31 January 2017

January Newsletter 2017


Our Heavy Hearts of Despair are No Longer There

Many wonderful things are already starting to happen for all of us.  We are becoming stronger in the knowing that we are all being looked after. 

Our daily grinds are suddenly released and we are finding we are more in charge in how we perform than at any time before.

By learning to let go completely of the past, we allow space and energy to fill that void with better things.

          Emotionally we become more settled/stable and we are able to see situations in a clearer light.

          We are all in charge right now.  Nothing stays the same anymore.  Our emotional/mental strength is enhanced to see the bigger picture and what our new roles in life now are.

          We are all making the necessary decisions to move on and to bring about a new way of life, which we are all ready now to embrace.

          The old life is being replaced with new ones and where we are all striving forwards to accomplish our dreams.

This year is geared up with its new vibrational energies to bring about these changes, where we can all start again and release those impossible dreams.

With the right mental application and the right vibrant energies coming in, there will be massive differences to our lives.

We are all collectively going forwards, where success overcomes hardship and where a lighter, but more robust, outcome now comes in.

Our heavy hearts of despair are no longer there, as we are carried on to pastures new, which are productive for us all!
Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 31st January 2017

“Let us all acknowledge that the truth is served by the way we act to our neighbours and we must all see the very best in people and not criticise what appears to be fashionable.”

Start To See Amazing Changes
            “As we continue to grow spiritually, so our lives start to change in many ways. We start to see and feel things are different around us. We establish a knowing that we are actually helped and guided.
            “Our conscientiousness shifts from one of complacency to one of real determination. We can all make a difference. We are all connected by our thought forms and if they are positive then positive and right actions are performed.
            “If we collectively think we are doomed, so we shall be. Our minds project an energy, which is so powerful that strength and determination makes a difference.
            “Helplessness and weakness of the mind again put us in a hopeless/helpless situation. The stronger we are in our spiritual beliefs and when that knowing occurs, then situations can and do change for us.
            “We must start to recognise that a Higher Intelligence is there for our support, guidance and wellbeing. Issues thought impossible begin to change for us and we can start to get on our way again.
            “By our positive thoughts we are on our way again, upwards and onwards. Start to see amazing changes transform our lives and bring back happiness we never thought possible before.”
31st January 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“To every action there is a reaction.  So for good or ill, we will always get what we deserve!”

Everything Is a Constant Cycle of Help and Rejuvenation
“As time goes by more and more people are coming out of the churches and their stale religions. The people want more and they want answers now. They are fed up with the same old rhetoric from priests/pastors and they want answers to help them get through their lives.
“The answers many are searching for are, “Will I be alright? Can I provide for myself and my family?” The churches & the established governments cannot provide these answers & it is very much down to the individual to fend for themselves.
            “Fear holds many people back. They tend to think help is not out there and they would be ridiculed if they looked for it. The answers to life are in fact all around us and, when we are still and just ask for help miraculously help is found and given.
“The Universe provides for all of us, little, big, rich and poor. All is freely given if we just ask! If we need a good doctor or a dentist, then through word of mouth so it comes in.
            “Schools for our children are again found if we ask and the right school comes in. None of us trusts any longer in a greater intelligence, who sees over us and provides for our needs.
            “Often we don’t even recognise the help that is given, because we are too blind to see. People lost in a desert often find a lone car that happens to be passing where that person is and gives help and assistance.
            “Many things appear to come out of the blue, yet we are steered towards where we can be helped and often where we are saved. When we learn to trust in ourselves more, then situations start to turn/change for us in a better way.
            “Situations that were blocked or closed to us miraculously open up and a new way is found. Learn the little things coming in and then see the bigger better things coming in behind them.
            “Everything is a constant cycle of help and rejuvenation, getting on with the new and letting the old unproductive aspects go. This way we start to move forwards in a productive way, knowing we are always looked after.
            “We are never alone!”
25th January 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“We all need to be aware of what we need in our lives to make us worthy of acceptance of Divine Love.  If we have wealth then we must use it for the Greater Good.”

We are Become Like Our Machines, Robotic and Without Feeling
“To love one another is an essential right for everyone to have. It is by loving each other that we all express a desire to be acknowledged for who we are.
            “In an ever-increasing world of robotic engineering, we often become entrapped in sterile situations. The technology appears to replace what human interaction no longer does.
            “We have become too reliant on technology for our emotional needs, failing to see that we stop learning how to feel and react. Our world is increasing in stale technology amusements, which do without the physical and emotional aspects we all need.
            “As a result of this, relationships are now failing, because people no longer speak to one another. They prefer to text or email instead. We have forgotten the art of speaking and where our emotions flow through the conversations.
            “Relationships no longer show their emotions and so gradually they become barren and extinct. We all must start going back to basics, to utilise the human voice, where feelings are expressed, especially those of love and tenderness.
            “Until we start teaching our young children how to interact in relationships, we will lose what is so dear and necessary to us all. We will lose our identity as being warm-hearted passionate people, where love and tenderness is what we all need and desire.
            “Wake up people, before we end up as a barren emotionless society and we become like our machines, robotic and without feeling.”
18th January 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Thou shall have no other gods but me”, says the good book and this is so, because there is only one Creator, who made us all in His spiritual image.”

Remain Positive and Ask For Good Things
“The New Year brings in optimism and feelings of a fresh start. All must begin to shape their futures and to start requesting what it is they actually want in their lives.
            “By requesting and specifying particular requests, so they are granted provided that person has earned them. All is given and freely devised for individuals and groups together.
            “It is the earned capacity that really counts here and so the requests flow in effortlessly. We all aspire in one way or another to greater things and the Universe provides for all.
            “It is our belief systems that must also accept the requests as they are given. Our minds are so powerful that what we believe in comes true. Our whole reality and everything that we believe in is created for us.
“So it is vitally important that we remain positive and ask for good things in our lives at all times.”
11th January 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“A New Year brings an opportunity for a new beginning.  If there was anything in the past that you did not like, then now is the time to change the rules in your life.”

Responsible Governing Will Replace Chaos
“As hostilities start to die down and IS find they are losing their grip on civilisation there will be an all out last cry to assert their will upon the people. The odds now are stacked against them as the full onslaught to try and wipe them out becomes more forceful.
            “In time IS will be totally wiped out as their policies now are no longer holding radicals to them. Of course there will still be small isolated factions here and there, but they are nothing like the force they were before.
“Syria will be split into sections with various interested countries like Russia taking the spoils of war that they see fit for them. Another encroaching menace is of course Israel, who want to expand their boarders of settlements and will see easy pickings for themselves.
            “The vultures for Syria are now happening and behind closed doors the interested parties are vying for their positions. Nothing now is sacred. Syria will no longer be a peaceful country. All that once was beautiful will be no more.
            “The rest of the world looks on and does nothing. Ultimately humanity are all responsible for this desecration of an entire country. We only have ourselves to blame, bullies never win, they only spread disharmony around the world.
            “In time responsible governing will replace chaos, but that will take many years to achieve!”
2nd January 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“We are all given divine opportunity for change and it is up to us to take advantage of His love and generosity of spirit, so that we can choose how we are and what we do.”

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype ladylydialondon and jandmayers
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk and www.living-proof.biz

Finally we continue to send you our love and healing.  We wish you well as the world continues to change at a remarkable rate. The guides still continue to tell us what to expect, so we still know what we need to do in order to change our own mind-sets and work for the Greater Good for all to survive and progress as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

Our Twitter forecasts and comments now number 49,070 over the two addresses to followers from all over the world.