29 March 2012

March Newsletter 2012


“How to be Ready for the New Light of Understanding”

Now, as spring comes into full bloom and everybody feels more uplifted than they have done for quite a while, this is the time where full productivity in every respect must come about.

We are all alive and in being, so must therefore act as if we are.  Notice the impetus to start cleaning the home or clearing out the garage, to start a new relationship or a new career.

The Universal energies are now gathering at an astonishing pace, urging us all to get out and do something.  This is the window of opportunity to establish ourselves into becoming something new and vibrant, to start to believe in ourselves again where achievement on so many levels are now possible.

To work with the Universal energies is to literally go with the flow and, if that means going over the top a little to realise your dream, then that is what you must do.

It also means venture out into pastures new, where before restrictions were often met and doors were continuously being closed to us.

This no longer is the case, as the full impact of Universal energies gathers us up to take all forwards with great ease. The suffering to us is no longer, simply because we are now leaving it all behind.

We are reflected and propelled into a new being.  A new light of understanding and so together, with this powerful force, we can act in a different way to what we did before.

This time the timing and positions of the planetary aspects are all in our favour, so we can muster the energy and the knowhow necessary for our own ongoing journey of discovery and personal development.

This time we can achieve and in many cases even surprise ourselves at our own achievements.

This is not the time for genuine reflection, but of constant motivation, where mental and physical strength is given to us in equal measure to transpose us into beings we could only once dream of.

Once our mind-sets have been reactivated, which is all happening just now, so we can move mountains where necessary, destroy that old life that has been hampering us for so long, take that leap of faith and start to move on with our lives.

If all act according to the Spiritual Laws that guide, protect and steer us on, we won’t be disappointed.  Fear no longer is the answer.  New life, and the new impetus which cannot be missed, is!

Know now that a special kind of personal growth is being given to you.  For the first time in a decade, recognise for yourselves the new impetus/energy to get going on projects not before realised.

You can all do it and you can now all become successful.  It is your time to act.  For those who wish to remain stuck in their own forlorn lives, they can moan if they lose the opportunities for further personal advancement.

They have chosen to ignore the Spiritual Laws of Abundance and Growth.  For them life is dead, where for the majority, who seek its existence, will find happiness and a welcome relief from what once was.

For them, life will only increase and get better in a number of ways.  For them, fear no longer is an option to remain static, but let go of the shackles and to finally exercise your right to be free, liberated and uplifted.

The time is now.  Do not delay in your own progress.

          Jenny Ayers

On our recent trip to Geneva Michael was asked by a charming young lady if he had read A New Earth: Create a Better Life by Eckhart Tolle.  Although he had his previous book The Power of Now in the library of spiritual books he confessed that he hadn’t read A New Earth, but he ordered it that day and he is reading this very thought provoking book right now.  He was very grateful to her for bringing it to his notice as so often we are drawn to what we need just when we need it.
He felt directed recently to add this story from the above book to this Newsletter and so here it is.  He hopes it brings you some guidance, hope and enlightenment.

“According to an ancient Surfi story, there lived a king in some Middle Eastern land, who was continuously torn between happiness and despondency.  The slightest thing would cause him great upset or provoke an intense reaction and his happiness would quickly turn into disappointment.
“A time came when the king finally got tired of himself and of life and he began to seek a way out.  He sent for a wise man, who lived in his kingdom and who was reputed to be enlightened.
“When the wise man came, the king said, “I want to be like you.  Can you give me something that will bring balance, serenity and wisdom into my life?  I will pay any price you ask.”
“The wise man said, “I may be able to help you, but the price is so great that your entire kingdom would not be sufficient payment for it.  Therefore it will be a gift to you if you will honour it.”
“The King gave his assurances and the wise man left.
“A few weeks later he returned and handed the king an ornate box carved in jade.  The king opened the box and found a simple gold ring inside.  Some letters were inscribed on the ring.  The inscription read: This, too, will pass.
““What is the meaning of this?” asked the king.
““Wear this ring always. Whatever happens, before you call it good or bad, touch the ring and read the inscription.  That way, you will be at peace.””
“This, too, will pass. What is it about these simple words that makes them so powerful?  Looking at it superficially, it would seem while those words may provide comfort in a bad situation, they would diminish the enjoyment of the good things in life.    “Don’t be too happy, because it won’t last.”  This seems to be what they are saying when applied in a situation that is perceived as good.
“The full import of these words becomes clear when we consider them in context of two other stories that we encountered earlier.  The story of the Zen Master whose only response was always “Is that so?” shows the good that comes through inner non-resistance to events, that is to say, being at one with what happens.
“The story of the man whose comment was invariably a laconic “Maybe” illustrates the wisdom of non-judgement and the story of the ring points to the fact of impermanence which, when recognised, leads to non-attachment are the three aspects of true freedom and enlightened living.” 

Reference: A New Earth: Create a Better Life by Eckhart Tolle
The Discovery of Inner Space
ISBN 978-0-141-13941-1

Since the call went out on our Twitter sites, there has been an almost daily disclosure on the news of the abuse of children in this country and around the world.  When will we all wake up to the abuse of innocence?

19th March 2012 on ladylydialondon
‘Stricter Universal Laws to protect the innocent children in war torn countries should be implemented.  Stiffer sentences against Governments, who perpetrate war against children – they have blood on their hands.  When will this world wake up?
Bashar al-Assad doesn’t care.  The killing/slaughter of children goes on indiscriminately.  Who will stand up for children’s rights?’
19th March 2012 on jandmayers
‘The increase in child poverty and pain seems to invoke little interest in the media these days.  The plight and suffering of those whose representation seems of little consequence.  When will the world wake up?  Children are the harsh victims all around the world, whether it is through war, famine or systematic abuse by the church and in the home.  The innocent are violated and nothing of any substance is being done about it.  The children have no voice, yet they are brutalised daily.  Organisations protecting children need to wake up and present a greater case for safety.’

          Spot on again with the Chancellor’s Budget.
18MAR12 on ladylydialondon
‘Chancellor George Osborne will delight the English people as more safeguards to economic reforms are now being implemented.  George Osborne has kept a tight rein on the economy.  Now he will be able to see he has leeway to make small adjustments to help people in industry.  Pensions will be given a raw deal, which will be overruled by the House of Lords giving pensioners a better deal.’

          We had already bought our tickets to see the film called ‘The Lady’ and the following evening, after posting the tweet below we saw the film.  It was a brilliant film about her struggle to bring democracy to Burma at the sacrifice to her loving family who supported her.  We have no idea what people give for their belief system and what triumph they bring for the greater good.

21MAR12 on jandmayers

‘See a revival in Burma’s Aung San Suu Kyi, as her political role starts to gather momentum.  The Burmese Government can no longer ignore her voice crying in the wilderness, as public opinion for her starts to grow.  Aung San Suu Kyi’s life has not been in vain & like Nelson Mandela before her, she will rise out of the ashes of despair into a world leader.’

Lost Teachings of Atlantis

You Who Would
Find Your Soulmates

Men, Seek Not Women
Seek God First
Then Accept The Women Who
Come to You
With Unselfish Love

Women, Attempt Not, to Change a
Seek God First
And Find a Man Who
Is One With the One
A Man Who Sought God First

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
Telephone 01892 662 856

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for SPRING 2012

Sunday, 6th May 2012
03.00pm Eastbourne Christian Spiritualist Church, Eastbourne, East Sussex

Sunday, 10th June 2012
06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Saturday, 23rd June 2012
07.30pm St John Ambulance Hall, Ramsgate, Kent


Demonstration of Clairvoyance

Divine Service including Clairvoyance

          Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the world continues to change. Our Twitter accurate forecasts continue to tell us what to expect, so we know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks and help the greater good to survive.