MUSTAFA’S MESSAGE explains “The Genesis Affair”
“When the Big Bang occurred hundreds of millions of energy cells were manufactured all having their individual but vital roles to play in the manufacturing of energy molecules, which eventually made up the Universe as it is today since the molecular structure was formed and grew from almost nothing to greater objects.
“The molecules gravitated towards each other like a magnet where positive and negative poles existed. They came together and were able to cling on, so from little, or should I say next to nothing, forms or particles of cells come together and so gently, gradually grew together as they increasingly were pulled together into the most ordered state or phase, just like microwaves, they are there in an ordered form, but you can’t see them.
“So these many particles that made up an ordered system and behaved as a whole, the particles become the whole and are no longer single molecular atoms.
“In order for these molecules to be able to gravitate together so that they could become a whole, there had to be an intelligence behind it all, orchestrating it so that, at the exact right time, everything vibrated together as one.
“Out of this process, so structure was formed, living cells were formed and they grew because they resonated together. So a light form was successfully achieved and through light, heat was manufactured and when cooled then moisture was formed and over millions of years, life as we know it, was produced.
“It took the Universal Intelligence to bring out of chaos/explosion a so called order, which was established in the Universe. Nothing was ever random. “All became an infinite practise, without it none of us would be here today – Mustafa.”

REVELATION in the SISTINE CHAPEL and Michael’s thanks to an article by Christopher Hart, because he is currently reading a new book by Professor Andrew Parker, who is a leading scientist and a research fellow at Oxford University, research leader at the Natural History Museum and a professor at Shanghai's Jiao Tong University. His revelation came during a visit to the Sistine Chapel in Rome while gazing up at Michelangelo's awesome ceiling paintings a realisation struck him with dizzying force.
Andrew Parker’s book The Genesis Enigma sets out to prove that the ancient Hebrew writers of the Book of Genesis knew all about evolution 3,000 years before Darwin. They had described how the evolution of life on Earth took place in precise detail and perfect order. The enigma is that the order of Creation in the Book of Genesis and so powerfully depicted in the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo has been precisely and eerily confirmed by modern evolutionary science.
In the Book of Genesis God first creates heaven and earth, but 'without form', and commands: 'Let there be light.' A perfect description of the Big Bang that founding moment of our universe some 13 billion years ago, an unimaginable explosion of pure energy and matter 'without form' out of nothing - the primordial Biblical 'void'.
God then creates the dry land out of the waters, but it is the water that comes first. Scientists today understand that water is crucial for life. On the third day God said, "Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself upon the earth and it was so."'
If you take 'grass, herb and tree' to mean photosynthesising life in general then this is, once again, spot on. As a result they began to expire oxygen, creating an atmosphere that could go on to support more and more life. They were the key to life on earth.
Parker argues that day four refers to the evolution of vision. Until the first creatures on earth evolved eyes in a sense the sun and moon didn't exist. There was no creature on earth to see them nor the light they cast. When Genesis says: 'Let there be lights... To divide the day from the night,' it is talking about eyes. The very first eye on earth effectively turned on the lights for animal behaviour,' writes Professor Parker, 'and consequently for further rapid evolution.'
Almost overnight, life suddenly grew vastly more complex. Predators were able to hunt far more efficiently and so prey had to evolve fast too or get eaten. The moment that there were 'lights' or eyes, then life exploded into all its infinite variety and yet again that's what Genesis says happened and in the correct environment too – in the sea.
For on the very next day of Creation, the fifth day, God said, "Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life." That is exactly what happened. Life that had hitherto been lived in the dark by simple slow-moving, worm-like creatures erupted into dazzling diversity.
We know all about it from the world famous Burgess Shale fossils, which were discovered by Charles Doolittle Walcott in 1909 on holiday with his family in the Canadian Rockies. Walcott stumbled upon one of the greatest finds in all science for the shale records what happened on our planet around 508 million years ago, long before the first dinosaurs - the 'Cambrian explosion,' which most scientists now think was indeed the direct result of the evolution of vision. Anyone who doubts the power of evolution by natural selection only has to look at the Burgess Shale fossils.
How does Genesis describe the teeming aquatic life of the Cambrian explosion and God said, "Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life" following the creation of vision. How did the writers know that life suddenly diversified into this rich and staggering variety under the oceans not on land? Why would a very much land-based people of pastoralists and shepherds even think like this?
After the Cambrian come the appearance of 'great whales' as Genesis succinctly puts it and after the sea monsters come the birds, the animals, cattle, and finally, homo sapiens. All present and correct and all still in the right order. In describing how the planet and life around us came to be, the writer of the Genesis narrative got it disturbingly right.
When Parker comes to explaining how the writers of Genesis knew what they knew, he can only conclude that it was due to divine intervention or a lucky guess. Since the odds of the latter seem fantastically remote, Parker tentatively suggests the former. The writers of Genesis didn't posses scientific knowledge. They didn't have Darwin or Victorian geology so how did they know? Parker clearly demonstrates what an extraordinary text the Bible is and even more so not less so in the light of modern science.
A vast amount of what we know and how we behave is based upon much less clear cut kinds of knowledge and awareness of the world around us: intuition, gut feeling and imagination.
The Bible, that sublime portrait of humanity in all its wonder, violence and divine discontent and its restless search for something we call 'God', will live on. It will continue to haunt our imaginations as it haunted Michelangelo's for as the author of The Genesis Enigma says, It remains that most illustrious and mysterious book of all.
The Bible, that sublime portrait of humanity in all its wonder, violence and divine discontent and its restless search for something we call 'God', will live on. It will continue to haunt our imaginations as it haunted Michelangelo's for as the author of The Genesis Enigma says, It remains that most illustrious and mysterious book of all.
The Genesis Enigma: Why The Bible Is Scientifically Accurate by Dr Andrew Parker published by Doubleday on July 20. To order a copy at £18 (p&p free) call 0845 155 0720
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Mustafa’s Death Mask
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Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for AUGUST 2009
Sunday, 2nd August 2009 06.30pm Tonbridge Spiritual Centre, Hadlow, Kent
Saturday, 15th August 200907.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex
Demonstration of Clairvoyance
Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Finally we send you our love and wish you well as the World continues to change and Mustafa’s words continue to tell us what we can expect and gives us guidance as to what we should be doing to help and survive.