While I was considering over the past few days what I should major on for this Newsletter, I was told that there would be something in today’s Post. I have been reading recently books entitled The Eagle and the Rose and Proud Spirit by Rosemary Altea.
I have found them easy to read and very spiritual as she tells the stories about her experiences during her spiritual work with her guide Grey Eagle of healing and mediumship (See Bookshelf on I had also linked our site to her website for interested readers on Signposts.
I was therefore astounded and appalled to read a headline in the Psychic News 27th June 2009 on page 3 Employee pleads guilty to stealing money from Rosemary Altea.
Without further comment by me I asked Jenny to put a question to Mustafa. How can it come about that while this lady was working for ‘God’ through Spirit, she could be so exposed and apparently unprotected by her guide and the spiritual team that supports her as she helps so many souls in this Earthly World as well as those within the Spirit Realms?
MUSTAFA’S kindly replied:
“The guide Grey Eagle did know of these treacherous dealings going on between Rosemary Altea and her former assistant.
“Warnings were flagged up from time to time and proof was given. However Rosemary Altea, who sees the good only in everybody, chose to ignore these matters and so it continued.
“The life that Rosemary Altea lives is one where she is most hectic all the time and there were strong personal issues happening around her at that time.
“Therefore she was side tracked into dealing with those and so called took her eye off the ball and therefore was hit several times.
“She chose not to follow up discrepancies in her financial affairs so then the guide, Grey Eagle, had to then send out alarm bells so that she would see and follow it up and that is when this assistant was finally caught out.
“Grey Eagle set a foolproof trap for her and she fell head first into it and so Rosemary Altea was then able to deal with this situation and a justified punishment was then implemented and enforced.
“The assistant now will have a criminal record against her, whereby before she had managed to get away with it.
“The Spirit World gives everybody enough leeway in their lives to sort matters out.
“In the case of the assistant, to stop doing it and to do the right and honest thing – this proved too difficult for her to resist temptation
“In the final act she was caught and is being severely dealt with – her reputation quoshed for all time.
“Now, in the case of Rosemary Altea, she also was shown the signs, chose also to ignore them until it finally hit her hard that something major now had developed.
“She then had to wait, once the realisation had finally hit her, for ‘Us’ in Spirit to fix the trap and so the outcome could be sorted out once and for all.
“As you can see some of the money has been recovered whereby had she not finally realised she would have lost the lot.
“Everybody and I mean everybody, must learn to take on personal responsibility for our own lives and although ‘We’ as guides can alert you to various problems, in the end you must do your bit with ‘Our’ help of course.
“In Rosemary Altea’s case it will be a necessary wake up call not only to look at these financial matters, but where there are other discrepancies in her life where she will need to safeguard or even shut down and then reorganise her life.
“At times we become so bogged down with life in general, especially when you are in the fast lane of life that we can overlook situations and a form of abuse starts.
“So we must continue to look after ourselves and never can we afford to let anything go whether that is our finances, our health or our reasoning powers.
“All must be looked at in one form or another. None of us can afford to neglect anything in life and that goes for simply everything including relationships.
“Otherwise we will loose it - Mustafa.”
Recently we had arrived in good order and in perfect timing at the comfortable and well appointed Crawley Spiritual Church and Healing Centre, established from 1950 and which had survived earlier flooding that had cancelled our previously proposed visit.
We were warmly welcomed and chaired by Maureen Hedger, who presides over this wonderful oasis of spiritual love and harmony in a World sadly lacking direction and the love of ones fellow men, women and children.
Nearly fifty people raised harmonious vibrations and Mustafa presided over messages to a quarter of them from beloved family and friends who had passed and also guidance from the Spirit Realms on the pressing problems of individuals.
Jenny had been told beforehand that Michael was to give a message and his guide Red Cloud had told him that he would be asked to do a little extra!
After Jenny had finished her Demonstration of Clairvoyance, Michael knew what he had to do as he had been repeatedly reminded during the evening. He indeed had a message to give and this was for everybody.
“We are all asked at times to do something that we know that we really don’t want to do and we feel that the consequences will be too great to bear.
“We are all asked at times to do something that we know that we really don’t want to do and we feel that the consequences will be too great to bear.
“Last night I was reading from a book by Rosemary Altea and now I know why because I am being asked to share it with you.
“This lady was deserted by her husband, who took all their money and left her with thousands of pounds of debt and a ten year old daughter to bring up. She had to survive and feed her daughter on the benefits that were handed out from the Post Office each week.
“As she stood in the queue with other sad and embarrassed people she was reminded of the Electricity Bill in her pocket for £22.00. A voice kept telling her to pay it and she kept saying,
“I can’t. I wouldn’t have enough to feed my daughter.”
“As the queue shortened and she neared the front the voice persisted, “Pay the bill. Pay the electricity bill.” When she reached the front and received her money again she was told, “Pay the bill, pay the bill.”
“Sadly she pulled the bill out of her pocket and pushed it forward and after paying it she received the few coppers that remained. This was all she had to feed herself and her daughter for the week.
“Rosemary went home and in tears and sat crying when there was a knocking on the door. She felt that debt collectors didn’t knock like that and frightened she went and opened the door.
“Outside on the step was a young couple. They had been told in the village that Rosemary might rent them a room, but she replied that she didn’t do that sort of thing.
“The young man begged her. “You are our last hope. We have been thrown out by our parents who do not approve of our relationship, but we are so very much in love and have nowhere to go. I have a good job and we will pay the going rate and I can pay you two weeks in advance at £40.00 pounds a week.”
“They stayed for six months and what is so wonderful about this is that everybody gained. So next time you are clearly directed by the Spirit to do something big and important that you may fear to do, be brave and remember this true story and have the courage to do what your ‘God’ asks of you through the Spirit.”
This was well received and Michael knew that it had been right that he should stand up and give this extra message to everyone there and he was impressed by Spirit to send it out in the next Newsletter and ask if anyone had any similar experiences to share.
I would ask everybody who have a blog or website put a link into ours. If you do it will help Google to help spread the word.....
This was well received and Michael knew that it had been right that he should stand up and give this extra message to everyone there and he was impressed by Spirit to send it out in the next Newsletter and ask if anyone had any similar experiences to share.
I would ask everybody who have a blog or website put a link into ours. If you do it will help Google to help spread the word.....

Mustafa’s Death Mask
Please explore our Site and tell others who are like minded about it. Mustafa’s guidance on ‘The Israel and Palestine Fiasco’, ‘Much Lighter Years to Come’ and ‘Injustice rectified through ‘God’s’ Love’ is at with much more…
We hope you are enjoying the monthly Horoscope from Mustafa online and the prayers that I am being given each night for publishing the next morning. I was asked especially to give you this one below and ask you to add to it as we continue to go through these difficult and uncertain times.
“May I ask for healing and enlightenment to go to all Members of Parliament of this land, so they may see the damage that their greed has done and may they see how they should redress the issue and return into your light and love by making amends to all who have been abused by the loss of trust on either side. Amen.”
We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.
Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for JULY and AUGUST 2009
06.30pm Tunbridge Wells Christian Spiritual Church, Kent
Saturday, 18th July 2009
07.30pm St Peter’s Hall, Cliftonville, KentSunday, 2nd August 2009
06.30pm Tonbridge Spiritual Centre, Hadlow, KentSaturday, 15th August 2009
07.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West SussexCOLOUR KEY TO EVENTS
Demonstration of Clairvoyance
Divine Service with Address and Clairvoyance
Finally we send you our love and wish you well as the World continues to change and Mustafa’s words continue to tell us what we can expect and gives us guidance as to what we should be doing to help and survive.
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