29 March 2015

March Newsletter 2015


All Mankind Must Benefit and Not Just the Privileged Few

The main thing that this world needs is the right leadership and where love for one’s fellow man and the environment is at the heart of their agenda.

There are too many wars and too much testosterone in the environment that is making this planet sick to death, quite literally.

There are too many institutions that are ruled over and dictated to by those who hold the purse strings and command the way they are run by their rules alone.

This has caused many injustices in this world, with the UN failing miserably to assist in war torn countries.  The UN Security Council is also being dictated to by those whose interests are such that they will not see progress made, but only what they are commanded to do all the time.

Until there is leadership with qualities that abide by the law and not for personal gain all the time, we will continue as a society worldwide to fall dramatically.

Millions around the world, who are law abiding citizens, have lost their faith in Governments and institutions, who deal with their own agenda and not what is right for the people as a whole.

Too much greed and selfishness is the main answer to so many problems and where people who are innocent have no recourse when great conglomerates have all the power.

Until there is a rebalance in this world, we will continue to be dictated to by irresponsible Governments and politicians, who wish to feather their own nest over what is morally right.

Many souls have lost their way.  They see no point in doing things right and acting fairly, as they feel they have been given a raw deal and that society no longer wants them or even cares.

We must look for leadership from those who have had to experience hardship and suffering and through that suffering have become humble and contrite, whose wish is to promote harmony and the wellbeing in others.

It is these alone who know of the suffering of Mankind first hand and because of their experience can make a difference for Mankind as a whole.  For it is with that experience of pain and suffering that they can be a source of light and understanding and, with the right help and guidance, are able to change the course of history and make a difference to this world.

Those who have lived in the splendour of privilege have no understanding of the hardships of others and never can do.  Their approach to suffering will be different, as they cannot understand what is it like to go without, not even having food to eat to survive or to be so cold they could nearly die of hyperthermia.

All of us must stand together in God’s light and love and to begin to help each other for the Greater Good, while we pray for an enlightened one, who can make the necessary changes to Mankind and who has the guts to stand up and challenge those who are in authority and still do nothing.

It is the collective voice of the people of this world, who will make that difference.  It is they who brought down the Berlin Wall and it is those who now must rise up again and challenge authority to lead us and not allow others to just feed their own interests.

The power of the people globally is the strongest voice of all and together they can change Governments and policies, which are purely money driven and not goodness driven.

It is with this right moral intention that help is given from a Higher Source and situations, which were once in deadlock, begin to unravel and a greater cause is formed. 

This is where all of Mankind will benefit and not just the privileged few.

Jenny Ayers
Saturday, 28th March 2015

“Make a new wish to be given every time you feel depleted in vibrational energy.  Look to your future not to the past, where failures and mistakes lurk.  However in the future is the hope of much achievement and success.”

An African Success Story
“Africa’s two female Presidents have joined forces for women. The only two female heads of states in Africa are Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Malawian President Joyce Banda. They have just committed to using their positions to improve the lives of women across the continent.
            “Both Sirleaf and Banda have long championed women’s rights. On April 29 in Monrovia, two years into what the African Union (AU) has declared the “Women’s Decade” they pledge to work together to accelerate their efforts. Sirleaf and Banda stood side by side and said, “This is our year and this is our decade.”
            “These Presidents are out to empower women. Both have the strength and commitment to ensure women’s role in society is enhanced. Banda said, “There has never been a better time to advance women’s rights in Africa.”
            “Sirleaf is a Nobel Peace Prize winner, she was elected as Africa’s first female President in 2005 and was re-elected in 2011. Her first term of office focussed on reconstructing the country devastated by two Civil Wars, one 1989-1996, and the second 1999-2003.
            “Sirleaf set out on her second term as President by making women’s health a national priority. So devastating were Liberia’s civil wars that nearly a decade since the end of the conflict the country is still in a state of reconciliation and reconstruction.
            “In Malawi the male President Muthanika’s last year in office saw an economy crumbling under Government mismanagement. This was compounded by the withdrawal of donor aid because of human rights abuse. Now Banda, who took over, is barely one month into her time as President.
            “Already there is concrete evidence that women’s advancement have been put on the agenda. The ratio of girls in education is almost equal to that of boys. Women’s health policies in Liberia will now half the high rate of maternal and new born deaths. There are more skilled birth attendants on all levels of health care.
            “Banda has strengthened the voice of women in Government by appointing eight women in senior Cabinet. There are women in positions of Deputy Chief Secretary to the Government and also a Deputy Director Inspector General of Police. There is an advanced women’s economic empowerment with the introduction of an agricultural programme and market initiative.
            “Maternal health and safe motherhood is still to be launched. Banda admits she is following in the footsteps of Sirleaf. Both Presidents have prioritised African Women’s Decade and they have agreed to accomplish these goals for the AU Women’s Decade. They know that women in Africa still face many challenges due to HIV and AIDS, poverty, conflict and harmful cultural practices.
            “They believe they will work tirelessly together. These two ladies are no longer lonely among men anymore. They have each other for support. The more women that are in power the more society will advance, as they will not be drawn into hot-headed masculine wars.
            “They will be the nurturers of society and the bringing back love and harmony that this world so badly needs. It is men’s aggressive nature that has brought this world to its knees. It is high time that women brought back balance in this world and repaired the damage caused by men!”
28th March 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The brightness which comes at the beginning of each and every day is a cleansing light to bring peace and harmony into the lives of all people.  It is called hope.  Recognise this and allow hope to start each day so that by a positive vibration new successes can be given.”

Saved the Magic Bunny
“China has an endangered animal called the “magic bunny.” It is the cutest endangered animal that you have ever heard of. A retired Chinese conservationist, Li Weidong, has been on this mission for over 30 years to document, film and protect it. The “magic bunny” is called Ili Pika and is named from the area it inhabits.
            “It is a mysterious rabbit like mammal only found in China. With less than 1,000 left in the country, they are rarer than pandas. Mr Li first spotted the “magic bunny” in 1983 while he was mountain climbing. While sitting down on a rock, suddenly two bunny ears emerged from the crack in a nearby rock.
            “The little thing was staring at him and Mr Li thought it was the most beautiful and bizarre creature he had ever seen. The Ili Pika live in holes between bare rocks at an altitude of 4,000 meters. They are used to living on these extremely cold plateaus and feed on herbs found in the mountains.
            “In the past 30 years their habitat has shrunk by 71%. This is partly due to Climate Change and partly because their grazing area has been taken over by the growing population at the bottom of the mountain. Mr Li has seen the mysterious Pika a few more times in 1990, but then he did not see one again for 24 years.
            “There are many people who wish to protect this species, but with more attention put on it, it could endanger it still further. The Ili Pika is an ancient species and has been around for decades, we cannot allow it to disappear in front of our eyes. Conservationists, like Li Weidong, are doing their best to try to secure its future. However its delicate habitat must be maintained from being further eroded.
            “After all, we all deserve to live on this planet. That is why we have such amazing creatures, all ‘God-given’ to survive with us together. Let us hope and pray they can maintain this amazing species!”
27th March 2015 (ladylydialondon twitter)

“Thus said the Lord, “Give unto God what is God’s and give unto Caesar what is Caesars.”  In those few words Jesus told us how to live in this world and how to honour both our Creator and humanity that he created.”

Only a Call Away
            “At last, a Government Minister in Argentina has the guts to do something positive in this world. Esteban Bullrich is an Education Minister, who has stopped waves of teachers’ strikes. By giving every teacher his mobile number he has invited teachers to phone him if they have any questions, comments or complaints for him.
            “He is the Minister in charge of all the schools in Buenos Aires and had inherited a system plagued by teaching union walk outs. He came into office as the third Education Minister in twelve days. He decided to publish his personal mobile number as a way of opening a direct dialogue.
            “This direct action brought down the number of strikes from fourteen a year to none in the past four years. Mr Bullrich decided to hand out his number as a way of breaking a culture of distrust and confrontations. These were between politicians and teachers’ representatives.
            “The teachers’ strikes had become a chronic problem, with ministers only lasting a short time in office. Mr Bullrich was able to negotiate deals with seventeen separate teacher unions in Buenos Aires. It meant that staff of 1,200 schools has his number.
            “He told teachers if you have a problem then just ring me and it will get sorted out and it was. This man can show the world that always doing the right thing & listening to people’s legitimate problems, solutions can always be found. It is always about courage and doing what is right in the face of what seems like impossible odds.
“All one needs is the will and open-mindedness to take on these challenges, which others are not prepared to do! Perhaps Mr Bullrich should enrol in the UN. He might actually get something done and do a better job? Mr Bullrich is commended for his unstinting devotion to doing what is intrinsically right.”
19th March 2015 (ladylydialondon twitter)

“Being of sound mind is not just a legal term, but one that hears the advice given from a Higher Intelligence and when you act upon it you know that you are doing right.  Otherwise you will fail to make the sanity of purpose.”

Turning a Blind eye doesn’t stop the Killing
            “The disgraceful failing situation of the UN Security Council to implement solutions to the Syrian conflict, is beyond belief. Humanitarian agencies have tried their best under extreme hardship and opposition from Bashar al-Assad. They still have been found wanting.
“The Syrian people have faced their worse year in the many killings that continue unabated day in and day out. Bashar al-Assad still holds the main position of power. The UN still believe they can bring in a political solution that will sort out this war.
            “Bashar al-Assad will never surrender. His people are just pawns in his struggle to maintain his power with Russia being his main backup. The naiveté of the UN Security Council is mind-blowing and really they are not fit for purpose. They have achieved precious little in this four year war.
            “Until a proper strategy to remove this President from power occurs, the country which is already destroyed, will take decades to climb back. It is now up to the international nations to bring about a consensus for military action, where new strategies are formed.
“A greater force will be able to push through an agenda to finally save the Syrian people. This nation has suffered enough, while the rest of the world continues to turn a blind eye.
“The dysfunctional UN Security Council should be ashamed of themselves for not dealing with these issues in a more effective way. There needs to be solutions for the sake of the Syrian people and not what is best for Bashar al-Assad!”
13th March 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“If we give our love and our understanding to our fellow man and woman, we can enlighten their mind-sets and also expand our own enlightenment, because as we give to others so we receive ourselves.”

Some People Think That They Are More Equal Than Others
            “It was after Jackson’s resignation that another low-key demonstration occurred, outside Ferguson’s police headquarters. It was when the crowds were starting to break up that shots were heard and two officers were seriously injured.  The riots, which have continued, show the hugely long-term frustration over a system that is painfully slow to change.
            “The people have had enough and every day they suffer injustice by the biased way the police deal with them. Ferguson has now finally been given enough rope to hang themselves. The injustice remains rife throughout America.
            “Until integration and equality start to take hold then these problems will remain simmering and finally come to the boil. There is no getting away from it, America has never been white. It was the first nation American Indians, who are the true Americans here and the white man has all but tried to wipe them out.
            “Now a role reversal is happening and it will be other coloured skinned people, who will take the place of the white man. They will have to revise their thinking. They will no longer be in the majority! Lessons here need to be learnt and tolerance for all races is required now!”
12th March 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“It is no mistake or accident that we are here on this earth plane of existence.  We came to make it a better place for our being here and we mustn’t fail in trying each and every day to make it better.”

Take Nothing For Granted as Far as the Safety of Your Family Are Concerned
            “An illegal market in children has developed in China in which babies are being sold online. The Chinese police say that there is an estimated 20,000 children abducted each year. Chinese state media suggests the true figure could be as high as 200,000 per year.
            “A baby boy sells for $16,000. This is double the price for a girl. A few days before the Chinese New Year in February 2007, a man called Xiao Chaohua was with his young son playing on a nearby beach. They played sandcastles and paddled in the surf. They were so happy and his father took lots of pictures of his son.
            “Later that day his son asked his father if he could buy his favourite snack from a grocery shop around the corner. His ten year sister was to accompany him. The children got separated and that was the last Xiao saw of his son.
            “Xiao looked everywhere for his son, even the police said there is no point in looking as he had probably been snatched. Xiao decided, after many months looking for his son, to finally sell his shop and he bought a van. His wife works in a shoe factory and his daughter is looked after by grandparents.
            “Xiao has travelled the length and breadth of China offering a reward for any information on his son. Posted pictures are all over the country and still there is no sign of his son. Years have now gone by and there still is no sign of his son. This family, as with so many others, is heartbroken.
            “Once abducted children are sold for adoption and forced to work as beggars for criminal gangs, the vast majority are lost forever. Child trafficking first received wide publicity in China 12 years ago, when police discovered 28 babies in the back of a bus.
            “They had been drugged to keep them quiet and put into nylon bags, where one died of suffocation. These traffickers were caught and sentenced to death. Traffickers have become more sophisticated now and are selling these babies online Four criminal gangs working in this way were caught and this led to 1,094 arrests and the rescue of 382 babies.
            “With approximately 200,000 children and babies being captured and sold, 382 babies is nothing! The Chinese Government has a real problem and it is only by public outcry that more must be done to safeguard these vulnerable children. Are they listening and do they even care?”
11th March 2015 (ladylydialondon twitter)

“Remember that there is only one Higher Intelligence.  Mankind gives that many names, but always that wisdom and love is directed to us.  We must never forget that whatever men direct as God’s will comes from men alone and that the Almighty is here for all men, women and children in his care.”

Is the Eurozone viable in its current form?
            “The Eurozone is not viable in its current form, which has been stated by one of the UK’s successful fund managers Neil Woodford. A good example of the Eurozone’s economic incompatibility can be found in the labour mobility.
            “This represents one of the most marked differences between the US states and the Eurozone countries. If employment rises in Detroit because the demand for cars falls, workers can move to a state where demands for work are needed. This eases Detroit’s unemployment problems. America does this frequently.
            “This is not true of Europe with their labour markets, which they are mainly due to culture and language. There is no common language in Europe and there would be friction if there was a common language. So if there was a shock demand in Detroit, it would not put the dollar at risk. Washington would transfer money to Motor City to allow for a rebalancing to occur.
            “This does not happen in Europe for many countries have surrendered their economic self-determination. The Germans have ignored this pressing need for action in their shared currency. Everyone can see Germany’s role in this tale.
            “Either agree to a fiscal integration, debt mutualisation and a genuine guarantee of the currency or unlock the system and give the Eurozone countries back their self-determination and bring this project to its conclusion. No matter what the language is that is spoken the investors can see the current crisis for what it really is, a vote of no confidence in the currency itself.”
9th March 2015 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do is in perfect harmony.”
Mahatma Gandhi        1869-1948

Wildlife Trophies Must Be Put Beyond Economic Use
            “The fight to preserve elephants and halt their demise carries on! Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta has set fire to 15 tonnes of elephant ivory as part of East Africa’s national efforts to curb poaching. The ivory had a black market value of $30m and is the largest consignment to be destroyed in Kenya.
            “The tusks taken were due to the slaughter of these animals by criminals. Rhinos are also poached for their horns and used in Chinese medicine. Conservationists have warned that elephants will soon be wiped out in certain parts of Africa.
“There has been a 25 year enforced ban of the ivory trade, but emerging markets once again put African elephants under threat. President Kenyatta’s example of burning the ivory is to show that wildlife trophies must be put beyond economic use.
            “Future generations need to see live elephants in the wild and where they can be appreciated for the magnificent beings they are. Elephants are a thing of beauty and majesty. We can all learn from these sensitive beings in how they conduct their lives and how we can be enlightened from their example.
            “President Kenyatta is poised to destroy the countries stockpile of ivory during this year. The stockpile of ivory was acquired and confiscated from poachers, who had been apprehended and relieved of their valuable cargo. Kenya is committed to combating this menace until this vile economy is dismantled.
            “Interpol has a new office in Kenya and this has proven to be a significant boost in this battle. Last month China imposed a one year ban on the import of ivory amid gross international pressure and criticism. The demand from Chinese consumers fuels the illegal poaching in Africa.
“Until extensive pressure continues on China, which is the major purchaser of ivory, nothing will really curb this destruction.”
4th March 2015 (jandmayers twitter)

“Left to our own devices we would soon fall from the path of right living, because the temptations of a modern existence seem to bypass the Universal Laws that were placed there for our guidance and our direction.”

At First You See Him and Then You Don’t
            “The director of a Russian museum, which was originally a Stalin-era prison camp, has now been taken over by the Russian authorities. All references to Stalin’s dictatorship crimes have been removed. This Stalin camp or Perm-36 is the only one surviving with all its buildings dating back to the Stalin terror.
            “The non-governmental group, who have been running the museum, are being replaced by government officials. In its day millions of Soviet citizens were sent to labour camps in the notorious Gulag System or shot, during Stalin’s hard-line communist rule. The worst of these repressions took place in 1930s.
            “Portraits of Stalin were removed after the scales of his crimes were revealed. The memorial of the camp won’t disappear, but the new people taking it over will change its content. It will become a museum about a camp system and not about political prisoners.
            “They don’t talk about the repression or about Stalin. During the life of this camp, there were up to 3,000 political prisoners under Stalin’s rule, about 1,000 under Leonid Brezhnev in 1970s. Many of the prisoners were Ukraine nationals and Baltic republics.
            “These nationalists are vilified in today’s state media. The camp was finally closed in 1988 and became a museum in 1996. The museum’s changeover is less about the rehabilitation of Stalin, more in connection with the political situation in the country today.
            “In the days of the cold war and before, if Russian citizens wanted to visit another town or city they would need to apply for a permit. If the reason for wanting to travel did not stand up to scrutiny then permission to travel was denied! Russia is slowly returning to this era.
            “Know there are more Russians with money living in London and the UK than anywhere else in the world. The freedom we all take for granted is what they are after, so they can conduct their businesses without Russia’s prying eyes.
            “The world is now seeing another creation of a Stalin-type state, where enormous power is in the hands of one man. Under President Putin, there is no need now for repression as they are either shot or in jail. The Russian people have become obedient.
            “The political system is returning to totalitarianism and the West wants to do business with this country? Understand there are more citizens trying to leave Russia then running to get in. We can all understand why!”
4th March 2015 (ladylydialondon twitter)

“We are never alone and if we ask for guidance we will receive it.  It isn’t always what we want, but it is always spiritually right and shows us what we need to do.”

Tidal Efficiency
“Plans to generate electricity from the world’s first series of tidal lagoons have been unveiled in the UK. The six lagoons, four in Wales and one each in Somerset and Cumbria will capture incoming and outgoing tides behind giant sea walls. The tides will use the weight of the water to power turbines and provide electricity.
            “The £1bn Swansea scheme is able to produce energy for 155,000 homes and is already in the planning scheme. The cost of generating the power will be high indeed, but as time goes by the lagoons will be able to produce electricity much more cheaply.
            “It is expected that six lagoons could generate 8% of the UK’s electricity for an investment of £30bn. The Government is in negotiation how much it can charge for the power. A price of £90-95 per MWh of power already looks favourable.
            “The lagoons are designed to last 120 years and are a much lower risk than nuclear. The UK has some of the biggest tidal ranges in the world and it would be useful to harness this clean energy for us and for the environment.”
2nd March 2015 (jandmayers twitter)

“When we take a firm step forwards in life, we do so in the conviction that it is the right and honourable way to go.  It is always better to have thought it through and asked for guidance so that we can go with confidence that we do it right.”

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype ladylydialondon and jandmayers
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk and www.living-proof.biz

The next Public Demonstration of Clairvoyance by Jenny and Michael Ayers

Wednesday, 29th April 2015              
07.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Finally we continue to send you our love and healing.  We wish you well as the world continues to change at a remarkable rate. The guides still continue to tell us what to expect, so we still know what we need to do in order to change our own mind-sets and work for the Greater Good for all to survive and progress as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

Our Twitter messages and comments now number 32,929 over the two addresses to followers from all over the world.