Since we have survived the predicted doom and gloom merchants' prophecy of the End of the World on the ninth day of the ninth month of the ninth year of the twenty-first century, I thought it would be enlightening to ask Mustafa about the ending of the Mayan Calendar in 2012, in which year so many people are expecting things to happen…
"You must be joking. This World hopefully by then will be set on a path of some type of righteous living and working.
"All those who were selfish in one way or another will already have received their comeuppance and another wave of spiritual enlightenment, like a wave form, will start to further oust all small growths of unrest.
"Those people who have bought boats or even dwellings that will float at their so called appointed time, when the sea waters will rise and the land lost, will be so very disappointed.
"Yes, the flood waters will rise, but equally there will be enormous draughts and much famine of which this Globe has not experienced for centuries.
"Until Man is aware that food is not in unlimited supply overall and where destruction to land and livestock occurs, so the delicate balance of nature then falls down.
"Crops are not able to mature and in some cases are not able even to take root. The Earth does not have an inexhaustible supply of food. It is all starting to run out.
"Crops are indeed affected and the current climate, both economical and environmental, has brought about these collapses.
So the World will not end in 2012, but there will be a vast reawakening to Mankind that they must put precious resources to work and that they take precedence over profit every time.
"Profit to Man is of no use if that person is starving. A luxury house is of no use if you are dying of thirst and there is no longer water to drink.
"The World can only supply so much and until Mankind comes to his senses then more will have to suffer until the necessary adjustment is put into action.
"So the World will not blow up and cease to exist. It will however be on a path to get matters of enormous necessity for the sustaining of human life back into balance, whereby new ways to produce food and water are realised and a new beginning starts to evolve.
"It will only be a start, but in itself that is something – God bless, Mustafa."
A few nights ago in my prayers, I asked Master Jesus for further enlightenment. At about three o'clock that coming morning this is what I received.
"Rigidity of male dominance, especially in the bedroom, is against the Mosaic Laws. The chains around the females must be broken. Women must be freed, so let freedom of the West spread into the East. So let it be written, so let it be done.
"All wills have to be there now. All that was taught by the Creator is in the New Testament. The old way was the walking of a narrow path of knowledge, but now it must be the wide way of truth.
"Some search the Bible for literal truths, but the words of 'God' are Universal."
Until all men and all women treat each other as equals, this matter will continue to go unresolved as it has for centuries. I feel that almost all women will understand what it is that is spoken of here and sadly most men will not.
My interpretation is clear that men and women should make love and not just indulge in sex. The old ways of interpreting the fundamental laws of life are no longer locked in the stone on which the Ten Commandments were carved.
It is the intensions in our hearts which matter not the letter of the law. Spirit often tell us that they and 'God' move on, but Man stays rigid and can't manage to change for the better.
We recently received the following email from one of Jenny's many clients in America and we would like to share it with you.
It is with complete and utter JOY that I announce the launching of my brand new website
It is with complete and utter JOY that I announce the launching of my brand new website is no more...

If you know any survivors of a stage four breast cancer diagnosis, please ask them to contact me at I am looking for others' stories- women who have been diagnosed, like me, at a late stage and continue to thrive. I am continuing with my book, however now I intend to share other stories of hope and faith, as well as my own. How they are healing, who they are loving, how they are laughing, in spite of it all. Cancer can be a great teacher, if we let it...
The other aspect of Reach for the Joy is the non-profit I have created in order to eradicate cancer one person at a time. The section on this is coming soon. We are looking for sponsors, volunteers, members for the board, etc. We are also looking for people who wish to serve. We will create a sort of clinic for women in the not too distant future- to educate, to reach out, to help, to love.
Please make note of my new email address. I will keep using the Gmail address for the time being, but please add this one to your address book
So, it is with pleasure and JOY that I reach out to you and ask you to please log on to - log on often. I pledge to write often and keep Reaching for the JOY!
Continue to Reach for the JOY!
Continue to Reach for the JOY!
I was interested in reading an article from the Telegraph about Patrick Stewart playing in Waiting for Godot at the Haymarket Theatre a few weeks ago as Jenny and I had enjoyed the production very much when we saw it on tour in Brighton before it went to the West End .
He saw the apparition while performing Waiting for Godot with Sir Ian McKellen. Stage hands believe he saw the ghost of John Baldwin Buckstone, who was actor-manager of the Theatre Royal Haymarket in the mid 19th century and a friend of Charles Dickens. Upon coming offstage for the interval, Stewart told his co-star that he saw a man standing in the wings wearing what looked like a beige coat and twill trousers.
Sir Ian asked him: "What happened, what threw you?"
"I just saw a ghost. On stage, during Act One," Stewart replied.
The episode was related in a documentary about the Theatre Royal Haymarket, produced by television channel Sky Arts. However, it appears cameramen failed to capture images of the ghost itself. Buckstone had a long association with the Theatre Royal, first as a comic actor, then as a playwright and finally as its actor-manager from 1853 to 1877, during which time it put on some 200 productions. The house became the leading comic theatre of the day.
He did not die in the building, passing away peacefully at home in Sydenham , Kent , after a long illness in 1879 aged 77. But theatre lore professes that he nevertheless haunts the place to the present day. Nigel Everett, a director of the theatre, said: "Patrick told us all about it. He was stunned. I would not say frightened, but I would say impressed."
Appearances of Buckstone were not that frequent, Mr Everett said, with the last being by a stage hand about three or four years ago. He added: "The last time an actor saw him would have been I think Fiona Fullerton, playing in an Oscar Wilde, 10 or 12 years ago. The ghost tends to appear when a comedy is playing." While he said he did not consider Waiting for Godot to be a comedy, he thought their production did have comic aspects. "I think Buckstone appears when he appreciates things," he added. "We view it as a positive thing."
It has been drawn to our attention that those who have a Google Mail address receive a column on the right hand side of their emails entitled Sponsored Links.
Jenny and Michael Ayers wish to make it quite plain that these Sponsored Links are from Google and have nothing to do with our emails and are in NO way approved or indeed sponsored by us.
GOOGLE MAIL says: Addresses, Packages, and other links
When you open a message that lists an address or package tracking number, Gmail shows you handy links to maps and directions, or your package's delivery status. These links are produced automatically for your convenience. No humans read the content of your email in order to generate these links and none of them are sponsored by advertisers. We hope you'll find them relevant and useful!
I would ask everybody who have a blog or website put a link into ours. If you do it will help Google to help spread the word.....
Mustafa's Death Mask
Please explore our Site and tell others who are like minded about it. Mustafa's guidance on 'The Power of Prayer', 'Control through Fear' and Patience is at with much more…
We have been asked by some people who telephone us, but do not know of the work that we do, to put some letters of Recommendation online, so although I feel it is rather like blowing our own trumpet rather than that of our guides I have answered the request with the appropriate site online.
We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.
Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for OCTOBER 2009
Sunday, 27th September 2009
06.30pm Chalice of Light,Tunbridge Wells , Kent
06.30pm Chalice of Light,
Sunday, 18th October 2009
06.30pm Chalice of Light,Tunbridge Wells , Kent
Sunday, 25th October 2009
06.30pm Tonbridge Spiritual Centre,Hadlow , Kent
06.30pm Chalice of Light,
Sunday, 25th October 2009
06.30pm Tonbridge Spiritual Centre,
Demonstration of Clairvoyance
Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Demonstration of Clairvoyance
Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Finally we send you our love and wish you well as the World continues to change and Mustafa's words continue to tell us what we can expect and gives us guidance as to what we should be doing to help and survive.
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