30 October 2012

October Newsletter 2012


“Are We as Parents the Best People to Bring up our Children?
          “The situation of our children, with the abuse scandals that are all around and coupled with the teenage gang culture, which is plaguing our cities, everything appears out of control.

          “Young people today are having to go outside the family to organisations for help in their times of severe trouble and unrest.

          “Schools are offering counselling much of which is dire, as these so called counsellors are not doing their job effectively enough, because they do not have the experience to give those who are in turmoil in ever increasing numbers, some kind of a direction to ease their suffering.

          “Much of the suffering is on the home front, where parents who have their own problems and their own agendas inflict these on the children whose lives they are meant to protect.

          “Many parents are psychologically damaged from their own parents and so learnt behaviour is often passed on.  Their children then begin to suffer at the hands of these parents and so the cycle continues until therapy finally sorts one or all of them out and harmony in the family home begins to stabilise.

          “An alcoholic parent will often teach the child unwittingly that severe drinking is acceptable, coupled with the behavioural problems that go with it.  The child begins to grow up in an environment of unrest and severe upheaval, not knowing who to turn to and who can help them to be released from this daily abusive situation.

          “A parent sometimes has behavioural problems and is dictatorial and changeable to the extent that the child does not know from one minute to the next what is normal about that parent and what is not.  In the confusion of a topsy-turvy home life, the child’s confusion exacerbates until they do not know how to behave as they are unsettled in an unsettled atmosphere. 

“This then forms a situation where the child to secure a kind of sanity becomes withdrawn and quiet, the parents never realising there is anything wrong with the child, as they have their own sets of problems to deal with, which they often fail to recognise in themselves and therefore are not able to recognise them in their own children.  

“Abuse, whether it is sexual or emotional in families, is rife.  The sexual act is usually caused by the father onto the daughter or the grandfather onto the granddaughter.  The child is instructed that the adult loves them and this is their little secret and nothing must be said.  The child has to suffer the abuse until it is of an age that they feel they can start to fight back.  All that time suffering in silence, their world shattered for all time.

“Often it is known, but overlooked and this is the irresponsibility of parents within the family home, where the home is supposed to be a safe haven.  In many cases it is a constant battle ground.

“Love and understanding within the family home is in very short supply these days, as the parents have to work primarily to keep a roof over their heads and of their children also.

“Parents don’t have the time or in many cases the inclination to love their children, so this is where the children go out of the home seeking love and affection, another kind of family.  This is where the various gang cultures stem from, where loyalty to the surrogate family takes them in and cares for them, but for a price.

“The children of the gangs have a unity, which was not there in the family home and where they are listened to and help within that support group is often given.

“Home life now is not what it used to be and parents now have to see the kind of society they indirectly have bred and have brought upon themselves, where we have failed our children in so many ways.

“We must start to repair the damage and to instruct on what is right and wrong.  Old fashion principles and laws within the family unit will need to go back to basics, where all start to talk to one another and where grievances are expressed and put right, so we are able to teach our children that love exists in the home and that the boundaries are there for all, not only the children to live and work by.

“If we as parents cannot demonstrate by our own actions, we cannot expect our children to do the same.  They must learn by these examples that to behave well is acceptable and to behave badly simply is not.

“We have all been complacent by allowing our children to watch the soaps on television, where the characters exploit one another with serious bad language and behaviour.  We have accepted this as being alright and, as a result, bad behaviour is all around us.  We, as a nation, have lost respect for one another and we now reap this lackadaisical attitude every day.

“Our children are being abused right, left and centre and we, the parents, sit back and think somebody else should do our work for us.  It is our responsibility to act as responsible loving parents or we reap what we sow.

“Look at the world today with the amount of paedophiles, sexual predators and psychologically damaged people that are out there and nobody has been there to save them.  Isn’t it time we did?

          “God bless, Jenny.”
Tuesday, 30th October 2012

The door is wide open now with regards to the Savile affair.  Nothing will stop this legal process from unravelling what was a sordid time at the BBC and other institutions.  The BBC cover up, which was known by a few so called respected people of society, will see their cover of secrecy blown for all time.  It is now that the police will be able to get a good lead on the various perpetrators of this disgusting violation of human life whose lives have been totally ruined by this scam.  Heads will indeed role, as more evidence will come to the fore and be squeezed by the Spiritual machine of decency and love.

The juvenile gang culture in this country will be sorted out as more investment of money to alleviate the suffering of so many young people, who have lost their way where the standards of home behaviour have left little to no understanding to the young people of what true behaviour is all about.  The parents of these children have let them down and it is they now that must take the stand of their own irresponsibility together with their own retribution.
28th October 2012 (jandmayers twitter)

Women are equal and should be respected as such, as Jesus respected women as disciples, as teachers to the masses

The 4th Century Papyrus fragment, which makes reference to Jesus having a wife, could not be better timed. The wife, who is identified by the name of Mary, is wholly significant in today’s modern world, but also about the world at that time”
The creation of women as equal has always been. It is men and the Church’s teachings that women are but second-class citizens and not allowed their place as individuals and equals.
            In olden days women were revered and worshipped as the giver of life and protector of their people. It was men’s fear alone which put a stop to that and created an edict that women became second-class citizens so that they could remain in power and lessen the rights of women just to be.
            It is these misogamist men throughout the world, who still hold power today in the Churches and as rulers. Jesus and all the prophets of the land before and since have all spoken about Love, care and compassion to all.
There has never been any talk of women being second-class citizens or to be sold as slaves like cattle. The Churches are in disarray and they feel they cannot open their doors to women as priests and bishops for fear of losing their own status.
            These priests have done enough damage.  That is why the Churches are now failing and falling. With this Papyrus being exposed now by the media is not coincidental, but questions every part of society in every corner of the world, which is going through this vast transition of change.
            Women are equal and should be respected as such, as Jesus respected women as disciples, as teachers to the masses.  His loyal disciple Mary Magdalene was the first person whom he wished to appear to after his crucifixion, because he had faith that she would deliver his words correctly, that he had risen from the dead.
            So now it is happening that women will become more recognised as equals. It is up to the women themselves globally to come together to make that difference to remember they are only second-class citizens, because they allow themselves to be dominated by men.
The revolution towards women is not only for equality, but for everything that women stand for, which is Love and peace. Fewer wars would happen if women were in charge.
The economic banking crisis would not have happened if women were overseeing these situations. Let men have their testosterone. That is not a problem, but to have it where they can do no harm would be best advised.
2nd October 2012 (ladylydialondon twitter)

           Lost Teachings of Atlantis

To Be Whole
with the One Again
Is the Great Goal.
The Great Mountain
we can climb
with our Will.
For Those who Take Power over
Their Selfish Separate Self,
Will Return
And Be Wholly One.

The Wholly Ones use the Power of
Sacrifice Their Selfish Separate
And Make To Give.

Thusly did they Find Their Spiritual
Self Again.
Thusly do they Forever Walk
With the Peace of the Whole,
And in Their Wholiness,
are a Blessing to All.

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
www.spiritualist-guidance.org and www.living-proof.biz

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for WINTER 2012
Sunday, 18th November 2012
06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Sunday, 10th February 2013
06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Demonstration of Clairvoyance

Divine Service including Clairvoyance
          Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the world continues to change. Our Twitter forecasts (now with 1992 followers from all over the world) continue to tell us what to expect, so we know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks and help the greater good to survive as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

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