29 November 2016

November Newsletter 2016


Christmas Is a Very Special Time

The people around the world share a special event.  The event is Christmas, which for many is a reunion of family members.  Today’s families are spread all over the world with many not being able to meet up with each other as they used to.

          They have lost the interaction of family life and a togetherness they had, which was special.  With the latest technology of social media and Skype communication, it allows for personal interaction to happen again.

          Many are able to relive precious moments, especially around the Christmas period.  Love is bountiful at this time and where loneliness need not be feared by some as it once was.

          With the interaction of social media, loved ones can reach out to each other, though they may be millions of miles apart.  Love and warm reassuring words are especially necessary at this time of year, when single people find themselves alone.

          Families are truly blessed to have each other and to support each other throughout the year.  This Christmas will be a very special time for those of all ages and where rifts have occurred, so new bridges can be built.

          A time for loving and forgiving is now very necessary and where people of all ages need never feel lonely again.  Reach out to a loved one and make sure they realise they are truly loved.

          Everyone is truly special in their own way.  We have a duty to point this out, so that they feel loved and a part of this very big family again.

          We, the people, are all joined together.  Humanity is one big family, who interconnects with each other every day.  None of us are ever really alone.  We are all looked after and at times even come to realise it, where before we did not.

          Let this time of the year bring people together with love and good intentions and to forward that connection throughout the year.

      Jenny Ayers
Sunday, 27th November 2016

“There is a new star rising in the east that will bring goodness and light to this world.  It has to be so, because Mankind has lost his way and so Universal Energies must bring back balance to this world.”

Love as Our Creator Always Meant It to Be
            “We must all learn to believe in a Higher Power looking after our welfare. Nothing is left to chance and where we are constantly being guided, nurtured and loved.
            “We are the products of a great Creator, whose will is mighty and foolproof. As a result our lives are mapped out to extraordinary lengths, so that we can experience what it is like to be human.
            “This experience takes us through many phases of our lives, some good, some bad, some even disastrous and some even heavenly. By learning as we go along & where we are all prepared to take that path of uncertainty & to trust in the Higher Power to get us through.
            “This is where the true experience lies. We are helped always along the way and if we ask for that help, so it is given. We have to learn how to communicate with this Higher Intelligence if we are to get through this earthly life.
“Too many obstacles are constantly around us upsetting the normal peaceful way of things. That is when we need help the most and also further insight as to overcome these obstacles for our own benefit.
            “It is only by open and truthful communication with The Higher Intelligence can we secure the correct information and guidance. Then miracles happen and peace is restored to our lives. By the guiding light, so we are saved and where immense progress becomes possible.
            “We are then reassured we can make it and last the course of this life, not in trepidation, but in love as Our Creator always meant it to be!”
28th November 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Never go against what you feel in your heart in right.  You are in charge of your thoughts and actions and so you must take the reins and do it right in the most loving way that you can.”

World Famine Is Frowned Upon
            “As the world comes to terms with the American Election, there are many types of ripples felt around the world. Mankind will see another agenda, the crisis of poverty around the world is now at the highest and this needs to be addressed.
            “All the money ploughed into countries will not be sufficient to feed the starving millions. What is necessary is education, a complete let up of wars and for an exclusive recovery package to be started up.
            “Every nation must now address this problem, not only in their own nations, but in others besides. Livestock & farming on every level needs to be addressed & where the people themselves are taught to grow food & to be encouraged to do so.
            “World famine is frowned upon. It is not a subject easily discussed, especially if it is in your own neighbourhood. All countries of the world need now to come together to solve the full problem of food manufacture. Access to clean water is the paramount necessity.
“The United Nations are starting to realise that this is becoming epidemic & out of their reach to achieve a full & final settlement. Wars need to stop. Rebuilding on so many levels is now needed.
            “A new lifeline, which was not there before, is coming in and where people are now trying to address these vital needs. See a strong commitment by the nations of this world to forge ahead with a plan of action, which can reverse this epidemic finally!”
22nd November 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“From our decisions others find that they are influenced.  We all need to be aware of our actions on the minds of others, because we are all linked in more ways that we can see.”

Some Will Work, Others Will Not!
“As the world comes to terms with the unexpected victory of Donald Trump, many countries will see a different America approaching. Donald Trump will try to side-line issues to his own advantage, which will be out of the box of usual politics.
            “Some will work, others will not! His head is full of ideas and practices he usually uses in his businesses. World politics is another way of doing business in his eyes – this is not always the case
            “Life on the world stage is full of compromises and not necessarily the best deal for the individual. Too many world institutions have their own agendas and these need to be looked at in their entire context.
            “NATO will not be scrapped, but reinforced in many more ways than it has been. It is a vital and necessary lifeline for so many. See a new and lasting NATO coming out of the affray.
            “Donald Trump will make some changes, but many things will not be changed. He will soon realise the heavy and burdensome aspect of governing is not as straightforward as he had hoped.
            “The American people will see their lives change, not for the better, but different. They will however fight for their independence of the old state regimes and they will finally win on those!”
16th November 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Know that we are all capable of great things if we allow ourselves to concentrate on the things that matter.  We need to believe in ourselves and not to be put down by others who don’t have love in their hearts”

Putting in Trade Deals Instead of War Zones
            “As America recovers from the Election, the people will find many changes occurring. Their trade deficit is not a healthy one and needs putting right almost immediately.
            “The American people have been suffering much hardship, as their great military machine sweeps up nearly all their revenue. Notice a greatly reduced military force and where other countries can no longer rely on US backup.
            “Times are now needed for reinforced diplomacy and where the strength of other nations now have to play their parts. The Middle East is in chaos and where Syria will be divided into four sections & where the invading countries will all claim their share.
            “America will go into retreat for a few years, while it licks its wounds and starts to repair a shattered empire. Afghanistan, their so called golden nugget of control, will see the US lessen their iron tight grip as it is gradually dismantled.
            “They can start to rebuild themselves in their own way. All countries around the world now need to get their act together, putting in trade deals instead of war zones.
            “Iran will become more verbal and have a greater say in Middle Eastern stability. Saudi Arabia, who are frightened of their own shadows, will need to realise they cannot any longer hide behind America.
            “Those days are numbered and some oil wells that are slowing down will need to be managed differently. New foreign policies will spring up all over the world, where the United Nations will start to find its feet & its voice & start to deliver.
            “Despots, who feel they still have the upper hand, will no longer have that power and they will come back down to earth with a bump. A new world order is now being acted out with India and China as the forerunners.
            “Their economies are now booming and you will see less rhetoric and more action being administered by these powers. America will have to stay in the shadows for quite some time, no longer are they the prime rulers of the world!”
10th November 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“We all need to be accountable, not to the monetary system by which the world is run, but to the love and harmony of a Higher Source, who will aid us if we sincerely ask for his help.”

The Changing Face of the World
            “We will experience in the next few days an election in the United States that whoever wins will shake this world to its knees. The tyrannical minds of both opponents will bring down the United States to a lower common denomination than it is already experiencing.
            “America’s fall from grace will see other countries around the world rise effortlessly. They already have tried and tested regimes in power and will now take this golden opportunity to usurp all that was dominant before.
            “America is losing both their power and respect around the world. Countries once loyal to America are now turning away to other allegiances leaving America out in the cold.
            “No longer can America rely on friendship and support from global countries.  They will see their downfall as other great powers have done in the past.
            “America has already lost respect and trading with this nation will start to slow down. It is providing a vacuum where other countries can and will trade among themselves.
            “See America isolated.  Their President’s voice will have little regard on worldly issues. New powers and allegiances are now being formed, where a better understanding of each other’s needs will be reciprocated.
            “It is not only the American President who will fall from grace, but the American people also. This is the direct responsibility of a corrupt Government. Start to see the American people stand up finally for justice in their own country and where one small state will start the ball rolling.
            “A gathering of momentum will see the American people oust out their President with no confidence in how Washington governs their people. Europe will begin to rise out of its ashes and form different allegiances.
            “Their shattered economies will need drastic overhauls and this will come about sooner than they would like. Britain leaving the European Market will forge ahead with new trade deals and begin to prosper once again.
“It will leave the EU to deal slowly with its own mess. Britain will again become a leading contender in today’s world markets and nothing will stop this becoming a reality.
“The British people will emerge stronger and resilient, as they have always been and where respect for this tiny island around the world will be forthcoming.
            “Britain will become great again and that is testimony to the British people and their sound governing spirit!”
6th November 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Let the joy in your heart spill over to those around you, as you know that you were all created in unconditional love.”

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype ladylydialondon and jandmayers
Twitter on ladylydialondo and jandmayers
http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk and www.living-proof.biz

Finally we continue to send you our love and healing.  We wish you well as the world continues to change at a remarkable rate. The guides still continue to tell us what to expect, so we still know what we need to do in order to change our own mind-sets and work for the Greater Good for all to survive and progress as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.
Our Twitter forecasts and comments now number 48,642 over the two addresses to followers from all over the world.

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