MUSTAFA’S MESSAGE tells us that it has become quite noticeable that during this harsh economic and unsettled times that an increase of stress to the human mind has come about.
Many people for all sorts of reasons are experiencing great fluctuations in their routine of life and are suffering in various ways.
When the mind becomes so unsettled, the body follows suit with various aches and pains and disabilities where before there was none.
People are now turning no longer to the doctor, who only can dish out antidepressants in the hope it will get their patients over the hump.
The doctors never look to the deep underlying issues, which are the real causes of so much unrest, preferring to temporally with antidepressants to block it out, making people go around like zombies.
The public are not stupid and generally realise that something more is required other than being doped up for months on end.
They are starting to take decisions into their own hands and where the doctors often fail them, they are now looking for alternative practices where relief and a greater understanding of their particular problems are found and yes – actually successfully treated.
I have noticed that people want to get better and what is more important to find out the root cause of their sufferings.
Psychotherapy and Hypnosis has become invaluable to them in so many ways and after a few appointments begin to see a noticeable difference to their minds, whereby peace and understanding comes in and their minds and bodies actually become healed.
It is the holistic approach, something that is common place in the Eastern World where they treat the whole body and mind as one and so a greater relief is obtained instead of what is currently on offer by our General Practitioners, which is to deal with the symptoms and not ever dealing with the real issues.
Enquires and the treatment of patients is far more common for Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy than at any other time.
It is the people themselves who are taking control of their lives, because they at least want to get well.
The success to them is noticed not only by them, but by their families and close associates. They have finally got their lives back and are no longer afraid to admit to how they achieved this.
One must remember that therapy is a mutual transaction for the benefit of the patient and, because of their participation in this quest, they always feel the benefit and are always pleased that they decided to go down that path.
A happier outcome is achieved and life begins anew once more!
The sharp eyed amongst you may have noticed that Jenny was lead to make a dramatic change to the eyes of Mustafa in her portrait of her much loved 4,000 year old guide.
It took a strong nerve to poke out two perfectly good eyes and start them again, but she was guided from the Spirit Realms and the results are even more beautiful and successful.
They can be seen of course on or under the head of Our Guides.
Angels by Marius Michael-George

I recommend a visit to his superb collection of paintings of Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters.
Marius Michael-George is a classically trained visionary artist and art teacher who specializes in Sacred Art. He is a native of Eastern Europe born in Bucharest - Romania and presently divides his working time between an art studio in Paradise Valley , Montana and Art Gallery in Mt. Shasta , California .
Scanning the unseen through the "eyes of the soul," Marius creates images that become portals into other realms and invite the viewer to participate in a spiritual experience.
Angels, Faeries, Saints and Ascended Masters seem to feel at home in his studio and whether in ethereal bodies or physical form, they are the main protagonists of his compositions.
Marius studied painting with one of the most prestigious masters of classical art in the U.S. , Frank Mason, at the Art Students League in New York City and afterwards he was trained in the system of classical realism at Atelier LeSueur and Atelier Lack in Minneapolis .
His original oil paintings and murals are found in public and private collections across North and South America and Europe and all artwork is published internationally as prints and cards.
My guide Red Cloud has recently set me a question that is very worthwhile considering by us all.
We all need to take time out to ask ourselves what 'God' means to us in our own every day lives.
Naturally 'He' means different things to each person and we must be aware of this and be tolerant to the belief systems of others. This applies to all people in all circumstances.
So reflect on whether in your own belief system 'God' is the Universal Consciousness of which we are all a part or an earthly conscience formed to prick us when we prefer to go our own way regardless of the feelings of others.
It's good to have a happy story to tell about the benefits of being looked after by those who love us and work with us each and every day of our lives.
We were blessed by our spirit guides and the Spirit Realms above with an example of perfect timing as they are often telling us is what the 'Godhead' does so very well.
Just before the cold weather started and the snow fell giving us the big freeze of 2010, the cavity walls of this dwelling were filled with foam and the attic was insulated by efficient and knowing souls.
The work was conducted by Skinner and Reeve in the friendliest manner and with the minimum of fuss. As the walls heated up from the inside the temperature difference proved the success of their operation.
We thank our guides for the perfection in timing, so that we were spared the worst discomforts of the recent weather and recommend the kind offices of the company to anyone who wishes to follow suit by visiting their website
I would ask everybody who have a blog or website put a link into ours. If you do it will help Google to help spread the word.....
Mustafa's Death Mask
Please explore our Site and tell others who are like minded about it. Mustafa's guidance on 'Think about Your Own Personal Needs', Time for Reflection', 'Have We Forgotten about the 'God' Thing' and 'To Give up Something in Ones Life' is at with much more…
We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.
Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for JANUARY 2010
Sunday, 31st January 201006.30pm Tonbridge Spiritual Centre,
Demonstration of Clairvoyance
Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Demonstration of Clairvoyance
Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Finally we send you our love and wish you well as the World continues to change and Mustafa's words continue to tell us what we can expect and gives us guidance as to what we should be doing to help and survive.