tells us to make the most
out of the least
"For those of us who feel we must spend a lot of money in order for us to have a good time is a commercial man's dictate.
"For most of us it will be the little things that will mean the most. Those homemade cakes, those jellies we are so fond of. Our all time favourites are always best.
"That small convivial gathering with those only that we love and who love us is enough. It makes this time of year special indeed.
"Above all, to be content in the arms of a loved one is all that we ever need. It is the most satisfying of all.
"The make the most of the least can be fun, because we have taken the time and made the effort for those who we feel are special in our lives.
"Some people even make and decorate their own cards. This gives much pleasure to the person making it and also for the receiver. Why?
"Because it is special and unique. It is not mass produced and therefore means so much more.
"Children are especially talented in this way making little things of beauty at school to offer their mothers and fathers, even grandparents.
"It is a time for the giving and receiving of love, which is especially noticed at this time of the year.
This of course costs nothing, but it can bring with it a permanent glow and it can transcend happiness over millions of miles.
"That long distant telephone call to loved ones abroad to hear that person's voice. The email system, the technology of the day, is so practical, yet so impersonal.
"You can never sense the other person's feelings whether it be of joy or pain, but that 'phone call can make all the difference.
"It is a statement, "I care for you especially at this time of the year and I want you to know that you are loved and not forgotten."
"The expression of contact, whether by 'phone call or by personal visitation especially when one is alone and often lonely, can mean so much – a few minutes of your time given with love always has a lasting effect.
"We all need love in our lives. None of us can survive without it.
It's what makes us grow and gives us the confidence and the spirit to carry on in our lives and helps often to conquer our own fears and anxieties.
"This Christmas for many will be a most wonderful time of the year to share in mutual joy.
"For those who feel they are alone, even in a crowd, will also be loved and that warmth of God's love will be enough to sustain them through this time of year and especially for those who have lost a loved one and it is hard for their family to let themselves be.
"That loss of a loved one must be talked about, the memory of that life remembered and to be reignited at this time of the year.
They may be in another dimension, but they are still alive and wish to be remembered.
"Love at Christmas, when given generously, is a very powerful product and can change peoples' lives always for the better and it costs nothing yet means so much.
"God bless, Mustafa."
The power of Spirit is so great and so universal that it brought a young man, who was of the Buddhist faith and way of life and originated from Sri Lanka and now has a prestigious job in the Newspaper Industry in London , to read his horoscope in a magazine, while waiting for his doctor's appointment.
The words in it were from Mustafa and sent through Jenny Ayers for publication voluntarily in the In Magazine and also put on one of our websites
He was so struck by Mustafa's words that he immediately telephoned Jenny for an appointment and despite 8" of snow he travelled from Essex to keep his appointment for a sitting with Mustafa.
He didn't tackle the homeward journey with any disappointment, because he had found new direction and understanding from Mustafa. This very pleasant young man can now follow his heart and seek out his love in Sri Lanka , who ironically had been snatched away from him by a bad horoscope.

In Celtic times the sight of a ghost like white stag was considered to be a messenger from the Spirit World and brought a message that there would be profound changes in the lives of any one who saw it.
By the time of King Arthur, who actively pursued one but never caught it, it was believed to represent man's quest for spiritual knowledge.
According to Scottish legend King David I fell from his horse while chasing one and the white stag turned on him and threatened to kill him, but the king was saved after he prayed for God to save him and the stag miraculously turned into a white cross and vanished. Inspired by this King David built a Holy Cross as a shrine at the place called Holy Rood.
In the second century a roman general called Placidus, who served the emperor Trajan, was hunting a white stag at Trivoli near Rome . He saw a picture of Christ between its horns and was immediately converted to Christianity. This white stag told him that he would suffer for Christ and later he became the martyr Saint Eustace.
I was very interested in a recent Gallop poll mentioned in the Psychic News that 82% of women and 72% of men believed in Angels. We have no doubt that Angels exist and that they are, as Mustafa has told us, a creation of 'God' and have never lived as humans on the earth plane, but are here to bring hope, love and healing and to take away negativity. We all benefit from the activities of the Angels.
Jenny picked up on a BBC radio programme called Gardiners Questiontime that Mother-in-Law's Tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata) was the best plant for removing negativity. It is ideal in that situation whether at home or in the office. We have put some around our work rooms as clients bring in negativity with their problems and I am pleased to say that they are thriving!
I had said that I didn't know any quotations about negativity when my guide, Red Cloud, immediately gave these words of significant truth to me:
Negativity is what holds up the advancement of enlightenment.
Jenny gave a Demonstration of Clairvoyance at Burgess Hill last month as regular readers of this Newsletter will know. Among many very accurate and personal messages given was one very special one as a mother came close to her daughter."
What made this especially interesting and wonderful was that a gentleman in the back row told Jenny afterwards that he saw Jenny's face change.
We received a very interesting and very pertinent email illustrating synchronicity at work in the lives of people today.
"Interestingly the window fitters found some old newspaper bits stuffed behind a window of my mum's new place dated 10th March 1920. It had the name COOMBS on it which is our family name. The synchronicity with that I'm sure is a sign to let her know she was meant to be there. I thought you might be interested to hear that."
I would ask everybody who have a blog or website put a link into ours. If you do it will help Google to help spread the word.....
Mustafa's Death Mask
Please explore our site and tell others who are like minded about it. Mustafa's guidance on 'Quality of Life and not Quantity', 'For Those of Us who Feel Hurt by Others', You All Have it in You to be Happy and Content and 'Make Time for Yourself this Christmas' is at with much more…
We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.
Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for JANUARY 2010
06.30pm Chalice of Light,
Sunday, 31st January 2010
06.30pm Tonbridge Spiritual Centre,
Demonstration of Clairvoyance
Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Demonstration of Clairvoyance
Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Finally we send you our love and wish you well as the World continues to change and Mustafa's words continue to tell us what we can expect and give us guidance as to what we should be doing to help and survive.
At this special time around a very disturbed and bewildered world, we sent out our greetings to all peoples of all belief systems and ask that they in turn send out thoughts of peace and tranquillity for all those who are not as well off as they are in material and spiritual values.
As we all enter a new decade may we resolve to do more in searching out truth and using the power that we all have within to further the cause of Universal love and understanding, thanking the Godhead for our lives and showing us how we can best live them in the service of others.