29 October 2015

October Newsletter 2015


How Positive Thinking Does Create Fulfilment

The power of the mind is so incredibly strong and powerful it decrees our wellbeing and our state of mind at any given time.

For good things to come in, it is always important to control our thoughts into positive energy vibrations.  This energy promotes what we need in our lives to sustain us in various ways.

We are uplifted by our own positive energies that allow for events around us to change when necessary for our own good.

To wish to dream about achieving great things, in whatever way, is the driving force by our minds to become what we believe truly is our destiny on this earth.

As Winston Churchill from a very young age always knew he would save Great Britain and so his mind was fixed in that mode to achieve his destiny.

As with all souls, we have our ups and downs.  This is what life throws at us to see how we react.  Will we rise above it or will we fail?  Our mission in life has always been to strive and to obtain personal fulfilment to ourselves and never to think we are incapable of anything.

It is our minds which are the driving force and smashes through barriers, so that we can obtain our many goals in our lifetime.

It is truly high time we left the sad old me behind thinking we are finished and unable to survive and to be successful.

By thinking positively we create for ourselves a different type of energy, which becomes far-reaching, more powerful and allows us all to breakdown those negative energies, which plague us all at different times in our lives.

We must all start to utilise this strong mind power, so that we are able to strive forwards in a more determined way.

The singer Liza Minnelli had a severe back condition.  Her physicians said she would never walk again, that she would be bedbound for the rest of her life.

Her reply to her physicians was, “I am not accepting your diagnosis.  I will not accept your verdict of events.”

It was her will alone that she created in her mind to start moving her body, her legs and, only by the power of her mind, was to recover and not only stand up again, but to walk and finally to return to the stage fully recovered to perform, dance and sing again.

We must all take heart and use the power of our own minds to determine our futures in ways we might never have thought possible before.

We are all spiritual people and our minds are inexorable with the power that we all have.  Never doubt in it!  It is by using it for the good that allows us to strive forwards and to change events and circumstances that hold us back in our lives.

It is by our own belief in ourselves that we create the conditions we find ourselves in.

Please think positively to allow for a positive outcome to occur and to become a winner and a more fulfilled person once again.

Jenny Ayers
Wednesday, 28th October 2015

“Let us see the miracles that are conducted on this planet every day and give thank for them.  It is not a sin to believe in miracles, but only such to disbelieve them when they happen and not give thanks.”

Love is the powerful experience
“As we live in an ever-changing world, we have to start to see things differently and to understand that we are all human. We are all created from the same source of intelligence that is the balance in all things.
            “We, as a human race, are joined together by our spiritual life-force, which is inside all of us. It only departs from our physical being at the point of brain death.
            “We all arrive from the same creative force and all return to it when it is our time to leave this earthly plane. It is important to recognise and understand that we are all people together.
            “We all bleed.  We cry when we are upset, we get ill and we all strive to reunite with each other to feel and experience love. We must, as a human race, stop looking at our colour, where we came from and where we are going.
            “We must start to look within and see the God force in each and every one of us and to understand we are all one in his creation. Love is the powerful experience, which all understand and desire.  To this we all gravitate.
            “It is the power of that love that binds us in goodness and is the reason we can all grow and thrive. Accept each and every one of you that you were created in love.
            “We are watched over in love and will be united in the next dimension in everlasting love after our earthly life is over!”
28th October 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“We cannot afford to believe what men tell us, as all men have some ulterior motives, especially if they seek to have power and control over others.”

The Long Friday to Equality
            “Forty years tomorrow, 24th October 1975, signifies what Icelandic people call ‘The Long Friday’. On that day the women of Iceland went on strike and they refused to work, cook and look after the children for the day.
            “It was a moment in history that changed the way women were seen in the country. It helped to put Iceland at the forefront of the fight for equality. In November 1980, a divorced single mother won Iceland’s Presidency, her name was Vigdís Finnbogadóttir.
            “Called Vigdís, she became Europe’s first female President and the first woman in the world to be democratically elected as head of state. She held this position for sixteen years. As a result many Icelandic children had grown up thinking that being President was a women’s job.
            “Vigdís’s Presidency set Iceland on a course to become known as “the world’s most feminist country”. On that day, 90% of the women in the country decided to demonstrate their importance by going on strike.
            “Instead of going to the office and doing the housework or childcare they took to the streets in their thousands. They went to rally for equal rights with men. It is known in Iceland as the Women’s Day Off.
            “The women’s strike completely paralysed the country and opened up the eyes of many men. Banks, factories and some shops had to close, as did schools and nurseries.
            “This left the fathers no choice, but to take their children to work and later to take them back home to feed them. It was a real baptism of fire for some fathers; literally the men had to take care of everything.
            “Children’s voices were heard in the background while the newsreaders read the news on the radio. It is high time that women start to believe in their own self-worth and the very important contribution they make to all societies.
            “It is at times of war when the men are away fighting that women become the back bone of countries. They are doing all the jobs that men used to do. Women need to stand and unite together in strength to bring about changes, without that unity changes will be slow and protracted.
            “It is now that women must gather momentum and believe in their own power and effectiveness in their roles as equals around the world. Until this is done collectively, then women’s power will not be sustained and will be seen as a sign of weakness.
            “The world is changing and women are starting to realise that they are able to go forwards without the constant battering by men. It is the men that continue to put them in their place. This change cannot come in soon enough, as many women are subjected to immense cruelty by the dominance of men.”
23rd October 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“We are transparent to the Higher Beings.  We cannot fool ourselves or them, so what is the point of hiding our own desires from others when they are not worthy of us?”

A New World Order
            “World leaders are coming together to try to break the deadlock on ideas of self-interest and purposes. We are all entering dark and horrific days, as the dogs of war gather momentum and begin to encircle the civilised world. There are no winners in these conflicts only hardship, disgrace and discourse.
            “A coming together of intellectual minds, who have nothing to gain but can see the broader picture and will express their views to be debated. So many solutions need to be found, where history has shown repeatedly that conflict is useless. Consideration for Mankind’s welfare must now be taken into consideration.
            “There is no longer a so called master race.  We are all brothers and sisters together. We are united by a common theme of love and expectancy of a life lived in peace All leaders must now look to their own hands in these conflicts and to finally own up to their part in the constant mayhem that pursues.
            “The constant warring factions will in time be tamed as one begins to realise the futility of what they have been fighting for. At the end of the day there are no winners, nothing is ever gained or resolved. The dawn is breaking on a new form of leadership, where the need for power is no longer the objective, but the needs of the people are!
            “Mankind starts to come into his own as the superpowers lose their will and aggression over the people. Power is being taken away from all superpowers by The Great Intelligence that sees over us and guides us all forwards. No country is great anymore.
            “All are vulnerable to earthly/global conditions be it climatic, financial or civil unrest. The tide is already turning, whereby enemies of various countries will have to come together in order to secure their own futures.
            “Their futures are crumbling around them, exposing them to the elements of uncertainty and fear. This is slowly growing and exposing their power-loss, allowing for extreme negotiations to take precedent over their needs for control.
            “The hardliners of this world will fall in all directions. It will be those whose wisdom and overall forward-thinking will steer this world forwards. No one will judge another as all must come to the table collectively to reach concrete agreements towards world safety.
            “The new dawn on dialogue is being established where arms no longer play their part, but where trade and common sense is finally realised. Peace always comes at a price, but with war the price is always higher and always devastating.
            “This world cannot afford any longer to prop up the dictators of war, as their power-loss becomes self-evident. It will be those stable countries that will be able to pave the way and where trust and goodwill are once again established.
            “A new world order will be formed and this will take many years in the making, but its seeds are already taking root. Mankind will eventually rise again from the destruction of the old world order and into the new!  For the people it really can’t come in quick enough!”
18th October 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“We all are responsible for all we do and say, even what we think.  There is nobody else who can take the responsibility away from us no matter what they may tell you.  You must do it yourself.”

Peace in Our Time?
“How far must Mankind go before it says enough is enough? “Fighting on every level is a worldwide disease and there is no let up to this monster of one nation or ideal wanting to crush another.
“In 1937 Pablo Picasso read about the thousands of incendiary bombs dropped by Hitler and Mussolini’s planes. They reduced the city of Guemica to ashes. An incalculable number died and were wounded.
            “Picasso’s masterpiece evolved under his repugnance of aerial bombing. Guemica became the emblem to the horrors of war. Picasso’s tapestry facsimile was placed in the lobby of the United Nations in 2003.
            “When Colin Powell went to the UN to present the US case for military intervention in Iraq, the tapestry was covered up by a blue curtain. Mr Powell couldn’t try to seduce the world into bombing Iraq while having the background of the tapestry shrieking with mutilated women, men and children.
            “The latest horror is the MSF hospital in Afghanistan by the US’s aerial attack. The MSF’s President Joanne Liu has called for a full investigation. It has been stated at the Geneva Convention, where the organisation announced that ambulances and military hospitals were recognised as neutral and so protected, because they housed the wounded and the sick.
            “Despite all the wars this legal situation regarding MSF has not been diluted. All know that attacking neutral medical staff and facilities without notifying them in advance are guilty of a war crime. It is vital that President Liu’s appeal for an independent investigation by the US’s attack is acted upon and any proven war crimes ensue.
            “Our present world crisis is a result of the assault on this world over the last seventy years. There has to be an international consensus to bring about judicial process to restore sanity in these global affairs.
            “Allowing for this to happen may give the young people of this world hope, especially in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Palestine that the world is not entirely lawless and senseless.
“A strong collective international leadership is required that is bound by due law and process and not by individual country’s interests. Just rules on any society worth its weight will be bound by these same rules/laws as the weak.
            “It has been said that when Pablo Picasso was living in Nazi occupied Paris, he had his studio searched by the Gestapo. Coming across the Guemica the German officer asked the artist, “Did you do this?” “No,” replied Picasso.  “You did!”
17th October 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“There is no point in putting on a good show, so that people will think well of us when we are not sincere in our actions.  The truth of insincerity is a wriggling snake and will always find a way to become plain in the fullness of time.”

Building a Legacy
            “Kazakhstan is a country rising every day and its new capital has many amazing buildings. The buildings have local nicknames. The Banana is a bright yellow office tower. The Cigarette Lighter is the Ministry of Transport and Communications.
            “The Baiterek building does not have a nickname, as it does not look like anything else. Baiterek means ‘tall popular tree’ in Kazakh. It is a 318 foot tower, buttressed by an exoskeleton and white painted steel.
            “At its top is a gold tinted glass sphere. At its base is a monument that represents the Kazakh myth of a sacred bird that every year lays a golden egg. The sun is the crown of an enormous tree of life.
            “The designer is President Nursultan Nazarbayev. He’s a steel worker turned strongman, who has run this country since its independence of Russia in 1991. He is also responsible for changing the country’s capital from a temperate area to a frigid windswept area, some 600 miles north.
            “The new capital is called Astana, which means centre in Kazakh. Kazakhstan is rich in oil and minerals. Its billions have been lavishly invested in this new capital. It has invited some of the world’s leading architects to showcase their work.
            “The results are eclectic and visually arresting, but are not to everybody’s taste. To build this dream city, President Nazarbayev has established foreign benefactors, all eager to do business with this country. A Qatari emir founded a mosque and space for 7,000 worshippers. Islam is the dominant faith of this country.
            “Some years ago Nazarbayev declared he wanted a huge pyramid built. It was called the Palace of Peace and Harmony and the design went to the British architect Norman Foster. He was also responsible for the Khan Shatyr or the King’s Tent building.
“Norman Foster’s concrete and glass pyramid is awe inspiring and it contains a 1,500 seat opera house as well as conference rooms. At the very top is a sky lit conference room. It is bathed in natural light by pale blue, white and gold stained glass windows depicting doves against the sky.
            “Kazakhstan’s climate is extreme, because it is at the centre of the Asian continent. Astana, the brand new purpose built capital, is an act of defiance against the constraints of nature. There are temperatures of -35C in winter and of +35C in summer.
            “President Nazarbayev wants to have this city as a memorial to his leadership and his reign, which is held with an iron tight grip. At present he has no one to take over from him and this is posing worries amongst his people. Until that day occurs, the President will keep on building and so his legacy will remain intact!”
11th October 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The light of wisdom is the light given through enlightenment and not through wishful thinking.  We have to learn how to string together the pearls of wisdom that make up Spiritual Law and the living of it.”

Elephants May Hold the Key to Fewer Tumours in Humans
            “The amazing scientific discovery that Elephants have their natural defences against cancer that prevents tumours from forming, scientists from the University of Utah have stated that Elephants have naturally shown how to prevent cancer in their DNA.
            “Elephants, because of their size have 100 times more cells than humans & as they live long lives, they should be more likely to get cancer. Research has shown that only 5% of Elephants die from this disease compared with 25% in humans.
            “Researchers have looked into the Elephant’s DNA to find out the reasons why so few Elephants contract cancer. It’s been shown that when an Elephant’s cell becomes damaged, an alarm goes off and leads to the damaged cell being repaired or killed off.
            “These special alarms are called TP53 and Elephants have twenty more TP53 than humans, who only have one! Elephants have twenty times more ways to cope with the key cancer fighting gene than humans.
            “The TP53 gene plays a vital role in preventing cancer. It is the guardian of the genome, which scans the cells of the elephant for any genetic mistakes & destroys those that cannot be repaired.
            “TP53 is an ancient gene found in multicellular animals. It detects the stress or damage to the cell and stops it dividing until the stress has passed or the DNA repaired. It is a well-defined tumour suppressor.
            “Big animals like Elephants live longer. Their cells have to divide more and so one would expect that they are more susceptible to cancer, but they are not!”
            “Nature has found out how to prevent cancer in animals over an evolutionary time. By killing off the damaged cell, it’s gone and therefore cannot turn into cancer and so the cycle continues with less risk to the animal. Therefore TP53 is nature’s way of keeping this species alive.
            “Elephants will help hold the key to unlocking some of the mysteries of cancer. Elephants are not the only large animals to have evolved in ways to defeat cancer. The Bowhead Whales are even larger then Elephants and live longer, some surviving up to 200 years.
            “Clinical trials are hoping to get better treatments for cancer, especially for children. Children get the rare condition Li-Fraumeni Syndrome in which they only have one working TP53 and they have up to 90% risk of cancer. It is the Animal Kingdom, which holds the information that will help lead to cures for many human illnesses.”
9th October 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“It is useless to pretend that we understand the teachings of the Saviour Jesus Christ, if we can’t illustrate our comprehension in the way we live in harmony with others.”

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype ladylydialondon and jandmayers
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk and www.living-proof.biz

The next Public Demonstration of Clairvoyance by Jenny and Michael Ayers

Wednesday, 11th November 2015     
07.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Finally we continue to send you our love and healing.  We wish you well as the world continues to change at a remarkable rate. The guides still continue to tell us what to expect, so we still know what we need to do in order to change our own mind-sets and work for the Greater Good for all to survive and progress as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

Our Twitter forecasts and comments now number 43,367 over the two addresses to followers from all over the world.