31 December 2014

December Newsletter 2014


“Learn to Believe in Your Strengths”

As this year comes to its close, may things have already been achieved and decided upon.  The end of the old year brings in new expectations and new resolves to make life better for ourselves and for those whom we love.

We have already grown wiser from the many mishaps and challenges of this past year, where matters seemed harder than they actually were.  We seemed to get through it, in spite of sometimes intolerable odds and we all breathed a great sigh of relief that yet again we were all saved.

Most of us forget that even if we are in the mire, we still manage to come out of it, not always smelling of roses, but in a better place of understanding and reflection that we were saved, even if we weren’t always able to see it at the time.

Many of us are in fact in a better place and where we feel now that the future, although challenging still, is not so formidable and that we are able to ride the storms of discovery knowing all along that help and guidance is very much a part of our lives and how we proceed.

Look now not of what has already past, but to the New Year, which has already been decided and where we will be able to master situations all the time and be the happier for it.

All of us are indestructible, as we are all of the Spirit and so are mighty in our own way.  While on this earth we do not see ourselves as mighty, but as humans tied very much to the earthly conditions.  It is these conditions which make us feel weak and vulnerable, where we are often too timid to speak out for fear of reprisals.

We have to start seeing ourselves as mighty Spirit beings that can fight against the odds, where our inner strength takes us on to pastures new, not in trepidation, but with a welcoming heart that we are always saved and that peace and harmony will be restored to our lives as we would wish it.

By learning to change our mind-sets, we can afford to build ourselves into stronger more amiable beings and so can conquer all our fears and tread a path of revelations from now on. 

Life is an adventure.  It is not a chore to get through and to seek a higher level of existence to please ourselves is the nature of the day.

We all have to rise up in our own way.  Some will need help and guidance, while others have the foresight to be able to do it for themselves.  Whatever the way is open to you it is your journey and should be embraced for the enlightenment that it brings and to know that whatever happens we are always saved all the time.

Even those whose time it is to depart these earthly conditions are also saved, as Heavenly Beings help us to make the transition, where celestial beings light up the way, out of the darkness of pain and suffering and into the glorious light.

Our earthly journey of discovery having already been completed, we are then taken on to a new chapter and where discovery of a different kind is shown to us.

We are all on this journey together and to know that help is with us always gives us the inner strength to climb even further and where excitement and expectation is all there for us to enjoy.

Learn to believe in your strengths and not the weaknesses of the earthly conditions and you will see many happy and fulfilling things occurring around you each and every day and throughout the coming New Year.

Jenny Ayers
Wednesday, 31st December 2014
The World’s Injustices Are Rife and Out Of Control
 “To all our faithful followers, we are back, having just moved and are safely ensconced in our new abode. Nothing much has changed in our short time away with the world still in disarray. There is still much injustice that continues to sway in many areas of the globe.
“Until there is a positive stance from those who are supposed to support the alleviation of suffering by the suppressed regimes nothing will ever change. We all have a responsibility to do what is right and not to recoil from those who hold the purse strings or influence. Just because they have a different agenda to what is morally right.
            “It is high time that the world starts to think and act and get the right honourable people in posts that will make a difference and not to just prevaricate in their cushy roles. To be bold and honourable and to do the right thing takes courage and conviction.
            “That is in short supply and so the world’s injustices are rife and out of control. Jordan has submitted a draft resolution to the UN Security Council to put an end to the conflict and occupation by Israel on Palestinians. This has been met by Israel as a gimmick.
            “Yes to them it is, as total submission of their rule of dominance is all they want together with dissolving any Palestinians who live and breathe. Until the UN Security Council get off their back sides and do what is morally right then they have no place to be in their posts.
            “They cannot continue to be allowed to be held by the throat by the US and Israel anymore! The world is still outraged with the onslaught of Israel over Palestinians in the 50 day war. If the UN Security Council cannot do what is right morally and justifiably then they should be disbanded, for they serve no purpose but to prolong the agony of these people.
            “Then an independent lawful authority that is not accountable to any country, but only to the rule of law, should be instigated. Until justice is implemented, the bully boys of this world continue to get away with murder and we stand idly by and do nothing. We are as guilty as the perpetrators of these crimes!”
19th December 2014 (jandmayers twitter)

It Is the Law Held by The Highest in the World That Must be Adhered to
“To all our faithful followers, we are back, having just moved and are safely ensconced in our new abode. Nothing much has changed in our short time away with the world still in disarray. There is still much injustice that continues to sway in many areas of the globe.
            “The UN General Assembly has voted in favour of referring North Korea to the International Criminal Court to face crimes against humanity. The resolution has been passed by 116 votes to 20 with 50 abstentions. The UN Security Council is expected to discuss the resolution, but is likely to face stiff opposition from China and Russia.
            “This will always happen with countries who fail to adhere to a proper civilised human rights programme of their own. It is high time that this opposition to what is morally right and where justice by the law is regarded as sacrosanct is thrown out.
“It is the law held by the highest in the world that must be adhered to so that suffering is no longer tolerated no matter who the dictator is! Ordinary North Koreans have faced ‘unspeakable atrocities. The report details wide-ranging abuses of torture, political repression and other abuses.
            “Prison camps where detainees are deliberately starved, forced labour, executions, torture, rape with forced abortion and infanticide. Fortunate North Koreans who have defected have confirmed these reports. Of course North Korea has refused to co-operate with the report and its findings.
            “One dictator cannot hold an entire country in his grip for all time. The time for change is amongst us and it is the people who will decide their fate and not one person any longer. We pray that that day comes soon, so that freedom over suppression wins the day.”
19th December 2014 (ladylydialondon twitter)

The Westminster Paedophiles Will Be Exposed
“Home Secretary Theresa May will decide to scrap the existing inquiry into historical abuse and replace it with a more powerful body. This will be a welcomed decision as there needs to be a more robust and better structure into dealing with the child abuse scandals.
            “The Government has to be seen to be getting it right for the sake of the numerous victims, who are still suffering tremendously. Survivors and survivors’ groups welcome the inquiry being given statutory powers. It is imperative that an appropriate experienced panel is formed to bring about the right justice for the many victims. Their lives have been destroyed by paedophiles and their gangs.
            “It is essential that those at the top are finally brought to justice. They can no longer hide behind a veil of secrecy because of their high office. Those paedophiles operating in Westminster in the 1980’s, who continue to get away with it, will see the veil of silence broken.
            “Many will be revealed for the vile actions of abuse and in some cases even torture. This year and the New Year will see justice on many levels finally come to fruition.”
22nd December 2014 (jandmayers twitter)

Spanish Princess Faces Trail for Tax Fraud

“Spain’s royal, Princess Cristina, is to face a tax fraud trial over her links to her husband’s business dealings. Her husband has already had to return many millions of public funds, which he had stashed away in offshore accounts. Millions were used to extend their family house in Spain, which he did not have the income to do. Those assets have been frozen.
            “To say that Princess Cristina with all her savvy, being the King’s daughter, did not know what her husband was up to is to say that the Spanish people are naïve to the extreme. Princess Cristina is under suspicion of 2.6m Euros of that money. Because one is royal cannot exempt her from the deceit she has done against her own people.
            “At that time, Spain was going through a most vulnerable financial crisis with Spaniards dying because they lost everything. It is inconceivable that a royal, whose obligations are to serve its people, had nothing but greed and self-interests in their minds.
“The charitable sports foundation, which was a non-profit institution, organised events at hugely inflated prices. Therefore profiting by it for themselves and as with all things, it seemed right at the time, until one is caught and then the whole sordid mess comes out. Nobody is above the law and a demonstration of that must come out for the sake and respect of the people.”
22nd December 2014 (jandmayers twitter)

Greed and Corruption within FIFA
            “It seems inconceivable that Sepp Blatter will be allowed to serve a fifth term as President to Fifa’s governing body. There is already an investigation going on into World Cup bidding corruption under his jurisdiction.
“Michael Garcia of the ethics committee has now quit citing a lack of independence in Fifa’s judicial processes. He believes the organisation’s culture is beyond reform. A highly respected man like Mr Garcia would not have resigned if he thought he had any opportunity of getting a feasible result.
“As with all organisations which are too big and the stakes financially so great, no one wants to relinquish their position. The backhanders are too lucrative to leave behind. No one should be in office for more than three years.
“It is now up to Fifa to come clean or it will continue to be plagued by the corruption that feeds it. Football needs to recover from this corruption as it brings the game into disrepute.”
22nd December 2014 (ladylydialondon twitter)

The Mentally Ill are Sane Enough to Buy a Gun!
“The tragic shooting of two of New York’s police officers by Ismaaiyl Brinsley is most distressing for all concerned. This man, who was 28, had a history of violence and mental instability. He had been arrested at least 19 times in his life and had a troubled childhood, which was so violent that his mother was afraid of him.
            “Yet society let him down & so the result was further violence against an institution that was not there for him, but would only put him away. It is unfortunate that mental illness is not dealt with properly, but only incarceration is.
            “This man was mentally traumatised all his life yet was completely ignored by the system. Nobody cared enough to do anything about it! He was never psychologically assessed while being in prison and no alarm bells were ever flagged up. Under the circumstances it is now shown to be extremely dangerous and irresponsible.
            “It is high time that America started to deal with these souls whose lives have been wrecked by violence. No treatment is given to ease their emotional pain. Where now is justice to be seen to be done?”
            “How many people like Brinsley are severely troubled and are out there walking the streets and who will be their next victims? America needs to wake up to the many that have mental illness, yet appear to be sane enough to buy a gun.
            “In their hands this lethal weapon is another slaughter waiting to happen! My question is who cares or even gives a damn? How many more fatalities need to occur before the gun culture is amended?”
22nd December 2014 (ladylydialondon twitter)

Memorial of the Indian Ocean Tsunami and Recognition of the Good that Came from this Tragedy
            “Memorial services are being held in Indonesia and other nations around the world for the Indian Ocean tsunami, which took 200,000 lives. Indonesia’s province of Aceh took the worst of the hit. The underwater earthquake set off massive waves on 26th December 2004.
            “The Vice President Jusuf Kalla led the tributes to the dead. He also praised the many volunteers and the outside world for their help in this tragedy. The emotions felt at that time were of confusion, shock, sorrow, fear and suffering.
            “Earlier thousands of people gathered at the city’s great Mosque. It is a 19th Century building, which was one of the few structures in the town to survive. The Mosque’s imam said the tsunami has taught the people of Aceh a valuable lesson.
            “The city has been the scene of an armed conflict, which had lasted nearly 30 years. After the tsunami no one fights each other anymore. The people now live in peace and harmony up to this day. Efforts to end the conflict resumed after the tsunami, culminating in a peace deal between the Government and the rebels in August 2005.
            “As with all things in life, it sometimes takes an enormous disaster to put into context what is really important and relevant in our lives. Our prayers go out to the victims who lost their lives and the families who suffered the loss of their loved ones, both there and abroad. Nearly 5,500 people died in Thailand, half of which were foreign tourists.
            “In Sri Lanka the Ocean Queen Express train was hit by the tsunami and 1,700 people died. Sweden lost over 500 of its citizens in the disaster. It was the biggest tremor in the world since 1964, which unleashed its giant waves across the India Ocean.
            “Another good thing, which has come out of this disaster, is the early warning system. Emergency procedures have been implemented to try to minimise casualties in the future.”
26th December 2014 (jandmayers twitter)

Freedom of Worship for All
            Christian pilgrims from around the world have celebrated Midnight Mass in Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, to mark Christmas Eve.  The Latin Patriarch has called on the Jews, Muslims and Christians together as equals. This was in reference to the violence in Gaza and Jerusalem. He hoped 2015 would be a better year than the one we have experienced so far.
            “The Midnight Mass took place in the Church of the Nativity, which marks the spot where Jesus was born in the West Bank town. Thousands of pilgrims crowded the Manger Square to watch the procession led by the Patriarch. The region has become a land of conflict and there is hope that next year will see no separation wall and that there will be bridges of peace.
            “The Patriarch was referring to the barrier Israel is building in and around the West Bank, which separates Bethlehem from Jerusalem. This Holy area must be marked as free for all citizens of the world to come to worship. It is not a rite for Israel’s continuation to force its might against what is not theirs, but belongs to all religions.
            “Until the world stands up against Israel’s regime of force and ignorance, nothing will ever change. It is the world’s Governments that must deal with the issue and put in safeguards that all pilgrims of worship should be able to do so freely.
            “A United Force for security and not Israel’s should be implemented and to help take care of this sacred place. This has long been overdue. The world continues to sleepwalk while Israel surreptitiously continues its plan of ethnic cleansing & seeking power only for its own people.”
26th December 2014 (ladylydialondon twitter)

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype ladylydialondon
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
www.spiritualist-guidance.org and www.living-proof.biz

The next Public Demonstration at Divine Service by Jenny and Michael Ayers

06.30pm Sunday, 8th February 2015   for Divine Service at Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Finally we continue to send you our love and healing.  We wish you well as the world continues to change at a remarkable rate. The guides still continue to tell us what to expect, so we still know what we need to do in order to change our own mind-sets and work for the Greater Good for all to survive and progress as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

Our Twitter forecasts and comments now number 29,166 over the two addresses to followers from all over the world.

01 December 2014

November Newsletter 2014


‘Look After Those You Love’

Should there be a situation around you that appears hopeless and impossible to solve, do not panic.  Try to keep calm and allow the forces of ‘light’ and ‘love’ to direct you on.  The impossible situation is then able to unravel itself without your interference and intervention.

The Higher Intelligence has to go through a process which is unknown to us.  It unravels blockages, which we cannot know about and neutralises negative forces that have kept us in a state sometime hostile to our own liking and benefit.

By remaining calm and allowing the instructions from the Higher Intelligence to come in, then all manner of possibilities become open to us and where the positive forceful vibrations can be given to allow for a greater control of our lives.

Situations, which once appeared to be stuck, miraculously open up and a healthier outcome is then shown to us and the way forward is no longer hidden from our sensitive eyes.

Trust is necessary, but not essential for these positive forces to assist us in our daily lives.  We all have to go through certain conditions to experience the good with the bad, so that we are able to appreciate the good times when we have them and cherish those times when we must acknowledge the difference.

Many people will lose loved ones at this time of the year and so it is vitally important that we learn to appreciate this special time with them.  We cannot any longer forget those who are close to us, sometimes we are apt to take our loved ones for granted thinking they will always be there for us.

It is now time to take stock and to see where we have been perhaps complacent and where we should show our appreciation in ways we never did before.  Then, with an easy conscience, we can continue with our lives knowing we loved them and truly appreciated them for all time.

Continuous working is the greatest killer of all relationships, where one or both are working flat out all the time and where they no longer have a life together, but are being ruled by the fact they are forced to work long and arduous hours as that is what the job dictates them to do.

By striking a healthy compromise and bringing in extra help, they can get valuable time off for each other and their relationship is then strengthened for all time.

When we learn to ask, The Higher Intelligence will be able to find satisfactory help so that the burden of work is distributed and then a more fulfilling life is sustained.  The financial aspect is also sorted out to accommodate these needs, as it is asked for with loving intent and so with love it is always given.

Remember we owe it to ourselves to look after those around us whom we love and in whose lives we chose to be with, we can never afford to take them for granted.  All it takes is love and consideration to get the maximum out of our lives together.  Peace be with you all!

Jenny Ayers
Monday, 1st December 2014


        We have been through a most interesting and subsequently rewarding transformation since we sent out our last newsletter.

        We had to move from Crowborough, because the house that we were renting was sold and left us no choice but to pack up and move everything into temporary accommodation.

        We were blessed with an offer from two very kind and considerate clients, who took us and our belongings to their farm.

        After we recovered from the packing up of all we had in the world, we asked for spiritual help in finding a new place to live that we could afford and would be conducive to our work.

        Straight away there was a cottage online, but Michael dismissed as being too small and too expensive.

        Following a visit to the local renting agency, it cropped up again and they really had little else to offer us, so we went and had a look round from the outside and agreed a follow up visit on the next day.

        It really is a dream cottage and was in a very quiet part of East Sussex, a little south of Tunbridge Wells and easy for our clients to get to.

        We had a meeting with the wonderful lady owner, who lives next door and we both agreed that it would suit us and that the Greater Good was being served.

        That was on the Saturday and on early on Friday morning after Spirit had pulled out all the stops we were moving in!

        We have been blessed all along the way and from the initial tiredness and despair we are now restored and ready for the workload to come.

        We even had a call from a lady, who had the brilliant and loving idea to give her husband a Consultation with Jenny as his Christmas present.

        Isn’t that a lovely idea with love and perfect harmony blending the two together, as she has her first child against the odds, which Mustafa predicted would be the case?

        So we look forward to welcoming you at our new cottage with all its peace and quiet in the beautiful countryside of East Sussex.

        We have kept the old telephone number of 01892-662-856, so we will give directions when you book your appointment.   Don’t leave it too long…

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype ladylydialondon
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
www.spiritualist-guidance.org and www.living-proof.biz

The next Public Demonstration by Jenny and Michael Ayers

06.30pm Sunday, 8th February 2015   for Divine Service at Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Finally we continue to send you our love and healing.  We wish you well as the world continues to change at a remarkable rate. The guides still continue to tell us what to expect, so we still know what we need to do in order to change our own mind-sets and work for the Greater Good for all to survive and progress as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

Our Twitter forecasts and comments now number 28,797 over the two addresses to followers from all over the world.

01 November 2014

October Newsletter 2014


Transform Your Lives from Pain and Misery into Happiness and Fulfilment

For all those who are in transition at this time the message is do not lose hope or faith.  The system in life is such that everything needs to tumble down and then the lifesaving forces come in to assist and replace all that has been lost by way of sacrifice and personal hardship.

The Almighty sees all and stands watch to provide the needs and knowhow, where all can go forwards against the odds of human life to pursue the next course of action open to you all.

The loss being replaced almost at once, where hardship is no longer viewed upon as the transition is so great.  It wipes out any form of anxiousness and debilitation.

All are then saved beyond their wildest dreams and the sacrifice that was is no longer viewed upon, as the euphoria is the only thing that matters right then.

Nobody actually hears ‘God’s’ cry when in the wilderness of despair, as their own anxieties override the call to come to the listening stage that ‘God’ always intended, so that suffering is removed and a light force comes in to assist in their time of greatest need.

The new life is born out of the ashes of the past and where a greater resolve and determination to excel becomes the norm and where the old life is no more.  All of us must go through this transition to see what we are made of and how we are able to further managed a greater life hereafter.

No one is exempt in this delivery, all must go through this at one time or another and so life is always transforming and the better life is maintained.

We are all mortals in a Spirit body and it is this mortal being that feels often frightened and alone.  We forget we are Spiritual beings with the power and strength of the Almighty to transform our lives from pain and misery into happiness and fulfilment.

It is this mighty part that is linked to the Godhead, which influences our decisions to act and to perform.  It allows us to move forwards when the time is right to do so and where all conditions are made right for our safety and purpose.

Nothing is left to chance and no one is ever left behind.  The greater purpose is always served and we are always saved because it is our right to be so.

Jenny Ayers
Wednesday, 29th October 2014

Distrust by the Arab Heads of State Empowers Jihadists
            “There will be a temporary halt after today of our Twitter information, Spiritual Guidance and advice, while we are in the process of moving. We hope all our dedicated global followers will bear with us during this time of our transition and we will be back with you soon.
            “Egypt is facing a new threat to its security with mounting unrest by offensive jihadists in the northern Sinai. A suicide blast at an army checkpoint has killed 28 soldiers near El-Arish. There was a separate shooting, where three soldiers died at a checkpoint in the town itself.
            “There needs to be a tighter unified control of Arab heads of state to bring about a reversal to these jihadists. At this time Arab heads do not trust each other to deliver a strategy, which will finally sort out these many different offensives. That is why they continue to win hands down.
            “Until a proper organised strategy is established, then all nations will suffer and the evil of extremists will continue to grow. Like a cancer it continues to render its opponent helpless and incompetent. Reform of the highest level needs to be put on the agenda.
“It is not a question of waiting for other Arab leaders to see what they can do. There has to be a unified solution with a tactical plan of action. Then and only then can these extremists be finally defeated!”
25th October 2014 (jandmayers twitter)

Chemical Warfare and the Anglo - American Legacy

“There will be a temporary halt after today of our Twitter information, Spiritual Guidance and advice, while we are in the process of moving. We hope all our dedicated global followers will bear with us during this time of our transition and we will be back with you soon.
            “The US is to investigate whether the militant group IS have used chemical weapons in Iraq. Secretary of State John Kerry says it looks ‘extremely serious’.
“There have been allegations that IS have attacked Iraqi police officers with chlorine gas last month. Additional persistent reports from Iraq that IS have been using chlorine gas is further being voiced.
            “Syria’s Bashar al-Assad has used chemical weapons on a large scale. This was to avert the threat of retaliatory action by western air strikes. The effect on Syrians has been devastating. As recently as this August he has used chemicals again. There is no end to this man’s destruction of human life.
            “Just before the massive US bombing campaign of Iraq, it was discovered that the US and Britain had secretly built a germ weapons arsenal for Iraq to use against Iran in the eight year Iran-Iraq war. It is US and Britain’s breath-taking hypocrisy against Iraq’s supposed WMD (weapons of mass destruction) that never existed.
            “Both George W Bush and Tony Blair remonstrated against Saddam Hussein’s weapons programme. While at the same time failing to mention their construction of germ weapons arsenal that they gave to him.
            “British scientists had been employed at Iraq’s top secret Salman Pak chemical and bio warfare laboratory near Baghdad. Their goal was to develop and weaponize anthrax, plague, botulism and other pathogens for use as tactical germ weapons.
            “The Anglo – American view is chemical and biological weapons are fine – so long as they are used against Muslim Iranians. Used against westerners, they would be denounced as ‘terrorism’.
            “The US media has never reported this story or Washington’s secret backing of their old ally Saddam Hussein. Few American’s know anything of their deadliest bio warfare weapon used in Iraq, where US airpower on Iraq’s water and sewage systems a crime that led to the deaths according to UN officials of over 500,000 Iraqis, mostly children, from contaminated water.
            “Iraq is still poisoned by depleted uranium munitions fired by US forces. John Kerry’s despicable hypocritical statement that ‘the use of any chemical weapon is an abhorrent act’ and it goes against International Law.
            “It is the Western powers who have prevented Iraq from importing chlorine to purity filthy, pest-ridden water. They are claiming that chlorine could be used in chemical weapons. Why are these events of a quarter century ago relevant today?
            “Because this horrible mess in Iraq and Syria is a direct result of the US–led invasion of Iraq in 2003. IS is a manufactured monster that could have crawled out of the germ warfare plant at Salman Pak.”
25th October 2014 (ladylydialondon twitter)

          Jenny and Michael spent two wonderful weeks at the beginning of October on Paxos, near Lakka, where they were the guests of a grateful client, who gave them this generous and much needed holiday.

          The nearest airport was on Corfu and it was necessary to take the ferry south to Gaios, the islands capital, which took about an hour and a half to travel through the Ionian Sea between the Greek mainland and Corfu and then Paxos itself.
Paxos is a small island of about 12 square miles and we were told that it had two thousand three hundred indigenous inhabitants, but that this swelled to some ten thousand at the height of the season in July and August season with visitors renting villas here and many day trippers from Corfu.

The little villages are very simplistic, as they nestle among the wild olives and dark cypresses on the hillsides, which form the backbone of the island.  Surrounding all of this are the coves and beautiful beaches, especially along the eastern coastline.

          Although it was possibly inhabited from prehistoric times, the Phoenicians are traditionally held to have been the first settlers on Paxos. The name is believed to be derived from Pax, which meant trapezoidal in their language.

The Romans ruled the island from the 2nd century BC, and during the Byzantine period and Middle Ages it was constantly attacked by pirates. After various rulers and Crusaders had passed through, the island was taken by the Venetians at the end of the 14th century.

During the Napoleonic wars, the Ionian Islands were taken by the French and the Russo-Turkish alliance. On 13 February 1814, the island of Paxos surrendered to the Royal Navy frigate HMS Apollo and 160 troops from the 2nd Greek Light Infantry from Cephalonia and the 35th Regiment of the Royal Corsican Rangers. In 1815, United Kingdom established the Ionian Union. In 1864, together with the rest of the Heptanese, Paxos was ceded to Greece.

          Jenny and Michael met many interesting and spiritual people, who received healing and sat with them in Mediation Circles.  There were many discussions on spirituality and Spiritual Law, which spells out the right way to live for happiness and fulfilment.

          Thunderstorms brought out the mosquitoes early in the visit, but the later days were blessed with warm days and wall to wall sunshine.  Jenny and Michael were very grateful for the chance to relax and unwind after their intense programme of giving help to those in need back in the UK and around the world through email and Skype.
CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype ladylydialondon
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
www.spiritualist-guidance.org and www.living-proof.biz

Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the world continues to change at a remarkable rate. The guides still continue to tell us what to expect, so we still know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks and work for the Greater Good for all to survive and progress as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

Our Twitter forecasts and comments now number 28,797 over the two addresses to followers from all over the world.

26 September 2014

September Newsletter 2014


“How On Earth Is Man Ever Going To Get It Right?”

The time for reflection on ones deeds is vitally important these days, when there are so many wrong turns that so many people make before they finally realise to their own cost they have gone the wrong way.

The problem Mankind has is they do not trust enough that there is a Higher Intelligence from which to draw advice and guidance, where we are constantly being shown the way and we fail time and again to realise it, until we are so entrenched in the mire of despair we cannot see our way out anymore.

Many people, who come to us, have over the years gone their own way.  It is only when their situations becomes unbearable and with no way out, that they finally seek the advice that they need to bring about a result and where salvation is then found for them.

The tragedy for the human soul is that they need never have had to suffer as they did.   It was purely their own choice and their own mind that dictated that course of action which they took.  The right advice was always staring them in the face, but they chose to ignore it and so they blundered on regardless and fell down their own pit of despair.

From the Higher Intelligence point of view, it is distressing to see, as it would be for any mother whose child keeps on making the same mistakes.  Yet that child still regards what they do to be right, over and above the mother’s advice and experience of these problems.

It is sad that so many people have to suffer needlessly, where solutions to many problems are found with relative ease.  It is up to the individual to start to believe in that Higher Intelligence and be guided and to know that love surrounds them, even though they might fall due to their own ignorance.

The Higher Intelligence is not a take-it-or-leave-it scenario, but a necessity that one needs to guide them through life at all times.  Otherwise how on earth is Man ever going to get it right?

Jenny Ayers
Friday, 26th September 2014

The Dalai Lama is now following Jenny at ladylydialondon

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.    Dalai Lama @dalaisnote

“Let your joy abound as you learn that you can trust in the Spirit, which our Creator gave to each and every one of us, so, if we turn it away, we only have ourselves to blame.”

            After our article in last month’s Newsletter about Bernie Krause and his fascinating book The Great Animal Orchestra: Finding the Origins of Music in the World’s Wildest Places, we were amused by this from Bernie’s book by the same name and though we should share it with you.

            “Many people simply cannot stand being “in the country” (let alone in true wilderness) and away from urban ambience.  My wife, Kat, and I offer a vacation rental cottage on our property in Sonoma Wine Country, and a few years ago a young couple from New York City checked in for a restful late-summer weekend – an expectation most of our guests find thoroughly fulfilled.
            “As I left the house at about six thirty the next morning – a spectacular warm and bright day – for a quiet run through the woods, I saw our guests, fully dressed, luggage piled at the bottom of the stairs, loading their car in the parking area and looking quirt anxious.
            ““What’s wrong?” I asked, shocked to see them hustling to leave.
            ““It’s too quiet here,” the female weighed in, a note of apprehension in her voice.  “We couldn’t sleep, and even with all the windows closed, all we could hear were those damned crickets.  So we’re checking out and going to San Francisco, where we’ve reserved a room downstairs, right in the middle of everything.”
            “(Since that episode I’ve added to our collection of urban soundscape CDs, which are next to the guest bed, a series of recordings from New York, Chicago, Lisbon, Paris, and a couple of L.A. freeways.)

“Look out into the world and see how so many people are so much worse off than we are.  Much of life’s good things are given free to us as a right, which doesn’t apply to so much of the population on this earth plane.”

We had a new follower on Twitter and we liked his style!

Buddy, can you paradigm?

“Love is the vibration that warms our hearts and souls, so why are we so stingy in giving it to others, who are in need of upliftment and to know that they are not alone.”

            The world is in a crisis, Lord
            What are we to do?
            Go down on your knees to the Father
            And ask for blessings to be true.
            Go to your minds and hearts
            Cleanse the errors of your ways.
            Say that you are truly sorry
            And will make amends today.

Given in sleep state to Michael.

“What we give we receive back again many times over, so it is better to give out happiness and helpfulness if we want to be helped when we are in need of some extra security in our lives.”

The Wilderness

“What sets the wilderness apart in the modern way is not that it is dangerous (it’s almost certainly safer than any town or road) or that it’s solitary (you can, so they say, be alone in a crowded room) or full of exotic animals (there are more in the zoo).  It’s that five miles out in the woods you can’t buy anything.”

Bill McKibben
Ecologist b 1960

“Much has been said about what you sow so you reap and it is so.  Place your seeds where they will be nurtured and grow and not in the stony ground in the hearts of the takers of this world.”


“Lies are often much more plausible, more appealing to reason, than reality, since the liar has the great advantage of knowing beforehand what the audience wishes or expects to hear.”

Hannah Arendt, Crises of the Republic (1972)

“Those who live by the sword die by the sword and so many today will die, because of their atrocities with their weapons on their fellow man, woman and child.  Innocence is a gift from our Creator and mustn’t be abused.”

Win With Words Not Violence
            “The only way to defeat IS, is not by guns and air missiles, which is exactly what they want to happen. It only adds credence to their anger and feeling of what they are doing is right in their eyes. They want to fight their enemy with guns and slaughter; that appeals to their thinking and to the cause that they are fighting for.
            “How to beat them hands down is to wipe away and literally destroy their ideology. To be done in such a way, that their every advancing step that they take will only bring them closer to their own destruction. It is their own belief in the cause that they are fighting for, which gives them the fuel to rip people apart.
            “They see no wrong in it. If anything it is their divine right as they see it to oppose the suppression of Islam in their eyes. What is needed is to find their default strategy/mind-set and remove it. By appealing to their better nature it will have no effect. They want violence, which will allow for greater violence as being justified in their eyes.
            “One needs to destroy the very heart of their thinking to neutralise it so completely that they are stopped in their tracks. You have here a fanatic group with fanatical leaders. Reasoning with them is futile. But to neutralise their ideology as fit for no purpose sends the seeds of destruction, which will be fast growing indeed.
“Their purpose on this earth and in the hereafter will be of no account. They cannot proceed towards a state that will never exist, because it has no purpose/foundations for merit. It just can’t happen. It can never evolve. It is like pouring water through sand. It cannot hold its substance.
“By destroying the one thing that gives them power over all others, it leaves them helpless, redundant and ineffective. They would become the laughing stock of the Islamic world. Their voice holding no sway – no credence. It is what it is, nothing but hot air and rhetoric.
“Understand the majority of their fighters are young and impressionable and are easily influenced. For them to see this ideology being of no consequence removes all necessity to fight! It is the young who fight and want to die for glory, but when there is no glory – there is only nothing.
            “What is then the purpose in dying for nothing? The cause ceases to be and so the entire IS army will dissolve of its own accord. It will just peter out – cease to be! You cannot fight IS with arms. You need to attack it with wisdom and right thinking and then the victory over their false ideology is wiped out for all time! There will be no future in it and they will see it too!”
14th September 2014 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Mark well what I do say, “The Kingdom of Heaven is only available for those who practice right living with their family and neighbours.  If this were not true then you won’t know how to react with others who do practice it.”

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
www.spiritualist-guidance.org and www.living-proof.biz

The next Public Demonstration by Jenny and Michael Ayers

06.30pm Sunday, 26th October 2014  for Divine Service at Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the world continues to change at a remarkable rate. The guides still continue to tell us what to expect, so we still know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks and work for the Greater Good for all to survive and progress as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

Our Twitter forecasts and comments now number 28,312 over the two addresses to followers from all over the world.