We All Survive In One Way or Another
“Many will have
enjoyed a summer break after a year of intensive work. It is now time to see a new life emerging,
where many changes will occur and many will feel a little unsettled in their
“It is these
changes, which will bring in the next lot of initiatives to be mastered and
worked out, where much progress will begin and new projects founded and
“We, as a species, do not stand still. The world is ever revolving and the Universe
ever expanding that we also must go forwards with new vigour and life.
“We are always
helped along the way and nothing is ever by chance, everything having already
been set up for us by the Higher Intelligence, who constantly sees to our
welfare, even if we can’t always see it for ourselves.
“We begin to see the
new line of working practice and where all the right ingredients are already
there to promote that which we are about to get involved in. For all of us these really are exciting times
and we will begin to feel uplifted and inspired.
“Nothing can fail, as this is already a
part of our destiny and so with all the right aspects already in place, we can
begin the challenges set out for us.
“As we evolve, we
can begin to see the Higher Intelligence guiding our every move and where we
feel obligated to continue, even at times when situations appear too much for
us. It all turns out right in the end.
is at these times when our faith in the Higher Intelligence is somewhat stretched
and we often feel like giving up. It is
at these times that the most productive work and progression comes to us and
where we feel the most forward thinking.
“The momentum gathers and so we continue
with great results and a feeling that no matter what happens we will always be
“As we begin to see ourselves as spiritual
beings and not just as humans in a physical body, we start to see just what we
are capable of doing and nothing will actually faze us.
“Out of many impossible situations,
triumphs occur and this allows for other possibilities to come in and so it is
we learn to grow spiritually and without fear.
“We all survive in one way or another and
all are richer for our experiences and so it is we owe it to others to share
these experiences, so they too can grow in enlightenment and not in fear.”
Jenny Ayers
live too much in the physical constraints of modern life and ignore the
spiritual value that was always there for us to understand and live by. If we live in the material without the Spirit
we will surely end up with nothing worth having to grace our passage along this
road of existence.”
Accountability has been left to go unchecked
“The thing that
must be upheld throughout this world is the law and justice. Where that fails,
Mankind is all a drift like a rudderless boat. It cannot steer itself to safe
haven nor can it deal with treacherous seas. The Rule of Law must be made the
main architect of all that is right and moral in this world.
must be the preliminary advocate to all the principles laid down by those laws
or Mankind will perish. Mankind must learn to live and abide to what is
lawfully right, otherwise chaos reigns.
That is where we are today!
cannot complain that we have extensive wars all over this world. It is Mankind
who has made all the wrong decisions and now reaps what it has sown. Until
Mankind decides to do what is right and not what is of interest to them, then
the situation will only grow worse.
will be wiped out by the aggressors, who were never pulled up in the first
place. Accountability has been left to go unchecked. We, as a race in the eyes
of the Almighty, are contemptible. Yet we continue in this vane totally
unabashed as if we will never be made accountable for our crimes.
can assure you all, who have subjected another to harm by their own mind or
hand, will be made accountable by God’s Law. Mankind is too slow to act and
because of this, the world is now out of control. The disease of mistrust, wrong
decisions, total selfishness and arrogance sweeps like a cancer throughout this
there will be no place safe where Mankind has not tarnished it and made it
rotten. Until there are leaders who are honest and lawful and who have the
desire to change Mankind’s thinking in the right and proper way then none can
survive this onslaught of disgraceful behaviour!”
24th August 2014 (jandmayers
and ladylydialondon twitter)
we must be aware that all of us have a sacred destiny to fulfil. If we are honest with ourselves we know that
that is so, because it is within our own consciousness, so
if we
listen to our inner knowledge we know what we have to do.”
Above from left to right are Michael, Jenny with Bernie Krause and Richard Blackford at a preconcert supper in Birmingham
On Monday, 4th August, Jenny and Michael went up to Birmingham where they had been invited to meet Richard Blackford and Bernie Krause, with his lovely wife Katherine, prior to the performance of their musical work entitled The Great Animal Orchestra Symphony at The Birmingham Town Hall.
After becoming first Composer in Residence at
Balliol College Oxford, Blackford was commissioned to write the opera
Metamorphoses for the Centenary of the Royal College of Music. The mid-1990s
saw a renewed focus on lyrical and eloquent works for the concert hall, notably
"Mirror of Perfection" and “Voices of Exile”, both subjects of
television documentaries. 2011 saw the premiere of ‘Not In Our Time’, a
55-minute choral and orchestral work commissioned to mark the Centenary of the
Bournemouth Symphony Chorus and for performance on the tenth anniversary of
After hearing the extracts from the book by the
American Bernie Krause called The Great
Animal Orchestra – Finding the Origins of Music in the World’s Wild Places
read on BBC 4 Book of the Week, Blackford visited Krause in Northern
California and after not only hearing the
beautiful recordings that Krause had created over 45 years in the field,
ranging from Borneo and Zimbabwe, to the Amazon and many other countries, but
he also saw their beautiful and compelling organization on a spectrogram, a
graphic illustration of sound.
Blackford wondered how
orchestral music might be created that derived its melodic curves and rhythms
from Krause’s remarkable recordings, so he set about sketching melodies and
rhythms that could become the building blocks of his own orchestral music.
To mimic or not to mimic?
Animals in the wild – organisms, who vocalize in both competitive and
cooperative relationships to one another – often mimic one another’s voices and
from the early stages of evolution, we humans have mimicked the vocal and
percussive performances of animals, from individual voices to entire organised structures.
In The Great Animal
Orchestra, Blackford decided to only mimic the astonishing Musician Wren in the
fifth movement. Having notated it as a 44-note song (after which the bird
repeats the sequence exactly) he couldn’t resist using it as a basis for a set
of variations.
Thus was born a new partnership of musical
co-operation. Already a musician as well
as a naturalist, Krause is one of the world’s leading experts in natural
sound. In truly wild places, such as the
Amazon Rainforest, where he recorded jaguars at night to the Virunga Mountains,
where he encountered mountain gorillas, he finds the planet’s deep and
connected natural sounds and rhythm.
When he evaluated the whole sound
score from a natural habit from top to bottom with each animal having a unique
place in it, he found it resembled a musical score. So when Richard Blackford approached him to
write a serious piece of music by putting together the natural world with the
instruments of an orchestra, a new and very clever union was born, which is
very powerful.
Jenny and Michael heard the third
performance after its premiere at the Cheltenham Festival with Martyn Brabbins conducting the
BBC Symphony Orchestra of Wales, when
it was broadcast live on Radio 3.
The second performance was in Aberystwyth, played
by the London Schools Symphony Orchestra, who again performed it at The Town
Hall Birmingham. Adrian Farmer of Nimbus
Records told them that the CD of this unique piece of music in five movements
featuring the BBC Symphony Orchestra of Wales was coming out in September.

MICHAEL MCMANUS wrote in the GRAMOPHONE: 'I have never heard
anything quite like this symphony, but, then, there has never been anything
quite like this symphony. . . . Even more extraordinary than the
concept itself is the degree to which this blending of nature and humans works;
and, simply by working, it makes its point. At its best, music always speaks
more eloquently than words can. This music speaks with great eloquence,
authority and immediacy, but not only on behalf of human beings: it speaks also
for the natural world, casting light upon humanity’s often less than felicitous
relationship with our fellow creatures.'
were taught to treat our neighbours as we would like them to treat us, so why
don’t we do so and make a greater harmony about us with all who come to meet
We Must Settle Our Differences in a Fair and Right Way
“The world
continues to plunge ever deeper into war, where conflict is rife on so many
levels. It is Mankind who has lost his way with tolerance and love for one
another. Instead, hatred of every kind is now the norm in certain areas of the
we can settle our differences and bring about what is fair and right, then
these dissents will continue forever more. All religions have love at the heart
to their teachings, yet little is shown in the battle-scared lands we have
wish to live in peace and sanctuary, but it is those hell-bent on power and
destruction that is at the very heart of our dilemmas. They feel no love in
their hearts, only the maiming and killing of others, which they strike deep
into the hearts of men and women.
“When they finally
pass from this world of ours into the next dimension, they will all be shown
the lives they have led. They will be shown the harm they have caused to so
many. It will be from that time that they must atone for their actions in
however many years it will take.
will have no other to blame but themselves, as it was their hand which struck
the first blow. Even past presidents and all politicians, whose narrow-minded
attitude brought people to war when there was no need for it. It was only the power they sought that enticed
them into battle – nothing more.
is high time now that countries start to see their hand in the battles that are
around the world today. To take over another’s country and call it your own, as
in colonisation, will always have repercussions. It is their will which has
been forced onto the innocent indigenous people.
will is not in harmony with the environment of those people who reside there. Mankind
has left so much destruction around the world it is now that they are reaping
the rewards of their invasions. They wonder why there is so much dissent and so
much ingratitude for their invasion and why the hatred is so powerful.
“Have we as a race
learnt nothing? War is not the answer. It is high time that fences were mended
and where harm has been inflicted, so new laws to bring about harmony to be
restored. Until the right action is put in place to safeguard all the people,
then nothing will ever change.
will continue to be cut down by those who feel they have a right to do so. In
the next life nothing is forgotten, all is seen and recorded explicitly and so
Mankind cannot feign ignorance. Everyone will be able to see the full horror
inflicted by their own hand.
is a truly humbling sight and for all those, from all over the world that have
had near death experiences, will testify to these events. Nobody gets away with
anything and no religion will be able to save them as there is no religion in
the next dimension. Religion is a manmade concept – not made by God. So it is
high time we started putting matters right before it is too late.”
11th August 2014 (jandmayers
and ladylydialondon twitter)
“Much is to be learned by watching the actions
and reactions of others. It is through
watching unguarded moments that we can witness moments of great joy, but also
moments of great pain. We can learn to
be gentler than before.”
Disease is the Killer not War
“The Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has declared a
state of emergency as the country grapples with the deadly Ebola virus. It has
already been predicted by us that disease will be the main killer over many
wars. The devastation caused will be more damaging to the world and it will be
Ebola virus is one of many viruses that will continue to spread at an alarming
rate causing both panic and unrest. It will affect all classes of society with
no real solutions to eradicate it. Mankind has been glib in so many ways, where
war seems to override common sense on the ground.
where Governments never think out the long term problems or solutions, but
boldly go in where angels fear to tread, with disease now rampant in so many
countries and getting progressively worse, war no longer is the solution to
remove people.
is disease itself that will eradicate all that is so wrong with the world at
large. Governments have ignored the plight of their people. Poverty, ignorance
and entrenched religious and cultural practices have helped to bring down
humanity with such a force. Aids and Bird Flu epidemics are still in existence
and all are hazardous in their own way.
of us know when we will be hit and, as the strains of diseases are getting
stronger, the antibiotics no longer can combat these viruses. Mankind must
start to put matters right for the people of this world. They must treat them
as they should be treated or situations will continue to spiral out of control.
None of us any longer can afford to be complacent. We all must act responsibly.”
7th August 2014 (jandmayers
and ladylydialondon twitter)
we feel alive we are positive in our thoughts and actions, so it is conversely
true that if we allow ourselves to become depressed we shall reap the heaviness
of our own vibrations.”
What We Need to Do if We Want to Life in Harmony
“The world must now look at itself as a whole, as opposed to
lots of different countries all joined together in one way or another. We are
all human with many different fears & aspirations where differences of
opinions matter, but equally there can be found common ground. It is this
common ground that needs to be built on
must all recognise that we need clean water to drink and where land is fertile
for crops to be grown. Systems need to be put in place to safeguard what is
valuable to all of us and that is our individual identities. We must learn to
put aside our fears and start to trust one another
we can’t abide by these common decencies then there is no hope any longer in
this world of ours. As humans, we are all the same. We need love to sustain us,
as well as food and shelter.
need to be accepted for who we are and to respect other beliefs besides our own.
We are all linked in this global soup where no one is alone, as we all depend
on each other for our needs.
Animal Kingdom is an equal partner in all this. We rely on animals for food and
clothing. Animals sustain our needs, as do plants and our natural surroundings.
has been greed and abuse to our world and that is where we have suffered and
the cost has been dear by wrong decisions taken. It is now necessary to go back
to basics and to start to put our world right and this can only be done by
right thinking and right action. Nothing else is possible to bring about a
return to what is both decent and honest.
can no longer rely on our politicians, where many have taken the wrong
decisions. It is pressure and power that consumes their very thinking. We must
start to make this world a better place for future generations. That means that
we must all take personal responsibility for our actions, both big and small.
have to show right decision making and instruct others into how to behave. No
longer can we be allowed to sleepwalk through life and allow others to make the
decisions for us. Others so often make decisions which have had a detrimental
effect on our lives.
“Wrong decisions
by Governments and bankers have had a crucifying effect on people all around
the world. Yet these people continue to get away with it and nobody is held to
account. There needs to be a change in the mind-set of men, that irresponsible
behaviour will be dealt with and that it is no longer accepted.
need to be hard and effective. People need to start to rebuild their lives
without the interference of those who should know better, but chose not to be.
on so many levels is now being exposed and situations are turning. Mankind can
start to make a better life without the constraints of greed and wrong doing. We
all must do our bit to expose what is wrong and to help put it right, if we
hope to live in harmony at all!”
2nd August 2014 (jandmayers
and ladylydialondon twitter)
is a state of happiness to be envied and cultivated and if it harms nobody else
we shall be uplifted in thought and hopefully word and deed. It never hurts anybody else if we share our
happiness with a smile and a giving countenance.”
CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype mustafa44338
next Public Demonstration by Jenny and Michael Ayers
06.30pm Sunday, 26th October 2014 for Divine Service at Crawley Spiritualist
Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex
Finally we
continue to send you our love and wish you well as the world continues to
change at a remarkable rate. The guides still continue to tell us what to
expect, so we still know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks
and work for the Greater Good for all to survive and progress as well as
ourselves, our families and our friends.
Our Twitter
forecasts and comments now number 27,131 over the two addresses to followers from all over the world
with new ones still joining to read what the Spirit guides us to say.
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