MUSTAFA'S MESSAGE invites you to
"See the Reality Pay Dividends to You"
"Now, as the adjustment to this country starts to take hold so that we can obtain full economical recovery, it holds to everybody nationwide to do their utmost so that full economic growth can become a true reality.
"No more can we afford to go over budget and so we all must endure in some way to cut costs where we can. By taking our own personal responsibility we then are no longer burdened by crushing debts.
"As we begin to start on this road to personal salvation all then starts to come our way. The true uplifting of all restrictions to our own economic growth starts to take effect.
"Why? Because we have through our own mindsets begun that road to recovery and so it is the Higher Power, which comes in to assist and the common constraints are eased.
"We are able to work more effectively. More financial support in the way of industry starts to open up and so the losing of finances down the plug hole is stopped and financial growth starts to take hold in a much better and more economical way.
"By doing our bit for recovery, so we in turn are helped giving us the impetus to be able to stick it out even further.
"The more you sort out your finances, the more help is being offered to you and from the strangest of places growth comes in and so the precedent is started.
"Life then becomes lighter of that burden and one can begin to breathe a sigh of relief as more and more is given.
"This is not just pie in the sky, but a Universal/Spiritual Law. As you make those strides for change, hardship to you is finally relieved and a much better more effective way of working on a more economical front comes into existence.
"Know what you do with the right intentions will always have its rewards, not only on this earth plane, but in the Heavens above.
"The sacrifice no longer becomes the sacrifice, but a more effective way of living and working.
"See the reality pay dividends to you and always ask for help and you shall always receive it. Start the process and be enlightened as to your own recovery.
"Peace then comes in and fear is then removed. God bless, Mustafa."

In 1995 the 'ghost' image created international headlines. There was local speculation that the girl was 14-year-old Jane Churm, who accidentally started a disastrous fire in Wem in 1677. The cause of the 1995 fire remains a mystery. Mr O'Rahilly died of a heart attack in 2005. Greg Hobson, the curator of photographs at the National Media Museum in Bradford , said: 'The postcard offers pretty conclusive proof that this is a hoax. I think we can say the mystery has been solved.'
Mr Hobson said the technique used to produce the doctored photograph was probably similar to one used by Edwardian era mediums who purported to capture images of spirits with their relatives during the relatives' consultations as a way of boosting their credibility. The mediums would first ask for a photograph of the deceased person, then take a picture of it in the back room. When the client returned later for a consultation, the image would already be partly exposed on to a glass plate. Another picture would be taken of the client during the session and exposed on to the same plate, giving an image apparently showing the spirit of their relative visiting them during the séance.
Don't be fooled by the latest explanation of NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES
A study of the brains of critically ill men and women revealed a brief burst of activity moments before death. Fiona Macrae wrote that Researcher Lakhmir Chawla, an intensive care doctor, said: 'We think that near-death experiences could be caused by a surge of electrical energy as the brain runs out of oxygen.
If any patients can recall the images, it will suggest a genuine out-of-body experience. Lead researcher Dr Sam Parnia said: 'We see death as a moment but actually it is a process which modern medicine can often reverse. Death starts when the heart stops beating, but we can intervene and bring people back to life, sometimes even after three to four hours when they are kept very cold. It could be that a far higher proportion of people have near-death experiences but don't remember them.'
He added that Dr Chawla had not provided proof that the electrical surges he recorded were linked to near-death experiences, saying: 'Since all the patients died, we cannot tell what they were experiencing.'
The Truth about OPUS DEI…
Elena Moya wrote in the Guardian that I have always been shocked at how little people in the UK know about Opus Dei, the ultra-secretive Catholic organisation mostly present in Spain , Italy and South America , but also active here. I have more knowledge of it than I would like, having studied at the Opus Dei-owned University of Navarre in Pamplona, northern Spain, in the early 1990s when it was the top university to go to. On beautiful spring days, in-love couples would keep a distance (Opus Dei condemns pre-marital sex). Students dressed conservatively. The system favoured those close to what we called "the cause", who dominated the clubs or extracurricular groups.
This crowd would also lead tutorials, leaving the contrarians at the back (I was an independent minority, sitting towards the front). Some students came from Opus Dei-owned schools and knew how to play the system, even if they didn't always follow strict Opus Dei guidance. Others were full members: rich (it is a private university), smart, attractive 20-year-olds who avoided the opposite sex in order to avoid temptation. I had friends among both groups. Some were helped by a celice, a spiked ring, worn so tightly around their legs that they would bleed, in order to suppress desire.
Opus Dei membership, in theory, is not allowed until 18, but I knew people who had opted for celibacy at 13, and had spent years using the celice. I have stayed in touch with some of my fellow students. A few have now left the organisation, in some cases rather traumatically. Not all Opus Dei members are celibate. The group also includes "supernumeraries", members who marry and who follow strict guidelines such as daily mass attendance or the Catholic church's ban on contraception. Needless to say, Opus Dei sees women as mothers or housewives, and at university boys were given preferential treatment – in my year, a group of male students went on a trip to meet newspaper editors in the US ; women were barred, on the pretext that it was organised by one of the Opus Dei male-only clubs.
The organisation has become more open following the publicity over Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. It has a website and a communications team aimed at making it look transparent. But still, Opus Dei members don't proclaim their allegiance and often meet in anonymous flats or churches. The group claims that it believes in freedom. But obsessively insisting to teenagers that pre-marital sex is a sin, or suggesting they wear a celice to help them remain celibate, is far from freedom-enhancing.
Elena Moya's The Olive Groves of Belchite is published by Pegasus, and takes inspiration from her time in Pamplona .
Vatican tells paedophile priests to expect damnation
The Vatican official in charge of catching paedophile priests has said their punishment in hell would be worse than receiving the death penalty on earth. Monsignor Charles Scicluna issued the warning to seminarians at St Peter's basilica, in Rome , during prayers for abuse victims. Quoting Gregory the Great, an early pope and monk who laid down rules for the clergy, he said a paedophile priest who exploited his office would get tougher treatment in hell than a layman.
"It would be really better for him that his evil deeds cause him death" under secular laws, he said. Scicluna added that those who hurt children should be thrown into the sea with a millstone around their neck. In his sermon, he also suggested that priests who covered up abuse committed by colleagues would also face the fires of hell.
Is it not interesting then that all Catholics who have kept quiet about the abuse by their priests as well as by family member are guilty therefore 'aiding and abetting' and face the 'fires of hell'?
So much for a loving 'God' who will allow repentances and enlightenment to eventually change the crimes committed to let that soul eventually emerge into a higher understanding about what they did and how they can redress their actions.
Some thoughts from White Feather
"Take the next Step"
It is now in this ever changing universe that we need to acknowledge our
positions in life. In the quietness of your mind, look and observe yourself.
See where there is a need to go forwards and make those
necessary arrangements to enable you to take the next step in your life. No longer can we afford to sit back and wait for someone else to pull us along.
It is now where we have to take ourselves forwards. Make the efforts and with the aid of helpers, we will begin to see a new positive
life. One that seemed so distant will become the present.
God bless you all,
White Feather
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Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for the SUMMER 2010
Sunday, 11th July 201006.30pm Tonbridge Spiritual Centre,
Demonstration of Clairvoyance Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Demonstration of Clairvoyance Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Finally we send you our love and wish you well as the World continues to change and Mustafa's words continue to tell us what we can expect and gives us guidance as to what we should be doing to help and survive.