24 May 2010

May Newsletter 2010




 tells us to

"Change for the Better

and Change now"

"The World is now in complete chaos on so many fronts with disharmony and pain all about us.
"People have to realise their hand is in so many things and until Man is prepared to change and be accountable for his/her own actions nothing can get better.
"There are always the minority, who are prepared to bail out the few.  The burden on them ever increasing until their backs break and they are no longer in a position to help and maintain the uplift of so many.
"Now, as the Higher Power comes in and disorganises everything, where those that have continually been the savers, and have now fallen through exhaustion, will be saved.
"The rest, who have decided to do nothing in their lives, will rapidly fall.
"There is a turning point now of such magnitude that is the sharp shock awakening to so many.
"All over this World changes are having to be met and felt by so many.
"The stark reality, that no more can be given to them unless they are prepared to work for it, will become self evident on so many fronts.
"Nothing is for nothing anymore.
"All will have to suffer until the full realisation hits home and the new awakening starts to come to the fore.
"It is now or never.
"Time to reflect on the past has already expired – time now to act for self preservation and to find a purposeful life for oneself.
"Everybody, who is truly helpless, will of course be helped, but there is a vast majority out there who are still prepared to do nothing.
"As World events start to overtake us all, then and only then, will the full realisation of what is in store will have to hit home very hard indeed.
"Life will continue, but not how we know it, as changes will be sent upon us where we collectively will have no choice but to act.
"Start to take stock of your lives and begin to see just how you must change in order to succeed.
"You will be shown the way and guided through that maze of uncertainty.
"Now is your chance to evolve in ways not thought possible before. You really can do it and do it now!
"See these world changing events occur and how their ripple effect will ultimately affect your lives.
"No one will be exempt.
"Notice the hand being offered to you in so many ways, but only given when the mindset changes and not before – God bless, Mustafa."


"I came across this historic account today in a reputable history book and thought you might find it interesting," says a lady from Uckfield in East Sussex.
"As Francis Drake lay dying in the West Indies in 1596, he asked for his drum and then ordered it to be sent back to England swearing to return to defend his country when it was in danger.
"It was returned to Buckland Abbey.  The drum was said to have rattled when Napoleon Bonaparte was brought to Plymouth after the Battle of Waterloo.
"It has been heard three times recently. 1. When WWI started. 2. The drum was taken on board the Royal Oak and sounded when the German fleet were approaching (in order to surrender – so perhaps it was a victory salute?)
"Men were sent below by the Commander to find out twice what was making the noise and twice they returned having found nothing.  The Commander himself went below as all men were at battle stations.  Nobody could have beaten the drum. When the Royal Oak dropped anchor the drum stopped.
"The last time was during the darkest hours of WW2 when British forces had crossed the channel and were being driven back across the beach by the Germans.   The drum was heard to sound.  A miracle was required to stop our forces being massacred.  From the coastal towns of England, anything that could sail, set sail and brought our men safely home.
"I was deeply touched that over four hundred years later, Drake was still spiritually present to aid this country in times of danger.  Can Mustafa tell us any more about Drake and how he helps us in times of danger?"

Here is Mustafa's reply:

"Because Francis Drake is now in his spirit form and nothing is hidden to him, he is now able to see the full horror and extent of this country's burden.
"He was very patriotic in his time, a blackguard at worst, but he held this country and our queen at the time very close to his heart.
"In those black/bleak days, when England faced invasion by the French and Spanish, he was able with an uncanny sense of doing the right thing to come into his own to defeat a corrupt government/regime of its day.
"He had always felt inspired and to do what he thought was a noble act and he always stuck to his guns and principles, even though it might have cost him his life.
"In today's quagmire of intrigue and distrust, where all noble acts are now, it would seem, a thing of the past, he stirs again to fight on the side of righteousness and to rid England of the scum that has penetrated these shores in so many ways.
"He bangs his drum to show that England must rid itself of that scum that has corrupted this land and in so doing, make England great again.
"His wish is to alert the people through his drumming that he is very much alive and welcomes the role of doing his mission for this impoverished land.  To rid this land of what is not right, of injustice and uncertainty and to put in place a strategy for the eventual savings of this land.
"One which he still holds very dear to his heart and he sees it as his mission, almost his right, to serve this country in the best way he knows how and that is to cut away at the root and branch, the stench of human corruption and where he sees that mishap and mismanagement have undermined the sweet nature of this noble England.
"To say he is incensed would be to the extreme, as he also had to encounter many disagreeable corrupt measures in his own lifetime.
"He had a very special but unique relationship with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth I and there was a special heart felt warmth, as they were both fighting for a cause and that cause was to save England at all costs.
"Drake's mission is to continue down this path and to restore balance and righteousness, which has long been denied to the people of this country.
"His pledge is to service this country and to bring back this great nation from the brink of disaster as it has been so many times before.
His drumming is for the attention of the people, those noble honest men, women and children, so that they too can honour with him – England, this noble land! – God bless, Mustafa."

Take my drum to England, hang et by the shore, Strike et when your powder's runnin' low; If the Dons sight Devon, I'll quit the port o' Heaven, An' drum them up the Channel as we drummed them long ago — from "Drake's Drum" by Sir Henry Newbolt.

          We are pleased to report on our recent tour starting in Tunbridge Wells for an interesting Divine Service with a constant theme running through the prayers, songs, the Address and Clairvoyant Demonstration messages.
Then we travelled to a new venue at Hove, where many showed much interest in our work and the quality messages given through Jenny resulted in several souls making personal appointments for one-to-one sittings with Mustafa.
We followed on to Seaford, where the President and his wife were still marooned in Florida by the grounding of planes due to the Icelandic ash cloud.  Nevertheless we were warmly welcomed and enjoyed giving another Spirit orchestrated service throughout in all its separate parts, which yielded together as one.
A Clairvoyant Demonstration at Gossops Green near Crawley was missed by many regulars, who on this beautiful sunny evening seemed to prefer doing their gardening.  What a treat they missed!  Jenny held a circle where each and every soul received an in depth message of personal requirements and Michael gave each and every soul spiritual healing.  We were all late home that evening!
            Another new venue and another very moving and successful Divine Service in the upper room of the Eastbourne Christian Spiritualist Church with such wonderful energies was a lovingly conducted event.  We were chaired by a delightful young lady called Jackie Webster (nee Reeve).
She had recently moved up from Hampshire to marry and brought with her the skills and qualifications of deep tissue massage therapy.  For those with back pain in the East Sussex area and who fancy some  beneficial deep tissue massage, Jackie's details can be found on the Signpost Site of our www.spiritualist-guidance.org or you can contact her direct on 01323 741 905 or on her mobile 07984 92 34 37.
To finish off this period of enlightenment, mainly around the East Sussex and the Kent coast, we both travelled to Broadstairs to give a quality Clairvoyant Demonstration of enlightenment with Mustafa giving one-to-one sittings the following Sunday morning.
Both of us are delighted with the greater/higher level of mediumship, which our guides are bringing to us to help those who need advice and spiritual guidance as well as the proof of the continued existence of their loved ones after 'death'.

We have added now two new sites on www.spiritualist-guidance.org and they are Articles Published giving Mustafa's up-to-date comments on global issues in the press and a Children's Page giving received examples of 'out of the mouth of babes'.  Please send your children's words of wisdom so that we can all share them…

Some thoughts from White Feather
See here now that justice will be brought upon us all. Each and every one of us will ultimately be judged by spiritual law regarding our actions.
We must all seek the right paths to tread and realise we have a responsibility to ourselves to find them and show others the way.
We will see the many changes occur throughout the world during this universal time of change. Believe what you see as this is now the beginning; the chance to make a difference and truly make sure justice is done for all.
God bless you all,

White Feather

Mustafa and Red Cloud now hang side by side after Jenny completed her spiritual masterpieces

I would ask everybody who have a blog or website put a link into ours.  If you do it will help Google to help spread the word.....

            Please explore our Site and tell others who are like minded about it.  Mustafa's guidance on 'Out of Deadlock and Hardship New Life is Restored', 'The Great in Great Britain can be Put Back', 'Look now to the Future' and 'Never Give up on Your Dreams' is at www.spiritualist-guidance.org with much more…

We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for the SUMMER of 2010

Sunday, 13th June 2010
06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Sunday, 11th July 2010
06.30pm Tonbridge Spiritual Centre, Hadlow, Kent

COLOUR KEY TO EVENTS Divine Service including Clairvoyance

Finally we send you our love to you all and wish you well as the World continues to change and Mustafa's words continue to tell us what we can expect as he gives us guidance as to what we should be doing to help and survive.

Fax & Telephone +44 (0) 1825 830 079