27 January 2014

January Newsletter 2014


“Every Deed Will Have A Positive or A Negative Reaction and Consequence”

          The breakthrough into Man’s mind-set is as difficult for some as learning a new skill or language.  One has to leave all one’s preconditioned views behind and begin to start completely from scratch in order that the right teaching can register and grow.

Too many of us are entrenched in the old ways of thinking and acting and this has led us into all sorts of hang-ups and difficulties.  Many are afraid to start to learn something new in case they are taken out of their comfort zone and they actually have to make and think decisions on their own.

We all like the easy life.  We prefer to get somebody else to show us the way and to make the decisions for us, as long as we don’t have to think, that is alright with us.

Churches have lapped up this way of thinking.  They take the lead and everybody follows on like sheep, most of whom are asleep anyway.  It is this laissez-faire attitude, where nothing is ever challenged that has allowed institutions to get away with so many things – all under our very own noses and nothing is ever said or remarked upon.

The people in this world are constantly sleepwalking through life never realising the consequences of their actions.  Before we move onto the next life after we die, we should make amends for all the misdeeds that we have incurred on others.  Most don’t even know what they have done wrong, so to rectify these mishaps can be difficult.

Start to understand that every deed, whether good or bad, will have a positive or a negative reaction and consequence.  By being alerted to this fact, we must then be careful as to how we act in our day to day lives.  Either responsibly or irresponsibly – the choice is ours alone.

When we have acted in a responsible and loving way, the consequences will be positive and nobody is ever harmed.  If the reverse is true then the backlash to us can be enormous and massive hurt and destruction occurs, leaving people feeling hurt and unloved and in many cases damaged psychologically at the hands of others.

The world is going through a tremendous transformation, where the people are no longer prepared to put up with the bullying and dictatorial attitude of religions and Governments.  Too many have been hurt and ostracised by the few and the consequences of this behaviour are civil unrest on a massive scale.

The people are no longer prepared to be brainwashed and at last they are beginning to wake up to what has been going on around them for decades without any form of objection by themselves.

This wake up call to the masses is now being voiced all over the world and where Mankind has finally realised that to say nothing is to be walked over by regimes, who only have their own best interests at heart and not of their own people.

This wakeup call is now brutal in many ways, because so many corrupt Governments have been working away surreptitiously with the intention of feeding their own pockets, while their populace starve or are denied human rights.  For many it has been a hard and difficult realisation that institutions, which were once considered honourable, are in fact cheating the very people who put them in power.

The tide is now turning and more and more people are voicing their opinions as never before in the right way and are now standing up to corrupt authorities and challenging the very fabric of their own society.

These will have lasting and long-term consequences and it will bring a united freedom, as all start to stick together and demand a better way of life for all.  It really is high time that the people’s voices were heard and that institutions began to listen, otherwise the unrest of the people will bring down their very existence.

This overall will result in consequences of not doing the right thing in the first place.  All will have to pay heavily for their misdeeds and shameful acts of dishonesty and pain to so many.

Jenny Ayers
Saturday, 25th January 2014

Spiritual Love
            “Spirituality is often misquoted by the meaning of being kind and civil to all. It goes much further than that. It goes to the very heart of the matter, which is love. To give out love one must remove pain.
            “Where love enters in, then compassion and an understanding of individuals needs are always addressed. Then to be able to think one step ahead all the time and to anticipate another’s needs over those of our own.
            “When those needs are addressed in a loving way, the entire aspect of that individual receiving this gift will bring about fundamental changes in that person of wellbeing and security.
“When that happens, it automatically has a knock on effect. That person equally starts to bring kindness, consideration and love towards another. Many in this world have no concept as to what love actually is.
            “They see it as sex in a relationship, when in fact the sexual act, which is beautiful, is something that the body needs to promote its own wellbeing. The mind is the more powerful aspect and requires a greater need for love and support over any physical act.
            “Those that are crippled or incapacitated in anyway, who cannot perform the sexual act still require that love and consideration to allow them to live as a person and not to be discarded as nothing.
            “Spirituality is the forming of the loving bond, which transcends all races and creeds to a higher level where all come together in the higher spiritual love, which is more powerful and more sustaining than can ever really be expressed.
            “For those who have experienced the out of body experience, which comes when one is dying they all recount the same thing – the overwhelming state of love. They feel consumed by the Spiritual love, where fear is totally removed and the power that one is so looked after is felt.
            “They know that every facet of their lives and needs, will be met. They are transformed into a place of joy and understanding that only a powerful spiritual love can give. Here, those who have done wrong are not judged harshly, but given total compassion and understanding.
            “It is here where forgiveness is at the very heart of it all. We, as earthly human beings, need to learn from these teachings and to understand that none of us are perfect.
            “What we do, can represent a higher intelligence and where we can secure another’s path by our love and compassion at all times. We owe it to ourselves and to the world around us, because by being spiritual we can achieve so much more!”
27th January 2014 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Just about now is a moment to be hallowed and loved.  You may not see why, but then all moments of life are a precious gift to be enjoyed and to give thanks for.”

Tomorrow Never Comes?
“We determine where we live and how we want to act with no thought or consideration to what is around us or how it will affect the terrain and habitat of our fellow creatures. As long as we are alright, nothing really matters and for those species that do not have a voice, they are of no count.
“It is Man who is the victor over everything and everybody. It really is high time we all took a hard look at ourselves and considered ourselves as custodians to this world. Instead of which we are the constant violators of our habitat.
            “We need to be able to leave our children something of this world when we finally depart instead of the polluted and damaged terrain that is all around us, something has to be done.
            “Conservation is not enough at this time, as we threaten the very livelihood we are dealing with on a daily and hourly basis. Our insatiable appetite for power and electricity is causing the ruination of the countryside and resources will eventually run out.
            “Their formation has taken billions of years and it will take only a few thousand years before there is nothing left. We continue to burn electricity, as if it is our right to do so, with unnecessary lighting, which can be seen for miles around.
            “Las Vegas is one city where the entire city is lit up like a Christmas tree with no thought to anybody but themselves instead of conserving it and giving to those whose needs are greatest – this is never considered. It is only when the lights are turned out for good will they wonder if perhaps something should have been done.
            “The electricity from the dam cannot be relied on indefinitely and it is this blasé attitude that is the most worrying of all. It really is live for today for tomorrow never comes.
            “Pollution by carbon emissions & where industry has poison the land where it can never be cultivated again, is far from the common man’s care. Yet farmers and fishermen are having to deal with these issues all over the world. We in the west especially have no thought or consideration of what Mankind has to go through to earn a basic living and the hardships that it entails.
            “We only ever think selfishly about our own lives. It is only when disaster strikes and when we are actually inconvenienced that we start to consider what we take so much for granted. The manufacturing industry and their waste products, the many cars, machines and hardware, litter our land and are a blot on our landscape.
            “All that is important is money and the continuous need to have more than we actually require. Our seas and rivers are also polluted by Man’s waste and where fish and natural habitats are dying off in alarming ways.
            “Nuclear waste, as well as industrial and Man’s waste, continues to destroy and leak out. This will eventually cause a backlash and we will have fallout from these poisons.
“China, at this time, pollutes the air at an alarming rate causing cancer borne diseases to affect lungs and other parts of the body. Younger & younger people are dying from what their industries pump out daily with no thought of Mankind or marine or air borne life at all. To them it does not matter, but it will.
            “The disaster of Chernobyl in the Ukraine, the nuclear disaster in 1986, where radioactive contamination was released in seconds – it was 400 times more potent than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
            “A quarter of a century later, the region is still suffering from the deadly effects. The agricultural land was profoundly contaminated and hundreds of people were forced to abandon their homes. Thousands were affected by leukaemia and thyroid cancer.
            “The radioactive cloud was detected all over Europe and fell on the ground in Ireland as light nuclear rain. Although this was two decades ago, the ramifications are still being felt in the British Isles today.
            “As Man’s reckless behaviour continues to go unchecked, so the increasing fallout will occur and by then it will be too late. Man is always sleepwalking until the eleventh hour and then, and only then, will he do something, but by then it may be too late!”
26th January 2014 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Tomorrow is another day, but not of the same drudgery unless we make it so.  If we do all things with a positive and happy mind-set, we will feel lighter in step and more in tune with the higher way of life beyond our comprehension.”

Education, education, education
“India’s Supreme Court has ordered a judge to investigate the gang rape of a tribal woman on the orders of village elders. They objected to her relationship. This case is most disturbing. The thirteen men, including the village headman, have been arrested. The 20 year old woman is in hospital recovering and is said to be stable.
            “Scrutiny of sexual violence in India has grown since the 2012 gang rape murder of a Delhi student on a bus. The Indian Government has tightened its laws on sexual violence after widespread protests, but more needs to be done. Violence & discrimination against women is deeply entrenched & it is high time India came out of their caveman caves & into the 21century.
            “That is if they want the rest of the world to do business with them and take them seriously with regards to law and order. One cannot have a nuclear deterrent on the one hand and barbaric feudal system on the other. It makes a mockery and a joke of the entire fabric of their society.
            “It is all well and good to blow up everyone in the world, but for a woman to fall in love out of their tribe they are either killed or maimed for life. This gang rape has again outraged the Indian populace with some saying it is inhuman and outrageous. Many have called for a quick trial and punishment for the rapists.
            “The Indian Government, if they wish to be taken seriously in anything that they do must show the world that rapes and violence against women can no longer be accepted. There needs to be widespread education to the entire nation that this behaviour is no longer tolerated in the civilised world”
24th January 2014 (jandmayers twitter)

“Do not sit around waiting for something to happen.  Go out and make it happen by asking for love to come into your heart and so share that with another who is bereft and does know like you how to ask.”

Education, education, education
“At last a small glimmer of hope is emerging. Hong Kong will destroy 28 tonnes of ivory confiscated from smugglers to discourage the illegal ivory trade. The ivory stockpile is one of the largest in the world and will be incinerated, a process that could take up to 2 years.
            “Conservation groups have urged the Government to destroy the seized ivory. Hong Kong is a key transit point for the illegal ivory entering mainland China. 28 out of the 30 tonnes stockpile will be destroyed leaving the remainder to be used for educational purposes in schools and institutions.
            “The demand for ivory in China, who is the illegal traders’ largest market, continues to fuel poaching in Africa. Mainland China has already crushed 6 tonnes of confiscated ivory in a public event to try to educate their public. They use the ivory for traditional carvings and jewellery.
            “The US and Philippines have also taken similar steps in recent months. The general public have no idea or interest in the study of the elephant and its life. The intelligence of the animal itself gives us a rare opportunity to see how behaviour of this species can be far superior to our own.
            “Yet we slaughter them as if they are nothing and don’t ever consider they have a mind. This slaughter is communicated through the herds making Mankind their greatest enemy. It takes a very long time to rebuild this trust. Elephants and Man communicating takes a long time to rebuild against such extensive damage.
            “Never underestimate the intelligence of any elephant. In the eyes of many, the human lust for a trinket is all this animal is worth. The beauty of the animal itself is never recognised.”
24th January 2014 (ladylydialondon twitter)

“Just about now is a moment to be hallowed and loved.  You may not see why, but then all moments of life are a precious gift to be enjoyed and to give thanks for.”

Nothing Stays the Same for Ever
“The entire world is turned upside down with so many conflicts and despair. There is always salvation at the end of what seems an eternity of unhappiness and unfairness to the masses. Nothing stays the same forever and that is how it should be.
“Progression, no matter how small, continues to grow and manifest and from small achievements miraculous designs do occur. In our everyday lives we are all striving for a better world, even though we appear not to be doing anything.
            “All it takes is a smile and a thank you to those who serve you and to acknowledge those around with courtesy and respect. These all add up to making our world a better place and where just a simple smile can brighten up a sad person’s face. It shows them that there is somebody out there who actually cares.
            “There are many good people in this world, who are doing incredible things to help others. Often they are risking their lives to do it without a care for themselves, but always thinking of others in their daily lives. They are the unsung heroes of this world and are hardly mentioned by the media.
            “They for some reason are not news worthy, because the media are only ever really interested in tragedy as opposed to happiness. If the inference was on showing the good deeds done by the extraordinary people around this world, it would reflect a good example. It also instructs and educates the populace that this behaviour is what life is all about.
            “The media have a lot to answer for and it is high time that the world was educated to do good deeds. That is what this life is all about and it should be sanctified.
“More people must be educated that this is the right way to behave & to do the contrary is not acceptable & that recourse will always occur. Then a new life of happiness and respect can come into this world and no longer will the miscreants be glorified.”
23rd January 2014 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Just about now we are alone and wondering why nobody loves us.  Yet if we sit in the silence of our own mind we will find peace brought by those who care for us and wish us happiness through our own advances.”

Concerning Power Hungry People
“The number of people/organisations in the world, who are behaving badly, has put many people’s lives in severe distress and hardship. Lord Rennard, who has sexually harassed a number of ladies in the Liberal Party will not apologise. He should be ousted out of the Party altogether. His allies see him as a strategist that has raised up the Liberal Party to where it is today. His actions of rebuttal towards the ladies and the rest of the Liberal Party will see him bring down the party he helped to build up.
            “Ban Ki-moon has now invited Iran into the peace keeping talks in Switzerland. The Syrian Peace Conference, that has been more than a year in the making, is now in complete disarray before it’s even got started. The main opposition sees no point in coming to the negotiations if Iran is present. The Syrian people continue to suffer while Ban Ki-moon does his brainstorm bit.
            “Mohammed Morsi insulted the legal Egyptian judiciary and wanted to do it his way and force them out of office. This way he could then enforce his own ruling. He now finds himself on the other side of the judiciary, a place that is now very uncomfortable for him.
            “The Taliban, with their enforced righteous dogma of Sharia Law, cause much distress and hardship to their own people in Afghanistan. The people themselves live under the fear of them regaining power again.
“There are happenings in the Ukraine and in Thailand and Africa generally. Again there is more from the Mafia and the Catholic Church with their abuses on children. Now even Silvio Berlusconi, another power hungry man, has returned to the centre of politics after being thrown out of Parliament on tax fraud.
            “All these factors wish to remain in power and to sweep away any form of opposition or disgrace they have done as being irrelevant. What they can see is only their right to rule no matter how offensive they are to the common man. All people must suffer to their right as law and nobody else’s right is relevant.
            “It is these power hungry people, who continually behave badly, that have caused so much mayhem in the world today. They are oblivious of the damage they cause, such is their continued arrogance and indifference to what is morally right in this world.
            “A Higher Intelligence will start to move. A new format will be decided and that their terms in office are restricted and a downfall to them all will occur.
This is already happening in some parts of the world, but there is still a way to go.
            “The people of this world have not been forsaken and a new Intelligence is now picking up the reins. It will bring back law and order to Mankind where there is none.”
20th January 2014 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

“We are all given a seat at the banquet of life.  That is why we are here.  Do we make the best use of our opportunities and would we give up our place to another, who has a greater need of it?”

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
www.spiritualist-guidance.org and www.living-proof.biz

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for the WINTER 2014

Sunday, 23rd March @ 06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex for Divine Service including an Address and Clairvoyance

          Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the world continues to change at a remarkable rate. Our Twitter forecasts and comments now number 19,503 over the two addresses and we have now by 3345 followers from all over the world.  The guides continue to tell us what to expect, so we know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks and help the Greater Good to survive as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.