26 July 2013

July Newsletter 2013


“Spread a Little Joy and Nurturing”

          As we collectively band together and enjoy the fruits of these summer months, remember that nature thrives and where there is a constant stream of love and no negativity, then abundance becomes the rightful fruit for all to share and enjoy.

          Life is a fascination of exciting challenges and where with every step we grow to enhance and enrich our own lives, we must learn in the right way to grow, not only for ourselves, but for those who are around us.

          We all live in a very diversified society and adjusting to our conditions is never easy.  Where we have compassion in our hearts, adjustments are more able to take place and harmony becomes evidential.

          Many feel alone and isolated and it is particularly true in the summer months, where we are able to approach those people with generosity of giving that is perhaps not always possible in the winter months, where we tend to shut ourselves in against the harsher elements.

          Man was created to help each other and to bring in a support system where all can benefit, where love and help is the main objective and the purpose of our creation.

          We all are in need of nurturing and as nature is able to do this naturally, we as humans sometimes need to be taught or shown the way.

          Resistance to this can cause failure in our societies, so it is necessary to learn from our elders and those who have wisdom to show us the way.

          A contented life is where individuals are at peace mentally and physically, requiring only sufficient for their needs.  When greed comes in then dissatisfaction occurs and so does an imbalance.

          As with nature, if a fruit tree produces too much fruit, in order for the tree to feed properly, then the surplus of its produce is dropped, allowing the tree to produce better fruit and where there is enough to sustain life and a balance.

          If we have too much in our lives, we are not able to meet the demands of the excess and so, quite rightly, they are discarded.  Therefore it is wise to have enough, so that we can manage it without having too much where it becomes a problem.

          By learning from nature, we can also learn and adjust our lives to what we need, but where over indulgence causes problems, we could well do without.

          Over indulgence of food intake creates obesity, but also blockages within our body’s system.  It cannot function in the right and proper way and a strain occurs and we become ill.

          Eating enough to sustain life in the right and proper way allows us to help ourselves and be happy and contented people.

          When we are happy we are more likely to again help others.  Our minds are relaxed and compliant.  Our happiness will then be able to spill over onto others in ways of help, assistance or just a smile which can light up a person’s day.

          They begin to feel loved and special in some way and that right vibration will continue to spread to others and so the cycle of love and nurturing remains content and beautiful.

          Remember we are all joined together and for the circle of life to be better, we must all learn to spread a little joy and nurturing along the way.

Jenny Ayers
Thursday, 25th July 2013

Is There Goodness Still To See?
“The willingness to do good is in all of us.  How is that capacity to be encouraged in a world that is failing miserably to help one’s fellow man?  The more that we can do to help Mankind and to bring it to Man’s attention, the more reciprocation needs to be taught to increase this.  We should all become involved in one way or another”
            “The close knit communities that once were, almost 60 years ago, are sadly no more.  People from all walks of life were generous with their time and were willing to help in a community-style spirit.  We have lost that spontaneous interaction and so many now lose out and have no help at all.  By doing good in serving our fellow man, it brings its own rewards.
            “It helps those to understand that by doing good works and for nothing; it breeds a good feeling that is lasting and productive.  It establishes a people relationship, a bond that is supportive and feeds those who feel insecure, helpless and unloved.  They become stronger and can help back.
            “Today it is all about media technology. People have lost the art of interaction and to feel another’s emotions.  By interacting face to face, a closer, warmer relationship, is formed, whereby just by being in that person’s company allows goodness to enter in.  People feel good by being in that person’s vibrational energies.  Our own goodness will be transferred to them, so they can benefit enormously.”
22nd July 2013 (jandmayers twitter)

Slow Down, Don’t Go So Fast.
            “The fast pace of life leaves us little to no time to do what we feel we must do to stabilised ourselves.  We get entrenched into so many things that take up most of the day so that we are too tired to see what is important in our lives any longer.  To be quiet and at peace, to see the serenity of nature and to learn from its slow but methodical way of doing things is very important and should be learnt.
            “Nature in all its glory does things in the right way.  It’s tried and tested methods of growing and producing are all taken seriously, but never hurried.  The rush of today’s society puts us under enormous strain and we become bad tempered and irritable.  We must learn to pace ourselves and to go by the softer and more manageable route whereby we become kinder to ourselves and no longer ragged and uncomfortable.
            “Illnesses are caused by massive stress and so it is important to maintain an equilibrium that is constant and manageable where we begin to learn to love ourselves and bring back peace to our already aching lives.  We all deserve this.”
22nd July 2013 (ladylydialondon twitter)

A Man Is Measured By How Charitable He Is.
“For man to be happy then he must have peace in his mind followed by love in his soul.  If these are not present then nothing can go right for him.  For many the pursuit of money at all costs, becomes the driving influence by which Mankind is driven today. The size of his wallet or house is the only way he can demonstrate who he is and how powerful he is.
            “This misnomer means nothing, because it is how charitable that person is, which is the greater degree by which that person is measured.  Great men, the powerful kings of this world, all knew they had to provide for the welfare of their people. They must provide care and consideration in every respect.
            “For many this has sadly been ignored, as many who are mighty have not cared for their people as their prime interest is of the self.  Their judgement will be measured accordingly and they will find they come up short.  They will then have to serve in the next dimension and make up for all the time lost on this earth. A sad reflection of what is a common practice in today’s society.”
21st July 2013 (jandmayers twitter)

Women are rightly Governing More and More
“As man’s ego becomes ever larger, it is now the females of this race who will be able to come into their own.  Long have they been left out and forgotten.  Their purpose upon this earth is not only for the bearing of children, but to bring balance to societies which are out of control.
“The necessary changes worldwide are now coming to the fore where more women are now governing than at any other time, where the male testosterone must be put aside to allow the human race to come back into balance.
“There are mighty changes afoot and women now realise they have a calling as never before and their voices will be heard.  As was the case in ancient history, where men were forever fighting to amuse their testosterone levels women refused them their conjugal rights if men went to war. The men succumbed and peace and wars were stopped.
            “It is high time now that women realise that they have the power to change things.  It is only collectively can situations change for the better.  Too many mothers have lost their sons in battle and social unrest, because man has been allowed to run amok for his own self never thinking what is right and decent for the rest of this race.
            “Women are now taking the decisions.  They are no longer allowing men to dictate policy and gradually sanity to this world can be restored.  For those men, who are giving, loving and spiritual in their own way, know this to be true.”
21st July 2013 (ladylydialondon twitter)

Even Nations Reap What They Sow
 “It is interesting how many problems and incidents are occurring to countries where they have a strong influence around the world.  If you look at the USA and China for example, where their focus is to influence their philosophy around the world it is having a devastating effect on their own lands and with their own people.
            “What they wish to gain abroad by their so called liberalisation techniques, they suffer greatly in their own countries.  There are conditions there where Universal Laws are in force and here Mankind has no solution to their ever increasing affects.
“What you sow so you reap.  If you sow hardship and malpractice for your own ends and not for the good of the people in whom you wish to infiltrate so it will affect you in negative ways.  These affected ways will be whereby there will be nothing these countries can do to minimise the process or even arm themselves against it.
            “They simply do not have an answer to these retaliations that hit them hard and will eventually bring about their own downfall.  In the case of Egypt all those years ago when Moses used the wrath of God to bring down the Pharaoh due to his ill treatment of the Israelites and other countries around them at that time, the country was plagued with various diseases and disasters, the likes they had never seen before, until their eventual downfall.
            “Both the USA and China have had to endure massive disasters over the years of which they have had no answers.  It has affected their people greatly & loss of life and structure of land has been devastating & still they do not realise what is happening.  They do not believe they have done anything wrong and that these are just the results of harsh global conditions.
“A new situation has arisen whereby an incurable disease called Valley Fever is multiplying at an alarming and mystifying rate.  Six states are now affected in the US. This fungus disease spreads and it is known as the silent epidemic.  2,401 new infections were recorded and it spreads beyond the lungs and to the brain.  Every act that is done throughout the world will reap either a positive or a negative result.  The impact will be felt by the people of that country.”
17th July 2013 (jandmayers twitter)

Jenny @LadyLydiaLondon has a mission and written a wonderful blog post that touched my heart. Check it out here: tinyurl.com/pb6p9co

“As the humanitarian outcry for help becomes ever louder, the people of the world will need to look at ways to stop wars and strife. International communities will need to forge partnerships to strengthen their resolve to be the guiding influence on the many. The chaos invokes so much destruction to human life.
“There needs to be an international consensus to stop violence and oppression, where those who oppose regimes can be heard properly in the ballot box by legal and fair democratic elections. Where those who have harmed their country and the citizens of that country can be fairly tried and where responsibility for their actions is taken.
“Until there is accountability by those who seek to injure others for their own selfish reasons of greed and power there will be no rest in this world. Mass dissatisfaction throughout this world is growing and the unrest only continues to multiply. There needs to be a return of love and well-meaning towards all the people and where peace is the restorative process.”
14th July 2013 (ladylydialondon twitter)

“It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak.  We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child, who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea.  We are far too easily pleased.”
C.S. Lewis

“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”
Zig Ziglar
(1926- )

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
www.spiritualist-guidance.org and www.living-proof.biz

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for SUMMER 2013

Sunday, 1st September 2013              
06.30pm Tonbridge Spiritual Centre, Hadlow, Kent

Wednesday, 2nd October 2013
07.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex


Demonstration of Clairvoyance

Divine Service including Clairvoyance

          Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the world continues to change. Our Twitter forecasts (now with 3210 followers from all over the world) continue to tell us what to expect, so we know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks and help the Greater Good to survive as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.