meet our meat appetite.
            “We have to learn as a species to live within our means and not to waste our natural resources that have taken millions of years to produce. We have to curb the deforestation of so many forests and to reclaim them back so that they can aid us in the much-needed oxygen to sustain all life.
            “All of us have to take personal responsibility and to stop being reckless with our planet.”
13th October 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“When will the wind blow softly in our lives and when will the calmness of our mind-sets take over from the rushing to keep up with modern life?”

“Watch this space!”

            “The backbiting regarding Theresa May and the Conservative Party won’t last that long. There is a mounting coup, which is gathering momentum no matter how hard she explains to the press that her Cabinet are behind her.
            “What the Cabinet fear most is that it will have a detrimental effect on the Brexit talks and look as if Great Britain is weak. Great Britain is weak in policies, not in heart!”
            “It will take a mighty leader, who will come up from the ranks to supersede Theresa May. It is no longer a fact that she wants to continue, but if she is allowed to continue in her current role.
            “She took very bad advice from her advisers and therefore weakened her position. Theresa May is literally there as a curtsey until her Cabinet say, “Enough is enough”.
            “The knives are already out and she knows it. She is barely hanging on by a prayer!” The sad thing is that she is a good leader, but has lost the power to lead.
            “See her have another political fall and that is when there will be a coup de grĂ¢ce. She will not be able to save herself any longer, retreating to the back benches will not be something she is used to.
            “There will be a race between two men of equal stature, who will then take this country forward. There will not be a General Election as the political statement is they have no more faith in their leader so a new one will have to be appointed.
            The Brexit talks will fail and then resurrect themselves again with new policy tactics. These tactics have not been tried before, but will prove beneficial to the United Kingdom.
            “The European situation is collapsing all around and that is where vital leeway will occur. The European Union will not be in a powerful position to object, as they are haemorrhaging money left, right and centre.
            “Their own policies on so many fronts are already failing, so a restructure for them becomes inevitable. See massive reconstruction on policies occur and where the new Prime Minister will be able at last to drive his agenda home.
            “It will be done with strong forthright arguments, where the European Union will have no choice but to agree. The UK and Europe will have their agreement and a new trade deal will be enforced satisfying the UK’s high moral objective. The UK after that will flourish considerably, while Europe will further sink!”
“Watch this space!”

8th October 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“If we communicate with the Spirit Lands beyond our present understanding, we will learn the truth and those who have been through out of body experiences, should be listened to.”

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype ladylydialondon and jandmayers
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk and www.living-proof.biz

Finally we continue to send you our love and healing.  We wish you well as the world continues to change at a remarkable rate. The guides still continue to tell us what to expect, so we still know what we need to do in order to change our own mind-sets and work for the Greater Good for all to survive and progress as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

Our Twitter forecasts and comments now number 50,311 over the two addresses to followers from all over the world.