We are pleased to announce that Mustafa’s Horoscopes, which are currently available on our Blog site www.spiritualist-guidance.org and also published in the IN Magazine, has proved so popular that Jenny has now been retained and agreed local exclusivity to that magazine.
We are pleased to announce that Mustafa’s Horoscopes, which are currently available on our Blog site www.spiritualist-guidance.org and also published in the IN Magazine, has proved so popular that Jenny has now been retained and agreed local exclusivity to that magazine.
The nicest Christmas picture that we have so far received is of our friend’s Antique Shop in Ticehurst, England festively decorated and we thought that we would like to share it with you.
One Friday in the middle of November we arrived in perfect time at the White Angel Spiritualist Church at Whitstable run by the medium Joan Castle, to find a full audience of informed and knowledgeable people who came from Whitstable, Faversham and Canterbury to this spiritual haven in north Kent.
There were excellent energies to work with Jenny demonstrated a high level of clairvoyance mediumship with nine in depth messages, all of which were well taken. It was a cracking good evening as Mustafa had predicted.
The Higher Beings of Light were working with us that night and they brought very meaningful and much needed messages of hope and love through the presence of loved ones who had passed but were not forgotten.
There was much interest in our work and the website and all the leaflets I had taken were quickly taken together with many of our visiting cards. That in itself showed that we, with all our team here and in Spirit had got the message across.
Finally, after some kind hospitality, we left at nearly ten o’clock to return to East Sussex. We were very tired but very satisfied with a very good evenings work.
The following Tuesday we worked at the Tonbridge Spiritualist Church at Hadlow in Kent, where the Reverend Sue Bailey chaired for us. The numbers for this Clairvoyant Demonstration may have been slightly disappointing, but the messages and enthusiasm certainly wasn’t.
Jenny gave in depth messages of hope and guidance in love of those on the other side of life, who had come close to support those in need on this earth plane. There was a soldier, who died at the front in France in the First World War, who brought another man to look after his wife and children and as well as grandmothers and parents, who were still loving and supporting their earth while families.
Everybody thanked us and took a special interest in our new introductory leaflets and also our websites. On leaving they all said that they would be there to see us again on Sunday, when we were to serve in their Divine Service.
And so we were there with our spiritual teams and as Mustafa had predicted we would have a stupendous evening. The energies were wonderful as Linda Joy chaired the Divine Service. It was very moving with the Prayer of St Francis of Assisi and the healing hymn both being beautifully delivered.
The address was flawless and given through Michael so very easily. The eight messages, gently and again easily given, were important and loving with much evidence of not only survival, but hope and reassurance from the Spirit World.
Our teams had worked hard and well for us in all our public demonstrations this month and we thank them as always, because they never let us down and always seem to make it easier and better each time we work.
This month has also been a very busy time for giving healing with hands on and words as well as we worked in the Home Counties of Essex, Kent and Sussex.
Last Sunday, the first one in December, we gave up our normal routine to work at the Psychic Spiritual Holistic Fayre at Keymer, near Hassocks in West Sussex. It was organised by Lesleigh and Malcolm of the Lantern of Light with a wide variety of stalls including clairvoyance, holistic therapies, numerology and colour aura photography. There were free talks all day, healing and an all day café.
Jenny was of course engaged with the clairvoyance and as usual Mustafa gave exciting and in depth sitting to those who came to the table. Michael was engaged with the talks and he sat through most of them including a First Nation Meditation, a talk on Numerology from the endearing Michaele Wynn-Jones, a talk about the Gifts of Spirit from the most experienced and lovely Betty Horne. After a demonstration of Life Alignment, Michael spoke on Living Proof and the loss of his beloved Libby, her guidance through his bereavement from the Spirit Realms and the visionary introduction of Jenny into his life after he had learned to let go of earthly love and to embrace the spiritual love of his passed wife Libby.
The following day Michael drove to Hove on the south coast of Sussex for a session with Lesleigh Badgery, the psychic artist. Now I knew that I had a new healing guide on the scene with very strong energies, who froze me out when we worked together, but I had no idea who he was.
His name is Paul. He shows himself to me aged forty, but he comes in with the Nazarene energies of the Essenes from some two thousand years ago. Gordon Smith told me at Eastbourne a couple of years ago that I would have an Essene guide coming in to work with me and here he was.
We leave as usual the last words to Mustafa and his message is:
“Now as this year draws to a close we can all reflect on happening both old and new, to look within and see that we have all achieved in one way or another.
“We have managed to bring a smile and a cheer to those who need it most. A good will, a passing loving glance, which says it all, “I love you. I really care.”
“Precious moments that we have all shared together bring in lasting appreciation to one another. This special time of reflection knowing all was actually worth it.
“Nothing was missed, our intentions honourable and sincere, having mastered our lives and knowing that with each coming New Year we are much stronger for it.
“The happiness and love of Spirit knows no bounds. We notice each teardrop and every peel of laughter as we also laugh with you. Our merriment is your merriment ringing in your ears.
“Now is the time for rejoicing with the angels on High, who gather around bringing you that special peace and joy.
“Much laughter in the Heavens to bring you so much goodwill, promises of new beginnings, new challenges and certainly new conquests.
“Dreams coming true and new belief that we are all getting there at our pace, which is always fast enough.
So be bright and be of good cheer. We grow another year. Your lives most uncertain, but always protected as we embrace and take you from this year into the next.
“God bless you all, Mustafa.”

I would ask everybody who have a blog or website put a link into ours. If you do it will help Google to help spread the word.....
Please explore our Site and tell others who are like minded about it. Mustafa’s guidance on ‘Retribution of the People, by the People, for the People’, ‘The Voice of the People’, ‘Do you have a Conscience?’ and ‘Choices’ are at www.spiritualist-guidance.org with much more…
We also ask you to share our Newsletter with others who may be interested, but if you should prefer not to receive it, kindly email us and we will respect your wishes.
Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for JANUARY 2009
Sunday, 18th January 2009 06.30pm Chalice of Light, Tunbridge Wells, Kent
Sunday, 25th January 2009 11.30am Travelling Lantern of Light, Keymer, Hassocks, West Sussex
Finally we all, the guides as well, send you our love and wish you well for this festive time ahead and the New Year to come.
Finally we all, the guides as well, send you our love and wish you well for this festive time ahead and the New Year to come.