“The wake up call has fully arrived for each and every one of us and that is to get our own house in order first before we judge the actions of others. It is our example and our example alone that are the lessons for our young ones to learn from – what is right and what is wrong and how to behave.
“Until respect is brought back throughout society on every level, then we are ultimately doomed from this day. We must start to understand the needs and the aspirations of the people and to learn the many lessons from the past, where respect for law and order was a natural thing.
“Where respect for teachers, doctors, the pillars of society were taken as the norm. Unfortunately we have collectively allowed a society to build up where common good manners for all are seen as odd or even weak. It all stems from education, doing it in the right way and for the right reasons.
“Discipline starts in the home and must be adhered to. The education of our children becomes the bedrock of society. If it is left to its own devices, then children undisciplined run amok. We are all in one way or another responsible if we put up with and allow bad behaviour to occur.
“The World now is in so much disarray that it needs an internal revolution to stop Man in his tracks before anything concrete and formidable can be accomplished. We all have a voice and it is with this voice that we must stand up and be counted. The rights of the people must be heard, so that new laws and power is given back to the people to implement a more fulfilling society.
“Until we sort out this culture of ‘have to-day and pay for it tomorrow’ and it is addressed then nothing can change. Until we as people stand up together and protect our teachers from harm and abuse by today’s society nothing will ever get sorted.
“Respect for the people must start in the home and that is where parents must act and bring about a new format of civilisation. Television and the media should be censored in the violence and flagrant disrespect for the people. They too must take much of the blame.
“American television curbed violence on their screens by the power of parliament as crime and violence was getting out of hand. This had a profound effect on the viewing public and crime and violence decreased as a positive result of these measures.
“We also in this country allow our children to view the many ‘soaps’ and films where blatant disrespect is shown, so brainwashing our youth from a very early age. So much so they are immune to the shockability of it. It has no impact anymore on their psyche. They simply take it as the norm when in fact it shouldn’t be.
“We must be responsible as to what our children are exposed to and where necessary switch these televisions off. Protection against the media sometimes is necessary. Authority in the home and respect shown as to what is right and what is wrong is the ultimate education that we all must adhere to in order for society to start again.
“We will as a nation turn this around. We have to. It has been too long now, decades in fact where we have systematically allowed situations to get out of hand by our own lackadaisical attitude, so we now reap what we have sown.
“The pendulum of not bothering, the ‘I don’t care attitude’, will now change and it will start to swing the other way. A harder, but fairer approach will be implemented, whereby all of society will need to think very carefully as to how to approach this new order of things.
“Everybody will be affected and everybody without exception will have to play their part. A simple thing like throwing litter on the ground instead of either taking it home and disposing of it or putting it into litter bins – again education is necessary.
“Now the tide of thinking, a further deep cleansing of society, will reach out and a more positive outcome will emerge. The voice of the people will be heard and help for each other in the form of comradeship will develop.
“We can no longer fight as an individual and not be heard. We have to fight collectively and be heard. Respect throughout society from the highest in the land must be seen to be squeaky clean, so that they are able to set the benchmark for us all.
“By their example and the law to act, so everyone will feel and see a structure emerge and so a Nation is reborn.
“God bless, Mustafa.”
“We are a magnificent droplet in an ocean of love,”
from ladylydialondon’s Twitter.
“As Change with a capital C is affecting our world as well as this globe on which we live, we must look to guidance that is given as to how it will work out so that we can see that we are not alone and that Universal Laws do apply.”
President Barak Obama said on 1st August 2011,
‘Most of all, I want to thank the American people. It’s been your voices -- your letters, your emails, your tweets, your phone calls -- that have compelled Washington to act in the final days. And the American people's voice is a very, very powerful thing.’
Mustafa said on Twitter,
22nd July 2011 (jandmayers twitter) “The stranglehold on America by their own people will see further downfall until they come to their senses & Congress releases this strategy”
23rd July 2011 (jandmayers twitter) “The people of America will stand up and object until their President has a free rein to conduct policy for their benefit. See a political uprising – the people and their President will be heard.”
1st August 2011 (jandmayers twitter)
“To be the President of America is an amazing thing. President Obama to encounter more upheavals, but in the end will win hands down. He is special in his own right and is led by a higher force. He is aware of it and soon his people will be also. To do the right thing with caution for his people is always close to his heart. He is selfless and has always been”
2nd August 2011 (jandmayers twitter)
“Barack Obama’s greatest time still to come, he is on a mission as J.F. Kennedy was and in time the world will recognise his greatness. Great men are rare in this world of ours. It comes from doing the right thing and putting ones people first always. See President Obama enjoy another elevation of respect from the American people the likes of which have not been seen in a generation.”
The above tweets brought an immediate action by two new followers:
Honest Hope
Barack Obama = Our Honest Hope
Obama Facts
Rebeka Brooks 4th August 2011 (ladylydialondon twitter)
“Rebeka Brooks will see her life pass before her. Her scheming ways can no longer be denied. All who hide behind a code of secrecy will be exposed for who they are – nothing now is hidden anymore. The innocent journalists will rise up, their voices heard and how they will be heard. Their time is now!”
Anders Behring Breivik 26th July 2011 (ladylydialondon twitter)
“Notoriety for the gunman, who slaughtered innocent children in Norway, will be hushed up. He expects it. It will not happen”
3rd August 2011 (ladylydialondon twitter)
“Rupert Murdock and his son James to be questioned further, the axe will finally fall on both of them. See the mood of the people gather momentum as fact after fact is further revealed. The Murdocks portrayed innocence a sham for all to see. The Murdock dynasty in America to fall like the twin towers, smashed to the ground, their reign of terror over! Their money making machines spiralling out of control. They will bear witness to their own downfall.”
26th July 2011 (jandmayers twitter)
“See the Press hammer home new operatives to take on their own actions, which have run amok all these years. The Press themselves will feel vindicated as they cut themselves away from the old systems of working and abide by the new rulings. Many journalists will erupt telling of their own stories of woe and mismanagement. The truth from every corner now exposed.”
21st July 2011 (ladylydialondon twitter)
“David Cameron will be exposed for the truth and then a more manageable team can evolve to bring greater satisfaction to the people. It is not transparency that is required here. It is honesty in all its forms, which is the cornerstone of democracy. The Metropolitan Police will see many more resignations as further scalps are the order of the day.”
10th July 2011 (ref 761)
“The Trade Unions will back off as more and more people will rebel and again the voices of the people will be heard. All in time will go quiet as settlements will be reached and no political unrest will be necessary.”
“David Cameron will take this beating, but in so doing equally he will gain the respect of the people to oust out the perpetrators who bring dishonour to this land. He will seek a pardon for them, but the might of the Law will fall heavily on each who disobey. This way he will be able to see justice taking place and will have to abide by its ruling.”
10th August 2011 (jandmayers twitter)
“A drifting away from the old monopoly of working investors have a right to manage their affairs and will no longer be at the mercy of global bureaucracy. Start to see all financial institutions take a further drop. No one can stop this wave of destruction. All are oblivious to the long term effects. All must wait for the Higher Power to act. Only then will they listen to reason.”
9th August 2011 (jandmayers twitter)
“The bond markets will be dissolved and these will be of no account – another more revolutionary way of working will be constructed. For the Dow Jones and the FTSE etc to work, all international markets will have to wake up to change. The ways of the past and the present will no longer apply to the future.”
8th August 2011 (jandmayers twitter)
“Look now to all shares throughout all markets. There will be a further dip and a further dip again. No one will be able to hold on, even by their finger tips. This will not be enough. To bring about recovery another way is directed. For full recovery of all markets a new policy to emerge removing all speculation and a hard and fast ruling to bring in security of institutions not before realised.”
8th August 2011 (ladylydialondon)
“For Mankind to comprehend what the world is now going through is to start to see within. If there is turmoil there, it is manifested a billion times more throughout this Universe.”
11th July 2011 (jandmayers twitter)
“The advancement of technology will see another space adventure arising out of the ashes of the old system.”
10th July 2011 (ladylydialondon twitter)
“Churches all over the world are losing their grip on Mankind. As the intelligence of Mankind evolves so religion loses its power force.”
GREECE 18th July 2011 (jandmayers twitter)
“The Greece situation will explode out of control and the government will have no option but to resign. They cannot hold this nation. The entire country will be brought to its knees and a new directive will be required. They cannot be bailed out further.”
ITALY 18th July 2011 (jandmayers twitter)
“Italy will respond to the call of austerity and will be able to hold its course – just!”
LIBYA 17th July 2011 (ref 762)
“Col. Gaddafi is on the verge of giving up. He sees all around him is destroyed and more than the reporters have seen/witnessed. He has few loyal friends anymore. All are leaving him in droves. His will has no effect anymore. He is constantly being isolated and betrayed. A very broken man – his days are numbered.”
SYRIA 6th August 2011 (jandmayers twitter)
“Syria to expand its atrocities only to find it will backfire on them time and time again. Swift action by the people as a new and enlightened package for defence is available to them. Now the tables will be turned. See the continuous rising up of the Syrian people. The President’s back will be broken. The words of God stand in his way. Basher al-Assad fights, but his impact is no longer sustainable”
Dalai Lama says that “If we develop a good heart, real appreciation, love and compassion for others, our life will improve.”
Please explore Our Other Sites on the right hand side of the, where you can find the latest of Mustafa’s guidance on ‘What We Owe Ourselves and the World at Large, ‘When Are We Going to do Something about It?’, ‘The New Beginnings are All in Sight’, ‘How do we Evolve from Who we are to Being even Greater?’ and ‘Do Not Part With Your Money Needlessly.’
CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
01892 662 856 |
Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for SUMMER 2011
Sunday, 21st August 2011
06.30pm Tonbridge Spiritual Centre, Hadlow, Kent
Sunday, 28th August 2011
03.00pm Eastbourne Christian Spiritualist Church, Eastbourne, E Sussex
Demonstration of Clairvoyance Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Demonstration of Clairvoyance Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the World continues to change. Mustafa’s words continue to tell us what to expect as he gives us guidance, so we know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks and help the greater good to survive.