“Harmony through Change is Always in Balance”
See how beautiful the world is. All that nature brings with its never-ending cycles and the subtle way it changes. All is movement and works in harmony to bring in the desired effect for regrowth and restructure.
It is sometimes violent, sometimes slow, but always effective, so as nature always has the desired effect, as if run by an intelligence that governs all the seasons, all the oceans and all that keeps the Earth to function in a way that is necessary for its existence.
Nature can repair itself. It can take time, especially when the destruction has been devastating. The repair comes in ways not always expected, but often perfect in its own way.
We as humans, who are but balls of energy like the world cycles, so we also go through our various cycles for rebirth and reinstatement and we have to in order to keep going and to move ever forwards in our own destiny.
As nature never stops, so we as a human race also never stop. We grow both physically and mentally. Our perceptions of things ten years ago are no longer the same for us today.
We too have evolved and have changed, many of us for the better. Our understanding of life has produced a wisdom not thought possible before. We all can encounter circumstances in our lives that had great destruction imposed upon us, always coming out of that chaos a better understanding of who we are is always born.
Nobody stays the same. We are all constantly evolving, growing with a greater wisdom, which can only be born through experience. It shapes our character as nature’s cycle shapes our landscape.
We all are a part of each other, dependant on all that is around us. Through our own evolvement we can appreciate both the good times and the devastating times. We all will survive and nothing is by chance.
The creative force, the life’s intelligence, brings us all to the point where we are all meant to be in our lives. No one is ahead or behind the other. All are in the right place of understanding for all our evolution.
Give praise to yourselves for how far you have come and begin to see a future that is always within your grasp, should you wish it enough. Never be complacent or take anything for granted, because like nature it can vanish in an instant.
All that is neglected will be taken away until full appreciation returns and then a better grounding can materialise. When nature is neglected or ignored, it also will wither and die – its use is no more.
To bring it back to life, so love has to be given to it and a healthy outcome always transpires. We as humans must learn to love ourselves and others, so relationships can form and grow.
A healthy way is a loving way and all can be produced in all its magnificence for all the world to see. The world, nature and people are all remarkable when love transcends through them and harmony through change is always in balance.
See yourselves grow in your own magnificent way. You owe it to yourself to be that spark of light, that instrument of love, so all can benefit and life begins to be worth living.
Jenny Ayers
Friday, 17th February 2012
Jenny and Michael have recently returned from a highly successful visit to Switzerland, where they were welcomed and received with much kindness and respect for the work that they do.
They would like to take this opportunity to thank all those wonderful people that they met and especially those who gave of their time to organised meetings and transportation.
The response was so great that there are already plans for Jenny and Michael to return and it is so gratifying that there were so many people that they could help and guide.
The welcome was from the hearts of the people that they met and Jenny and Michael wish to thank them from their own hearts and to let all people know that they are there for them when they are needed and remind them that they are only a call or an email away.
Their arrival coincided with the Mont-Blanc Bridge being closed by the effects of a mains burst caused by the very cold weather and in Champéry, where they went later, they were told it was the coldest for thirty years.
The article below gives some idea of the severity of the weather that Jenny and Michael shared with the residents of Geneva.
A Historically Glacial February published by Julien Culet on 14th February 2012
It was necessary to arm oneself with courage to go out and brave the cold, which beat down on Geneva and its roadstead these last two weeks.
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Picture: Laurent Guiraud
“Never has it been so cold in February in Geneva. In 1956 the thermometer went down to -21°C, but the wind was quasi void,” explained Marianne Giroud-Gaillard of Weather Forecast Switzerland. This year the lowest temperature was only -11.3°C on February 5th. On the contrary, with the wind chill factor the feeling of cold was particularly strong. According to the picture said about Aeolian cooling, it felt about -26°C! We attained levels never measured before in Geneva.
“We have just lived through two very special weeks. Not for an instant did the temperature rise above zero since 1st February,” explains the meteorologist, who continued: “In 1985, we saw -17°C, but the thermometer went back up from time to time to above zero. The wind surprised the meteorologists everywhere with its impressive regularity. We had daily averages of 40km /h. This was huge because normally they are around 5km/h!
“After fourteen days of record cold, temperatures are going rise. From today, the maximum will be between zero and two degrees. They will arrive in the next few days and temperatures will closer to seasonal normal,” announced Marianne Giroud-Gaillard. It appears therefore that the hardest of the winter is over with a change of wind direction to the Northwest will bring in air from the Atlantic.
“It was the northeast wind that brought the polar cold which touched Geneva. Until now, we were under the influence of an anticyclone from Siberia. It explains why the Eastern countries, notably Ukraine and Poland, were so harshly treated.
“One or two days of sun will be enough to warm the soil up,” reassured the meteorologist. “After such cold, nothing says that the summer will be particularly nice. In general, people think that after a hard winter they have the right to a hot and sunny summer. This was never proved.”
The original article and more photographs can be seen on http://www.tdg.ch/geneve/actu-genevoise/Un-mois-de-fevrier-historiquement-glacial/story/29692713
A special thank you to Anna for sending it to us and my apologies for my translation from the original French.
Love, Light and Valentines
I believe in Love. I believe that there is someone for everyone. I believe that Love makes us beautiful in the eyes of another, and to ourselves, so today, Valentine’s Day, I want to say something to you, from my heart to yours…
I love you. You are beautiful, just as you are. Your being here makes the world a brighter and better place. To love is to risk. It requires courage. Sometimes it requires everything you have, and then some…
But stand strong. Your heart needs to love. It needs to shine that beautiful Light of Love that comes from within and that illuminates the darkness for another.
Shine your Light. Shine brightly. Let your heart light the way for another lonely traveller in the darkness. Know that Love is worth it. Know that sending Love attracts Love back to you.
You are lovable, and worthy of love. You are the pot of gold at the end of someone’s rainbow. Can you not feel the kiss of sun upon your skin, the caress of the breeze upon your cheek, the sparkle of the stars reflected in your eyes? The whole Universe sings a love song for you.
Life is precious and so are you. Today, choose to live from Love. I’m sending all of mine to you ♥ Happy Valentine’s Day xxoxx
Received from a lady in Oxfordshire
The numbers following Jenny and Michael on Twitter continue to increase as people all around the world read the wisdom and forecasts that are put out on ladylydialondon and jandmayers.
These daily tweets can also be read on www.spiritualist-guidance.org and also on the newer site now available of Wisdom and Forecasts http://jandmayers.blogspot.com
Found this morning on Twitter: “False friends are like our shadow, keeping close to us while we walk in the sunshine, but leaving us when we cross into the shade.”
Lost Teachings of Atlantis
Know that it is Written
When All is Over
Those Who Chose the Light
Will Be Free
From the Darkness
But Remains to See
If They Will Live
Amongst the Stars
Or Live Amongst the Earth
Help me to find myself
Help me to be myself
Help me to know myself
CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
01892 662 856 |
Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for SPRING 2012
Sunday, 19th February 2012
06.30pm Tonbridge Spiritual Centre, Hadlow, Kent
Wednesday, 14th April 2012
07.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex
07.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex
Sunday, 6th May 2012
03.00pm Eastbourne Christian Spiritualist Church, Eastbourne, East Sussex
03.00pm Eastbourne Christian Spiritualist Church, Eastbourne, East Sussex
Demonstration of Clairvoyance
Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Demonstration of Clairvoyance
Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the world continues to change. Our Twitter forecasts continue to tell us what to expect, so we know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks and help the greater good to survive.
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