“For those of us who take life for granted, thinking all is there all the time and they need never worry about tomorrow, can be a courageous thing, but of course many of you are not like that and you tend always to worry about tomorrow instead of just realising you only need to live today and survive that.
“To be in the ‘Now’ is quite frankly enough. Start to see all that can be in that given moment and relish in the certainty that you are always looked after.
“There is no need to make plans unnecessarily for your futures as when that time comes circumstances will have changed and it might not be relevant at that time. By living purely in the ‘Now’, or today, brings to those who think like that a peace not found to others who cannot.
“The peace extends all around you and through you. It is an integral part of you and sustains your living life. Know that all your needs are duly met in that time frame. All you require is afforded to you. You don’t go without.
“By living in the ‘Now’ you can truly live and fear is removed. Do precisely what is needed and no more and start to believe that tomorrow will also be taken care of equally as well.
“All of us go through life at such a pace these days, wishing always for better things to happen tomorrow, next week, next month etc. We are all in fact wishing our lives away, almost shortening them.
“We fail to see what we already have around us and we should all be grateful. For those who have food on the table, shelter and warmth are in fact truly blessed. Many in this World do not, yet survive, because they are brought the necessary things that they do need to make survival possible.
“It is these people who are grateful for what life can give them and rejoice in the meagre, but positive things they have.
“Gratitude of what you possess, whether in health, shelter, work or food is only appreciated when you have it no more. These things usually are taken for granted. They are expected as our right.
“Know that your needs are always met and that you can survive once you realise that what you have around you is all that you need at that time and as life comes to pass and more is required and you have truly earned it, so more is granted.
“So by living in the ‘Now’ brings contentment and a realisation that Man can actually have enough to sustain him and more can become more of a hassle than you realise.
“Live and survive within those needs and know peace will always be with you.
“You are always looked after anyway. This revelation comes to those who have virtually nothing, but in fact have everything they need.
“God Bless, Mustafa”
The Daily Prayer for 17th November 2011 “To be allowed to live a life of understanding is a rare gift, because all that we need to know is shown to us before we need to decide on a course of action and we cannot therefore go astray. Amen.”
THREE YEARS AGO on 2nd October 2008 against a Labourite Brown Government this advice was given by Mustafa. Have his predictions been taken notice of and is it only now that we can begin to see just what he was driving at…
“The credit crunch both here and abroad, those institutions which have caused so much havoc in people’s lives are now about to have their comeuppance – long now have they got away with their so called greed and avarice, not only from the man in the street with their exorbitant bank charges and for doing very little, but with the gross amount of interest they charge to each other.
“All has gained in this mighty free for all and there was no stopping them until now! The entire banking system has been working this way, taking huge risks amongst themselves never thinking they ever had to put their own house in order with their high and mighty approach to business.
“The little man in the street was crushed with the overload of administration that was needed to open up an account and they gave him little regard as a customer when they did. Yes, they wanted your money but were prepared to do precious little for it and that is the arrogance that has been with them for years.
“Now with Universal Laws already in motion, their heydays are over and over for good. Never again will they be able to act irresponsibly as special law enforcement issues will now hold them accountable to what they must do and what they are not allowed to do, bringing in a much safer banking system now for all.
“The American situation will have to take the lead as they are in the most jeopardy and after long deliberation a settlement of which they feel is workable will be enforced.
“New and important legislation will be passed so as to avoid this situation ever hitting the American people again and for this the powers that be, who now run that country, can at last take some comfort in putting this motion across, which is fully acceptable by the people.
“For the first time in a long time the American people are being heard and heard loudly, as there has been much dissatisfaction over decades and it is only now coming to full realisation. Nothing is now hidden.
“All has to have transparency and this method will hold as other banks will now have to fall in line least they go overboard and there is not enough money to even bail them out, so they are now running scared and so they should be.
“There are no banks in that industry that has not fallen foul of misrepresentation and all have now been found out. The larger institutes have already fallen.
“Some will be rescued, others will have to go to the wall as there are not enough funds left in the federal reserves to bail them all out, hence the master plan to rescue what is now sinking and trying to steady the fall of the others.
“In other words slowing down the process so that these other banks can begin to salvage what they have and then bring back up equity in a long term plan given to them by the existing government.
“The people at last are able to have a say and that say for once is very powerful indeed. No longer will the banks have the upper hand as they will be accountable to the people and by the people.
‘“God’ in his infinite wisdom has finally put a stop to all their shenanigans and so everybody now will have to start again and begin to see their lives as changing, so that the people can at last start to put their own affairs in order and will no longer be swayed by the slip shoddy advertising that has been going on.
“They will test the water and be very choosey as to where they place their hard earned money and they won’t be swayed with just any advertising. If there are no guarantees attached to those institutions, they will go elsewhere.
“Newer smaller banks will emerge whereby more of a personal service will feed the people and the people will take heart that their interest and not the interests of the bank come first.
“This will open up competition and the larger more successful banks in the past that have now fallen will have to come into line whether they like it or not. With the new legislation they will think they have some clout, but will realise very soon that it is the people who have the clout from now on.
“So what will emerge will be a slowing down of the process as the entire monetary system begins to find its new level. Certainly much lower then it ever imagined and that is how it must stay for a few years until the populace at large can justify spending on any scale again.
“All will have to suffer in one way or another to bring home that chaotic spending is not the way you conduct your life and there has to be a balance in all things to make matters work.
“As to this country, there will be a further free fall on the stock market as confidence in this government (led by Gordon Brown) still has not fully come to roost in the minds of the populace. They still think that this government can bail the country out when of course it can’t. Until the situation is fully understood by every person in this country the fall will continue.
“All now must be accountable as they have held their heads in the clouds for long enough thinking they also were unstoppable and could continue to ride roughshod over the populace and they wouldn’t be noticed.
“Spiritual Law and Universal Law have already come in and therefore all their mistakes are now coming to bite them again and again. They cannot say, “It was this persons fault or that persons fault.”
“They are all equally guilty under the Universal Laws as all were party from the beginning and chose to ignore what was staring them in the face for so long as they enjoyed their lives of privilege. What did it really matter who or what suffered?
“‘God’ witnesses all and now governments and institutions will continue to fall until they all reach rock bottom and a new lease of life is reborn with new investment coming in at the right and appropriate time and not one minute sooner.
“All those that were corrupt will see their privileges stripped from them and never again will they be able to hold their heads up high as they will carry the stigma of their deeds to their dying day. They had the limelight. Let that same limelight focus the attentions of all their misdeeds and remain with them for all time.
“Those who had spoken out and were quashed for fear of pulling down the government will be highly regarded by the populace and they will come to enjoy a new form of freedom and justice.
“Their words at last will be printed and the people themselves will speak out in defence of those people who tried to speak and were silenced, so begin to see a mighty shift, the likes that you have never seen before and begin when the time is right and this government (led by Gordon Brown) has already fallen.
“A new and informed way of governing is needed never before seen in this country and a new found confidence in the people as they begin to shape their own lives for a better future with trust this time and not ignorance.
“See this special wave now emerge and even the children will have to learn that nothing is for nothing and that one must work hard in this life to make it a better place for all to live in and not just the privileged few.”
Note –Editors heavy highlighting.
Very recently Mustafa told us ‘to educate the masses, a very strong wakeup call to the world at large. ‘We’ are instrumental in making it all happen, so that one by one, each person recognises the truth and finally can be changed.
“All that we give out is to further enlighten the people of this world and the true wakeup call is now. Further devastation throughout this globe, will see nation upon nation fall dramatically until the people are prepared to accept the will of ‘God’.”
RECEIVED by email and passed on …
THIS COULD BE A LIFE SAVER was emailed to us recently I can sympathise on this one, as I was alone for about an hour when had mine, and what is said here is correct, But it's still very Scary WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
You're really tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to drag out into your arm and up into your jaw.
Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.
However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. Deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.
A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without letup until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.
Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital.
Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!
A cardiologist said: `If everyone who gets this mail sends it to 10
people, you can bet that we'll save at least one life.'
So, rather than sending jokes please contribute by forwarding this email, which can save a person's life..........
If this message comes around to you more than once then please don't get irritated.......YOU need to be happy that you are being reminded of how to tackle....HEART ATTACKS....AGAIN...
We don’t normally respond to round robins, but we felt we should share this one.
Please explore our Site and tell others who are like minded about it. Mustafa’s guidance at and you can see the future on Twitter as Mustafa’s accurate predictions continue bring in new and interesting followers. There is also so much more to explore…
We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.
CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
01892 662 856 |
Coming Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers
Wednesday, 7th December 2011 at 07.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex
Demonstration of Clairvoyance & Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Demonstration of Clairvoyance & Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the World continues to change dramatically. Mustafa’s words continue to tell us what to expect as he gives us guidance, so we know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks and help the greater good to survive.
God bless you all from Jenny and Michael Ayers
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