27 September 2016

September Newsletter 2016


Love in the End Transcends All Pain and Suffering
We all make mistakes.  It is knowing when to quit and start again that is important.  We all have the opportunity of a second chance and to make good on past mistakes.
What so often happens is that many don’t see it as their responsibility to put right the harm they have so often incurred on others.
When full acknowledgement of a misdeed has been realised and then put right, the perpetrator and the victim are automatically released from any pain or suffering.
They become liberated and then a form of love, forgiveness and healing on both sides becomes possible.
We must all try to forgive one another in the long term, otherwise the pain and suffering continues to grow and an illness of despair is manufactured.  Our mental and physical states become compromised and resentment begins to take over.
          Those who inflict harm on another will never walk free.  They too will suffer, as the same deed will be given to them until they learn that mistakes can and do cut deep.  So putting right one’s actions quickly saves both parties pain and suffering.
          We are all connected and every day we pick up on the world’s suffering.  Collectively the people of this world can change a negative situation into a positive one and repair and healing can finally take place universally.
          Love in the end transcends all pain and suffering.  It must be done by the perpetrators, who cause that suffering in the first place.

“Be grateful for your daily bread and remember as you receive your food and sustenance that there are many who are not as fortune as you are.  We, who have enough, are blessed and we should always give thanks.”

A Global Trend for Change
“We are all entering a phase of self-discovery and, where through knowledge and education, we are able to move forwards with our own lives. No longer do we wish to remain entrenched in the same old dogma and routine.
            “Changes the world over are ongoing and are turning situations from a hostile one into permanent peaceful solutions. We are negotiating peaceful transitions from our local lives to the global spectrum.
            “Compromise must be at the heart of change and where we all come together to discuss how we can go forwards. It is the will and the might of the people, whose voices are being heard and where politicians no longer have their say.
            “It is now down to Governments & local authorities to listen to the voices of the people to see that changes for the better become possible. The voices and the energies of the people are being heard. No longer can Governments turn a deaf ear to what is now becoming a global trend for change!”
27th September 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“We must all start to realise that we are all part of a great global family living for a time on the earth plane of existence to help each other and to learn how easy it is to behave badly, when we fail to think about the consequences of our actions.”

Success Breeds Success
“When every day changes leave little time for you to reflect on the very good things that you already have we tend to moan and groan so many times. Reflecting and applying positive energy to what you already have brings about several more changes, all good and lasting.
“The feel good factor inspires us to do well to achieve more and be grateful for all those things we already have. Look now at rising up above the norm and to bring about a better form of satisfaction into our lives.
            “We all owe it to ourselves to remain buoyant and positive and to encourage the many positive energies coming daily towards us. That old saying, “Success breeds success” is a very true concept.
            “What we believe to be, actually happens and our lives are shaped by our thoughts every day. Be happy. Remain positive and start to see the many good things coming your way, as well as the many good things you already have.
            “Lift off happens every day if you allow it to be so. Trust in a Higher Power to give you all you need at any one time. It is your time to receive and to be content with life today!”
            20th September 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

Do not believe all that you are told.  It is sensible to notice what your gut feelings are and to be guided by your own spiritual rhythms rather than to take carte blanche what is being poured out as fact, but can’t be proven.”

Always With Perfect Timing
            “It is almost as hope is lost that Almighty God steps in and solutions are found, which were not there before. We all are saved many times in our lives and it is only by looking back that we can see and appreciate the perfect timing of it all.
            “Everyone is given the chance to see that perfect timing and to acknowledge gratitude to a Higher Intelligence looking after us. For those souls who see it as luck and not Divine Intervention, they do not understand the mechanics of the Spirit.
            “They are closed people, who in their minds think that when you are dead you are dead – that there is nothing else. Fortunately, in this day and age, there is a searching, especially among the young people.
            “They are looking for answers that they cannot find any longer from what the Church gives them. They are fed up with the hypocrisy of the Church and all its faults.
            “It is the young people of today, who are finding at last the answers to their questions and many unexplained instances that control and protect our lives in love and consideration. It is by searching that the answers are given and shown.
            “Happiness and peace of mind comes in, knowing that we are all guided by a loving Intelligence, who has our best interests at heart. Never doubt that we were created by the Supreme Intelligence and our lives are certainly the richer for it.
            “We are all given the answers when we ask and peace of mind comes with that understanding.”
15th September 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“It is the strength of the dominant that choses a weaker prey.  No matter how much the strength is in the way of things, always a weaker prey in found and innocence is usually the cost of the unscrupulous who take advantage.”

Is It the Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning?
            “The situation in Syria is now drawing to its climax. Both factions cannot blow each other out in spite of their various atrocities with Russia putting the boot in at every opportunity.
            “The Pentagon and the CIA will have to join forces and bring about an end to this human catastrophe. Bashar al-Assad will be ousted out.  His days are already numbered. He will be arrested before he escapes.
            “This war is almost on its last legs now.  Important territory is only rubble; so much has already been destroyed. A lifting of restrictions will allow for the humanitarian forces to come in with much needed resources.
            “This country is now split down the middle with two opposing sides.  None will agree to a joint Government. So the country will remain in a deadlock split until international agreement can unite both factions.
            “The people have had enough. Vital trade routes have been severely hampered and alternative ways are being found. As for IS, their numbers are now dwindling. No more have they the command they once had.
            “Important leadership in IS is no longer in place, so their structure is being slowly eroded. They will become a spent force. Syria is a dead country until a ray of light starts to shine and a new Government becomes possible by the people.
            “International agencies, who are interested in Syria, as in US, Iran and Russia, will start to back off. They do not have the resources to rebuild this broken land.
            “It will be private investors, who will start to creep in and restructure this once beautiful country again. It is the people, who deserve it most. New hospitals and infrastructure will take decades to become established, but they will.
“The future for Syria is there.  The people will finally speak!”
10th September 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Remember to always put yourself in the way of others, so that you are not ruled by your ego and self-worth, but are always available for those who are less blessed than you are.”

Spread a Little Kindness
            “The world revolves around kindness, as being the only criterion to save people in many ways. Not everybody is able to receive kindness as they see it as a precursor to owing to that person, as if indebted to them.
            “When genuine kindness is shown there is no debt to be paid as it was given unconditionally & always at a time when the recipient is in need. The Higher Intelligence always brings in a saving hand when one least expects it and where individuals are then saved.
            “It is important that we all realise that help when not expected, miraculously always turns up as if from nowhere. Every day we are all guided and helped. Some of us recognise it, others do not, but nevertheless it is there.
            “We all give out kindness in our own way without ever actually thinking it. We do it spontaneously for the greater good. In our uncertain world, where fear now becomes the driving element, we find ourselves in more need of kindness.
            “This for us becomes the healing balm, where we are all able to survive!”
2nd September 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Take a piece of the Divine and give unconditional love to all souls, even those who may persecute you and are unfriendly towards you.  Know your strength and give to those who are in need, so that both of you are rewarded from On High.”

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype ladylydialondon and jandmayers
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk and www.living-proof.biz

The next Public Demonstration of Divine Service by Jenny and Michael Ayers

Sunday, 13th November 2016             06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Finally we continue to send you our love and healing.  We wish you well as the world continues to change at a remarkable rate. The guides still continue to tell us what to expect, so we still know what we need to do in order to change our own mind-sets and work for the Greater Good for all to survive and progress as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

Our Twitter forecasts and comments now number 48,384 over the two addresses to followers from all over the world.