“The Lull Before the Storm”
As storm clouds rise up around the Middle
East keeping everybody on tenterhooks all over the world, it gives us all a
time to reflect about what is going on in our own lives and how our own storms
sometimes mirror what is happening around the globe.
We are all in a transitional stage and
there appears a lot of insanity and much mayhem. It is right that we all go through this
motion to cleanse ourselves of what has happened to us in the past and to
finally offload once and for all something which should never have happened.
No longer can Mankind carry the problems
and misdeeds of the past. It is high
time we all offloaded these burdens, learnt from them and begin again, clean
and wholesome.
The past can no longer be allow to
infiltrate and tarnish both the present and the future and destroy so much that
has been built up, which is true and honest.
Start to see much clearing out both
physically and mentally, whereby we can start again on a better footing, where
the paths remain clear and where constructive advice and guidance which at last
comes to our ears and where we can recognise it as the truth and can utilise it
This transition will become the most
effective and efficient ever. It is
necessary for the entire planet to go through this transition and learn from
it. This way the past mistakes can be
rectified and a new pathway is open to us all, where through this sound advice
we are able to steer away from harm and mistrust and where we can now recognise
a better way of living.
Too many of us have suffered at the hands
of the few and it is now time for a new energy to come forwards, where its
force can begin to wipe clean the ills of the past and start to renew matters
to become constructive and no longer destructive.
We owe it to ourselves to ride this storm
of self-cleansing and start to see that our lives are worth saving. It is no longer our mission to leave it to
others to do our bidding for us, but for us to take up the reins of the
challenge and start to rebuild our lives in a better more fruitful way.
We all can now put the past behind us and
walk free and see that our spirit has not been broken under the weight of the
trauma, but that we have become stronger because of it.
We have all survived and lived to tell the
tale. Now with renewed energy, we are
able to forge ahead and rebuild our lives in keeping with both sanity and
harmony after all this time.
Start to see over the next few months rapid
changes and growth, where the impossible becomes the possible and where the new
start is shown to us plain and clear.
This time we cannot allow any mistakes, we
take up the mantle for freedom and that is our freedom from the persecution of
the past.
Child Abuse, Corruption and Money Laundering
“A senior Italian
cleric has been arrested in connection with the Vatican Bank scandal over
allegations of corruption and fraud.
A secret service agent and a financial broker have been arrested also. Those in custody have been trying to move
€20m illegally into Italy.
Francis has given a commission carte
blanche to get to the bottom of these scandals. The allegations are that the Vatican has been
involved in corruption and money laundering by the bank. It is no wonder that Catholics around the
world are leaving the Church in their droves.
How can anybody believe in anything that they say, while child abuse,
corruption and money laundering goes on?
Catholic Church have only themselves to blame as they have thought to be above
the Law both Mans and Gods in their practices and so now must pay the ultimate
price. Their penance will be that this
Church will fall dramatically. Their survival will be suspect, as more and more
will be found out and revealed. This
process now by Spiritual Law is unstoppable, as the roof will come off all the
scandals as one by one is found out.
clearing up of all the mess over decades of greed and abject avarice is exposed. The people will vote with their feet as their
disgust is noticed. The constant
hypocrisy of the Church will be their own downfall; salvation for them is not
28th June 2013 (jandmayers twitter)
Sexual Grooming of Children and Hypocrisy
grooming of children is expected to be condemned by Muslim leaders across
the UK in a sermon to be read to thousands of worshippers. The sermon is to highlight how the Koran
emphasises that Muslims must protect children and the vulnerable. Quotations from the Koran forbidding sexual
indecency, wickedness and oppression of others are disgraceful and
this is very fine, but it does not apply to those who wish to practice outside
the Koran’s teachings. They do not care
what the Koran says: it simply does not apply to them. Therefore these men feel they can do what
they like no matter what the consequences of their actions.
“It would be
interesting to know how many of these Muslim men, who groomed these girls for
sex, actually went to Mosques each Friday to pray. Their hypocrisy would be seen by all
who witness their religious practices. It really is high time the Muslim Imams
and the community took a greater stance in sorting out these culprits.
men groomed these school girls for eight years and to say nobody knew anything
about it is ridiculous. This is nothing
new. It is not an isolated case; these things have been going on in the UK for
several years. It is only because they
were finally exposed by the girls themselves whose courage it took in fear of
their lives that these men were exposed.
the Muslim community do not wish to experience reprisals by the non-Muslim
communities, then they have to act decisively.
They must start to act responsibly if we are all to continue to live in
a democratic society and not be taken advantage of as the UK population is easy
kinds of acts would not happen in say, Saudi Arabia for example, as strict
penalties and punishments would be enforced.
These men may have been given life sentences, but equally have the
girls, whose lives have also been destroyed by their wicked acts.”
28th June 2013 (jandmayers twitter)
The Higher Intelligence is not about recycling
“A new species of
bird has been discovered hiding in plain sight in Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh. The Cambodian Tailorbird, as it has been
named, was first seen in 2009. Now more
specimens of the same bird have been sighted in regions around the city.
bird is meticulous in its preparation of its nests and it is a part of the
warbler family. The discovery indicates
new species may still be found in familiar and unexpected places. What is not surprising is that new species of
animals and birds and wildlife are constantly being discovered.
“The Great Creator
is always able to create new life forms and we should not be really
surprised. As new souls are created
every day, then it has to be feasible that new life in other dimensions is also
possible. Our Creator is not
redundant and, to suppose that new creation does not exist, is to ignore
the science to support this.
“The Higher Intelligence is not about
recycling, but about regeneration of what is needed for this planet on
which we all live and therefore are all important to each other.”
26th June 2013 (jandmayers twitter)
Thought is as Powerful as we Thought
“Researchers have harnessed the power of
thought to guide a remote-controlled helicopter through an obstacle course. The demonstration shows how electrical
patterns of thought steer motion in the real world. Such thoughts have already been used to steer
a motorised wheelchair.
“The research in
the Journal of Neural Engineering uses a non-invasive cap to capture
this brain electrical activity. Many people are already aware of the power of
thought, which is enormous.
is the thoughts from the mind which is the power, not the brain itself, as the
mind and the brain are separate The
brain is the engine room, while it is the mind which powers it up and therefore
the most powerful element known to man.”
power of prayer is one of the most powerfully controlled aspects of the
mind. The extent of that power is colossal, as has been proven by the human
race. Scientists are still trying to
grapple with things that many in the human race are able to control anyway.
Tibetan Monks have great mind power and can, when trained, push a man
down from a distance of 20 feet. They
are able to elevate things, just using the mind. This for them is nothing new. It is all about how the individual is trained
to enhance that power and use it successfully.
will catch up one day.”
5th June 2013 (jandmayers twitter)
Even after all this time,
the Sun never says to the Earth, you owe me. Look what happens with a love
like that. It lights the whole sky ~Hafiz~ S.D. 07-29-2012
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
You can’t Bank on it anymore
“The bringing down of more
institutions who have flouted the law will become more evidential. No longer are they allowed to get away with
their sharp practices and continue to ride roughshod over the general public.
more banks being swept away as they cannot keep up with the new enforced
rulings that are being implemented. The
new Bank of England governor will make sweeping changes to the banks as
a whole. He will start to bring back
decency regarding banking practices and so demolish the rogue banking system
which still operates today.”
4th June 2013 (ladylydialondon twitter)
Robin Korth @RobinKorth
To begin to see the
possibilities of ourselves and our world, is the beginning of the end of our
comfort zone #robininyourface #spirituality
we develop care and concern by thinking of others not as ‘them’ but ‘us’, there
is no room for bullying, exploitation or deceit.
Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892
662 856
Skype mustafa44338
Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for SUMMER 2013
Sunday, 7th July 2013
06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West
Demonstration of Clairvoyance
Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Demonstration of Clairvoyance
Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well
as the world continues to change. Our Twitter forecasts (now with 2987
followers from all over the world) continue to tell us what to expect, so we
know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks and help the Greater
Good to survive as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.