to the World
asks you
to hear the
to the World
asks you
to hear the
“This is your wonderful wake up call.
“Don’t let the winter blues get you down through lack of sunshine or even the negativity of World events.
“Don’t let the winter blues get you down through lack of sunshine or even the negativity of World events.
“It is what is happening to you right now that is important and nothing else.
“There all around us is a shifting of energy and consciousness. You are a big part of that shift in thinking. Your role is vital for this wonderful World of ours to change for the better.
“No, you are not a tiny part of it, but a huge part. Your thoughts, actions and aspirations are now lifting global energies and collectively are at last able to make huge strides.
“Nowhere on Earth is there a right time as now. What you are thinking only in a positive way, no matter how small, will help to destroy the global negativity.
“The power lies in your hands and it is now that you can actually make a difference.
“There all around us is a shifting of energy and consciousness. You are a big part of that shift in thinking. Your role is vital for this wonderful World of ours to change for the better.
“No, you are not a tiny part of it, but a huge part. Your thoughts, actions and aspirations are now lifting global energies and collectively are at last able to make huge strides.
“Nowhere on Earth is there a right time as now. What you are thinking only in a positive way, no matter how small, will help to destroy the global negativity.
“The power lies in your hands and it is now that you can actually make a difference.
“A global realisation begins to believe that radical turnabouts can and do occur and for you to begin to see these changes for yourself can actually happen.
“Everywhere in the World thoughts, prayers went out to America to stop that gross negative thinking so that changes can come to the people.
“Because it was asked and prayed for and as that collective vibration began to grow against all the odds, and grow it did globally, so a very significant result was achieved.
“So now in other countries around the World where people from all walks of life, colour, creed and religion begin to think collectively, then changes will and do happen.
“Peace can come to the Middle East. Peace can also come into your homes if you wish and pray for it enough.
“Now that wake up call to bring about a global revolution is actually taking place. People are on the move with their own thoughts and wish to see an end to all conflict.
“So one by one conflict is starting to recede and a better way is found now for a new resolution – a lasting and peaceful one can be found.
“Because it was asked and prayed for and as that collective vibration began to grow against all the odds, and grow it did globally, so a very significant result was achieved.
“So now in other countries around the World where people from all walks of life, colour, creed and religion begin to think collectively, then changes will and do happen.
“Peace can come to the Middle East. Peace can also come into your homes if you wish and pray for it enough.
“Now that wake up call to bring about a global revolution is actually taking place. People are on the move with their own thoughts and wish to see an end to all conflict.
“So one by one conflict is starting to recede and a better way is found now for a new resolution – a lasting and peaceful one can be found.
“So your part as an individual is crucial, is powerful, and gradually you will see a movement, a shift in policy start to turn all over the World.
“So think, believe. Send out your prayers so that stability and change can on a satisfactory basis be achieved.
“Do not let your thoughts turn to the negative as you collectively will not alter matters, but will in fact maintain the status quo.
“Turn your thoughts always to the positive and see changes happen dramatically in your life and in your neighbours and also in the World.
“Wake up to the wake up call. See the very positive results appear from nowhere, out of the blue and feel very strongly your thoughts helped to make that happen.
“Thank you, Mustafa.”
We would like to thank all those of you who sent us cards and emails with your wishes for a Happy Christmas and New Year. It was good to know that so many of you cared enough to remember us and our work at this festive season.
“Do not let your thoughts turn to the negative as you collectively will not alter matters, but will in fact maintain the status quo.
“Turn your thoughts always to the positive and see changes happen dramatically in your life and in your neighbours and also in the World.
“Wake up to the wake up call. See the very positive results appear from nowhere, out of the blue and feel very strongly your thoughts helped to make that happen.
“Thank you, Mustafa.”
We would like to thank all those of you who sent us cards and emails with your wishes for a Happy Christmas and New Year. It was good to know that so many of you cared enough to remember us and our work at this festive season.
As Mustafa had told us we were working upto the last minute on Christmas Eve sending Absent Sittings by email to clients both here in the United Kingdom and abroad.
We barely had time to have dinner and get changed to travel to Keymer in West Sussex to attend the first Midnight Spiritual Carol Service run there by Lesleigh and Malcolm.
Betty Horne from Brighton gave meaningful spiritual enlightenment and with spiritual carols, readings and a Candle Lighting Ceremony the service was a great success and the organisers should be well pleased with their first Midnight Spiritual Carol Service in the little West Sussex village of Keymer.
Afterwards there was time for tea and coffee with homemade mince pies lovingly prepared by Betty Horne. You can’t buy treats like this anywhere these days!
2009 is going to be a year of upheaval and change as Mustafa has already told us and he has stated that we are ready to make the very best of these challenges and so we are prepared – are you prepared for yours and do you know what they will be?
This is what Mustafa put out to the World online just a few minutes into the New Year.
“This is the most extraordinary of years for so many people and that includes you. Where situations were not going according to plan, now vast possibilities start to open up as never before, because there is a new confidence in you.
“There is a special light that surrounds you and that light now shows you a way that you never actually noticed before. Where vast contentment and an inner knowing that you can now do whatever you ever wanted to do, because that trust in yourself has grown and is about to express itself as never before.
“Your heart busting with love as you decide to steer your life in a way not thought possible before and you alone will see those rewards for that trust enveloping you in such a way that peace will surround you as never before.
“This is the year where true peace on so many levels will occur, but it must first start with you. That inner peace brings forth that eternal love of the self and with that you are able to share it with others in a much bigger way.
“This is the year to make that difference, that commitment and to see the Love of God in everything that you do and say. Our blessings to each and every one of you, because you are so special and so loved and this will always be.”
We have had much to do already in 2009, but one of the most interesting has been a call to a lady in a nearby town, who believed that she was under psychic attack.
First we checked all around the house in each and every room for any negativity using the trusty pendulum. We found none. Then cleansed the house with prayer and put protection around it and in every room. We gave the lady healing and we prayed for her as we healed. Jenny worked upon her head and Michael concentrated on the Solar Plexus.
Michael was shown a white light growing from within her body. It expanded from the size of a small melon until it was larger than her whole body. It was a beautiful white and appeared to be made of pure energy. Jenny was shown that the guides working with Michael had removed a great deal of black negativity from the stomach area that filled the whole ceiling of the Living Room before it dispersed.
Thankfully with the help that we had received from the Spirit Realms the lady was much more relaxed, calmer and her home was now fully protected.
I would ask everybody who have a blog or website put a link into our site. If you do this it will help Google to help spread the word.....

Mustafa’s Death Mask
Please explore our Site and tell others who are like minded about it. Mustafa’s guidance on ‘Choices’, ‘The Responsibility of Love’, ‘You Are So Special and So Loved’ and ‘The Power of Anger and Mistrust’ is at with much more…
We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.
Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for JANUARY 2009
Sunday, 18th January 2009 06.30pm Divine Service at Chalice of Light, Tunbridge Wells, Kent
We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.
Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for JANUARY 2009
Sunday, 18th January 2009 06.30pm Divine Service at Chalice of Light, Tunbridge Wells, Kent
Sunday, 25th January 200911.30am Divine Service at Travelling Lantern of Light, Keymer, Hassocks, West Sussex
Finally we send you our love and wish all you well. Please send out those positive thoughts so that changes can be made for the better.
*** Please make a link with this site to increase Google’s ratings and so get the messages across to the World from the Spirit Realms***