28 February 2015

February Newsletter 2015


Provide What Is Right and Decent For Our Children

The task that we are entrusted in, is the welfare and security of our children.  They are gifts from God and if we abuse that trust we will have let them down and the Almighty in whom we have been given that trust.

We all must do our best to provide what is right and decent for our children and, by example we must lead them on to find their own paths, having instructed them in right living and thinking.

Today in this modern world, where the Internet plays such a large part of our lives, our children are more vulnerable than ever, even in our own homes.  Their online chat lines expose them to predators that are waiting to engage with them and to expose them to many things, which can remove their innocence in no time at all.

It is up to us to interact with them and to allow them to see the ways in which abuse does present itself.  No one, who has an account, is completely safe and, where children thought they had friends on their sites, they found this was not always the case.  Their own friends can and do abuse them with on-site bullying and harassment.

The predators and cyber bullying is more prevalent then we realise and so we must all be vigilant in our protection of those we love and who are vulnerable.

Children, who are bullied, often become withdrawn and angry, flying off the handle for no apparent reason. 

Cyberbullying is worse than physical bullying, because they cannot see their attackers.  It becomes a faceless crime and therefore easier to get away with it.

It is up to us, as parents and responsible adults, to protect our children and by going to the schools and colleges, even the police, situations can turn around for the better.

Help is out there and with our support and love we can return joy to our children once again and assist them in restoring their self-esteem and confidence.

We owe it to them to do our bit and protection is very much needed in this day and age, but in a different way than when we were young, but still required!

Love always finds the way!

There Has To Be a Stop to This Injustice

The rights of people to live in dignity in this day and age is not possible in places like India, where a class system that was devised by the British in the 1800’s, still exists today.

For those who are upper class or caste, as the terminology states, they are well off and can obtain better positions and a way of life to dream for.

Those who are at the other end of the scale, the Daltis or low caste people, are continually held in their place, which is the gutter.

Work that comprises of manual scavenging is the cleaning of human waste by communities considered low castes.

Although it is illegal in India, the caste systems still operates today, so nothing has changed for over three hundred years.

The villages that are of the low caste order devise the manual work that needs to be done.

That work consists of cleaning the gutters, cleaning excrement from the roads and toilets, cleaning the village and removing any rubbish.  It is the caste system that will not allow then to obtain anything better to do.  These people are denied their dignity.

If the men of the village do not send out their women to clean the toilets, the village council workers will beat them up.  They would even beat up the men if they stop the women doing this work.  They will not let them live in peace.

A woman, who studied commerce and banking and was well educated, was looking for work and could not find any.  The village council hired her to clean toilets, because she was from their community.

The manual carrying of human faeces is not a form of employment, but an injustice akin to slavery.  This is one of the most prominent forms of discrimination against Daltis and is central to the violation of their human rights.

Until we, as a human being, do not see the injustice of this then what is the point of it all?  We must begin to stand up and announce to the world that this kind of behaviour is no longer acceptable towards Mankind.

There has to be a stop to this injustice, as it was with slavery from Africa to North America and Gt Britain at that time.

We are all human and are all equal in the eyes of God, but sadly still not by Mankind.

We are all part of this world and all have a right to live with dignity.  We need to act and protect those whose voices can never be heard and where abject misery continues, because we have learnt to ignore it.

Jenny Ayers
Friday, 27th February 2015

“Making a better fist of it is always an option.  However, so often we take the lazy way out and settle for second best and are therefore content to be second rate ourselves.”

Sorted out Those Who Take God’s Name in Vain
“The Grand Imam of Egypt’s top Islamic Institution has called for a radical reform of their religious teaching. This is to tackle the spread of Islamic extremism. Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb of Cairo’s al-Azhar University said that the historical misreading of the Koran has led to intolerant interpretations of Islam. He was speaking at an anti-terror conference. He called for unity among Muslims.
“Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has said that a pan-Arab military force is needed to combat terrorism. The needs for a unified force was “growing and becoming more pressing every day.” It is high time and long overdue that major Muslim clerics around the world come together as one voice to speak out.
            “There are flaws within its own teachings of the Koran and the many misinterpretations continually go on. There are debates among Muslims themselves, who have their own version of the Koran. They become misled and often confused as to what to believe. Other faiths, such as Catholicism, Buddhism and Hindu etc., are all taught the same versions of their religion with one creed and one mass.
            “It is high time top Muslim Clerics came together to sort out their own Koran. They must stipulate one way, not multi aspects, where misinterpretation leads to fanatical behaviour. The entire world is suffering the backlash of these misinterpretations & the Muslim Clerics have been silent in their attitude towards this.
            “The world hears very loudly the voices of radical Muslims, who summon up fellow Muslims to fight their cause. The same cannot be said of other clerics, who should be equally vocal against this form of extremism. It is as if they have almost turned a blind eye to these events.
            “King Abdullah of Jordan found he was being invaded by Islamic extremists many years ago. He and his military forces removed these extremists from his land to keep his citizens safe from their destructive ways.
            “These Islamic extremists have been around for decades, yet nothing on a united front has been forthcoming. It has been the case of too little too late. Until Muslim countries unite together as a whole to combat extremists, then mass slaughter for all is the result. It is high time the Muslim world put their own teachings in order and sorted out those who take God’s name in vain.”
23rd February 2015 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Moving on is all about accepting change.  Nothing stays the same forever and it is good that it is so or we would be stuck in the same groove of life and never learn anything.”

Imbued with Hope
            “Kayla Mueller was a generous and adventurous spirit. She is described as the best of humanity. She asked for advice on how to work in the Middle East, not to make money or a career, but simply to help. She chose her blog name as “Imbued with Hope” This summed up her character.
            “Kayla tried to help civilians in Syria, whose lives had been destroyed in the war. She was deeply affected by the horrors in Syria and wanted to help. Her sweet and gentle nature together with her caring for others made her stand out from the rest.
            “Kayla began volunteering with every aid agency she could find. In a few short months her enthusiasm & talent got her noticed by some of the most respected charities including the Danish Refugee Council.
            “She was working with a local Turkish NGO to create a community centre in Kills, a town on the Syrian border. This is one of Turkey’s biggest refugee camps.
            “She was captured by IS in Aleppo, while leaving a Spanish MSF (Doctors without Borders) hospital. She died while being held hostage by the IS militants. The US state of Arizona has held a candlelit vigil in honour to this remarkable aid worker, who was selfless to the end.
            “When asked what kept her going in her mission, she said, “I find God in the suffering eyes reflected in mine, if this is how you are revealed to me, this is how I will forever seek you”.
            “Kayla Mueller, an exceptional lady, whose life was always selfless and for humanity, she is an inspiration to us all. Her legacy will continue.”
19th February 2015 (ladylydialondon twitter)

“Let us stop and think every morning of every day, why it will be a good day for us and those who we love.  If our intensions are positive, we are more likely to succeed and not tarnish the day by getting out of bed on the wrong side.”

IS has to answer to God as brutal murders of Mankind
            “The brutal murders of 21 Egyptian Christians have again outraged people around the world. These beheadings show no sign of abating & although air strikes do hold IS back for a while their system of fighting re-emerges elsewhere.
            “There needs to be a more constructive and decisive plan of action. More countries that surround the perimeters of IS need to bring in greater forces on the ground to combat this military action. What is being done is not enough to silence IS’s objective.
            “That is to sweep great sways of land to increase their might for their caliphate. Their ideology is wrong and very base and narrow. All they care about is their strategy and their way of thinking and working.
            “Credible Muslim clerics need to stand up and openly denounce IS’s ideology, which is wrong. Therefore in the eyes of God cannot succeed or be a worthwhile cause. It is high time that high ranking Muslim clerics, who are respected throughout the Muslim world, came together.
            “They must quash IS’s ideology from its grass roots. These Muslim clerics need to put their necks on the line to do their responsible bit for the entire Muslim world. Until this happens in a constructive way more innocent people will lose their lives.
            “IS is not an easy pushover. They are an organised and brutal force, so an equally organised force needs to meet them head-on. Respected Muslim clerics can no longer afford to sit on their hands and do nothing.
            “The world needs to see they are actively involved and openly vocal, that IS is no longer acceptable. IS has to answer to God, not as martyrs to their state of ideology, but to stand before God as brutal murders of Mankind.”
16th February 2015 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.”

Mother Theresa

The Rat Is Playing With the Mouse
“Ukraine’s ceasefire will not hold as the objective by Vladimir Putin is to exert his authority on the area. He cares little for peace talks only what is on his agenda. He wants to reach out and control more opposition territory, to expand and procure his Russian borders.
            “Ceasefires are there to allow him to regroup and strategize his position from where he sits and sees strategically his best next move. Further sanctions will hurt his people, but not him, as he has already invested well enough to withstand years of financial oppression.
            “He still has the people behind him and there are no comparable persons, who are able to overthrow his regime and mandate. All his opposition are either in jail or have been quietly removed. Such is his strength and determination to be the supreme leader of all Russia.
            “This madman is not going anywhere. He feels superior to all other dictators. He is the only one he feels who can be in a commanding position and rule the world. Increasing his domain is his prime objective and no amount of talking will dissuade him from doing it.
            “NATO and the West have their work cut out for them. They cannot underestimate the sheer will and determination of this man. He wishes to be better than Stalin in every way. To be feared is his prime objective then the West won’t be so flippant where he is concerned. At this time the rat is playing with the mouse.”
15th February 2015 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

“God does not command that we do great things, only small things with great love”

Mother Theresa

Miracle Worker
            “Australian adventurer and charity fund raiser Huw Kingston faces more milestones in his bid to circumnavigate the Mediterranean. All this is done by human power. Just now Huw Kingston is in Tunisia where he is training to row from there to Turkey.
“The distance is some 1,200 miles where he will pass by Malta and Cyprus. It is estimated it will take him 50 days to complete the task. He will try to reach there on the 25th April. Turkey celebrates Anzac Centenary when the Australians and New Zealand Army Corps landed at Gallipoli in 1915.
            “The money that Mr Kingston will raise for his efforts is for ‘Save the Children Fund’. It is a very worthwhile charity that helps all children around the world. Mr Kingston was born in the UK, but is a resident of Australia. This amazing man has paddled the Corinth Canal and trekked through the European Alps which included an ascent of Mont Blanc.
            “He has crossed the straits of Gibraltar and cycled 1,500 km under two weeks through Algeria. On his journey to Turkey he will be joined by a fellow adventurer, a Slovenian by the name of Marin Medek, who will share the rowing. It is to be expected that there will be harsh condition on the Mediterranean Sea.
            “The bravery and determination of Huw Kingston to prove against the odds what people are prepared to do to raise funds for worthwhile causes. Huw Kingston is an inspiration to us all. His many wonderful escapades will be remembered for all time with appreciation and thanks.
            “He is a role model that this world needs right now. There is good out there amongst all the darkness of ignorance, greed and hatred. A beacon of light for all to see!”
10th February 2015 (jandmayers twitter)

“Tender-hearted souls are not fools who lose out in the rat race of life, but those who care about the feelings of others.  If we spent a little more time in contemplation on the way that other people suffer then perhaps we could ease their burden enough to make our being here worthwhile.”

Why the Euro is Flawed

“The problems with the Euro are that interest rates are not suitable for the whole of the Eurozone. A common monetary policy involves a common interest rate for the whole Eurozone area. The interest rates are inappropriate for regions which grow faster or those who go slower than the Eurozone average.
            “In 2011 the ECB increased interest rates because of inflation fears from Germany. At the same time Portugal, Greece and Italy were going through a recession due to their austerity packages. The higher interest rates set by the ECB therefore crippled these countries.
            “The Euro cannot be the optimal currency. In the US, should New York go into recession then the worker could move to New England and get a job there. In the Eurozone, it is far more difficult as it involves moving country and possibly learning a new language.
            “Therefore there are more barriers to movement of labour in the Eurozone. Therefore an unemployed Greek can’t easily relocate to Germany. Since the start of the Euro, several countries have experienced rising labour costs.
            “Their exports become uncompetitive. Usually they would devalue their currency to make their exports more competitive again. The Euro makes this impossible, so you are stuck with uncompetitive exports.
            “When Greece joined the Euro in 2001, it lied to gain admittance to the Eurozone hoping it could benefit from financial backing. One of the EU’s requirements of all euro members is that deficits should be below 3% of GDP. Greece has not met this criterion since 1999.
            “Therefore their increasing debt has brought untold misery to these people and therefore to their own downfall. They cannot sustain their own austerity measures and now Greece could be facing an exit out of the Eurozone.
            “For Greece to finally leave would be the best thing, to regain the drachma and begin to find their own way with their own export system. They will finally have to learn to balance their own books and to revive their economy without the crippling interest rates from the ECB and the IMF. It would be hard but not impossible.
            “The Eurozone would not collapse, but it will be a worrying time for those other countries that face bankruptcy like Italy. It is time for the Euro to be resorted out. It cannot hope to continue in this cavalier manner. Interest rates should apply to the various circumstances that the countries find themselves in. Then the ECB becomes more flexible to changing situations.
“The Euro has never been right and until it gets its house in order it cannot lay judgement on others. The right way of working has never been there and that is why the Euro remains flawed.”
10th February 2015 (ladylydialondon twitter)

“Take another step into the Paradise Garden.  There needs to be somewhere that we can hold in our dreams and try and make every moment a part of something so special that we believe we can attain it.”

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype ladylydialondon and jandmayers
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk and www.living-proof.biz

The next Public Demonstration of Clairvoyance by Jenny and Michael Ayers

Wednesday, 29th April 2015              
07.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Finally we continue to send you our love and healing.  We wish you well as the world continues to change at a remarkable rate. The guides still continue to tell us what to expect, so we still know what we need to do in order to change our own mind-sets and work for the Greater Good for all to survive and progress as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

Our Twitter forecasts and comments now number 31,471 over the two addresses to followers from all over the world.

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