19 July 2010

July Newsletter 2010



MUSTAFA'S MESSAGE reminds us that "If You Are Going Through Hell – Keep Going"

"Where there is hope there is always life.  Too many people seem to walk away, cut off from what they should be doing.  It is always easy when times are bad to bury one's head in the sand hoping it will all go away, where inaction almost freezes us into a desperate state of affairs.

"We become paralysed, almost morbid with the entire affair.  Instead we should always try to remain positive and work through it.  Winston Churchill's quote, "If you are going through hell – keep going" is so true.

"Never vegetate in a hellish situation.  Keep going.  Ride through what seems an impossible task.  If your mind remains positive at all times, those thoughts are like strong beacons being sent out to the Universe and these strong signals are picked up.

"That message is interpreted, so that help and a positive outcome becomes possible.  The Universe, like your mind, is made up of vibrational energies which blend together in the mix, so to speak.

"Where there is a positive outlook, then those positive elements are then stimulated and spark up into action and that positive action transmutes into a change of events, which can turn a negative situation into a positive charge.

"This allows circumstances, which were grave and awful, to fall away and so a better outcome emerges and what was once thought of as a lost situation, new fire of life emerges and new life is born.

"So out of nothing, a stalemate situation of hopelessness, new vibrational energies of the positive type overcomes the situation and new life becomes possible.

"Once you begin to understand the concept and start to attract the positive vibrational energies, then they will begin to manifest in your life.  So all energy, good or bad, will affect your life in some way or another – ask for the positive to come to you and so it will be.

"Think negativity and so the negative vibrations are equally drawn to you.  Speak good words.  Think good deeds.  All that is good comes your way.  So your thoughts, whether good or bad, will be attracted to your situation.  You in a way command these vibrational energies to come to you and they in time will become a large part of your life.

"It is never too late to change your thinking from the negative or pessimistic to the positive or optimistic thoughts.  Try it and see.  It actually does work. 

"What your thoughts are will determine your future and your future outcome, so if your thoughts are, "Oh, I'll never get a job" so never is probably right.

"If your thoughts however are, "I will get a job" then the avenue opens up for you for jobs to come in.

"You allow that opportunity to activate itself, so that the positive outcome will occur.  So with negative thinking, you push situations away from you.  By positive thinking you create the atmosphere for better opportunities always coming your way.

"These vibrations are activated and the positive response always comes to you, so keep hoping.  Remain positive in all matters and begin to see your life change in so many ways.

"You really can make a difference to your lives.  The position is in your hands.  The Universe does answer the call, which way will you react is your choice alone!
"God bless, Mustafa."
The Gateway into the Higher Life

          The spirit with transfigured face, gazing raptly upon some vision, said: "Look at that open door!  It is so beautifully engraved.  It has engraving on it:
The Door of Life
Understanding of Life
Understanding of God in the True Sense

            "The door is opening, very slowly and we look in.  What a beautiful Hall!  The altar in front is so beautiful, so beautiful!  On the altar, in the centre, is a beautiful statue which represents Wisdom.  There is a statue of Truth, one of Love, one of Understanding, one of Honesty, one of Life and one of Modesty.
            "Wisdom is the centre statue.  There are seven statues in all, each holding a light, each one of seven colours – three on each side of Wisdom, each with a light, all blending into Wisdom, the beautiful white light.

Truth              Honesty
Love                                                    Life
Understanding                                                                                   Modesty

            "From these colours come the seven musical notes.  Each note corresponds to a colour and then goes forward to the centre and blends into Wisdom.  There the real truth of life and an understanding of God is learned.
            "That is beautiful.  See those colours blend!  They go on and on, blending in all ways, into forms, into all kinds of shapes, into stars and flowers and then they become music.
            "Now they form into leaves, buds and flowers – music taking form and colour.  The music itself – I never heard such beautiful music.
            "They say to me: "This is the Gateway into the Higher Life.  You have had a glimpse of it, but you cannot be there"
            "There is one who says: "We have to learn our lessons, to be humble, to be charitable, to serve.  Learn to be honest and sincere, then you can enter that beautiful Hall.  Take up the cross and follow me.
            "That cross represents crucifying of self – selfishness, jealousy, envy, bigotry, dogma, creeds, false belief and pride.  Take your cross and follow me.""
From Thirty Years among the Dead by Carl A. Wickland, M.D.


            We are receiving an increasing number of emails asking us to send them on to other people on our mailing list.  I have been caught twice, but no more.
            My information from a good source tells me that the majority are used as a way to pass on virus as not all protection programmes are one hundred percent effective.
            Please don't send us any chain mail and we will not pass any on to you.

The Miraculous Power of Water

            As registered healers Jenny and Michael have known about the miraculous power of water for some time as they have worked in their own ministry of healing.
            A recent article suggested it was only known by "gifted" people, but this is not necessarily so.  What is true is that a positive spirit and belief system, which is resident in the true spiritual worker, allows the healing properties to be effective whereas negativity will render it inactive.
            Jesus, who was the greatest spiritual healer to have practiced on this earth plane, knew when his healing would be successful and when it would not, because his knowing showed him the positive or negative belief system of the 'patient'.
            There are so many 'miraculous cures' attributed to natural water sources.  Belief and prayer aid the healing process and allow the right positive energies to dominate the negativity of the condition of the dis-ease.  The three most successful watering places for cures are said to be:
            The Jesus Chahin well in the small Mexican town of Tlacote is the most popular.  Here the molecular composition of the water weighs less than normal drinking water.  Theo Tommes' spring water is a mine in the district of Schmakenberg in Germany at Nordenau.  Here in 1992 scientific investigation discovered 30% total cure of visitors with 28% reporting significant improvements to their health.
            In September 1992 water unexpectedly came gushing out of a tube well in the village of Nadana, north of Delhi, India.  Many who bathed in the water were cured of their skin diseases and many more claimed improvement to their health.
            The ancient form of divination of water scrying or hydromancy was apparently used by Nostradamus to observe the future through the water movements in the bowl.  That may be true or not, but we prefer the continued clairaudience from our guides who serve us well and our many clients also.

We recently received these words from a lady on Mindfulness
                                               You need not do anything
                                                Remain sitting at your table and listen
                                                Just wait
                                                And you need not even wait
                                                Just become quiet and still and solitary
                                                And the world will offer itself to you
                                                To be unmasked
                                                It has no choice
                                                It will roll in ecstasy at your feet.
                                                                                                                                               Senses by Franz Kafka
            I am grateful that a recent course in Mindfulness has 'unmasked' my world.  I am learning to be 'quiet and still' and to be mindful of all that is around me.   Mindfulness is defined as 'paying attention in a particular way - on purpose, in the present moment and non judgementally.'  (Jon Kabat-Zinn)  Training all my senses, I am learning to detach myself from intrusive thoughts and to live in the present moment. My mood is lifted. How liberating it is to really savour and to enjoy simple things such as the taste of a raisin or the feel of cool grass beneath the feet.   There is another priceless benefit. In the stillness of my quietened mind, my spirit guide can reach me. He is now truly ever present. As when the glass is cleared, the light floods in.

The Past is Alive and Broadcasting

            A World War II Pye valve wireless is currently picking up vintage broadcasts featuring Winston Churchill and Glen Miller's music without having a power source.
            The historic aerodrome of Montrose in Scotland, where it is, is now a heritage centre and is a well-known source of paranormal sightings and sounds going back nearly a century.
            Several people have apparently heard Second World War broadcasts.  They come at irregular intervals and usually last about half an hour.
            Technicians who have examined the wireless found only cobwebs and spiders.  For more information go to the heritage centre website www.rafmontrose.org.uk

Kids Who See Ghosts: How to Guide Them through Fear is a new book by Caron B. Goode, who is a psychotherapist from Fort Worth, Texas.
            "Whether children play with imaginary friends or are convinced they are visited by "spooks and apparitions" depends on their upbringing.  Generally, children at the age of two, three or four aren't able to distinguish between a ghost and a purely imaginary playmate," she says.  "By the time they are seven, eight or nine they are able to distinguish between an apparition and a shadow on the bed."
            She talks about apparitions that she saw as a child aged eight and also those that some of her young patients have brought to her.
            "Some children have one experience and some have a lot.  Sometimes these experiences can be attributed to stress, reactions to trauma, distress, fluctuating blood sugar levels or sleep deprivation – even plain daydreaming.  You need to look deeper and see how the child is coping with stress.
            "I don't want children going to bed scared or shaking.  I don't want them to grow into adults who are afraid of their environment.  If the book helps parents to understand their child might need to take a toy sword and fight the ghost in order to work through this, I'll be happy."
Published by Red Wheel/Weiser  ISBN-10: 1578634725  ISBN-13: 978-1578634729

Some thoughts from White Feather

Bring some Peace into Your Life

It is now that people need to manifest much needed Peace within their lives. The necessity to stabilise ones mind is becoming clearer to some who see the warning signs.

Peace allows the mind to open to new levels of understanding. Once the process is started, you will see how you may need to change your lifestyles in this hectic world of uncertainty to remain on firm ground.

Allow the Power of Peace to enter the hearts and minds of each and everyone of you, as it is in these difficult times that you need to remain calm and by going forwards with this within you, you will succeed.

God bless you all,

White Feather

          Please explore our Site and tell others who are like minded about it.  Mustafa's guidance on 'Where has our Caring Society gone', Movement always Comes when you Least Expect it, None of Us are Perfect and 'Start to be Grateful' is at www.spiritualist-guidance.org with much more…

We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.

Finally we send you our love and wish you well as the World continues to change and we must change too as Mustafa gives us guidance as to what we should be doing to help and survive.