28 February 2016

February Newsletter 2016


What Brings Us the Necessary Peace We All Aspire To?

We must all learn to live in the present as to continuingly be living in the future keeps us wanting more and more.

We are all humans, rarely satisfied with what we have and, for many of us, we find we need to constantly want more.

Until we start to learn to live in the present with all that we already have, we will never find peace on Earth.

The future will always accommodate our needs no matter what they are.

We, as souls who guide Mankind along his/her quest in life, are always given exactly what the individual needs at any given time.

It is by being in different circumstances in our lives that we are able to be thankful for what we have now.

We are all in a place we are meant to be at and enjoy and to understand that we must appreciate whatever we have, be it health, well-being, love or security.

If we ever take any of these things for granted then we will find we will in fact lose them.

It is necessary to understand the process of living in the moment where we have well-being, that the Universal Love surrounds us constantly and that our security is at the very heart of what we enjoy at every moment of that day.

Look now at what you already have and how well in fact is your life.

Mankind cannot have everything at once otherwise there will never be any appreciation when it finally comes in.

We are all moving at a very fast pace and what is applicable today may not be tomorrow.

We must trust that in our ever-changing world, we are always looked after.  Our needs are all duly met and that we are always saved, no matter what the crises are around us.

It is the Universal Love that sustains all our needs at every given moment and is the fount of knowledge, which brings us the necessary peace we all aspire to.

“We all need to consider the Greater Good when we pause to make our decisions and our choices.  It benefits nobody if we gain the whole world and lose our own souls!”

World Peace is on the Way as the World Order Changes
            “Time for everybody appears to be running out – that simply is not the case. It is the events that allow for time to become everlasting and progressive. All of Mankind must take stock of their time on this earth and to see their own input into what is necessary.
            “We all have a vested interest in how things are manifested and how events unfold. Mankind plays the role in achieving great feats of endurance and accomplishments.
            “We are all striving forwards to bring about action, which will be able to save Mankind on so many levels. The turning point has already begun and events, which were stagnant and at a stalemate situation, are being broken down.
            “The impasse no longer applicable, as new and important decisions in world peace are now at the forefront of every discussion. World leaders now know they have no choice, but to obey the Higher Calling.
            “They must bring about the necessary transition, so that lives will be saved and the future secure. A new development in world peace is being actively discussed with the right objectives now in place.
            “No one can have the right to sabotage such a Universal objective, as they will become the piranha of all time. Mankind stands united to bring about revolutionary progress and advanced ideas to shape up the future for this world.
“The masterstroke having been achieved, a new order of power is being formed. No one can afford to turn their backs on what already has been decreed.
            “See China come to the table and give substantial support towards world peace, the likes that haves not been seen before. Their intransigence is no longer. Their might, their positive support and stance, is!
“Begin to see a new world order, where USA will be forced to take a back seat and eat humble pie for the many misdeeds they have committed. Never again will they see themselves as a world power. Their attitude and input is no more recognised.
            “They have lost their standing and shame will be brought to this country as never before. They will be suppressed and, while licking their wounds, will not be allowed to enter into discussions unless aided by other countries.
“A situation for them, which will be intolerable, but necessary to stop their dominance! The world order now changed forever!”
25th February 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“To live a balanced life is the aim for each and every one of us.  We need to do no harm, but help where we can and always give our love and thanks to the Creator who made us.”

Mockery of Lies
            “The most important thing is one must be honest with oneself. If we are not, then our lives can never be fulfilled or in fact be real. It becomes a mockery of lies that all can see, except the individual themselves.
            “We must all face up to the facts of who we are and what lies in our heart. By trusting our instincts and being positive about our feelings, always allows for changes to occur – a better life is realised.
            “From there, taking little steps forwards, we can become confident and reassured. This allows us to grow and to develop as a stronger, more honest person and where lies no longer have a place in our lives.
            “We become automatically liberated for all time, which brings in happiness and peace of mind to enter in. We no longer need to sacrifice ourselves anymore!”
23rd February 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

 “It is so simple to understand and yet so many ignore this simple rule of life and go out to get what they want for themselves alone.  Alas they ignore the needy and bask in their own selfishness.”

No Points for Self-Sacrifice
            “What is so important today is that man no longer should sacrifice themselves for another. They have to see their own worth and to move on instead of holding up a person, who doesn’t wish to help themselves.
            “Help of a higher nature always comes in and restores the mental imbalance that has been caused by misery and neglect. Souls are saved every day and now it is time that those, who have sacrificed their lives in helping another, to now look to their own needs.
            “It is time for all of us to re-evaluate ourselves and to see where we can help ourselves further. When we ask for help, it always comes in and in a far better way than Mankind himself can give.
            “We must always expect the best and the best will come in. By asking in the right way, impossible circumstances are changed for the better. We then are uplifted and the strain of living is no more.
            “For those who are afraid to ask, they will continue in their misery and uncertainty of life until they can finally realise that a Greater Intelligence can guide them forwards.
            “Salvation, in so many directions, is there for Mankind to experience and to take the necessary pathway that is right for them. All are given chances to expand their knowledge and wellbeing and to know they are always saved no matter how hard life appears to them.
            “The saving hand appears on time and is the necessary impact we all deserve. Life need not be hard. When we ask for help, we are all saved and enlightened in a better life.”
15th February 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The way to Heaven on Earth is within us to make and find.  By living and thinking as The Master Jesus taught us, we can attain that state of peace and harmony.”

We Must Teach More than the Three Rs
            “More and more broken homes are becoming the norm. Society needs to teach our young people how to behave and what is expected of them as adults in relationships.
            “Too many people are acting badly, have no regard for each other and are merrily going on their way in destroying each other. Education in school, on how to behave correctly in society and in relationships, is a must these days.
            “It can no longer just be reading, writing and mathematics that are taught, but how to be well-mannered and considerate towards each other. Too many souls are being damaged at the hands of young people and adults. Their mental emotional scars are with them for a lifetime.
“Society needs to address the balance and learn to produce healthy stable citizens. Not the continuous damaged ones that are being churned out now. Children, at an early stage, need to learn how to behave and parents need to accept their parental duties.
            “Too often it is left to the women to bring up the children, the man leaving his parental duties to go off and enjoy himself somewhere else. Society is breeding a nation of single parents and emotionally damaged children with no help.
            “Society has to take its responsibility and act now for the sake of all its citizens. It must bring in education to each child on how they must behave and what is expected of them in society.
            “By shirking on their responsibilities, they have already reaped the damaged souls of today, tomorrow and the days, months after that. Our society is already broken and we have each other to thank for that, as we all decided to look the other way and do nothing to help!”
10th February 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Our souls do not age, but build with the experience that we pass through.  It is in our hands whether we love on positive loving vibrations or the negative harshness of man’s inhumanity to man.”
The Raging Bulls in the Middle East
            “Many are asked, but few are chosen. Now is the case that many will be asked and chosen to bring peace in the Middle East for this is the prime objective now.
            “The raging bulls at the negotiating table can no longer be tolerated. It is time for hard talking and hard thinking to occur. We have collectively all failed Mankind and it is high time that the balance and moral judgement take the high ground at the peace talks.
            “Nothing can/is gained by continuing warfare. The larger more powerful nations no longer wish to get involved, all rests on the few still committed to everlasting destruction.
            “Assad will fail in his mission to secure his stranglehold on an already broken society. His term in office is almost over. He will be taken out soon enough.
            “The void/vacuum created by his removal will leave the various interested parties to gather up what is left of the spoils. These are largely nothing. The land reduced to rubble and destroyed by infection and dangerous gases will reap no yields for several decades.
            “The people cannot live on a barren empty land”. Once this country has been divided up by the so called winners, they stand closely by to inspect their prize. They will see that they will get precious little in return for their greed and unconcern for the people.
            “The destructive powers will see no return for their part in this desecration of life and land. So an uneasy justice will occur and nothing is gained from nothing!
            “Salvation comes from hard talking and action, where war ends right now, so a slow but methodical reconstruction can occur.
            “Again this will take decades to achieve and lost generations are now being realised.
7th February 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“There is far too much reliance on the material life and what we think we need to exist in happiness.  The most important things are God-given and are free, such as love and good health.  If we look after our bodies we will be spared ill-health.”

Nothing Goes Unseen, Unnoticed
            “Those who help others are always saved, always looked after. They are the chosen ones of this world and are the backbones of society. Without this special group of people looking after humanity, humanity would have been destroyed by now.
            “The tyrants and the despots of this world can never succeed in their threats and their regimes. All come to their end in time. The good will always triumph over evil and the light will shine brightly in the dark.
            “Where there appears to be nothing, something is always found and goodness prevails over impossibility. All should look to their futures and see the many helping hands along the way.
            “All must acknowledge this help and to see their part played in it. We all stand to gain in so many ways and as and when we do we will see that those special chosen people were there for us to help along the way.
            “Nothing that we do goes unseen, unnoticed!”
4th February 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“We came here to this earth plane in order to be of service to our fellow man, woman and child that surround us.  We all need to help one another, so that this time on this plane of existence is not beset with pain and suffering.”

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype ladylydialondon and jandmayers
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk and www.living-proof.biz

The next Public Demonstration of Clairvoyance by Jenny and Michael Ayers

Wednesday, 16th March 2016             07.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Finally we continue to send you our love and healing.  We wish you well as the world continues to change at a remarkable rate. The guides still continue to tell us what to expect, so we still know what we need to do in order to change our own mind-sets and work for the Greater Good for all to survive and progress as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

Our Twitter forecasts and comments now number 47,011 over the two addresses to followers from all over the world.