31 December 2012

December Newsletter 2012


“What Does 2013 Hold for You?”

Mankind throughout the ages and even up to the present day believes he is right in so many ways – the full stubbornness, which propels Mankind headlong into situations, where he shouldn’t even be in the first place.

Advice from a Higher Intelligence was given when asked for and inspite of this many still think they know best and go headlong into situations, which they as individuals have been advised against.  Yet again they think they know best and carry on regardless on their own path of destruction.

As time goes by, they who are in the middle of it can begin to see the various circumstances they have put themselves in as not being right.  Yet again their egos tell them if they work hard enough or apply themselves more, all will come right for them in the long run.  Even with the help from friends and family members, it still will not go right for them.

Finally the time will come when circumstances around them come to breaking point.  Everything by this time has already broken down, inspite of their hard worked for efforts.

Relationships are strained to breaking point.  They have lost a great deal of money.  Their reputation is in tatters with low morale and lack of confidence hits them hard.  The individuals then start to question, “Why did it all go wrong?  I put everything I had into it and now I have nothing to show for it.” 

It is then that the reality finally hits home and then they begin to remember the advice that was given all that time ago.  “Do not venture down this road.  It will not work out.”

The full horror of their actions is finally revealed to them.  Excuses of all manner of things will be given to excuse them from it being their fault.  It can never be their fault, they have done everything humanly possible to make it work, but it hasn’t.

Mankind at last comes to his/her senses and screaming now in desperate mental and physical pain, they again ask for help.  The truth of their actions is plain for all to see.

Help then comes in.  It will of course take time for The Higher Intelligence to rectify the damage that that individual has put themselves in.  With time and much effort by The Higher Intelligence, the new way is given.   The new pathway is shown and then, and only then, is salvation realised.

Had Mankind listened and acted on the advice given in the first place, all hardships, despair and breakdown would have been avoided.  Mankind thinks he knows best and more often than not, he does not.

When advice is given and not taken, then Mankind must take on board the gross responsibilities for their actions no matter how much it hurts.  Then new advice from The Higher Intelligence is given to rectify situations and a new outcome of a different sort is given.

What will be interesting is, will Mankind have learnt from the experience or will they continue to go their own way, because they think they know best?

The Higher Intelligence knows the entire picture, is armed with the facts and therefore is able to give a clear indication and is therefore qualified to give the correct advice.

Mankind is not privy to all the facts, all the information years ahead and therefore only thinks they know and it is this dangerous assumption that leads Mankind into all sorts of problems.  In severe cases of misjudgement people’s lives are put at risk. Some even die.  That is how treacherous their own ego can be and land them in it.

It can be heart-breaking and very devastating.  They will in time have to come to terms with their own mistakes.  Before you enter into any situation, where you think you know the facts, but highly likely you do not, then consult with The Higher Intelligence and have peace of mind.

In the long run it will be worth it, unless of course your own intelligence is deemed higher than The Higher Intelligence and you go your own way.  Think before you act and then think again!

The New Year will bring many challenges to so many people.  Are you ready to know what it holds for you?

          Jenny Ayers
Monday, 31st December 2012

As we are all here after surviving that Apocalypse on 21st it is worth reflecting on what Mustafa gave us in answer to a question on 9th September 2009, “Is the World going to end in 2012?”

“You must be joking.  This World hopefully by then will be set on a path of some type of righteous living and working.
“All those who were selfish in one way or another will already have received their comeuppance and another wave of spiritual enlightenment, like a wave form, will start to further oust all small growths of unrest.
“Those people who have bought boats or even dwellings that will float at their so called appointed time, when the sea waters will rise and the land lost, will be so very disappointed.
“Yes, the flood waters will rise, but equally there will be enormous droughts and much famine of which this Globe had not experienced for centuries.
“Until Man is aware that food is not in unlimited supply overall and where destruction to land and livestock occurs, so the delicate balance of nature then falls down.
“Crops are not able to mature and in some cases are not able even to take root.  The Earth does not have an inexhaustible supply of food.  It is all starting to run out.
“Crops are indeed affected and the current climate, both economical and environmental, has brought about these collapses.
So the World will not end in 2012, but there will be a vast reawakening to Mankind that they must put precious resources to work and that they take precedence over profit every time.
“Profit to Man is of no use if that person is starving.  A luxury house is of no use if you are dying of thirst and there is no longer water to drink.
“The World can only supply so much and until Mankind comes to his senses then more will have to suffer until the necessary adjustment is put into action.
“So the World will not blow up and cease to exist.  It will however be on a path to get matters of enormous necessity for the sustaining of human life back into balance, whereby new ways to produce food and water are realised and a new beginning starts to evolve.
“It will only be a start, but in itself that is something – God bless, Mustafa.”

21st December 2012 (ladylydialondon twitter)

“The so called End of the World was given a generous lift off by so many people.  The new beginnings are about to come into the mind-set of so many, who will see this time to reflect and to understand that a new beginning is possible, if only they will try for the sake of themselves and for humanity as a whole.
“Every person will start to look at themselves and see where they have been found wanting and where if their own mind-sets had been less rigid, less aggressive, then a calmer more productive path would have been open to them.  There is time now to change and to benefit from the new energies coming our way.  The death of an old era and the birth of a new one is already born.”


Can we at last strike back against the Poachers?

‘Drones could soon be helping protect rhinos, tigers and elephants in Africa and Asia, thanks to cash from Google. Controlled via a tablet computer, the small autonomous aircraft will photograph poachers and track animals via smart radio tags. The World Wildlife Fund added the $5m (£3.1m) grant, which would also fund software that could map where poachers strike. And it was developing a mobile DNA sampling kit to match body parts with animals. The WWF said poaching and trafficking of body parts was having a devastating effect on the wild populations of some species, setting back decades long conservation efforts. The past 12 months have seen a significant rise in attacks on some animals, such as rhinos. In five years the number of rhinos killed in South Africa has risen from 13 to 588, according to statistics from Traffic, which monitors the trade in endangered animal parts. WWF president Carter Roberts said: "We face an unprecedented poaching crisis. The killings are way up. We need solutions that are as sophisticated as the threats we face. This pushes the envelope in the fight against wildlife crime." Google gave the WWF the cash as part of its Global Impact Award programme. The first round of these awards handed out $23m (£14.2m) to seven separate organisations.’

            ‘South Africa has signed a deal with Vietnam to help curb the rising number of illegally slaughtered rhinos, officials announced on Monday. The price of rhino horn - used in traditional medicine in Asian countries - has soared. Rhino poaching is already banned under international conventions but figures show the number of rhinos killed in 2012 was nearly double the 2010 figure. South Africa is home to about 85% of Africa's estimated 25,000 rhinos. Conservation groups have welcomed the move as the first official co-operation between the two nations on the issue. The trade in rhino horn has been banned by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (Cites) since 1980. At least 618 rhinos have been poached in South Africa in 2012, nearly double the number of those killed in 2010, latest official figures show. Most of the killings took place in the world-famous Kruger National Park.’

From UN climate talks in Doha, Qatar
The representatives for the small island states are at severe risk from climate change was vociferous. "We see the package before us as deeply deficient in mitigation (carbon cuts) and finance. It's likely to lock us on the trajectory to a 3,4,5C rise in global temperatures, even though we agreed to keep the global average temperature rise of 1.5C to ensure survival of all islands," he said. "There is no new finance (for adapting to climate change and getting clean energy) - only promises that something might materialise in the future. Those who are obstructive need to talk not about how their people will live, but whether our people will live."’

Why couldn’t they live in the wild, Daddy?

The line in illegal wildlife trade is taking a more sinister role. A study comes in, as Malaysian officials captured 20 tonnes of ivory – their biggest seizure to date.  Rebel militia groups in Africa are cashing in on the demand for elephants and rhinos to fund civil conflicts.
The slaughtering of 450 elephants and selling their ivory to purchase arms for local conflicts, this trade is worth £12bn and is now threatening the stability of some Governments in Africa.  The situation is far more worrying than was first envisaged and control will need to come in right across borders in African countries.
International Law to take a tighter control over this situation will be enforced as the problem is ever growing.  The only way to see these endangered species will in time be in zoos.  African National Parks are not always enough protection for these magnificent animals.

12th December 2012 (ladylydialondon twitter)

Lost Teachings of Atlantis
Remains to See
As Free Will Changes the Things
That Will Be
Earth there Will be, but Man May
there Not
We Forge Our Will
In the Fires of Our Suffering
We Temper Our Will
In the Waters of Discipline

When One Applies Free Will
To achieve Freedom From the
Separate Self,
The Self Causes Pain

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
www.spiritualist-guidance.org and www.living-proof.biz

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for WINTER and SPRING 2013

Sunday, 10th February 2013
06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Wednesday, 27th March 2013                        
03.00pm Eastbourne Christian Spiritualist Church, Eastbourne, E Sussex

Wednesday, 3rd April 2013
07.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex


Demonstration of Clairvoyance   Divine Service including Clairvoyance

Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the world continues to change and our lives have to change with it.
Our Twitter forecasts continue to go to over two thousand followers from all over the world and they continue to tell us what to expect, so we know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks and help the Greater Good to survive as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.
As said above, 2013 will bring many challenges to us all and we must be ready to face them correctly for all concerned.

Bless you all, Jenny and Michael

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