28 August 2016

August Newsletter 2016


We all know in our hearts when we have done well!

The Rio Olympics caused everybody who watched it to consider their own lives. The efforts and sacrifices all our Olympians made over many years to achieve their goals was staggering.

It is in the hardship, the striving forwards and the dedication that each athlete took to achieve, which should be the hallmark for all of us.  All those people, who are great in their level of expertise, have all dedicated their lives.  It is a lifetime’s service and should never be underestimated.

In our society everything is expected to be instant and given with ease.  That never works and is never lasting and will never endure the longevity of time.  It is only through hard work and sacrifice that the true goals are met, whether you are an opera singer, a painter or a high class professional in academia.

Everything that is worth achieving never comes easily and there are always setbacks along the way.  This then begins to build our characters and gives us the determination to strive ever more towards achieving greatness.

It is through the sacrifice to achieve our goals that we are humbled and egos play no part in this journey.  Everybody can achieve greatness if the mind-set is determined enough to go for it.

We don’t have to get a gold medal.  We all know how well we have done in getting to the top of our chosen goal.  People who serve humanity and have done their entire lives are hailed as great by their contemporaries and their colleagues.

It is the general public, who voice their opinions openly to those who have done well on their behalves.  We are all touched by these amazing people and it gives us the impetus to strive ourselves.

No matter who you are or what you do, everybody in the world is good/talented at something.  They just need encouragement and a helping hand to show them the way and to realise their talent for themselves.

The gold medal is not necessary.  We all know in our hearts when we have done well!

Jenny Ayers
Sunday, 28th August 2016

“The Light of the Almighty is always there for us to follow.  However the Darkness of Ignorance is always there for us to swallow!”

Our Children Are a Gift from God & Should Be Treated as Such
            “To bring a child into the world is a great responsibility. Too many people consider children as a commodity that they must have in order to make their lives complete.
            “Many parents ignore the emotional welfare of their children and so great suffering occurs. Their suffering continues from early childhood through to adulthood.
            “The emotional suffering never seems to get sorted out until the individual feels they must do something about it, usually in adulthood. Society does not teach people the rights and wrongs of parenting.
            “So many go blindly through it, never realising the consequences good or bad to their offspring. Until society steps in and teaches people how to prepare for becoming parents, we will continue to produce a damaged society.
            “Many souls think it is their right to have large families and never realise that their love cannot be distributed evenly among them all. Some children always get left out and feel their needs are never met.
            “Loneliness is often a factor and many children feel isolated, unloved and misunderstood. Until we, as a society, start to take the welfare of our children seriously and begin to cherish them as gifts from God we will continue to bring children into this world as damaged souls.
            “Love in abundance, understanding of a child’s needs and enormous support is the criterion for a safe and balanced child. Where parents have to go to work and try to balance work and parenthood at the same time they have no idea of the damage they are causing their children.
            “Children need their mothers/fathers in their early years in a constant way. Farming them out to nurseries or grandparents is not the answer. Those children require the fulltime attention of a parent in order for them to grow up as stable adults.
            “When finances prevent a mother staying at home and looking after their precious gifts then decisions need to be made and putting off having children would be the best thing.
            “Because parents cannot see the psychological damage incurred on their children they feel they must be alright. Little do they realise the long term damage through neglect they are imposing on their loved ones.
            “The question has to be asked, “Can we as adults provide for our children, not in a material way, but in a psychological way?” If the answer is, “No”, then do the responsible thing and don’t create unhappy children.
            “They are our future generations and must be treated with respect as tiny human beings and not as a commodity!”
24th August 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Too many of us are always in a hurry and our bodily functions are so geared that we are unable to slow down.  If we continue in this vein we will burn ourselves out and return early and perhaps leaving our work unfinished.”

A Light of Hope Was Shown
            “To see a Sparrow surviving, yet doing very little to make this happen, is a revelation for us all, we, the children of God, are equally surviving and doing very little to make this happen.
            “All that we need is always provided; even the beggars in the streets are always fed and watered, passers-by always give and those who beg, who are genuine, are always looked after.
            “Those who disguise the truth as to their true status do not. We all are seen for who we are. Nothing is hidden from the Almighty and it is in our transparency that we are always looked after.
            “Many souls now are being educated and are seeing first-hand the Hand of God in helping them, not only to survive, but to flourish as well. We are beginning to ask/pray for help, especially when we do it, help is always given.
            “Sometimes we don’t always recognise it, but more often we do. We must all learn to communicate with the Higher Intelligence and begin to see how direct help and understanding are always given.
            “No longer do we need to think that priests/bishops and the elevated clergy have that exclusive right. We mortals all have that right to commune with The Almighty and where we are helped in so many ways.
            “The more we communicate direct; the greater understanding of God’s direct help in our lives is shown. We then survive in a better way and peace in our lives is restored.
            “The Universe provides always for our needs, we just need to specify exactly what we are after and as our just desserts, so it is given. Look now to your lives, see even in your darkest moments a light of hope was shown.
            “An emergence of how we go through it and survive is always there. As we begin to understand The Almighty’s Hand in our daily lives so we become lighter and secure in our thoughts that we are always loved and provided for!”
19th August 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The Almighty directs all things and sees the mistakes that humanity makes.  We are all part of the group soul and must play our part in the goodness needed to raise standards and life changing moments for the better of the whole.”

Patience Is a Virtue
            “Life is never simple these days and, where we all think it should flow nicely, it rarely does. Too many complications with Mankind letting Mankind down takes its toll on all of us.
            “We all tend to expect more from services today than we actually get. We also tend to rely on things like the doctors always being there for us, the fire brigade and water coming out of the tap.
            “All these are taken for granted and when they let us down we become upset and angry. Everybody in their own way is doing their best. But all of us are under pressure today to deliver far more in a limited time than was ever expected.
            “We all of us must take a deep breath and say that matters will be able to resolve themselves in time. We cannot keep expecting to be an instant society, that is where situations breakdown.
            “The pressure to perform is too high. We all expect too much. It is only when we take our foot off the accelerator and slow down a bit that situations do begin to change for us. Then a better outlook materialises.
            “We must learn to be more patient and more accepting of situations. When we relax more things go smoothly and the pressure is then off us. By remaining calm & trying to take matters in our stride we can actually perform at a higher level & a better outcome becomes possible.
            “We are all human and have many frailties. We must learn tolerance if we are to grow as a society and as an individual.”
10th August 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Send out your thoughts and prayers for all those who are in difficulty.  It is the positive vibrations of love and healing that raise your request above the norm and the angels will wing it to those you have chosen with immediate speed.”

We Must Hold On To Our Positive Energy
            “The need to consolidate your personal energy is of paramount importance. Too many of us give our energy away to others and are drained as a result of this.
            “We feel as if we have been sucked dry and cannot function in our day to day lives. There are so many negative people out there they cannot see the good in anything.
            “They cannot sustain their own needs, so they have to get their energy from others, so that they can survive in their negative world. These souls are poor pathetic damaged people, whose energy evaporates because of their own negativity.
            “They can never hold on to it, so the need to be in contact with positive people keeps them going. Once they have used up another’s energy, they will need more and more to keep them going.
            “Unless they get it, they become depleted and almost lifeless. They have difficulty functioning on a day to day basis. For those of us who are positive people, we must protect ourselves from the negative ones.
            “Otherwise we will find we are completely drained of our energy within a couple of hours feeling tired and lifeless. It is only when we remove ourselves from them that we can once again recharge ourselves with our positive energy.
            “We can then function properly once more. Positive people have to make sure they remain with positive people, who unknowingly will charge up each other. Their positive energy flowing back & forth all the time, always increasing, always sustaining & where one feels supercharged all the time.
            “The negative people sadly don’t want to change, so they are best left to their own devices. If positive people want to survive in this world they must stand well clear of negative people. They must hold on to their positive energy, which is so precious for us to live in!”
27th July 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Take a piece of love and share it with all you meet today.  If it feels good, as it will, then resolve to share it every day.  Your cupboard will never be bare and you will always have happiness walking by your side.”

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype ladylydialondon and jandmayers
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk and www.living-proof.biz

The next Public Demonstration of Divine Service by Jenny and Michael Ayers

Sunday, 13th November 2016             06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Finally we continue to send you our love and healing.  We wish you well as the world continues to change at a remarkable rate. The guides still continue to tell us what to expect, so we still know what we need to do in order to change our own mind-sets and work for the Greater Good for all to survive and progress as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

Our Twitter forecasts and comments now number 48,264 over the two addresses to followers from all over the world.