29 April 2016

April Newsletter 2016


Live In Love and No Longer In Fear

          The world, now imploding in on itself due to mistrust and mismanagement, will emerge cleansed of its imperfections and start to realise that life is too precious to be abused.

          We are coming out of the realms of continued destruction and concentrating more on rebuilding lasting relationships around the world.

          Dictators are now losing their power and world conferences are taking over, where diplomacy and wars have lost their way.

          Start to see new re-enactments of old laws, where Mankind had the upper hand and where the military are now losing their powers of persuasion.

          The arms race is failing to produce peace and stability and will be totally obliterated in the next century, where civilisation considers wars not only illegal, but an infringement of personal liberty.

          Man will have conquered its fears and where trade partners will be established in a greater way.

Religion right across the world will lose its impetus and where a greater understanding of a higher intelligence will take over formal religious groups.

People now want independence and a right to choose how they communicate with God without the formal indoctrination of an organised religion and its practices.

See the world population start to break away from all forms of religious indoctrination and follow a path of humanitarian service.  This will allow Mankind to follow a greater intelligence and become closer to God than at any other time in modern history.

The spell of the recognised church having been broken, will leave many church institutions bankrupt and with no more means of supporting itself.

          Their days are now numbered and the fear of this realisation for them is already mounting.

          Man will seek its own justice from the stranglehold of organised religions across the world and will finally be free to practice as they chose and how God intended them to do so anyway, which is to live in love and no longer in fear!
          Jenny Ayers
Friday, 29th April 2016

“Let love rule our lives.  There is no finer emotion in all creation than unconditional love.”

Families Are Born Out of Love and Not Out of Lust
            “People everywhere, look now to your own moral codes of conduct. The so called free love that is ripe throughout all society is causing havoc with unwanted children being discarded like worthless objects of desire.
            “There is now coming a new wave of thinking, where morals which have lost their impetus are now being regarded as fundamentally important. They are needed to maintain stability within the population.
            “People are actually turning away from free love and are starting to invest in proper relationships of meaning. Families are born out of love and not out of lust.
            “Mankind is looking to adopt a higher sense of responsibility and to acknowledge they cannot afford any longer to engage in reckless sexual pursuits. These leave so many lives destroyed.
            “The wake up to decent principles is now in motion and will remain an evolution of thinking throughout the years. Mankind is starting to rise out of the gutter and into a better social evolvement.”
29th April 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“We tend to think that when we leave school our education is over, but it never really finishes even if it often becomes less formal.  We need to be aware of what we need to know and where our guidance is taking us.”

We Are All Helped Along the Way
            “Every person living on this earth has a Spirit Guide, a person who took life form and spent his/her life on this solitary planet. They needed to learn the many challenges of earthly life.
“From the Realms of the Spirit World, where everything is constructed and coordinated in the ways of love and wellbeing they are then thrust into the chaos of earthly existence.
            “These harsh atmospheric pressures and earthly demands play havoc on individual lives and are a source of great hardship most of the time. It gives the Spirit Guides an understanding of the many challenges and obstacles that the human being is forced to go through.
            “With that realisation, the great Creator felt help was needed to conquer these earthly conditions. So Spirit Guides were schooled in the ways of helping earthly beings.
            “This allowed for the spiritual aspect to come in and to show earthly humans the best way to live in these harsh realities. Many human souls have indeed benefitted by the instruction and guidance from their Spiritual Guides.
            “They have found happiness through the daily onslaught of an earthly life. It is true that the simpler life that one leads on earth, the easier it is to get through.
            “We tend to feel that we all must have so much and that the more we have the better and happier our lives will be. That is not the case.  The least we have and need, the easier and less complicated our lives will be.
            “It is the earthly marketing companies that brainwash us all into obtaining more and more. Then our weekly and monthly costs go through the roof in accommodating the marketing machine.
            “This is designed to fill their coffers, while at the same time depleting ours. Our Spirit Guides try to show us that everything must be in balance/harmony to achieve ultimate happiness.
            “In our pursuit of happiness the simpler life is greatly required. We are all helped along the way and peace does finally come to us when we reach this conclusion.”
25th April 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“This is always a good time to see where we think we are going with our lives and to make those important adjustments that are always needed, as changes chip away at our progress if we let it.”

This Was Our Instruction at the Time We Were All Created
            “Never forget you are a light being, which means you were created out of the Creator’s light and love, your soul enhanced with all the richness of goodness and wisdom and then born into a physical body.
            “Our time on this earth is full of pitfalls, challenges and intrigues. All of us must go through one’s own form of initiation, so that we can understand our full purpose on this earth.
            “None of us are excepted from pain and suffering. We must learn to overcome great forms of hardship to bring about outstanding results to our very souls. It is a learning transition and we are always helped along the way.
            “So that our compassion for others going through their own transition is a lesson we all need to share together. Our Creator instilled in us love and compassion. It is our very light, which is within us all and is constantly there and never goes out.
            “With that love and compassion, we are all united as one force and so we constantly connect with each other as light beings. None of us are ever alone. The light that is within us also resonates outside us and is a constant form of reassurance that we are never alone.
            “It is through this light of love that we begin to understand ourselves and our purpose on this earth plane. We are here to learn and to achieve many tasks, all within our own capabilities, but equally to extend a hand of human kindness and support for those on their own journey of enlightenment.
            “As beings of light, we are all here to contribute to advancing our knowledge, compassion and help to one another. This was our instruction at the time we were all created. As we excel, so does the whole human race as we advance in so many ways. It is our destiny to do so.”
19th April 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“We need to be more honest with ourselves and with each other.  That way we are open to being understood better, but that honest approach needs to be given and understood both ways.”

Achieve the Dizzy Heights of Success
            “Learning to understand yourself and your own frailties makes you a stronger person. It also allows you to be more sympathetic and understanding to those who also suffer from their frailties.
            “We all must go through our own transitions and to be able to walk free on the other side. Mankind is always helped, always nurtured and always forgiven.
            “It is up to each of us to believe in a Higher Power to transform and help us to achieve who we are always meant to be. We are all much stronger than we realise and can achieve great heights of success in our lifetime.
            “We just must believe we are capable of it and so it shall happen. We must never think that lessening our sights will prove all the more remarkable and sustaining.
            “It is necessary for us to attempt to achieve the dizzy heights of success and see that all things become possible in time. None of us actually fail. We all achieve our destiny in time.”
13th April 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Much of the material items that we seem to hanker after, are but as tinsel in terms of spiritual values.  It is our goodness in thoughts and deeds to live and act in harmony with our neighbours that will show our achievement when we leave this earth plane of temporary existence.”

Seek Out Your Purpose in This Life
            “The more positive you are about your future the more the reality becomes possible. Never deter yourself from your rightful pathway. The experience can be daunting at times, but so uplifting most of the time.
            “We are all guided in what we ultimately need to do and so our destiny is formed in ways we cannot always see. We may not always agree, but it is nevertheless satisfying in so many ways. We are all much stronger than we think we are.
            “We are after all immortal in our spiritual bodies, so we cannot fail to produce the necessary miracles that so often come to us when we least expect them.
            “Our own turns and twists in life are to show us the greater way forwards. Nothing can ever be taken for granted and where we are always truly saved.
            “Seek out your purpose in this life and see your destinies unfold in ways not thought possible before. The journey is always interesting. The results are always uplifting!”
8th April 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“We are all in the same boat when we arrive from our Creator’s unconditional love, but we become tarnished by our own thoughts and desires.”

Guided In the Right and Loving Way
            “The time is now for a kind of revolution, a revolution into a higher power and what that higher power intelligence can now offer. By putting Mankind’s thoughts aside and just allowing the Higher Intelligence to guide us through what is possible and how the best way there is to go about matters, is what is so important today.
            “Mankind is so fed up with politicians making our lives impossible, where wars and hatred become almost a daily experience. By being guided in the right and loving way, we, as human beings, will be able to live comfortably side by side together.
            “Mankind’s strength has always been in doing the right thing for the greater good where the rules set up by the Higher Intelligence are adhered to, otherwise repercussions come into force. Mankind, as a whole, understands right from wrong. It is all innate in us all, as we all come from the same source of all Creation and so it is instilled in us naturally.
“By adhering to the principles that we all unite together with love, common decency and respect for all things so life can be lived and peace and harmony becomes possible.
            “No one has the right to take another’s life and not experience the consequences of their actions. This is determined by the Higher Power and not by Man itself.
            “All becomes balanced and the way is possible for honesty and integrity to become a way of life that is both natural and just. We all owe it to ourselves to bring in the Higher Intelligence into our lives. Then we can see actively working a process, which includes love and justice side by side.”
4th April 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“All life is in change and we must always be prepared to meet it and to move on.  Nothing is worth staying in a stuck mode.”
The Greater the Hardship the Greater the Victory
            “So many of us feel let down in life or that life has delivered us a terrible blow. We would all be wrong in our thinking as life plays no part in how we turn out. We are all travelling through life to enjoy or to experience great challenges that come to us.
            “We must consider how we can face these many challenges either with joy or trepidation. We must realise that nothing is a personal attack on us. Challenges are for us to deal with on a daily basis to see how organised or vulnerable we are.
            “By these challenges we grow exponentially and discover our strengths and our weaknesses. It is through the many hard challenges that all of us thrive and grow. By accepting what is there we can evaluate our position in these sequences of events and bring about our own salvation.
            “The greater the hardship the greater the victory as we come through it. “We are saved because we are immortal and so nothing can really flaw us. We survive all aspects and remain pure in the spirit of love and understanding.
            “We constantly live our lives through our human bodies, never wanting to see the greater picture. Until we start to remember that we are not created of this earth, but in a Divine atmosphere of love and tranquillity then we are always released from the earthly emotional suffering.
            “We can begin to see a greater reason for these challenges, which gives us an understanding that we can change them if we believe our destinies. Our destinies are not fraught with pit holes, but with a heavenly plan to allow us to escape torments.
            “We can be delivered into another set of circumstances that opens up for us, which becomes much better. For so many humans, they consider their lot in life is just merely survival when in fact it is learning to live in all aspects earthly.
            “They need to rejoice in these earthly experiences knowing we are always saved forever anyway.”
31st March 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Keep on smiling and the world looks better from within your own soul and also with those who benefit in seeing that however black the cloud there is sunshine nearby.”

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype ladylydialondon and jandmayers
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk and www.living-proof.biz

The next Public Demonstration of Divine Service by Jenny and Michael Ayers

Sunday, 5th June 2016                         06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Finally we continue to send you our love and healing.  We wish you well as the world continues to change at a remarkable rate. The guides still continue to tell us what to expect, so we still know what we need to do in order to change our own mind-sets and work for the Greater Good for all to survive and progress as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

Our Twitter forecasts and comments now number 47,431 over the two addresses to followers from all over the world.

March Newsletter 2016


Learn To Live In the Present

Now is the time to advance forward and bring peace to our hearts and minds.

Too many of us are so frightened in case we are let down and let go of.  We breed our own insecurities and these demons make us ill and upset.

It is high time we all engaged in our own Higher Intelligence and begin to understand the way of power and resistance.

We must learn to face our fears and resolve in tackling them head on.  Nothing can be resolved while we remain in fear.  We have to learn to let go and trust.  From that a better way comes in and peace is then automatically restored.

By learning to trust in a higher intelligence, we will be able to see that another way takes us forward and there is a new structure to our lives, where peace and happiness are maintained.

We must learn not to cut ourselves off from the font of all knowledge and all love.  We must begin to realise that with guidance, peace of mind is restored and stability and safeguards are maintained.

Learn to live in the present.  Know that all things are meant for a reason, where our own sustained growth becomes possible and we are triumphant in our lives, because we have the power to see it all through.

No one owns another.  All must be released in time.  We must understand to hold with an iron tight grip only ends in pain and suffering.

We must all learn to walk with God by our sides and to trust in His higher judgement.  Then the impossible becomes possible and peace and sanity is restored.

Love is the way that we must all live in and so we are saved for all time.

          Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 29th March 2016

“The truth is always a little different depending where you are standing, so do not allow lies to be created, but understand that not all is what it seems and that only God sees all.”

Peace is Always a Valuable Concept
            “The passage of time affects us all. We need to look at what is in front of us and therefore important at that moment. Our minds need to take in the moment to be able to understand our reasoning mind.
            “Peace is always a valuable concept and when in the moment peace is restored. The quiet mind then allows for other things to be put in perspective and so amazing transitions are made and fear is dissolved away.
            “We are all creatures of habit. It is what keeps us focused and safe. By being in the moment we can address other aspects, which are not about habit, but about reasoning. Therefore light through the darkness is always achieved.
“We are beings of light and can only function fully in this place, so the quiet mind becomes enlightened. A positive strategy is performed and is not out of habit, but out of knowledge and wisdom.”
26th March 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The world has to be cleaned up and all people must be allowed to share the wealth that is in the earth.  The funds of the wealthy are kept in the hands of the few, because they are frightened to share it with the masses.”

Love Is a Committed Thing
            “It is time that people stood up and took personal responsibility for their actions. Too many people are in poverty for one reason or another. It needs to be discussed more thoroughly when entering into a contract to do something substantial that could change our lives completely.
            “It is needed with such normal things as getting married and having children. By thinking more carefully as to how it will affect us, we can alleviate much pain and suffering.
            “Love is a transitory thing, enriched by life’s experiences to keep us both strong and secure. It becomes the bedrock of what we all need in our lives and to sustain it all our needs.
            “Children brought about from that union have to be considered these days, as to whether we can provide for them and sustain all their needs. This is more often overlooked, where reckless behaviour brings about lasting consequences of misery, both for parents and the children.
            “This is where the poverty stems from. The providing for the children when parents do not have the means to do so. The desires of the flesh do create lasting misery to so many.
            “It is high time we started thinking before we act. A child is for life, not a ten minute wonder. We must take responsibility for their emotional welfare and their physical needs as well.
            “This sadly is often overlooked and so children suffer two types of poverty; emotional neglect and their right to have a sustaining life. The parents also suffer, as the means are not there to provide for their children as well as themselves.
            “Love is a committed thing. It is through that power of love that we must act sensibly and see that all our needs are met and not just a few. Life gets harder when we act irresponsibly.
            “Life only gets better when we act according to what is important and then all our needs are met.”
20th March 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Bring up the vibrations of a loving nature and turn away from the negativity and greed of the material world.  Let your goodness and belief system carry you forwards in the true spirit of love and harmony.”

When Will the New Future Be Built?
            “As Mankind continues to drift in and out of uncertainty, their fates they feel are only in their hands. They will see a shift in purpose, where Mankind can begin to think outside of the box.
            “They know that daily they are being helped and guided along the way. No one has a better understanding than the Higher Intelligence to deliver on time salvation in so many aspects.
            “What seemed like an impossible situation, new light is shone and situations begin to change almost overnight. It is with deep regret that it takes so long for Mankind’s intransigence to stop and for fresh ideas to be processed.
            “All can be achieved quite easily where common-sense prevails. Many of Mankind’s problems are due to their own chaotic ways, where their mind-sets push forward agendas which can never work.
            “When years later they see their mistakes so much pain & suffering continues to leak out making restoration even more difficult to fathom out. Mankind is now in that process.
            “Restoration on so many issues worldwide is being addressed, but it is a long and bitterly hard road to salvation. Mankind must learn from his mistakes however long it takes and, if they are wise enough, to see that they are not repeated again.
            “Wise men are fashioned through extreme pain and hardship.  It is their counsel that needs to be sought, so that Mankind can reach an empathy with each other. Then and only then can a new future be built.”
15th March 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“It is the Father of all Creation who is within each and every one of us, who provides for our needs, if only we ask and act in the right and proper way.”

Who Are the Makers of Dreams?
            “To be able to accomplish a dream is to believe wholeheartedly in its existence to happen. The dream is the tangible product of your mind and a very powerful resource to have.
            “Not all of us actually believe that our dreams will come true; therefore we fail before we actually start. By believing in that dream coming true, we evolve through the many phases that make up that reality.
            “The reality is made possible and so dreams come true. By constantly sending out our mind vibrations we produce energy that is so powerful it cannot be produced by any other component.
            “We are all powerful beings; our minds produce all that is around us, being success or failure. None of us can afford not to believe in success, as we alone produce those extraordinary vibrations to allow it to happen.
            “We alone are the creator of our own realities. We must remain positive in our affirmations to success in all things. It is said success breeds success and that is exactly true.
            “By being in that successful environment we collaborate with our own minds to continue on our own successful journey. All then becomes a very powerful energy based being, success is already primed and ongoing.
            “For those people who have already found success in their lives and for whatever reason demolished it understand the necessary power to make it happen again.
            “This way successful people continue and turn everything in their favour, they know how to harness the power of the mind. This way success becomes a continuum of their lives. They are never without it.
            “Learn to harness your dreams. Know your minds create all that is around you and learn to realise it is your right to have. All can be beautiful in your world if you wish it. See your own power create happiness for you on so many levels.
“You can and should start from today. The universal energies are there for you, draw those special dreams to you and know you can achieve beyond your wildest dreams.”
10th March 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Look not for Him in the church, as they have abused His spirit and no longer teach His doctrines or give healing and alms to the poor and needy.”

None of Us Can Really Fail
            “Everybody loves to be loved and needed. It is a common trait. We all have to feel wanted and of use to somebody or some event. Our purpose in life is to show that we care and can provide for ourselves what is a niche of our identity.
            “Without this purpose there is no reason to exist or to do anything at all. By doing for others, we increase our identity and are known for it. We actually stamp our identity on this world. We give of ourselves.
            “This is the purpose of every one of us on this earth, an establishing of the self. Without this we are nothing and therefore in our own minds cease to exist. We have an innate calling, which is to help one another. Our souls are a part of the entire creative force.
            “None of us are single, but a complete mind of knowledge and purpose by which we act as part of the whole. Our minds are programmed to exist in a massive electrical mind field, whose sole identity is to provide for that whole.
            “All of us act spontaneously without real thought process. We are almost on automation, yet individual by our wants and desires. We all want to please and to be accepted by the whole.
            “We all have an innate purpose to serve the whole unconsciously, yet extremely effectively. By striving forwards, we all increase our knowledge and expectation of the creative force energy.
            “We advance together increasing the whole to go forwards in motion. None of us ever stand still. We create while we sleep. We act upon that creation when we are awake.
            “All of us, as one being, striving, perfecting and increasing our knowledge exponentially. Our souls are bound to each other like converging magnets of which we have no control.
            “All are in sync with each other and where there is harmony, so a better understanding of what we need to do becomes self-evidential. Know that we are all constantly being looked after.
“Nothing is by accident, all is by Universal design. None of us can really fail in this passage of time that we exist on this earth plane!”
6th March 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Today is a day for starting to consider how you wish to go on.  Take your time and ask for guidance from those with spiritual love in their hearts and minds.”

All Aboard for the Gravy Train
            “The British re-entry into the European Union will not solve all their problems. The infighting and backbiting by the heads at Brussels will see a split in the policies that they will want to introduce.
            “The entire governing body is overloaded with bureaucracy and red tape. The more they wrangle to get matters sorted out, the deeper they get into debt and chaos.
            “The entire Brussels leadership will come crashing down. They are like an upturned pyramid and are only holding together by a thread. Everybody knows it, but few are free enough to voice it.
            “They would rather safeguard their precious lucrative jobs than admit the vast errors and mistakes they have made. No one will be surprised as the entire format of the European Union collapses – it is already in breakdown mode.
            “For Britain to sustain its independence and walk away from what is already a crumbling dinosaur would be a good thing. Britain is needed in Europe to keep the gravy train of Brussels working. British funds are vital to keep this organisation running.
            “The British people need to realise that trading worldwide with the service industry it provides will sustain all of Britain’s needs and more besides. Britain needs to remain independent and once again carve out its own future and destiny.
            “No longer should it be shackled to an organisation that seeks to continue with less regard for its members. The British people are strong enough, bright enough, to realise that global trading with their own tariffs will see them succeed beyond their wildest dreams.
            “No longer will they need to hold up bankrupt countries like Italy and France. The regime at Brussels continues to dictate its own policies at the expense of their fellow European countrymen.”
29th February 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Let the sun shine on you as you do the work of the Lord and your light is no longer hidden, but all your spiritual gifts are on display.”

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype ladylydialondon and jandmayers
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk and www.living-proof.biz

The next Public Demonstration of Divine Service by Jenny and Michael Ayers

Sunday, 5th June 2016                         06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Finally we continue to send you our love and healing.  We wish you well as the world continues to change at a remarkable rate. The guides still continue to tell us what to expect, so we still know what we need to do in order to change our own mind-sets and work for the Greater Good for all to survive and progress as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

Our Twitter forecasts and comments now number 47,215 over the two addresses to followers from all over the world.