MUSTAFA’S MESSAGE tells us that
“Women Globally Are Now Hitting Back”
“Everywhere the world over, women’s voices are being heard more and more these days. There is finally a struggle of women united in their common cause of suppression for suppression sake.
“Men, especially in the East, have been suppressing women for years using them as chattels for their own purpose, their own ends.
“Men are so afraid of losing their iron tight grip that they are prepared to go to any lengths to keep women in a servitude position. Now the tide is finally turning and, due to the Internet and social networking, their voices are finally being heard.
“They will no longer stand for the brutality that has kept their mothers and grandmothers in slavery nor will they be put to death for looking at a man or even speaking to him.
“Their voices, through the human rights vehicle, are highlighting the many barbaric offences they have had to put up with over centuries with no way out.
“The awaking of the 50% of the world’s population towards the flagrant discriminations towards females is now at epidemic proportions. Women are no longer afraid. They are prepared to die to have the right to have their voices heard.
“We abolished so called slavery in the nineteenth century, but we still keep the shackles on women. When will this world finally wake up and allow justice to finally be given to the gentler sex?
“The women globally are now hitting back. They are finally beginning to exercise their rights to learn, to be able to vote, to have a career outside the home, to learn to drive a car and to be seen for whom they are – individuals in their own right.
“In some countries, they are treated worse than cattle, even put to death because they were born a female or sold into slavery or even prostitution. “There is an uprising that is unstoppable and women, the entire world over, are now standing up for their rights to live as people and no longer as third and fourth class citizens.
“See it done peacefully, but see it done right – God Bless, Mustafa”
‘Truth is what your senses show you from their perspective’.
Recently our tweets of philosophy have attracted another interesting follower. His name is Eric Margolis, who is an award-winning, internationally syndicated columnist. His articles appear in the New York Times, the International Herald Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, Times of London, the Gulf Times, the Khaleej Times and other news sites in Asia.
I am currently reading his latest illuminating book entitled American Raj Liberation or Domination? In it he intelligently comments on the resolving of the conflict between the West and the Muslim World.
He is well qualified to do so, as he is a veteran of many conflicts in the Middle East and has over 100,000 readers a day to his internet column
Interestingly enough he was among the first journalists to interview Libya’s Muammar Gadaffi and was again among the first to be given access to KGB headquarters in Moscow.
Margolis wrote after Barack Obama's election that: "Americans did not `liberate’ Iraq, but they certainly liberated their own nation last week by sweeping the Republican Party from power. One prays America’s long nightmare of foreign aggressions, fear, religious extremism, and flirting with neo-fascism is finally at an end."
His words are well chosen and easily readable and I fully recommend both his book and his website to anyone interested in trying to understand the underlying causes of the east/west conflict and misunderstandings, especially as at this time there is a mighty shift occurring since television and the Internet have loosened the control of the oppressors by bringing news instead of propaganda on the plight of the people, who are now actively helping each other to obtain freedom for themselves and their extended family as never before.
“The solution for monetary safeguards must come in by the RESTRUCTURING of the banks who have systematically put everybody’s lives in disarray.”
28th September 2011 (jandmayers twitter)
“Is there anybody out there actually listening? Yes, we are in unchartered waters and there is no one who individually can find a solution. The solution for monetary safeguards must come in by the RESTRUCTURING of the banks who have systematically put everybody’s lives in disarray.
“Until that hard policy with safeguards comes in there is no safe haven for monetary growth and markets will continue to fall/collapse. The world needs leadership. It needs direction and drastic action. The banks now must realize their active irresponsibility has confounded the entire money system. Banking heads will roll!”
3rd October 2011 (BBC News Online)
‘It has been a volatile summer for global markets, driven by almost unprecedented uncertainty amongst investors about the global economy and fears that politicians are unable to fix economic problems. Recent economic data has suggested the recovery in the West may be petering out, feeding renewed worries about the eurozone debt crisis.
This, it is feared, could in turn cause a second banking crisis if governments are unable to pay back their debts.
‘And in the face of these twin concerns some investors say policymakers have done little to provide certainty about how the crisis will be tackled. The fears have seen the market wipe out gains from earlier in the year. Stocks had one of their worst quarters in the past decade in July to September. Shares in London's FTSE dropped 14%, the worst quarterly performance since 2002. Stocks in France and Germany have fallen in value by more than 25% since the end of June.’
“Greece will have to fall & then find her own level.”
30th September 2011 (jandmayers twitter)
“Greece will not be able to be propped up no matter how hard the IMF try. There are too many underlying factions, which cannot sustain a stabilizing effect long enough to enable a hold on monetary spending. Greece will have to fall & then find her own level. From that point, help of another kind can be delivered with short term consequences only.
“Every country must now look to their own house being in order. They really cannot look to the IMF for any more bail outs. There simply is no more money.”
3rd October 2011 (BBC News Online)
‘European stock markets opened sharply down on news that Greece is likely to miss targets to cut its deficit. The government, which on Sunday adopted its 2012 draft austerity budget, blamed the shortfall on deepening recession. Inspectors from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Union (EU) and European Central Bank are in Athens to decide whether Greece should get a key bail-out instalment. Greece needs the 8bn euros (£6.9bn; $10.9bn) instalment to avoid going bankrupt next month. Bankruptcy would put severe pressure on the eurozone, damage European bank finances and possibly have a serious knock-on effect on the world economy.’
“The entire world now turning their backs on Israel.”
25th September 2011 (Ref 773)
“The Middle East: The Israeli/Palestine situation will have to blow apart. This time the world will respond in unison and even the United States of America will not be able to sit on their hands and idly stand by and say nothing.
“A UN resolution calling for resettlement of the Gaza Strip will be implemented by unilateral law and nothing can now stop this process – a hard and bitter blow to the Israelis who have no alternative. Their hands will be bound by a lasting agreement.
“They will have no choice, no exit strategy. They must abide by the UN resolutions and forfeit their claim, which is unjustifiable – the entire world now turning their backs on this country.”
3rd October 2011 (BBC News Online)
‘Israel is becoming increasingly isolated in the Middle East, US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta has warned. He said Israel should restart peace talks with the Palestinians and restore good relations with Turkey and Egypt. Mr Panetta spoke while travelling to the region for talks with Israeli and Palestinian leaders.
‘Diplomatic efforts have intensified recently to push the two sides back to peace talks that were abandoned last year. Israel has agreed to participate in such talks, but the Palestinians want Israel to stop building more homes for settlers in the occupied territories. Israel announced last week it planned to build 1,100 more homes in a settlement in occupied East Jerusalem.’
“President Assad will see mounting opposition as another government emerges.”
7th September 2011 (jandmayers twitter)
“President Assad will see mounting opposition as another government emerges to overthrow him. The people will be heard.”
3rd October 2011 (BBC News Online)
‘Opposition groups in Syria join forces to announce a united National Council to challenge President Bashar al-Assad.’
Recently I received this message from a lady in Oxfordshire
I wanted to share a little e book that I got from the 'Lost Teachings of Atlantis'.
It's a lovely collection of guidance and poems, many from scriptures that have since been burnt, lost or deliberately destroyed.
It was originally on a pfd document of 176 pages! However to save paper a friend copied it onto Word for me. I hope you enjoy it & find it as uplifting as I do.
Thank you for your kindness and for Mustafa's guidance,
The answer is, “Yes” and so I am guided to put one in our Newsletter each month and allow all our friends and clients to enjoy them, be uplifted and put them into practice too.
God is not Loving
God is not Unloving
God is Love
Give Love and You Give God
Give Love and You Get God
From ‘Lost Teachings of Atlantis'
If we are too busy in our pursuit of the material life as opposed to simply struggling to make ends meet and we neglect to examine what is happening all around us in the world today, we deserve to be left sleeping in ignorance.
We are all given this great wakeup call as never before and so we can either put our first faltering step forwards knowing that we will be further helped and guided or we can go back to sleep and remain in ignorance.
Mustafa has told Jenny and Michael, “You are both living and breathing the dream. You are awake; the world at large is still in sleep mode. They cannot wake up until devastation is all around them and then they can part from what was clearly blocking their advantage for so long.”
So the choice is yours. We can only lead you to the waters of enlightenment. We can’t make you drink. After all we must all act for ourselves and take that first step knowing that a Greater Power will lead us on our way as long as we go for the greater good and not our own aggrandisement!
So explore our website at and read the philosophy of Spirit. It is for us to put it there. That is our job. It is up to you to see if you are able to drink in the enlightenment and make those necessary changes to your life or to leave Mustafa’s guidance on ‘Take Courage and Experience that Right to be Happy’ or ‘Make Sure They Are the Right Changes for You.’
If Red Cloud’s philosophy addressed around the platforms of the south-east counties teach you nothing, then so be it. We will continue our work to put out their words until the collapsing world around causes voices to cry out, “God help us” because then that Force of Spirit can at last reach out into the Darkness of Ignorance…
CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
01892 662 856 |
Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for AUTUMN 2011
Saturday, 5th November 2011
07.30pm Lantern of Light, Burgess Hill, East Sussex
07.30pm Lantern of Light, Burgess Hill, East Sussex
Demonstration of Clairvoyance Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Demonstration of Clairvoyance Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Find Oneness at All Cost.
In finding Oneness,
you find God.
In finding Oneness,
you find yourself.
In finding Oneness,
you find Real Love.
From the ‘Little Messages and Guidance from Angels and Saints’
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