MUSTAFA'S MESSAGE tells us that
"A New Kind of Evolution is Born"
"We are never content to just be. Us, ourselves, are never enough. We are always striving for something else all the time.
"Happiness really does start and end in us. Who are we? Are we happy with ourselves in our own skin/body?
"That contentment when practiced and believed, will bring to us a certain strength, a stabilization that we are content to be just who we are.
"Once we have achieved that, then we become a whole person, self sufficient in so many ways.
"There will be periods in everybody's life when loneliness hits us and it is at this time that we are able to truly find out whom we are and how do we operate alone.
"Can we survive? Have we the means to manage on our own?
"It is at this time that a greater understanding of our strengths comes in. We begin to understand what we're capable of doing and achieving.
"For many this becomes a very productive time and it allows us to grow into a more purposeful and accommodating person.
"We find we have to rely on ourselves. We have nobody else to rely on. When we are thirsty it is us alone who has to get that drink. We cannot ask anybody else as we are alone.
"So we start to manage ourselves in a better more organised way. We grow both in mental, emotional and physical strength. A pattern to our lives begins to form and slowly we begin to be content with a routine that we have made for ourselves.
"We start to feel more safe and loneliness is no longer a problem. We find we are able to cope far better than we first thought, so we begin to grow and evolve and this is our greatest time.
"Once we feel strong enough and experienced in coping, we are less frightened. We become strong and efficient in our own world.
"Then, should we require another person to come into our lives when we are ready, that happens and a partnership of love is evolved.
"This partnership is strong because we are strong and we can cope, because we have had to, so there is no pressure on this new relationship but mutual appreciation and support.
"Happiness, that we were able to find in ourselves in the right way, can then be transferred to another. As we give to ourselves, we are then ready to give to another and happiness continues both within and without.
"A new kind of evolution is born.
"God bless, Mustafa."
Jenny and Michael will soon be on the move away from their present address in East Sussex and as the work begins to change as predicted from the Spirit Realms, so will the new order be born and greater responsibilities will be placed on them.
See later Newsletters for further details as they emerge through the predictions of Mustafa, who has been paving the way and smoothing out the directions as in trust and love they venture forth.
Never feel stuck in that rut that you call life. There are always new avenues and courses to run and your life is in your own hands. Sure we all have responsibilities, but those are for the greater good around us and that includes our families, who either support us well or go their own way and, if the latter, then seek a life for yourself to be happy. Ask and with the right intentions it will be given to you. Seek and you will find.
"It is in the believing that you are saved. The outcome has already been blessed,"
– Mustafa.
The Spark of Life
"Let all in this little circle find themselves and God, because you and God are one.
"Here is a big light, say a candle, which stands in the centre. Around it are smaller candles, but they are all part of the same materials as the larger candle. You take the smaller candles and light them from the big one, then you have the spark of Life. Can you then understand what is meant by being a spark of God?
"When you die, as Christians call it, you only blow out the candle. The tallow has gone back to the elements.
"Find God within you, then you have Power, Strength and Love, and the learning to get Wisdom."
Esovilia Chevilia, Esquimo
Some thoughts from White Feather
Jenny & Michael's House Move
Dear Jenny & Michael,
This move signifies the start of new beginnings. The long and hard journey you have both been on is at last starting to become fruitful and positive. No longer will you have to scrape for basic survival; the fruits of your labour will now be given as it has always been intended.
The new dwelling is of much charm and will see you very happy, a much brighter picture. You are always shown the right way, so allow yourselves to rest in the knowledge you will be gently led to the door where you will continue long and happy life. The property is situated on the outskirts of a village or town in a NW direction from your current position.
Sit back and relax as it is all taken care of and it will be a smooth transition with little to no interruption.
God bless you, White Feather
Through all the ages of earthly existence there have been messengers from the gods or angels to guide the paths of men, so why is it that the material greed is too great to allow the true help and guidance to help you fulfil your calling to help your fellow man through their difficulties?
A lady has written to share with us all
The power of hope is crucial and, for this reason, I try to keep the following verse in mind.
Hope is the thing
With feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune
Without the words,
And never stops at all.
Emily Dickinson
I would ask everybody who have a blog or website put a link into ours. If you do it will help Google to help spread the word.....
Please explore our Site and tell others who are like minded about it. Mustafa's guidance on 'A League of Nations for the Greater Good', 'For Those who Work and Live Spiritually' and 'Allow Your Future to be Shown to You' is at with much more…
We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.
Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for the rest of 2010
Friday, 10th September 2010
7.30pm Dorking Awareness, Odd Fellows Hall, Dorking
Sunday, 14th November 2010
06.30pm Tonbridge Spiritual Centre,
Saturday, 27th November 2010
07.30pm Lantern of Light, Burgess Hill,
Demonstration of Clairvoyance Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Finally we send you our love and wish you well as the World continues to change and Mustafa's words continue to tell us what we can expect and gives us guidance as to what we should be doing to help and survive.
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