28 September 2013

September Newsletter 2013


“What Price for Peace of Mind?”

It has been both refreshing and enlightening to talk to two people recently, who have found the Higher Intelligence in their lives, where they are now changed people, who value the peace of mind and direction that they get from the Higher Intelligence.

They are able to see that difference and because they have changed, they are now mindful of their responsibilities towards others.  No longer do they treat people in the same way.

Now they are mindful of how they address them, knowing that their remarks could injure or upset that person, so it is with a wisdom not before realised, that moves them on.

They feel different from the human race that they see as drifting aimlessly in a world of their own, often frightened and confused.   

With this new way of being and living, they are both protected and loved knowing that whatever happens to them, they will always be looked after.  They are leading full spiritual lives and because they are at peace they see others, who are not.

They understand why they can’t be, because people have not found that unconditional love yet and are not ready to recognise it even if they saw it.

For these amazing people, their lives are changed forever and happiness now surrounds them.  They have found that love from the Higher Intelligence gives them all that they desire.  They are fulfilled in so many ways.

As I had that opportunity of talking with these two enlightened souls, I was also mindful of so many others who float aimlessly around trying to find peace, but each time it escapes them.

They have no concept of the spiritual and do not accept the Higher Intelligence to help them.  They feel that they know better and so are not in need of spiritual enlightenment or guidance.

For these people their lives are often broken and upset.  They lead chaotic lives and never understand what it is like to be in the peace and to live without fear.

It is sad and upsetting, as one watches them struggle from one crisis to the next and where so many mistakes have been made and they do not know why or how?

For them life is hard and complicated, but they continue to go forwards stumbling from one event to the next.  Sadly, they have no real idea of what their actions create or how they are perceived.

They feel that the world is against them and that they must remain in the fight to keep ahead of the rest.  Their battles are exhausting and their bodies and minds are worn out.

For them peace is a luxury that comes to others, but seems to elude them.  They are not able to live in love, but exist in mayhem.

There is little one can do until those souls are ready to accept the guidance of the Higher Intelligence and to learn, step by step, that they are not in charge – that the Higher Intelligence is and works for the Greater Good bringing in wellbeing and peace to their chaotic lives.

What price must they pay to receive these instructions?  Well, it means handing over to the power of love and becoming enlightened.

Jenny Ayers
Friday, 27th September 2013

“To give thanks for our food, water and shelter, should be our daily thought to the Universe.  Few do so and so there are many who don’t deserve their blessing, while many go without.”

From Daily Thoughts for today on www.spiritualist-guidance.org

Less Smoke with more Fire

“A wonder gadget, a miracle device, has been developed. It is a cooker. In many parts of the world women cook with smoky mud stoves, which not only affect the health of women & children, but also the environment.
            “The black smoke heats up the atmosphere and affects the melting of glaciers. The sooty black smoke affects the gleaming white ice, making it difficult to reflect the sun rays and therefore causes melting. This black smoke from these types of stoves wreck the lives of millions of people each year.
            “The new style cooker, which reduces smoke by 80% and only needs half the wood for fuel, will reduce the strain on forests and save lives too. The stove is a twin cylinder construction, a smaller cylinder inside a larger one. The heat is controlled by a battery-powered fan beneath and the cooker costs £40.
            “This unique price is due to a special aid scheme contributed to India by the UK taxpayer. The task is to get these cookers to 2.5 billion people worldwide, who currently rely on mud stoves. This is a gesture, where wellbeing over violence, can become a beneficial commodity. So many can gain and lives, together with the environment, can be saved.”
24th September 2013 (ladylydialondon twitter)

“If you are unable to find the truth right where you are, where else do you expect to find it?”
Dōgen Zenji (1200-1253)

It really is Hotting Up

“The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is meeting in Sweden to thrash out a critical report on global warming. Forget the scientific proof, which is compelling and also evidential. Look first hand to the horrendous climatic conditions, which are now hitting almost every country around the world.
            “It is Man’s destructive ways that are putting our planet into disarray, where the imbalance is so obvious it will take decades to put right. Deforestation has affected the delicate balance of the earth’s weather on the eco system and where damage is being felt throughout the world.
            “Rising sea levels, melting glaciers and ice sheets are putting both the habitats of humans and animals at risk. The panel of scientists state that the research is 95% accurate and is due to the human influence as being the main culprit.
            “Many countries are building water barriers to defend their cities from the destruction of flooding’s as the increased rainfall brings in devastation, never before seen. It has already gone beyond the wakeup call.  There is no more time to deliberate, but to act.
            “The world is suffering from loss of life and homelands, where flooding or drought conditions wreak havoc to land and livestock. Can Mankind turn matters around or do they need to suffer more hardship before they act?
            “Remember nobody does anything until it hits them hard, then and only then, will they act. Sadly that is the naivety of Mankind.”
23rd September 2013 (ladylydialondon twitter)

“Always, always, always, always, always do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

What do You Know if You Haven’t Experienced It?

“For the light of understanding to come in, one needs to be prepared to see the entire picture and not to allow oneself a blinkered vision. Too many people are accepting of what has been given to them as verbatim. Few have exercised their own mind into looking at facts and therefore fathoming out the truth as the facts present themselves.
“Belief is one thing, knowing is something entirely different and it is this that must be looked at much closer throughout life. When one has lived the experience, one is more able to comment, coming in from a different aspect than without that experience.
“Learn to be educated by those who have lived through the difficulties of life. When it happens to you, you are not only better informed, but ready to take on that mantle of experience. You won’t be crushed by it.
“Life is a series of trials and tribulations. They enrich us in the great plan of our education and therefore enlightenment, which is always right for us!”
22nd September 2013 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

"The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention."
Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931)

Embrace the New Living in a Positive Way
“Today is the day of your new life, where you can actually turn a corner & make yourself a better person because you can & because you care. Many souls are lost and have nowhere to turn to or no one to answer their many problems
            “Help is always out there provided you ask for it in the right and proper way. When help comes, it will be those changes to your life that have also to come in. These changes will be life changing and a realisation that life is worth living after all.
There will be the normal regrets as a knowing comes over the individual that they should have come to this decision to change many years ago. That is no longer relevant just now.
            “What is important is that now you wish to do it and to go forwards with a new instinct and trust which was not there before. Life changing aspects are always exciting and for many the revelation is both heart-warming and reassuring. They literally feel reborn. Start to think that life is positive and embrace the new living; you who have so much to achieve and know it can become possible if you try.”
21st September 2013 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

"The greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising up every time we fall."
Confucius (551-479 BC)

Shame now is the Name of the Game
“At last the fight back is starting to bite. A website is to name and shame poachers in Kenya. PoachersExposed.com has been launched by wildlife campaigners. Those charged or convicted with links to poaching will be listed.
            “Kenyans United Against Poaching (KUAPO) said “It is not just about the poacher, it is hoped data will reveal trends to help fight poaching.”
            “Meanwhile a similar project to track corruption in Mali has also been launched by the French Government. They have given £84,200 in aid to this country. This French Aid to Mali is for vital projects and reports on how these projects are progressing.
            “Any delays or concerns will be known about. Confidentiality will allow for informers to come forward to aid in this way. Where available, photos of the accused will be posted on the websites alongside details of the court cases.
            “It is believed when people are publically named and shamed, they will think twice about trafficking. All these people in both Kenya and Mali have to be exposed right up to the main chain of command. A new way of dealing with crime is now being implemented. A harsh crack down on all events is in operation.”
20th September 2013 (ladylydialondon twitter)

"Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy."
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
www.spiritualist-guidance.org and www.living-proof.biz

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for AUTUMN 2013

Wednesday, 2nd October 2013
07.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex


Demonstration of Clairvoyance

Divine Service including Clairvoyance

          Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the world continues to change. Our Twitter forecasts (now with 3438 followers from all over the world) continue to tell us what to expect, so we know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks and help the greater good to survive as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

01 September 2013

August Newsletter 2013


 Will Peace Ever Be Restored in the Hearts of Men?

As the forces for war seem ever approaching and the situation in the Middle East beckons further chaos, is there ever going to be a light at the end of the tunnel?

Will peace ever be restored in the hearts of men?

We all have to answer to a higher calling regarding our misdeeds upon this earth.  What is apparently obvious at this time is to see a way out of our own internal dilemmas, where hope seems for many an impossible dream.

It is only when we truly believe and begin to see the unravelling of situations which are so grave, so twisted and knotted in front of us that we know something outside our realms of understanding is actually in command.

We are merely bystanders in this whole operation of events.  We are in fact pawns in the game of life and must act it out to see where it takes us and what can we learn from this act or play of life.

The negative forces that surround us all daily bring chaos and destruction to our lives if we allow it.  It is our right to safeguard ourselves from these negative destructive forces and to arm ourselves with what we truly believe is the right and just way to live.

When we are able to maintain focus on that strategy, then we can survive this hostile world of ours.  We are able to obtain the high ground and stay there.  We cannot afford to lose faith and allow ourselves to be literally sucked in to a cause that is so alien to our own minds that we become subjected to its whims.  That way we lose and they win.

We have to be always strong and always diligent, so that we can arm ourselves from what may sway us to another way of thinking and being.

We all know deep in our hearts and minds the right way to behave.  We are all spiritual beings and have been taught to behave in the right and proper way.

However there are those among us who are weak but also ruthless, who wish to turn us to another way of being against our own better judgement and it is this that we must arm ourselves against.

We must maintain our path of doing the right thing and to keep to that course of action.  By doing so, so situations against impossible odds can be turned and we are then saved in a special way.

Everybody’s situations are different, but the principle fact is to maintain a course of right thinking and right living and by maintaining that course, so we are instructed and are able to mount those impossible odds.

Circumstances beyond our control begin to change for us and that elusive light at the end of that tunnel starts to appear.  First, as a small chink of light and secondly, it becomes bigger and the whole task becomes open to us and we are able to see clearly our direction.

It is by trusting in that Higher Power to look after us that these hostile situations can and do change.  For those who do not feel or believe in this concept, they continue to live in darkness, battling away their lives and having no direction, because they believe in nothing but themselves.

For them, life is always a struggle and they can never obtain peace in their hearts.  They do not know how to let go and to allow true love of a higher dimension to come in and save them every time.

When Mankind begins to bring back love in their hearts and minds and begins to live in the right way with respect for one another, then there will be no more wars, because there will not be any occasion to warrant it.

A Respite for the People of Syria
“The climax to the Syrian situation is about to blow wide open with many countries coming in. They support a legalised way of forcing a solution to the Assad regime. It will not be by military intervention, but by a professional body.
            “It will exercise its right to bring in a more moderate way of governing. This will allow the people to have respite from these awful atrocities that have been going on. There will be salvation to the people without the advent of the dictatorship that has held them in a vicelike grip for so many decades.”
27th August 2013 (jandmayers twitter)

There needs to be radical reform
“It would seem that love and respect has gone out of the world as we know it today. There is a hostility within Mankind, which is snowballing and is going out of control. Until Man can adopt a better way of thinking, he will end up destroying himself.
            “There needs to be radical reform, where we are able to live together in peace and harmony and where the ruthless element is tamed and a better way of seeing things comes to light. So many people the world over are damaged by Mankind itself, because that pain through their suffering has never been treated.
            “Hostility, fear and anger are the ingredients that cause more suffering to be passed on to other generations. Where children have been abused by adults, many of them will then go on to abuse children when they become adults. Learnt behaviour is how it works. They know no other way.
            “If a regime is violent towards its citizens, then hatred and oppression is bred and so atrocities are then learnt. Those people go out and do the same to others. The acts of revenge, where injustice is inflicted, is a very powerful commodity. Man will act in revenge as he sees no other way of dealing with a passion of hatred, which cannot be quashed.
            “Until massive justice is given out and governed by harsh laws then the turmoil that is inflicted on this world remains on the increase, as is so visibly shown today. Whatever action on a negative stance is given out, a reaction only greater will rebound. We, as a race, need to halt this process before we blow ourselves out of existence.
            “The good people in this world are fighting an upward battle of negativity, which grows every day. Their positive energy cannot absorb the negative energy that is daily being churned out. Help from a Higher Source is now bringing balance to an unbalanced world, but where Mankind must first answer for his misdeeds.”
22nd August 2013 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

Big Brother is Everywhere
“With the amount of surveillance done by the various secret services around the world, it forces journalism to go underground. Many will carry out their business in a covert way. Old fashion letters and messages will be used again and, in the case of Russia, they are going back to old fashioned typewriters. These old fashion methods cannot then be intercepted in the ordinary way.
            “Their computer hard drives will not be in existence because they won’t be used. The news and what is important by the relative journalists to get out to the public will still get out. The public at large need to know and where their interests are being violated, so information will get out.
            “The people of the world no longer wish to live in dark ignorance and will even demand to know what is happening around the world. Governments will no longer be able to keep the lid on matters. Where an injustice has been done against the people, that information will get out.
            “The exposure of information by those journalists, who have a conscience, again will also continue. That information is rightly given, as the people will no longer live in ignorance of what their Governments get up to. Transparency by the law will continue to be reinforced & collectively reappraised, so that the people can once again trust their Governments.
            “The people around the world are fed up with the double standards given out by politicians and those who wield power. Those in power are no longer being trusted to have the people’s best interests at heart. It is their shoddy dealings, which culminate in mistrust and promotes fear and anger in the population.
            “The fact that ‘Big Brother’ is watching is no longer acceptable, where the public’s civil liberties are being violated. We are going back to a police state. Where is the freedom that one is supposed to have in a democratic society? Has that been diminished for all time? It will be the people who will fight back in the end those who are innocent and become victims to a state that is no longer protecting the people, but only protecting themselves.
            “Fear begets fear and then destruction of Mankind starts to occur as this promotes rebellion. There is enough of that already going on in this world of ours. Legitimate surveillance has to be backed by law and have the consensus of the people, so that they are informed of its usage. Where it gets out of hand and where Governments or institutions feel they are a law to themselves that cannot be allowed.
            “Now that these surveillance agencies have been exposed they have brought on greater mistrust amongst their fellow man and now nobody trusts anybody. They have collectively brought about their own downfall. Relationships, which are not founded on trust, break down and are finished for all time. As with everything in life, if you are caught cheating you can never expect to have the same relationship again.  Once a cheat always a cheat, that is the mentality.”
21st August 2013 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

We Reap Collectively What We Have Sown
“We are all entering another exciting stage in our development of changes, which are happening around the world. We must all sit and ponder where Man has got it so terribly wrong over such a long time.
            “It is the constant upheaval, which will eventually lead to a more satisfied and more equal existence. Hard as the road maybe for so many, it is vitally necessary that Mankind gets it right this time. So many politicians have had their heads in the sand preferring everything to go away without them ever lifting a finger to do anything about anything.
            “They tend to be there for the easy ride. Strong statesmen have to make decisions for the good of their countries, but where wisdom comes at the head of all decision making. Seldom is that found to be the case and the population are left in disarray and confusion because the wrong messages are sent out and so there is a disparity of thought and chaos starts to evolve.
            “This is what we have been experiencing the world over and so now we reap collectively what we have sown. To have the right politicians and leaders is to assemble the intelligent beings that do not have an agenda for fame and notoriety, but want to do what is best for the country and its people, where compassion is at the heart of all policy making and where the populous are instructed and kept informed of developments; this way they feel a part of their own salvation and evolution.
            “This is where transparency comes in and all are mindful of their own part in maintaining this status quo. To go outside what is good for the people and the country is to bring in harm, fear and mistrust and therefore disruption and chaos ensues. Failure or the breakdown of society becomes evidential for all.
            “The laws of the land have to be abided by. When these are broken, a form of guidance with reform will rehabilitate that person back into the law abiding society. Locking up people for crimes that they have committed without true reform only goes to further make them rebuke society again. There needs to be a better thought process and a restructuring of so many policies, so that right thought brings about right action.
            “All can gain from these instructions and nobody is under any illusion that they did not know. We all must bring back Mankind from the brink of destruction. We, as a race, continue to wish harm to one another without even knowing the facts to why we are doing it. To instruct love to one another and to treat each person with respect, as we would wish it upon ourselves, is a good starting point.
            “We all need to learn lessons which many of us have ignored thinking we are right without even knowing the facts before we criticised another. These changes we are all in, is to point out that we too have made many mistakes and it is now up to us to put matters right. This way the world can at last begin to heal and become a safer place for all of us to live in and evolve.”
19th August 2013 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

See the Middle East Blow Up
“As the Middle East continues to grow out of control there are plans afoot which will tear this region apart unless drastic action is brought in in time to save the nations involved.
“Syria, Iraq, Egypt and Israel are all now fully fuelled to bring in a Third World War scenario. The superpowers wrestle with each other, like sabre rattling to see who is prepared to strike the first blow. None wish to do so at this time for fear of escalating situations which are likely to get out of control.
            “The diplomatic situation is now at a total standstill with talks still continuing, but with no decisive action or plan from which to draw. Each day the situation grows worse and the outside world continues to sleep walk through this minefield of intrigue and deception.
            “None of the Governments are able to sort matters out for they are all entrenched in their own selfish desires. To do what is best for them and not what is best for the people as a whole. We are all entering into a very dangerous state of affairs, as the situation continues down a downward spiral.
            “See the Middle East blow up as never before, where to contain the damage already laid out is now impossible. There needs to be new policies of which none have been considered, as the powers that be are incapable of seeing them. They simply do not understand; neither are they able to think outside the box.
            “It takes a statesman of the magnitude of Sir Winston Churchill, who was guided by the Higher Intelligence to know what to do. His destiny was already told to him. He understood the format by which to deal with the many problems. He had the foresight and the intelligence to know what was needed to be done at any one time.
“There are but a few extraordinary people, who have that ability to give the correct advice to these Governments now.  Until that contact is made, then the fracas that is going on will continue to grow. Devastation then becomes ever greater and clearer in the eyes of men.”
12th August 2013 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

The Middle East is Hotting Up
“We are now all facing a global destruction, which will ultimately affect us all. Watch and learn and see the world powers fail in so many ways, as their blind attitude drives them ever on to their own destruction.
            “As we approach a new phase in world history, the likes we have not seen before it is up to all of us to remain vigilant against the oppression of Man. Everything now is out of balance, as the world now faces its greatest crisis to date.
            “The Middle East is hotting up to such a pitch that we should all be concerned for the outcome, which is hostile and out of balance. Many of the major players, like the USA, Russia and the Arab nations, will not be in any position to be able to calm matters down. All has now gone too far.
            “Whatever diplomacy has already taken place, we are already out of time. Their efforts have been to no avail and the situation is now running out of control.
“It will be the Higher Intelligence alone, who will be able to bring back Mankind from the brink with a master stroke of genius, the likes this world has never seen before.
            “The many centuries of disruption and bad management by respective Governments on a global scale has brought Mankind to this situation. No Government has the answer & the world powers are now closely out of control to bring about change, which will alleviate world destruction.
            “Their blind attitude of only serving the self has brought Mankind to this point in history. No longer will it affect segregated aspects of the world. The world now waits with baited breath.”
11th August 2013 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

A Flushing Out of Society
             As Mankind is now in the process of massive change, all must now look to their moral standards, as they will be judged by their actions so far. It is no good to say I should have done better or to have done it in a different way – that now is too late.
            “The writing is on the wall and for those who have been short of the mark; they must now question their motives. They need to redress the situation that they find themselves in and make their peace at last.
            “New policies must come into our daily lives and we must begin to see why we are all in such a dire state of affairs. For many, they have not conducted their lives in the right and orderly fashion.
            “Many have abused their position of trust and are now having to pay the consequences of their actions. Having been found out after so many years of getting away with it and, not coming clean of their crimes, will see them in greater hardship than before. They have hidden their crimes from humanity or so they thought.
            “The Higher Intelligence sees all and waits for the time when the greatest impact can be served. For many, the disgrace will be too much, but one must never forget the impact their deeds have given to the victims who suffer greatly.
            “A flushing out of society, as has never been done before, where all now must stand before the Highest Judge and be humbled by their actions. It will take them more than a lifetime to make up for what they have done.
            “This they will all experience in their own way. Society must learn to change, so that a better life is able to manifest for all.”
10th August 2013 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

The Chernobyl Legacy
“Exposure to radiation from the 1986 Chernobyl disaster had a lasting negative legacy on the area’s trees. Researchers said the worst effects were recorded in the first few years. Young trees were particularly affected. Many of the trees show highly abnormal growth forms reflecting the effects of mutation and cell death from radiation exposure.
            “Professor Mousseau has been carrying out this field study since 1999 within a 19 mile exclusion zone. The study involves 100 Scots Pines. The change in the wood colour of the pines indicates the year of the accident. Also the twisted stems show the mutations caused by the radiation exposure.
            “The research shows the damage done on a landscape scale, which still remains to this day. At that time many of the medical profession left, leaving the people exposed and vulnerable and with hardly any medication at all.
            “There came a man whose name was Cliff Sanderson. He was guided to come to that area and with his healing hands cured the people and the children. The people heard that there was a clinic with just a handful of medical staff left and they would walk for miles to get to this clinic.
            “Standing literally in a line for him, Cliff Sanderson placed his healing hands on the heads of all those hundreds of people. Scientific evidence was taken of their blood before healing and after healing. They saw the difference of their own blood cells, which were defective by the radiation, turn back to normal. They got better.
“Cliff Sanderson was given the Albert Schweitzer Award for his services to humanity. Because there were so many people coming to see him every day, he did not have the time to deal with the trees and the fauna of the area.
“Had that happened then the Scots Pines would not have been in such a bad state, they would have recovered. The might of healing is colossal and can never be underestimated on any level. It is a God-given gift and for those who have that gift like me and my husband, then miracles are performed many times.”
9th August 2013 (ladylydialondon twitter)

We All Could Do with Having Healing
“Many who have toiled and feel troubled, should use the opportunity to go to see a healer.  There one is restored with a sense of peace & upliftment, energised & able to carry on, but with a difference of tranquillity & inner peace.  The body is no longer aching from the negative vibrations that one encounters in our day to day life.
            “We become transported into a different world of feeling secure and loved.  It is the gift of divine love that regenerates every cell in our body.  Our mind becomes lighter and takes on a feeling of optimism that has been lacking in so many ways.
            “We all could do with having healing & because we are calmer & feeling more ourselves, so we are able to bring back harmony into our lives.  We are also able to release that harmony to others, who will benefit as we do.”
4th August 2013 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
www.spiritualist-guidance.org and www.living-proof.biz

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for AUTUMN 2013

Sunday, 1st September 2013              
06.30pm Tonbridge Spiritual Centre, Hadlow, Kent

Wednesday, 2nd October 2013
07.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex


Demonstration of Clairvoyance

Divine Service including Clairvoyance

          Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the world continues to change. Our Twitter forecasts (now with 3437 followers from all over the world) continue to tell us what to expect, so we know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks and help the greater good to survive as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.