tells us
"Being Content with Little
does Mean More."
"As we await the changes to befall this country after the monetary mess we all have been placed in, remember our own responsibility in getting our own house in order.
"It is often easy to blame government for so many things, but each and every one of us must not lose sight of our own needs, which are completely different from our wants.
"So if you take care and remain positive in all things useful changes to your lifestyle can and do occur. We must never take it for granted that we have a job for life or that we are healthy for life.
"We cannot afford that laissez-faire attitude. Now while we are still into the first quarter of the year, we can still make those fundamental changes so that in the long term we will benefit from what we do now!
"Look to see what matters to you. Is it your lifestyle or is it true happiness? Is it working all hours or is it peace of mind?
"Do we really need that new car or can we manage with what we have? Do we really need that large house with all its heating costs and upkeep or would we be content with something smaller?
"Peace of mind comes in when we fully realise what is important in our lives and how can we change it to make it better?
"The struggle need no longer be there. We make our own hardships. Begin to learn to let go and a new idea is given to you. From that a new life can emerge with less hassle and pain.
"Being content with what you have and not extending yourself is a wonderful thing. To have so much means nothing, if it is not fully utilised in the right way. We all acquire much more than we actually need.
"It can be the smaller things in life that give the most pleasure. Being content with little really does mean more.
"God bless, Mustafa."
We wanted to share with you all the message from the Chair of the Scientific and Medical Network in their February Newsletter
Message from the Chair
"If we believe in the rebirth of our civilization, then clearly this renaissance must begin in the chambers of our own hearts". This comment by Geog Feuerstein, author of many books on Buddhism, Yoga and Hinduism, underlines the importance of beginning any great project of transformation by concentrating on our own selves. In the West we have often sought to transform the world by imposing change and revolution from without, often with the best of motives, but often leading to the opposite of what we hoped for. The great spiritual traditions of the East have much to teach us about what we would now call a 'bottom-up' or 'grass-roots' approach. In Gautama Buddha's words: "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world." Perhaps this is also what the Taoist sage is advising us in the cryptic statement: "If you want to find the Way, you do not need to venture out of doors", though I would add: "When you have found the Way, don't keep it to yourself".
John Clarke
We find it very upsetting to read in the Psychic News of the length companies will go in order to make money however dangerous their product may be to young children.
Michael's first introduction to poltergeist activity was through two young children playing with a Ouija board, who allowed the entry of a strong physical male presence into a family home in Berkshire .
Hasbo Toys, an American toy manufacturer, has produced a OUIJA BOARD targeted at young female children.
It is made in a 'dazzling shade of pink" with a suggested age of 8+ indicated on the front of the box.
Toys R Us website states, "It has always been mysterious. It has always been mystifying. And now the OUIJA Board is just for you, girl
.With 72 fun questions included, you'll never run out of things to ask. Who will you call/text me next. Will I be a famous actor someday? ...It is just a game or is it?"
The board is for sale through Amazon and many high street stores.
Tales abound of misadventure with a Ouija board used irresponsibly or in ignorance of the dangers.
I quote here from the much respected Maurice Barbanell, "The Spirit World is not composed entirely of saints. There are practical jokers and leg-pullers who will flock the moment they see an opportunity
to indulge in some fun. This is all the more likely to happen when sittings are held haphazardly and with no serious motive."
A number of people have already launched a campaign to have this wicked product withdrawn.
We are very pleased to announce a new page to our websites. It is called Presence of the Lord and it contains the words of Jesus explained through the spiritual channelling as we receive it.
We are happy to introduce White Feather, who is the First Nation guide of Rebecca Dunwoody. She met her guide through one of our teaching circles and is now ready to send out his philosophy through our newsletter on a regular basis.
Some thoughts from White Feather
Our Responsibility to Our Children
Those of us who have children in our care have a responsibility to do what is right by them and teach them what is truly necessary for them to survive in this earthly world. Promoting the importance of caring for their Spiritual self should be paramount as it will enable them to sail through life and bring them empathy for others they meet along their path. With the right words and gentle guidance children can fully understand the right way in which to manifest lasting happiness and fulfilment.
The greatest gift to them is reassurance that they are never alone and they are being helped every step they take, gently remind them not to fear the inevitable death of loved ones, but to understand the perfect truth behind it. Encourage their naturally loving and caring ability for each other and all living things.
By teaching them these foundations in life, you give them the very best chance of survival within this ever darkening world. Let them shine as beacons to others and allow them their right to be closer to God and all it offers.
Nurture these loved ones as they are the future.
God Bless you all,
White Feather
Finally we enjoyed this little ditty that was sent to us so we are passing it on to you.
I would ask everybody who have a blog or website put a link into ours. If you do it will help Google to help spread the word.....
Please explore our Site and tell others who are like minded about it. Mustafa's guidance on 'It is Normal to Show Your Feelings', 'Understand Yourself and Stand up to the Bully' and 'Realise What is Truly Important' is at with much more
We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.
Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for MARCH & APRIL 2010
Sunday, 21st March 201006.30pm
Sunday, 11th April 2010
06.30pm Chalice of Light,
Tuesday, 20th April 2010
07.30pm BHASVIC, 205,
Thursday, 22nd April 2010
07.30pmSeaford Independent Spiritualist Church , Seaford, East Sussex
Saturday, 24th April 201007.30pm
Demonstration of Clairvoyance
Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Demonstration of Clairvoyance
Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Finally we send you our love and wish you well as the World continues to change and Mustafa's words continue to tell us what we can expect and gives us guidance as to what we should be doing to help and survive.
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