09 March 2011

March Newsletter 2011



There is Now a World Calling for Help

“This is the opening of new and exciting chapters in our lives as we speak.

“World conditions are in massive influx and Jenny and Michael are now fully up and running to give help and guidance to all those people who feel stranded, uncertain and afraid.

“The World is a very uncertain place both in this country and abroad and unless you are ready and understand what you need to do as an individual you can be quite overwhelmed with the entire process.

“Much will be asked of you in the next coming months to support Mankind in whatever capacity you are able. It is not a question of just letting somebody else do the work for you as you linger back on your laurels and do nothing.

“There is now a World calling for help and where people of all ages, creeds and beliefs can operate to bring about help in a most positive and practical way.

“Open up your closets and what you no longer need send to various charities. Do not hoard any longer. What you have nowadays is far too much and many of you have possessions that are no longer needed.

“Give what you can in the case of clothes no longer worn. Pots, pans and utensils cast aside. Anything that can be of use by another is greatly welcomed.

“From this generosity of gifts you will be replenished by other things. Things that you need, but were not able to purchase, will find their way to you.

“As you give what is rightly needed to another, so by Spiritual Law you have the same given to you. Money is a good thing, but it is the goods/materials that are far better utilised.

“Jenny and Michael have now emerged from doing extraordinary work to those who were in need over these last few months, giving themselves for no reward as their service to Mankind always comes first over material gain.

“They now are called upon to do more work of a different nature and their rewards are long indeed. Should you wish to see them for the wonderful gifts and guidance that they have, then do not hesitate to call.

“They are always in demand for they offer something that is so unique these days and that is of their generous time, compassion and their unique insight into ones problems.

“Their reputation far exceeds anyone else’s involved in this kind of work, so do not delay as time is always precious.

“God bless, Mustafa.”

Since we left Orpington all those years ago, we have travelled through many and varied situations, but always with Spirit as our guide.

We experienced the ups and downs that they wanted us to understand so that we had more experience to give advice to those in need. Through our hardships we always remembered Mustafa’s important words.

“Our mission in life is to go through the many trails and tribulations that come to us – are sometimes thrown to us – to see just how we cope.

“One thing is for sure, we all survive and nothing is left to chance.”

The Secret of Health and Happiness

Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

The source of these words like our destiny is unknown

From this coming weekend we will be established again in East Sussex near to Ashdown Forest and we have the facilities and the will to continue the work that is there for us to do.

We have not been idle this winter and have done what was asked of us, but are now settled again in one place.

Contacting us has changed and our mainline telephone number is 01892-662-856

Our email addresses are jandm.ayers@gmail.com or spiritualists@gmail.com and we also have Skype on mustafa44338.
Our Twitter is jandmayers. There is also a site now called Twitter Philosophy online.
We have added new sites that you can explore on

There are Mustafa’s predictions from our own sittings with him on About British Affairs, About World Affairs and About World Issues as well as Twitter Philosophy mentioned above.

The secret of health and happiness lies in successful adjustment to the ever-changing conditions on this globe; the penalties for failure in this great process of adaption are disease and unhappiness.

Hans Selye

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for SPRING 2011

Sunday, 27th March 2011
06.30pm Tonbridge Spiritual Centre, Hadlow, Kent

Wednesday, 20th April 2011
07.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Saturday, 23rd April 2011
07.30pm Lantern of Light, Burgess Hill, East Sussex

Saturday, 14th May 2011
07.30pm St John Ambulance Hall, Ramsgate, Kent


Demonstration of Clairvoyance

Divine Service including Clairvoyance

Please explore our Site and tell others who are like-minded about it. Mustafa’s guidance on ‘Have You Managed To Keep Your House In Order?’ is at www.spiritualist-guidance.org with much more…

We would ask everybody who have a blog or website put a link into ours. If you do it will help Google to spread the word.....

We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.

Finally we send you all our love and healing to those of you we know are in need of it. We wish you well as the World continues to change and we must change with it.

Mustafa’s words continue to tell us what we can expect and give us guidance as to what we should be doing to serve and survive.

May God bless you all from Jenny and Michael Ayers