Owe It Ourselves to Start Today
There needs to be more integration in our
society. Long have local councils banded
together, so that we get communities of one culture all together.
For a nation to be
more in sympathy and understanding of each other, we must integrate far
more. Fear comes in when we don’t
understand each other and the various cultures that we have all over the
English, the
language of this country, must be spoken by everybody. Foreign people take refuge in the United
Kingdom, should all go for English lessons and this should be mandatory.
In this country in
the 21st Century, there are still many citizens who do not speak the
language of English, yet have lived here for decades. This stalemate situation needs to be changed
in order for greater communications to evolve.
Fear and anger are
brought about because integration does not exist in many parts of the United
Kingdom. In many parts of the UK,
integration of the cultures has taken place and this has shown to be
In other areas this
has not happened and it has fostered a bad anger, fear and violence. It is the responsibility of Government and
local councils to bring about this transition.
This way fear and anger can be removed.
It takes the
responsibility of all UK citizens to band together and to assist in this
matter. It is no longer a question of
them and us.
We are all citizens
of this once great nation and we need to come together in love and
understanding and to embrace each other.
Communication and
understanding is at the very heart of getting to know one another and where we
can all live in safety together. We owe
it ourselves to start today.
Jenny Ayers
Thursday, 29th June 2017
you make a mistake do not be hard on yourself!
You will learn from it and emerge a better person fulfilling the very
best that can be achieved fuelled by your understanding of getting it right
next time.”
Our Citizens Are Worth It
“It is time that the United Kingdom put its citizens first. Too
much money has gone out of this country to pay and hold up other countries,
whose wealth has been squandered by their leaders.
is the time to reflect and put a greater emphasis into looking after our own. Protection
and safekeeping of our poorer citizens has lagged behind considerably.
“It is now time to
put in the necessary adjustments and to start putting our citizens first. The
Grenfell Tower Block will serve as a constant reminder to the rest of this
nation that safety was compromised.
is of course far more expensive to put in decent fire proof equipment and
sprinklers in every room. Our citizens are worth it. It is irrelevant that they
might be poor or not as equipped to give to society as the rest of us do.
are still a part of our society and as a result qualify for our protection and
peace of mind. All local authorities and Government now need to prioritise
their facilities to safeguard the citizens under their care.
all have a duty of care to each other. Justice now needs to be seen to be done.
It will be a disgrace to the public to have these Enquiries long and drawn out
before justice is achieved.
have a duty to our citizens to get to the very bottom of this situation as
quickly as possible. There should be no cover up, no withholding of evidence
and where no stone is left unturned.
cannot bring people back, but we can ensure that with the proper facilities
this disaster never happens again. Our firefighters should have an increase in
salary, as it is they who put their lives at risk every time.
police and our nurses, who serve the public in their professional capacity,
should be better paid and served by our Government.
who work in the City of London in the money markets and are paid £150,000 or
more do not save lives. They just buy and sell money.
“Those people who
serve our community, like the nurses, firefighters and police, get a fraction
of a wage. It is high time we value our service personnel and give them the
wages that they truly deserve.
“The shortage of
nurses and the poor pay they receive has remained the same for the past fifty
years and nothing has changed! They, as a valuable branch of society, have
consistently been left behind on the wages scale.
“It is said they
do not contribute to society; they don’t make money, so they are regarded as
second rate citizens. It is only when we are sick and in need that we are
reminded of the valuable work that they do and offer.
“When will
Governments wake up and pay these amazing women and men the wages that their
roles deserve? Until we start valuing our citizens from all walks of life we
can never aspire to be a great nation again!”
29th June 2017 (jandmayers
and ladylydialondon twitter)
“Once we
have felt the love that is unconditional there is no other feeling that can
ever come close to it. Many talk of love
to get what they want, but that is conditional love, so one needs to be wary
and discerning.”
We Are All Coming Into Our Own Finally
“As the Brexit
talks get underway, there is so much fear and anger amongst politicians in the
United Kingdom. All now is turning and a better strategy of working and living
will prevail.
European Union cannot dictate, as they feel they must, to keep their status quo
and agenda. The EU know they already have many discrepancies in their system,
which makes for breaking points on so many levels.
know reform on so many subject matters is now necessary. They chose not to deal
with them, hoping it will all get swallowed up in the mayhem of bureaucracy.
the UK’s exit, it will force the EU themselves to look and question their own
stagnating regime. This enforcement lends them the way to alter their own
structures and to bring about a forced reform.
they have been reluctant to tackle for some time. The UK negotiations will go
better than planned. The UK will have to let some concessions go, but not
in all there will be tight negotiations, but with an outcome that will be of
lasting benefit to the UK. The UK’s negotiations will then reach the mind-sets
of other European countries, which equally wanted to leave, but were forced to
too will put in their agendas and you will see them supporting the UK argument
on several levels. These entire negotiations put so many things on the table
and where reform on so many levels can now take place.
will remain a staunch ally of Europe. It won’t break those bonds. It will
however lead to a greater flexibility of structure, which was nor there before.
Great Britain move the agenda on and where their sacrifice will be for the
better of the greater good. As a result, the UK’s involvement will strengthen
their hand and not weaken it.
EU members will have to concede on a number of issues, purely because they know
it is right to do so. A new trade deal will be in operation and where all will
be completely satisfied.
more trade come in from other parts of the world while these Brexit talks are
in progress No one can stop other countries trading with the UK if they so
choose and they do!
is the time for Great Britain to re-establish itself on the world stage. We are
not second rate citizens nor a second rate country. We are all coming into our
own finally!”
24th June 2017 (jandmayers
and ladylydialondon twitter)
that if we treat others how we would like to be treated, then we set a bench
mark for good behaviour. It is so much
easier to be kind and gentle, even if it is not always returned.”
All of Us Will See Each Other Again
“To bring back
memories of loved ones recently passed is a divine act of love. For in love
only are we remembered and united for all time.
is through fond memories that we seek condolence and where over time we are
able to heal. This is not a time for anger or retribution, but to be united in
solemn prayer and understanding that all our loved ones live on in us.
we are reunited in another dimension, all pain and suffering are no more for in
the dwelling of divine love, that is all there is and where peace and happiness
are restored.
not for the reasons why you were not taken, while others were. Your journey in this life is not over, theirs
were. We are all born on this earth to
fulfil our destiny, whatever that is.
that is achieved, we make our passage and our new journey in another dimension.
There, bathed in love, we understand that all our lives were not in vain.
all served a purpose to a point and then we are asked to return to the Source. There
our journey begins again and another destiny, a rebirth, is born.
thank God for our lives on this earth and also thank Him for our next one. All
of us will see each other again and where those memories of love will be
17th June 2017 (jandmayers
and ladylydialondon twitter)
the past and where we came from, so that we can see our progress, but we must
also see the road ahead and never lose sight as to where we are going.”
Situations Are Not Lost, Only Altered and a Better Way Will Be Found
“As the world
comes to terms with the United Kingdom election, some might say it was a
shambles, others might say this was the right result. Whatever your point of
view, the result was correct in order for politicians young and old to realise
no one will fool the electorate.
people of the UK are able to stand up for what they believe in and what feels
right for them. Politicians must realise that personal and party wants and
desires are not what this election was all about.
people have needs, but they are also able to compromise provided the strategy
is for the Greater Good. Too many of the electorate have been side-lined for
too many years, almost forgotten in fact, as if their voices had no
consequences to be ever given the curtesy of time to be heard.
“This has caused a
major backfire and has left this Government weaker as a result of it. New and
important policies will need to be implemented, where the Conservatives will be
able to gain face again. It won’t happen overnight, but overall a better strategy
will be adopted, allowing those in most need to be cared for.
May is a spent force. She underestimated
the collective power of the people. Now she will need to lick her wounds and
get on with the job of governing.
time will be spent well in organising a format to relieve the long-term
suffering of the British people. Europe will welcome Great Britain, not with a
hard stick to further scold them, but with a hand that can be managed.
sides want to have clear and concise words and strategies – no one wants a long
and protracted negotiation. The City of Westminster will come to the rescue as
the guiding light to return sanity to a hurt establishment.
to see positive moves coming out of the affray, where politicians can begin to
hold their heads up high again. Situations are not lost, only altered and a
better way will be found!”
13th June 2017 (jandmayers
and ladylydialondon twitter)
“We all
need to stop and think about the repercussion of what we do and what we ask
for. Spiritual Law brings us more of the
same, unless we change our thinking and move the goalposts to a higher level.”
The United Kingdom Will Take the Lead Under its New Leader!
people begin to vote in the United Kingdom Election on Thursday, many disgruntled
voters will see their voices heard at last. The Election will be a close fought
thing with many people unhappy with the result.
future before you needs at times long-term planning and a strategic plan of
action. The Conservative team have that already in place; the Labour team have
not even started.
under Jeremy Corbyn, are still floundering in the dark. For an opposition to be
truly effective they must have more than a plan of action, they need to have a
well-oiled machine in production.
the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing, it shows how
unorganised Labour really are. Mrs May will lead the party to victory, even
though her advantage won’t be as large as it once was.
will have the necessary mandate to make a first class leader and where her
voice will be heard in the halls of the European Parliament. “Now Belgium will
really have something to fear, a strong opposition for their right to rule in
what is not a democratic position.
are not elected by the people, but are self-appointed. See the European
Parliament fragment and where bickering amongst themselves will become
“Their structure
now is breaking apart, they cannot hold it together. Even France is thinking of
leaving unless major reforms are done and achieved. Until that is decided upon,
the Brexit situation will be in the hands of a great leader. An even greater
opposition than they first thought possible.
will see that they have fierce opposition against them and not only from the
United Kingdom. This situation will start to break wide open, as the United
Kingdom will take the lead under its new leader!”
6th June 2017 (jandmayers
and ladylydialondon twitter)
is a well-known conundrum, “Is it the end
or the start of a new beginning.”
This is largely what we make it as our thoughts direct us more than we
for Jenny and Michael Ayers
Email jandm.ayers@gmail.com
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype ladylydialondon
and jandmayers
Twitter on ladylydialondon
& jandmayers
http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk and www.living-proof.biz |
Finally we
continue to send you our love and healing.
We wish you well as the world continues to change at a remarkable rate.
The guides still continue to tell us what to expect, so we still know what we
need to do in order to change our own mind-sets and work for the Greater Good
for all to survive and progress as well as ourselves, our families and our
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