Mustafa’s Death Mask
Firstly from Jenny
As we are all entering most unusual, but interesting times, we would like to share this event in our lives just recently.
I tuned into Jeni Barnett’s show on LBC (London ’s Biggest Conversation on 97.3FM) at 1pm on Monday, 22nd September and listened enthusiastically to what she had to say.
She was a breath of fresh air answering everything with utmost honesty. She was asked by her producer to advertise her one woman show at Catford (Friday, 4th October) but there was much reticence there.
Immediately I got switched on by my guide Mustafa and sent an urgent email to her outlining her problems and where her fears lay. Quite amazed, she telephoned us that evening for a sitting, which was given a few days later and to her amazement all her fears were extinguished. She had at last direction and knew exactly how her show would turn out.
All this was done in her home only twelve minutes away from us. Afterwards Michael and I gave healing to Jeni and her lovely husband Jim and later on we moved a spirit entity on from her cellar. This man called Tom Fenner had been there for years and he had finally gone to the light.
We saw Jeni Barnett’s show at the Catford Broadway and she was an absolute delight. She related to so many personal experiences which made us all laugh. Jeni captivated a packed out audience – a huge success.
So grateful was she for our advice and support at her time of need that she announced our names on LBC. Jeni is now doing a tour and her next venue is at Radlett Centre in Hertfordshire in November.
We also did a Divine Service last Sunday at a packed out Centre called The Chalice of Light in Tunbridge Wells, which is run by Alison Turner. There as always was direction, guidance and peace of mind given to so many. The vibrations there are always lovely and it is a joy to work in these wonderful energies.
While I was giving further guidance to people after the service, Michael was asked to give urgent healing to a lady with numerous problems and to another soul who was in pain. Both benefited immensely from their treatment and left the Centre with smiles on their faces.
They all got what they needed. We look forward to serving The Chalice of Light again early in the New Year.
Secondly from Michael
A couple of weeks ago Jenny gave a superb Demonstration of Clairvoyance at the Beacon of Light at Burgess Hill. This Centre is run by Lesleigh and Malcolm, who also take Divine Services and Demonstrations out to Steyning and Keymer.
As always Mustafa was on top form giving special and personal messages to a loving and harmonious audience of enlightened souls. After everyone had gone Lesleigh took some photographs of the hall and very kindly emailed them to me on the following morning and later Mustafa added these words.

The evening had much gratitude in it. For those who had lost their way, were now able to find much peace in their hearts and so that was the gratitude.
Orbs are taking an increasing part in our lives and as I regularly go out with my camera and take pictures of these most beautiful and spiritual of beings. It was a special delight to receive an email from Klaus Heinemann, co-author of The Orb Project and to know that he had read my article on our Blog Site ( and with his lovely wife Gundi had read it with great interest and resonated with it.
On Tuesday it was the ninth anniversary of my previous wife Libby’s passing and the book Living Proof about her conversations with me through my grieving period and my spiritual awakening is now complete and awaiting the publisher who Mustafa has said they have ready to come in. So watch this space…
We are very happy to leave the last words to Mustafa
“Fear inhabits us all at sometime or another in our lives. We don’t always expect it. It just seems to creep up on us and takes over out lives, sometimes holding us in a vice like grip.
“We become all consumed with it. It over powers us and we are not able to think or deal with life on a rational basis anymore.
“Of course there are different degrees of fear, but be assured it will strike at the heart of every one of us at sometime or another.
“It is how we deal with it that is the problem most of us are facing today, especially in today’s volatile and ever changing climate.
“Situations happen beyond our control throwing us into much disarray and uncertainty and before we know where we are, we are caught in its very clutches and can see no way out of it.
“Until we are able to see beyond the fear and see that what has been thrown into our lives and upset the fine balance, is not there to destroy us, but to make us more aware that we as people are vulnerable and do get thrown off course quite easily.
“We need to have a stronger sense of faith that a higher power with our best interests are heart is indeed looking after us.
“By becoming more aware we can then begin to see and feel what it is that is making us feel like this and can we actually do something about it ourselves.
“Where there is impending danger then fear can be a good thing as it makes us aware for our own safety and for us to get out of a potentially dangerous situation before it is too late.
“It makes us move and then the danger area is no longer a threat to us. By remaining there puts us only in further danger and at what costs to our being, so this is a good fear – a fear of fright and flight where we need to get out of a situation before it blows up in our face.
“The other fear is where it tends to be self inflicted. Where we can’t always see a way out of a situation and that will cause us alarm or fear. We are not privy always to the outcome and therefore that kind of fear can be very destructive to us personally.
“By beginning to see that fear can be disruptive and it does not allow us to see and function rationally, puts a wall of negativity around us and then with anger we tend to lash out and this is very damaging indeed.
“When understanding is given about certain situations and a better command of what is going on no matter how bad, then fear is resolved and we are able to cope even though the situation is not always good.
“It is about education of the public. Where there are different races who try to live and work together and communication is lost and situations arise, then fear or uncertainty of the outcome is presented and that is always harmful.
“Sudden fear in childhood will stay with us until adulthood and can be very devastating indeed. Until we learn to overpower those fears it can stay with us for a very long time.
“All fear at one point or another is irrational, but nevertheless very real when it happens.
“To overcome these many fears, we must first think why is this happening to me and can I change the situation that I find myself in to change this feeling?
“If you are able to get the necessary help then fear with understanding is gone.
“If a situation comes out of the blue and you become frighten and you are not able to deal with it under your own steam, then faith in a higher power beyond you will then guide you out of that situation and the better thing happens.
“It is trust in ‘God’ to make matters right for you and to steer you on that can be difficult.
“None of us like change. We all prefer to remain in the status quo which is familiar and comfortable to us, like old slippers they are an old friend and cannot harm us.
“Sometime we just need to trust and see the results change for us and then we laughingly say what on earth was I afraid of?
“I’m much better off now and that situation was never right for me for along time, because I was fearful I was not able to move on.
“Our mission in life is to go through the many trials and tribulations that come to us, are sometimes thrown to us to see just how we cope. One thing is for sure we all survive and nothing is left to chance.
“God bless, Mustafa.”
Please explore our Blog Site and tell others who are like minded about it. Mustafa’s guidance on the Credit Crunch and how we will survive it is at
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Bless you all,
Jenny and Michael