is about
“There are so many people in need of healing in one form or another, be it emotional, physical or spiritual.
“The mental and the emotional tend to go hand in hand, because if the mental/emotional is in imbalance, it will most certainly have a profound effect on the physical.
“Long term depression can bring on heart palpitations and anxiety attacks, a closing down of the mind takes place and that person can only see doom and gloom around the corner.
“For them life has stood still. They are no longer able to see what is actually good around them, as they are frozen in a time warp of despair and dread.
“For those who are out there who are the healers of this World, it is your responsibility to give or send healing to these very damaged people, so that in time they can conduct their own lives in a more normal fashion and existence and start to change and actually learn to live again.
“Please remember all those who do ‘God’s’ work, especially in the healing capacity, are also healed. Their rewards come back to them in amazing ways.
“These true healers of this World are recompensed by ‘God’ in numerous ways and a certain upliftment and knowing that you are truly guided in every way as your life becomes established. You don’t even need to ask. It is just there all the time.
“So life changes, not only for the patient but to the healer, are always given. As you give with love, so shall you receive with love always. Heal and be loved always – Mustafa.”
“The mental and the emotional tend to go hand in hand, because if the mental/emotional is in imbalance, it will most certainly have a profound effect on the physical.
“Long term depression can bring on heart palpitations and anxiety attacks, a closing down of the mind takes place and that person can only see doom and gloom around the corner.
“For them life has stood still. They are no longer able to see what is actually good around them, as they are frozen in a time warp of despair and dread.
“For those who are out there who are the healers of this World, it is your responsibility to give or send healing to these very damaged people, so that in time they can conduct their own lives in a more normal fashion and existence and start to change and actually learn to live again.
“Please remember all those who do ‘God’s’ work, especially in the healing capacity, are also healed. Their rewards come back to them in amazing ways.
“These true healers of this World are recompensed by ‘God’ in numerous ways and a certain upliftment and knowing that you are truly guided in every way as your life becomes established. You don’t even need to ask. It is just there all the time.
“So life changes, not only for the patient but to the healer, are always given. As you give with love, so shall you receive with love always. Heal and be loved always – Mustafa.”
The complete healing message is online on
This is the time of year for change and charge and charge and change. Many of you have been or will soon enjoy your holiday break and re-charge yourselves.
Perhaps you already contemplate the changes that are needed in your lives, but it is a good time, when you are relaxed and resting, to think seriously about what changes there are all around you as change will be thrust upon you whether you like it or not and it is always best to be ready for them if you can be.
We came across a lady whose health was impaired but refused healing. To make matters worse she was a qualified healer but had not used her gift for several years.
That kept her guides idle and not only deprived others of healing and the release of pain, but she wondered why her life was not in harmony.
To receive the healing gift is like travelling across the desert sands with a jug of water, but instead of sharing it with others to drink, it is poured into the dry sand.
It is also important for healers to remember that they can and should ask for healing for themselves. It is quite possible for Spirit to channel healing in exactly the same way through healing hands to the healer as they do when they heal and when they need healing.
A gentleman was given in a message in one of our Demonstrations that he was I healer. He said that he knew this as he gave healing to himself, but why did he keep his healing give to himself and not share it with others?
Did he really think that ‘God’ gave him a universal gift to keep to himself? Where his healing team in Spirit solely employed to look after his personal interests or to allow him to give comfort and aid to all others who were sent to him, but who he turned them away and kept his gift to himself? Again the desert sands greedily devoured what he had poured away.
Another lady told us recently that she had attended a Development Circle every week for a year and a half and still didn’t know who her guide was. In our Teaching Circles a sitter meets theirs on the first sitting and the object is that they should get to know each other and communicate as they both walk the same path together in a special closeness.
Recently we took a client from London back to Tunbridge Wells Railway Station and called into Wadhurst on the way back, so that Jenny could get some items from The Art Shop, which we had only just discovered. This was obviously a Spirit meant occasion for as soon we walked in we felt at home.
This is the time of year for change and charge and charge and change. Many of you have been or will soon enjoy your holiday break and re-charge yourselves.
Perhaps you already contemplate the changes that are needed in your lives, but it is a good time, when you are relaxed and resting, to think seriously about what changes there are all around you as change will be thrust upon you whether you like it or not and it is always best to be ready for them if you can be.
We came across a lady whose health was impaired but refused healing. To make matters worse she was a qualified healer but had not used her gift for several years.
That kept her guides idle and not only deprived others of healing and the release of pain, but she wondered why her life was not in harmony.
To receive the healing gift is like travelling across the desert sands with a jug of water, but instead of sharing it with others to drink, it is poured into the dry sand.
It is also important for healers to remember that they can and should ask for healing for themselves. It is quite possible for Spirit to channel healing in exactly the same way through healing hands to the healer as they do when they heal and when they need healing.
A gentleman was given in a message in one of our Demonstrations that he was I healer. He said that he knew this as he gave healing to himself, but why did he keep his healing give to himself and not share it with others?
Did he really think that ‘God’ gave him a universal gift to keep to himself? Where his healing team in Spirit solely employed to look after his personal interests or to allow him to give comfort and aid to all others who were sent to him, but who he turned them away and kept his gift to himself? Again the desert sands greedily devoured what he had poured away.
Another lady told us recently that she had attended a Development Circle every week for a year and a half and still didn’t know who her guide was. In our Teaching Circles a sitter meets theirs on the first sitting and the object is that they should get to know each other and communicate as they both walk the same path together in a special closeness.
Recently we took a client from London back to Tunbridge Wells Railway Station and called into Wadhurst on the way back, so that Jenny could get some items from The Art Shop, which we had only just discovered. This was obviously a Spirit meant occasion for as soon we walked in we felt at home.
Dani Humberstone is the owner and she knew her stuff and was very helpful and kind. We bought what was needed with her help and advice and we learned a lot too. We were then led to introduce ourselves and our work through Mustafa portrait.
We can only highly recommend anybody who is interested in painting from the kiddies to the masterpiece to seek her out. I had no compulsion in adding her Website to the list on Signposts, which will lead you straight to her.
Her paintings incidentally are amazing and I especially loved The Jelly Babies and the Big Apple. If you have any interest in Figurative or Abstract Art or just enjoy the vibrancy of colour, please do check out her website.
FEEDBACK from Newsletter Number Ten by a lady from East Sussex who emailed:
Just remembering something Prof. David Attenborough said that we started off as single cells and at some point there was a cellular clumping. But this did not happen any old way. There was a design to it, or what he called determination. Certain cells joined in a chain and developed into backbones, the long organisms etc. Other cells took on a circular configuration such as the sponges and all things round. Every primary shape yielded a group of beings in its basic structure.
Source; Prof. Richard Feynman, Nobel Prize-winner
The earth existed first without any life on it at all. For billions of years this ball called Earth was spinning round the Sun with its waves and sunsets, and its noises which were unseen and unheard because there was nothing alive to appreciate it.
Of life itself, we know that all life is interconnected with other life. There is a part of chlorophyll which is an important chemical in the oxygen process in plants and has a square pattern - a rather pretty ring, called the benzene ring. Whilst we are far removed from plants in our oxygen containing system in the haemoglobin of the blood are the same interesting and peculiar square rings with iron in the centre of them instead of magnesium which makes them green and not red. The rings, however are the same and show the interconnection between the two.
The proteins of bacteria and the proteins of humans are the same. Life is close to life and there is a universality of the deep chemistry of living things. The world is made of the same atoms as the stars, which are made of the same stuff as ourselves. What is interesting is that this world of infinite creation comes from the sameness of atoms. Atoms in crystals are mile upon mile of one ball after another ball in repeating patterns. So where did we come from? Where did the earth come from - possibly belched from an exploding star? So this dirt waits four and a half billion years during which time it was evolving and changing and from this dirt was the beginnings of life right up to the point that as a human you are reading the words on this page.
I enjoyed this little thought that I came across recently “Life is fragile. Handle it with Prayer". It reminded me of the Prayer site online that I fill in everyday for those in need of spiritual comfort.
We have added a new site called Answers where we have been asked questions that are of interest to the many and not just the few. Please email any questions that are suitable. The first answers given concerned questions about Swine Flu, Assisted Suicides and Suicide Bombers.
I would ask everybody who have a blog or website put a link into ours. If you do it will help Google to help spread the word.....

Mustafa’s Death Mask
Please explore our Site and tell others who are like minded about it. Mustafa’s guidance on ‘It’s Never Too Late to Change’, ‘Self Belief’, ‘The Miracle to You is Coming’ and ‘Healing’ is at with much more…We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested and remember it is also posted online at the Newsletter site if your wish to refer to any back issues, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.
Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for SEPTEMBER 2009
Sunday, 27th September 200906.30pm Chalice of Light, Tunbridge Wells, Kent
Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Demonstration of Clairvoyance
Finally we send you our love and wish you well as the World continues to change and Mustafa’s words continue to tell us what we can expect and gives us guidance as to what we should be doing to help and survive our earthly traumas.