“It is now the biggest social and economic disaster to hit this country.
“Every aspect of human decency has now gone out of the window.
“All who had thought they would survive will find themselves in ever deepening waters, the likes of which they personally have not seen before.
“The entire social destruction to this Nation has already occurred and in most families they have nowhere to go, but to confront their demons of fear and unrest.
“The entire ministerial Cabinet are in uproar. None has the guts or the knowhow to confront their leader for fear of personal reprisals.
“Those who are decent and some who are not, see shame written all over their faces as they are unilaterally now tarnished with the same brush of selling the Great Nation down the river.
“Their consciences are all in disarray as they scrabble to blame each other, when they should all be looking at themselves.
“Gordon Brown now has driven the sword into this Nation for the very last time.
“He will be struck down now by his own hand as one by one will have to desert him and, like General Custer, will be the last man standing.
“His fate is in the hands of the people with nowhere to go.
“The humiliation to his party will last several generations and he will become a legend in his own lifetime for all the wrong reasons.
“All will desert like rats leaving the sinking ship.
“The major outcry by the people will see Institutions fall.
“Household names to go quickly never able to fully recover and resurface.
“All is now pandemonium at No. 10. All now can’t see the wood from the trees.
“A mass exodus of staff and ministers on every level will see a fall in leadership.
“None can believe the holocaust that is about to strike at the heart of this Nation now.
“All that has now happened over these last 24 hours will hit the people so hard they won’t/can’t believe it.
“Because of the severe repercussions to this country the status quo will remain for decades and there can be no recovery, will be no growth in industry or manpower output, until the very core of the cancer has been expunged.
“Until the very people have been removed who have sold their people down the river there will be no recovery to the populace.
“The people have to start to wake up and wake up fast to what is actually happening to them.
“Their very livelihood, their moral codes of human decency, has all been eroded continually over twelve years.
“This Nation is no longer the same. All values to the Nation have been destroyed by the very core that rules them.
“The ‘Lord God’ will be able to change matters, but only when the people start to believe and to want a better life.
“Where all started to help one another - where common decency and values are restored.
“Where people start to feel safe and secure again, because there is a leadership who believes in these principles and so the regeneration will start a new and fundamental polices will be put in place whereby all the people must abide.
“Those who do not will find that they will fall by the wayside. No help in anyway will be on offer to them as they do not deserve it.
“It will be a policy of earned right, not right for right sake, whereby doing good works is rewarded only.
“The social climate must revert back to sound and solid principles of fellow respect and practice. Then and only then can this Nation be saved.
“Gordon Brown will be no more. He will be ousted out by his own people and by his own hand. None can prevent this Spiritual Law.
“Enough is enough and he shall with others reap exactly what they have sown, guilt in every capacity written on their faces.
“There is nowhere to hide. The wolves are out now and he will be torn to pieces.
“Once the deep cleansing has occurred, a new wave of thought and interest will come to the fore.
“A rebuilding structure will be given to the people, who will have to accept it. They will have little choice and so this Nation will be saved from the brink of bankruptcy and start to emerge a steadier, more viable economic contender in the World Markets.
“All this to be achieved over a very slow time span, so that mankind can adjust to what is right over what is wrong and can see the difference and so make the necessary changes in their own lives.
“It starts with Government first and filters down to every man in the street, who must start to take personal responsibility and not expect handouts willy-nilly for doing nothing. All that will cease to be.
“So then the sinking Nation will be able to right itself and happiness and sanity is restored at long last.
“God bless, Mustafa.”
We were delighted to hear that our friends in Italy were alright following the tragic earthquake. Even though they were some miles away they felt the tremors in bed that night, which is still too close for comfort. Like many others we have sent our prayers and healing to all concerned in this tragedy.
We have had a very busy month and Jenny is now booked up three weeks ahead with appointments for one to one sittings, email and postal sittings, healing and psychotherapy/hypnotherapy appointments.
We are now finding new clients coming from our websites and there is continued interest coming from Europe and America. We now have to ask our regular clients to bear this in mind when booking appointments so that disappointment can be kept to a minimum.
Healing sessions are bringing some very positive results and although we claim nothing we are very gratified with the ability of our guides, who bring so much relief to so many patients.
We have revamped the website, which is our permanent statement about what we do and what we can offer, but our Blogsite is a living entity of its own and is continually being updated, with new sites added as well as weekly messages of Spiritual Guidance from Mustafa being added on as it continues to bring the spiritual message from the Realms we came from and will return to again.
We have recently added a new site Departed Love Ones, which is designed to give comfort to those who are grieving a lost soul by showing real cases of spiritual proof of their survival from those who ask us for help.
Recently Mustafa drew attention to the political situation in this country and forecast the most important phase of events leading up to a swift General Election, the likes this country has not seen before.
If you are interested in the fate of this country and its overspill into the rest of the World, don’t miss out on his regular weekly updates of the situation and remember that Mustafa knows a great deal more about what is going to happen than we do, so watch that space on
Mustafa’s monthly Horoscope is proving very popular and from the feedback very accurate as well. I would ask everybody who have a blog or website put a link into ours. If you do it will help Google to help spread the word.....

Mustafa’s Death Mask
Please explore our Sites and tell others who are like minded about it. Mustafa’s guidance on ‘God – Myth or Fact’, ‘Morality in Today’s World’, ‘Greed, Greed…’, ‘Courage’ and ‘Mustafa’s Message to the People’ is at with much more…
We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.
Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for APRIL 2009
Friday, 24th April 2009
07.30pm White Angel Spiritualist Church, Whitstable, Kent
Saturday, 25th April 2009
Sittings available – contact Joan Castle in Whitstable on 01227-265-595
Sunday, 26th April 2009
06.30pm White Angel Spiritualist Church, Whitstable, Kent
Demonstration of Clairvoyance
Divine Service including Clairvoyance
Finally we send you our love and wish you well at this time of global unrest and change. Stand up for your spiritual rights and don’t be afraid as ‘God’ loves us all and helps those who are brave enough to live by his Laws in a mercenary and greedy world.
We say “Amen to that”.
God Bless,
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Fax & Telephone +44 (0) 1825 830 079
We say “Amen to that”.
God Bless,
Jenny and Michael Ayers
Fax & Telephone +44 (0) 1825 830 079
Web sites
*** Please make a link with this site to increase Google’s ratings and so get the messages across to the World from the Spirit Realms***