01 June 2013

May Newsletter 2013


“To Become Free Again In Our Own Mind Is To Be Truly Uplifted”

          As we begin to look more into ourselves and see over our lives, we all ask the question, “Could I have done more or could I have done it better?”

          Many of us live in a fearful situation, fear for our livelihoods, fear of not having enough money to feed or clothe ourselves, fear for our children and their security and our own.

          Fear is the greatest headache that we all face and is the greatest deterrent of what we must do and look at.  It is because of fear that we become ill, we become stationary in our lives, not able to make the right decisions when we know fully well we need to.

          When we seek the correct advice and it is given to us and we begin to analyse it, then fear is removed and it allows us again to continue with our lives in a happy and organised way.

          It is only in the seeking of the right advice and then fully implementing it, can we be finally saved.  It takes personal responsibility to allow for this step to occur.

Not all of us are always prepared to take that advice and therefore the suffering to that individual continues until they are finally prepared to take that next step.

          Help is always out there and there will always come a time when we must learn to trust it and to then be finally released from the imprisonment of fear itself.

          When an individual asks for help and there is a genuine need for it, it is always supplied.  Not always in the way that you would wish it, but nevertheless supplied.

The help is usually more substantial and longer lasting taking in all considerations for all matters surrounding the problems incurred.

          The relief is amazing and the dark clouds that used to haunt us are no longer there.  It is as if a miracle had occurred and what we once faced is no more.

We become liberated and free again to get on with our lives and have a smile on our faces, knowing that we all are looked after and in a better way than what we thought possible.

          Our lives are back on track again and we can proceed unhindered by that dreadful doom that haunted our very being.

          At last there is that sunshine at the end of the tunnel and we can understand it was always there anyway, we just didn’t know it existed, because we were not able to find out.

          Peace of mind is now there for many of us.  The vast Universal changes are there to force us to make those relevant decisions in our lives, to put fear aside and to follow the right path that we are now being instructed to take and to become free again in our own mind is to be truly uplifted.

Jenny Ayers
Wednesday, 29th May2013

The New Impetus Begins to Show Signs
“To all who feel they need to just lighten up a bit – then please do so.  The world’s heavy vibrations are now swinging around and a new positive stance is emerging.  This will give all those who have felt down or forlorn a new lift and impetus in their lives.
            “What has felt like a heavy time of it – new life is afforded throughout the globe and so challenges, which seemed impossible, now take on a new phase.  To express yourselves is healthy, but not when it can harm another, so it must be done with kind thoughts in mind and so have the desired effect.
            “As the new impetus begins to show signs, which are not only positive but growing, life becomes better for so many and even restoration of the body and mind is achieved.”
28th May 2013 (jandmayers twitter)

The Spirituality of Life is now Changing
“The spirituality of life, which has been in short supply of late, is now changing.  Mankind is now reflecting on his past input and is now willing to take on a greater challenge to forward his own mind-set as never before.  People the entire world over are now wanting a better life and, in order to achieve it, they realise it has to be a collective approach.
            “No longer can the few, fight for good for the majority.  All must learn to inspire growth and wellbeing throughout their lives to actually make a difference.  If there is no collective task force then there can be no gain.
            “All must want it and all must decide that they will finally work towards that criterion.  Then mountains are moved and a satisfaction, not known in a long time, becomes the norm.  People then will find satisfaction and a build-up of confidence, enlightenment and peace is then given.”
28th May 2013 (ladylydialondon twitter)

Terror and Pain
The human outcry of pain from the brutal killing of a British soldier is truly heart wrenching. All must think carefully of those misrepresented souls, whose only way of expressing their own pain was to inflict even more.  The world now has to look at the consequences of our actions when we strike in the heart of another country thus bringing about an even severer set of circumstances of which none of us are prepared for.
The Boston Bombers were also radicalised and their part in Boston was devastation.  All nations must now look to what they are doing and what they are teaching.  Unless it is one of goodwill and love, then major consequences can arise where fear becomes the perpetrator of all ills.
President Obama’s speech on his defence of using drones was as eloquent as usual.  It is understandable that drones do away with the infiltration of ground troops, which would deploy greater carnage in a war against terror.  It is also necessary to understand that the people where terror exists in the case here of Pakistan and Afghanistan, are in a cleft fist of terror themselves.
“Until there is international support given to the respective Governments to deal with their own unrest it naturally boils over into other dimensions.  Not all countries have the same standards of decency and the rule of law.  This is where major education to deal with these deficiencies is vital for global stabilisation.
“There needs to be an international agreement for this education to be supplied and with a team from different faiths and beliefs.  They would bring together a consensus, which is universal for all people to thrive and prosper.  Of course, where despots are involved, this is unlikely to happen, as they rule to their own advantage and not of the safekeeping of their flock, so inciting continuous rebellion & unrest and eventual overthrow of that regime by their own people.”
24th May 2013 (jandmayers twitter)

Economically Haves and the Have-nots
“The blood of those people killed in Bangladesh, when the factory building collapsed bringing in a death total of over 1,110.  It is not only the factory owners that are at fault but the Bangladeshi Governments for not abiding by the laws governed for building ethics. Something they have failed in their governing, time and time again.
“As with everything in life, you reap what you sow and, as this Government and subsequent other Governments, have repeatedly failed their people.  They now have to live with the international condemnation of their acts.  Money gained to the country by this slave labour and sharp practices will now be deficit.  Trade will be given to other countries, who do abide by the rules and so what was once gained is now lost to them. This is a bitter lesson and one that needs to be finally learnt.  Unfortunately it is the human cost which always bears the brunt of these misgivings.
The European Central Bank’s assessment towards the improvements in the UK economy is mediocre.  The fall of the Euro continues to put massive strain on economic growth throughout the whole of Europe.  Until this currency is scrapped for good there cannot be any full time revival of the economy to any of the European markets who hold this currency.
Europe, for the sake of international unity, is putting an almost impossible strain on all its citizens.  It is far better to be free and independent instead of drowning in a sea of bureaucracy because Brussels wants a united Europe.  At the end of the day there will be a massive split between the haves and the have-nots.
“From that a declaration to remove those who have, from those who have not, will be the driving force which finally splits this union.  It still will not aid those who have, but it will allow for the other countries to find their correct level and begin to revive.  The Higher Intelligence comes in to help provide the solutions for growth and the beginnings of peace of mind.
24th May 2013 (ladylydialondon twitter)

The Acidic Arctic
 “The Arctic Seas are becoming rapidly more acidic through carbon dioxide emissions. Norwegian scientists are monitoring oceans changes due to these global carbon dioxide emissions. As global warming hits us all hard, we all tend to get complacent until we can no longer ignore its devastating effects.
            “No matter what excuses we try to convince ourselves it does not existence, it continues to devastate our planet with repeated accuracy. Crops and livestock are damaged and the landscape in many regions is now so different that we can no longer ignore its existence. Mankind will need to address these issues whether it likes it or not.
6th May 2013 (jandmayers twitter)

The Belligerent Child brings no Love
“As Israel continues to poke its nose in where it is not wanted and creates a series of destructive situations they will see the world’s hatred continue to grow against them.  They are already despised by so many and until America intervenes to quieten down its belligerent child the world will come out in opposition to its actions.
“America will have to take the backlash for this again. Hatred against America due to Israel’s bullying ways will not do them any favours.  Obama must learn to show some teeth and not be continually swayed by the Israeli lobby. America has a role to play with its own people and to safeguard their interests first over and above Israel’s.
            The Syrian War has to be fought out as the Syrians see it, as their cause to fight, whether it is right or wrong, it is they who must determine their own outcome. It is not for Israel to interfere, which is none of their business, no matter how provoking it might seem to them.”
6th May 2013 (ladylydialondon twitter)

"When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail." - Abraham Maslow

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
www.spiritualist-guidance.org and www.living-proof.biz

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for SUMMER 2013

·         Please note that we have had to pull-out of the Eastbourne Divine Service on Sunday, 23rd June as we are working abroad.

Sunday, 7th July 2013                        
06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex


Demonstration of Clairvoyance

Divine Service including Clairvoyance

          Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the world continues to change. Our Twitter forecasts (now with 2724 followers from all over the world) continue to tell us what to expect, so we know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks and help the greater good to survive as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

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