26 December 2015

December Newsletter 2015


The Sky’s the Limit if You Make the Grade

A new life with new beginnings will satisfy all those who deserve this transition.  It is important to realise that not everybody can or does go forwards in the right and proper way.

It is only those who have made the transition to release themselves from the negativity of their existence that they can fully benefit and stride forwards in ways not thought possible before.

New, unexpected revelations will be on offer to allow for further openings of transitional worth.

This will allow for new opportunities not first thought of to transpire and the journey can begin in a far more robust way.

For life to move on, many decisions of soul searching must come in and where the individuals are ready to release the past in order to embrace the future.

Many will fall by the wayside, as they haven’t made full enough reparation of their transition to occur.

For those who have, the skies the limit and they will all advance at a very quick pace.  Nothing can or will stop their growth, their happiness and their security.

They all will have made the grade.

Jenny Ayers
Saturday, 26th December 2015

“When we celebrate our anniversaries and past events, we need to reflect on what is the true meaning of them.  We should be uplifted and know the joy that became a piece of perfection in our lives and to give thanks for them.”

Be Ready for the Changes to Come
            “We approach a new wave of thinking and being. Many more decisions will have to be made to allow us to adjust our lives accordingly to make it better. Until we all raise ourselves out of the negativity of our lives we cannot aspire to anything better.
            “We must then be content with the same old upsetting situations. The cry for change must come from the individual and it must be their responsibility to accept that change when it comes in.
            “None of us live in a perfect world and so all must adjust to the various storms that hit us at any given time. It is the strong that survive these storms and who are the most resilient. They are ready for change when it comes in.
            “It is for all to accept changes that come into their lives and proceed down the better course outlined, so that we can all finally benefit.”
25th December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Each of us will have to take a good long look at our lives and all our actions will be clearly revealed to us.  Will we be able to look our betters in the face knowing that we always did our best or will our heads drop as we realise how much harm we have done?”

All Is Already Provided
            “Never fear your futures; all has been taken care of for all the people throughout this world. For those whose lives have been cut short, by what others see as a disaster, is in fact a mercy or a blessing to so many.
            “It is they that have called out and said that they wish to return home to the Heavens from whence they came. For them their time is up. There is no more pain or suffering, just a resignation that their lives were not meaningless.
            “They were fulfilled in their own way and now salvation is no longer being recognised as being here on this Earth Plane. They wish to return to another more advanced and loving region, where peace and harmony is the order of the day.
            “Many will be leaving this Earth Plane this Christmas. It will evolve in the bosom of love in their Creator’s hands, because they found that salvation for them is no longer here.
            “Our job is to transport them on to their journey of enlightenment and discovery where everything they ever needed is placed before them. This way they are at last able to live a life of complete satisfaction instead of a half-life lived on Earth.
“We bless them all and all are safe in God’s care for all time.”
24th December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Jesus taught us to treat people as we would wish to be treated ourselves.  If only this applied as a Universal Law to all peoples then there would be far less misery and pain.  It does apply as a Universal Law, but how many people use it in their everyday lives?”

The Healing of the World
            “A bringing together of souls, who are likeminded in their thinking and planning, can create for themselves a wonderful world. Their souls all connect on a Divine level, where peace and harmony is the nature of the day.
            “The soul’s energies cry out for these people and their interaction is always long term and very fruitful indeed. When this interaction occurs every one is energised. They are in a buzz to do more committed things together of a spiritual nature.
            “Mother Nature is very much at the heart of what they do to enhance and to safeguard the planet with their healing ways. Everything responds to their healing touch.
            “Stagnant waters spring back to life and become purified once again with God-given life. Fields that were once barren seem to spring back with new plants, all of which are healthy and long lasting.
            “Even the air feels fresher when these souls are around. Everything becomes vibrant and alive. It is the God-given life that passes through them and makes such a difference to this planet.
            “Joy, peace and harmony are restored to this planet and a healthier, more fruitful deliverance comes about. When Divine souls unite, massive fundamental changes take place.
            “All do benefit from the life force, which is God’s Divine love for us all. His plan of action materialises and is everlasting. More spiritual souls need to come together to acknowledge the vital work that they do to rebuild this planet. They safeguard its structure for human kind and for the generations to come.”
23rd December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“We need to understand that when we make a thought and then put it into action, we are responsible for the reaction of what we have created.  This applies both to goodness and to badness and what results from our behaviour to another.”

The UN is Overdue for a Radical Restructure
            “The world is opening up to new ideas for peace and prosperity. This will come at a huge cost to the world in general. There needs to be no-interest deals between nations for all this to happen. They need to put the reason for peace at the top of their agenda and not what they want for themselves.
“The United Nations is overdue for a radical restructure, where their hands can no longer be tied. They need to be able to adopt peace policies in the right and proper way. No longer can they expect to be respected with the amount of failures they have already encountered.
            “Their peacekeeping efforts leave a lot to be desired and hypocrisy at the top of the leadership is an absolute sham. No longer can the world put up with an organisation that purports peace without doing anything fundamental about it. The time has come for a complete overhaul and that time is now!”
22nd December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“What a lot of people don’t seem to understand is that love is the emotion of great happiness, which all seem to require in their lives.  However in order to sustain it, it has to be fed and that means that both parties need to fulfil the needs unconditionally of each other.”

A Journey of Immense Love and Union
            “People are brought together for a reason to express love and thanksgiving for being a part of this world. It is for human kindness, which is the reason why we are all here.
            “The strength of Man’s resolve, in being at one with God and nature, is profound. We all belong to the great Creation, which sustains our life and what it means to be Holy and complete.
            “We must strive to bring about more unity in our thoughts, so that one purpose in life continues to grow. It becomes self-perpetuating, so that is we can aspire towards our Creator at the time of physical death.
            “Our rebirth into the Heavens is already pre-planned and executed by the Highest Level of Intelligence. Whereby, we can continue our paths into a never-ending source of wisdom and learning.
            “We strive to become Godlike in our thinking and being. All is completed in time; the journey our most precious gift of which we give to ourselves, a journey of immense love and union with our Creator forever!”
19th December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“We are blessed if we have the enlightenment and knowledge to follow the spiritual pathway that Jesus told us about.  If we follow his example we shall be united with the goodness here on earth as well as in our continued life after we pass from here.”

They Have to Live With Their Own Downfall
            “The world is beginning to recognise that wars solve nothing and that disaster brings in unnecessary hardship. They have no answers for or even the resources to combat the pain and suffering.
            “A world consciousness is being formed to renounce wars and corruption on so many levels. Until people stand up for their rights and demand change, nothing will be changed. Corruption is the greatest killer of society.
            “It leads to apathy and despair and kills off any good that might occur, such is the destruction to all. There’s so much abuse, so much despair to Mankind & now a collective conscious is occurring to bring balance back into this world of ours.
            The people are now fighting back and the powerful leaders of this world need to face up to their responsibilities. Finally they must realise that they can no longer ride roughshod over nations that cannot defend themselves.
            “It is the people of the world who demand change and this is now happening. Corrupt politicians are being removed by the consensus of the people.
            “Huge companies the world over are losing their control, as corruption finally is being exposed. They have to live with their own downfall.”
17th December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“We must not be tempted to believe all we are told without testing it.  So many people are gullible and their mind-set becomes cluttered with all the throw-outs of another’s minds, because we are not willing to test what we are told and see whether it is right or wrong.”

God’s Love Can Finally Enter In!
            “For all those around the world, whose courage and conviction are true, they will see their salvation given to them. These are the souls who strive against the odds, holding true to their cause and never wavering in their beliefs.
            “These souls bear the fruits of redemption every time and become the world leaders, who change situations for the masses. The world is now changing under the incompetence of its leaders.
            “A new global structure will come in replacing these diehards, who wield power, but have no sense of direction. A new world order is already being formed, where new ideas and policies will transform the way we see things.
            “War over time will be obsolete, as the price of destruction, of annihilation, becomes too severe. It is too complex and so at last common sense prevails.
            “Lasting coordinated agreements will be produced and a better understanding of human rights will be forthcoming. Those that go to war will be seen as the aggressors and they will be chastised/isolated for their destructive ways.
            “World isolation on a massive scale is all that it requires, which means food, water, economies & broken trust will see everything cut off. They will have no trade or enjoy comradeship with the world’s people until they conform to the higher social structure.
            “They will be forced to respect the Rules of Law. All these policies will filter down to the common man. Every individual will know their place in world unity and become a citizen of peace and not one of destruction.
            “War begets war and there is no end to it. All have their own vested interest. Nobody is prepared to negotiate a common settlement or ground. The time has come for a new world order, where diplomacy is the only strategy allowed and confrontation frowned upon at the highest level.
            “The power game is already receding. Power on so many levels is drastically diminishing and there are no more winners in this game of violence and aggression.
“The world powers are losing their foothold in the world. They now see that their aggression will no longer be tolerated and that people’s opinions do matter.
            “Many Governments will have to fall, the rules of engagement re-written. Corruption on many levels is being exposed to the people and is being shown up as no longer being acceptable.
            “Drastic reforms to expose the culprits of corruption are being formed. New policies will be implemented to save all sections of society. Greed & avarice will be curbed, as the new implementation on reforms allows for a more evenly distributed economy, so that everybody gains.
            “Mankind will enjoy a long-lasting peace and allow much resurrection of land and property to ensue. People, who are in bondage, will see their shackles removed and their human rights returned.
            “No one will bow down to an aggressor, as the aggressor will be dealt with within the world reforms. These are days of change, where peace and stability will be enjoyed by the masses. Prosperity will take its rightful foothold and God’s love can finally enter in!”
11th December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“We are here on this plane of existence for such a short time only and we have much to accomplish.  We came with a list of jobs to complete and it won’t do to leave them until the last minute, even if we know when that is!”

Keep Faith All Those Who Love God
            “The world is not ready for change even though change is happening. All peoples of this world must look to their needs and aspirations. They need to involve themselves in taking responsibility for bringing good deeds to all those who need them.
            “We have to change the mind-sets of so many and bring about transformation to this world. So that law and order can be maintained to secure long term security.
            “We are all in a state of chaos and uncertainty. All now is being pushed back, so that a more secure direct purpose is established to bring back security and wellbeing to this world.
“The earth groans under the force of destruction laid upon it. The earth is a living being globe of energy and this is being systematically eroded. This is because of Mankind’s insensitivity to its delicate balance of nature.
            “Until Mankind recognises his own hand in its destruction, he does not deserve to live anymore on the fruits of its produce. We, as the Spiritual Intelligence, are putting matters right by curbing Man’s power and greed for destructive methods.
            “All is a battle of which Mankind will be forced to live in perpetual darkness if change is not accepted by him. It is now that global changes & large institutions will continue to fall & be dissipated until the new format of correctness comes about.
            “No longer will Mankind have the upper hand, as its destruction has already seen much famine and global consequences. It is the Higher Intelligences, which are intervening to put matters right, where Mankind has so ignorantly ignored them.
“The world powers are coming under scrutiny and will be judged one by one until their circumstances change. These changes will be so dramatic that they will be brought to heel.
            “No power can sustain this Intelligence and so they will be all brought to their knees in time. This will create a new world order, the likes of which has never been seen before.
            “Keep faith all those who love God and know all will be saved in his love and decency of the Spirit!”
5th December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Know that for every bit of goodness that you give out to others, it is returned to you tenfold.  Even if you have a mean heart, surely the balance of this reward is well worth the effort.”

Where there’s a Will there’s a Way
            “An Indian man invented a simple machine for the poor rural women to make simple sanitary pads. His idea was to provide jobs for some and hygiene for millions, often for the first time.
            “This event motivated a British woman called Amy Peake. She made it her mission in life to help those refugee women in camps to be able to deal with their monthly periods.
            “Amy Peake had gone out to India on a fact finding mission to find out how these pads were made. This mission of hers came about while she was waiting in her doctor’s waiting room.
            “She saw an image in a magazine that showed thousands of refugees queuing up for food in a bombed street in Damascus. In the foreground stood a woman and for a brief moment Amy associated herself with that woman.
            “She asked, “What would happen if while queuing she got her period?” A remarkable coincidence happened when she got home. Her husband showed her a story. It was about Arunachalam Murugananthan, the India man who invented the machine to produce cheap and hygienic sanitary pads.
            “Murugananthan realised that his wife and other Indian women used rags. Murugananthan didn’t want to sell the pads, he wanted women to make and sell their own.
            “His aim was to create a million jobs for the poor rural women in India. Then he would expand to others countries in the world, where sanitary pads are unavailable. Amy Peake said this machine should be in every refugee camp and she calls her project ‘Loving Humanity’.
            “Amy approached many of the big humanitarian agencies, who did not return her calls, so after six months she decided to take up the cause. With some backing she got on a plane to Jordan, which is home to a million Syrian refugees.
            “She met up with the volunteers at the largest camp Zaatari. Peake found that the organisers had no time for her plan, so she had to do it all herself. Amy Peake learnt how to use the machine, which takes fifteen minutes to process the sanitary pad.
            “Amy compresses the wood pulp in the grinder; the fluffy material is shaped in a mould and wrapped in antibacterial fabric. It is placed under a UV light for thirty seconds to disinfect it and then it is ready for use.
            “It really is that simple and Amy Peake could picture her own factory in the Zaatari camp. It is the simple things in life that women need as a necessity. It makes such an outstanding difference to their wellbeing as citizens in this world.
            “It is the male ignorance that creates so much hardship towards women and this vital service should be their automatic human right!”
3rd December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Know that for every bit of goodness that you give out to others, it is returned to you tenfold.  Even if you have a mean heart, surely the balance of this reward is well worth the effort.”

Behind the Prison Walls a Nun sees the Face of God
            “A Catholic nun called Neyda Rojas has been serving God in a place many describe as hell on earth – a Venezuelan prison. In the prison, the human rights of the penitentiaries have been criticised.
            “They have allowed serious human rights violations to take place behind their walls. The Government has tried to introduce reforms to improve the living conditions. Some of their prisons are the most violent and overcrowded in Latin America.
            “Venezuela’s General Penitentiary (PGV) in the State of Guárico should hold no more than 750 prisoners. But at the time of this report there were 3,000 inmates.
“Neyda Rojas belongs to the Mercedarian Order of Nuns. She helps to teach the inmates some of the basics of life, like literacy. She says, “I’m very happy when they learn to read and write. I can see their excitement.”
            “It also means they can understand what official documents say about them and their trials.” The 52 year old nun said, “I have always seen the face of God in their faces.”
            “The Venezuelan National Guard patrols the exterior of the prison, while the inmates are in charge on the inside. The prisoners have weapons and there is a clear leadership structure with a strict set of rules. Those that do not follow these rules often pay with their lives.
            “Sister Neyda has won the trust of these inmates. Although there is danger all around her, she walks around unafraid. She seems untouchable. She says, “I am sure they will never shoot me.  God is with me.”
            “They will never do anything against me, in fact they protect me.” Sister Neyda serves these inmates every day with love, for many of them have been abandoned, but they have her!
            “Sister Neyda is the voice of men, who have no voice. She is the lone crusader, who works tirelessly to get results for them and nobody is left out. Her unstinting care and devotion towards these inmates has awarded her much respect and a certain love towards another human being.
            “All recognise her unique qualities and her life changing ways. May she long continue, as she has The Almighty on her side and her dedication is second to none!”
2nd December 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“There is no bad lining to the clouds.  They are all lined with silver and they carry the goodness that our Creator put there.  For it to be so and bring us that goodness, we should believe that it is there for us.”

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype ladylydialondon and jandmayers
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk and www.living-proof.biz

The next Public Demonstration of Divine Service by Jenny and Michael Ayers

Wednesday, 16th March 2016             07.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Finally we continue to send you our love and healing.  We wish you well as the world continues to change at a remarkable rate. The guides still continue to tell us what to expect, so we still know what we need to do in order to change our own mind-sets and work for the Greater Good for all to survive and progress as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

Our Twitter forecasts and comments now number 45,111 over the two addresses to followers from all over the world.

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