26 May 2014

April Newsletter 2014

“The Takers Have Taken Long Enough”

What is so sad today is the lack of respect from so many to those whose lives they depend on to help them, yet consideration for them is not forth coming.

The changes that are happening on a vibrational level will now oust out all whose idea is to simply take and not give in the true sense of the word.  Many will find themselves now out in the wilderness with only themselves to blame and where they will be passed over for those whose gratefulness is genuine and where real appreciation is forth coming.

No more will the generous hearted soul be taken for granted or even used anymore.  That tide is now turning in a massive way to the needs of those who do give generously.  They will find they are rewarded beyond their wildest dreams.

For them, life takes on a different veil of expectancy and where their good works are clearly rewarded for all time.  They will be able to enjoy great feats of success, as they once again begin to believe in themselves and their worth.

No longer will they be a slave to the ungracious.  They are being moved on and their tasks will allow them a better way to live and to be appreciated by those whose own lives had been taunted by the selfish and the uncaring.

There now is a different philosophy where one has to earn the right to be treated with respect by the givers of this world and no longer can they take it for granted.

The world is now turning upside down and those who were tolerated for their misdeeds will see themselves alone and no longer accepted.

They have brought about unhappiness and pain by their actions and they must be seen for what they are and be left alone to their own devices, which will be sadly lacking.

Forgiveness comes in at a very high price and will not be easily given.  It is only rewarded by efforts of goodwill and where a generous nature is acknowledged, not just for a period of a short time, but for all time if they are to reap any rewards at all.

Meanwhile, those whose caring hearts are always at the forefront of their lives, will see great changes happen to them and where the rewards are always constant.  Theirs has been a lifetime of giving and so much appreciation is afforded to them always.
Jenny Ayers
Sunday, 27th April 2014

“We must be grateful for what we have and not moan for what we want.  The Higher Intelligence knows what we can safely deal with, so we must earn enough respect to receive what we may wish for silently.”

An Exceptional Female Voice
            “In the world today it is refreshing to hear of something worthwhile and sobering. Mexican writer and journalist Elena Poniatowska has received the most important award for literature in the Spanish language.
            “The Cervantes Prize was presented to Elena by King Juan Carlos of Spain in a ceremony in the town of Alcala de Henares. It is the birth place of Miguel de Cervantes.
            “Elena, who is 81, is only the fourth woman to be awarded this prize in its four decades-long history. Her writings explore the social injustices of Mexico. One of her most famous investigative works is ‘Massacre in Mexico’, which chronicles the 1968 killings. There, hundreds of student protesters in Mexico City were brutally killed at the hands of the military.
            “Another of her famous pieces a non-fiction work, ‘Nothing, Nobody: The Voices of the Mexico City Earthquake’. Here she reported on the aftermath of the 1985 quake. More than 10,000 people died and there was lack of action by the Government. Interspersing victims’ personal stories and her own reflections she has created a powerful account. Her account describes the ensuing disintegration of the fabric of society.
            “Many of her works have focused on roles of Mexican women, especially in their history, ‘Women of the Mexican Revolution’, which traces the story of women soldiers through photographs and text.
            “In Elena’s acceptance speech she recalled the nation’s less fortunate people and the continuing struggle of its women. She is an amazing woman and is an inspiration to many Mexican women, who see her as the voice piece where so many do not have a voice. Her sensibility is like a breath of fresh air.
            “The Mexican Government should take note and learn from this distinguished writer and journalist. There should be many more female voices, but like all greats this one is exceptional.”
27th April 2014 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

“If everybody you love loved you, then life would be a dream.  So do your best to spread unconditional love and see the returns that you have earned by your love bringing happiness and fulfilment.”

The Tide of Women’s Rights is Turning

“In Iran they are marking Women’s Day and Mr Rouhani has urged equal opportunities and rights for both men and women. He has criticised those who consider women’s presence in society as a threat. He further said Iran has a long way to go to ensure gender equality.
“Foreign activist groups argue that Iran’s laws discriminate against women. Yet Rouhani still maintains that he will not accept the culture of sexual discrimination against women. Women must enjoy equal opportunity, equal protection and equal social rights, all this he said on Iranian television.
            “Yet Iran’s Supreme leader, the highest authority in the land, states that he did not oppose women’s employment, but it should not conflict with their main issue, which was women’s role in the family environment and the household, even though, women in Iran have served as lawmakers in Parliament.
            “In 2012, several Iranian universities introduced rules banning female students from nearly 80 degree courses. They are drawing criticism from campaigners. A human rights group Amnesty International said in its 2013 report that Iranian women faced discrimination.
“This is in law and practice with relation to marriage and divorce. Also their inheritance rights were not observed together with child custody and nationality and international travel.
“In May 2013, a constitutional body in Iran ruled that women could not run in Presidential elections all in all, women should know their place, which is in the home where they can be of no harm to men. It is men who seek to maintain the upper hand in Iranian life.
            “They are truly afraid of women to install such draconian methods to keep them subservient in this day and age. But women the entire world over are starting to fight back with every means at their disposal. Men will need to think very carefully if they wish to continue in this selfish way.
            “More women are becoming independent and they will no longer tolerate these rulings by men. The Internet is a powerful tool and women are now uniting in a common theme of united power and support, which is growing daily.
            “Iran will need to come into the 21st century whether it likes it or not. There are subtle ways in which women do win and this is happening all the time. They have after all right on their side and justice will be done whether men accept it or not. The tide is turning and can never be stopped!”
22nd April 2014 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“This is the most important time of your life.  It is the now that you are in.  The past is done with and you are shaping your future today, so get it right and heed all your inner self can help you with – you know it makes sense!”

Bail Out or Bail In?

“MEP’s have backed rules for a banking safety net to minimise the risk of further taxpayer-funded bailouts. It is now necessary for a European authority to be able to wind up or restructure failing banks.
“The EU banking union reforms will create contingency funds of $76bn by bank levies so that the cash can be injected before the bank actually fails, which is what happened in Cyprus and Greece.
            “They had to be bailed out with taxpayers’ money. This is at least a step in the right direction. This new legislation comes in to safeguard banks doing their own irresponsible thing by running amok.
            “Unfortunately the Eurozone still does not have credible backstops to deal with a major systemic failure like the 2008 financial crash, but matters are now in place to stem this tide of deceit and appalling banking practice.
            “It is up to the European Central Bank to put safeguards in to protect the taxpayer, who is always at the brunt of bad practice. This package of banking reforms enshrines in binding rules the principle of bail-in, so that shareholders and creditors pay for their banks mistakes and not the taxpayers.
            “There will be more reforms, as has already been predicted by myself previously. Gradually an iron tight fence of laws will be implemented and the banking system will never be the same again!”
16th April 2014 (ladylydialondon twitter)

“Starting as you mean to go on is a good thought, but adjustments have to be made along the way or no progress can be made.  It is no use being blind to the better way of being”

Remember Those who Report for You
“The Guardian & Washington Post have shared the Pulitzer Prize for public service journalism for a series of stories on US electronic spying. Their reporting was based on documents leaked by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden.
            “Among other winners of the top prize in US journalism was the Boston Globe for breaking news reporting. Also two staff writers of Reuters news agency were awarded the prize for international reporting.
            “In the case of the Guardian newspaper their reporting sparked off a debate about the relationships between Government and the public over issues of security and privacy. Their publications were both authoritative and insightful.
            “This helped the public understand where the disclosures fit in the larger framework of national security. Mr Snowden himself has said the Guardian’s award is a vindication for everyone who believes that the public has a role in Government.
            “Josh Haner won the feature photography category for a moving essay on a Boston Marathon bomb blast victim who lost most of both legs. Many journalists are imprisoned for doing their jobs like the Aljazeera staff, who were dealing with sensitive issues in Egypt. They are Peter Greste, Baher Mohamed, and Mohamed Fahmy
“Prosecutors have failed to produce any evidence for their imprisonment, yet they are held now for 108 days without trial. The court even denies them bail and has adjourned their trial four times. There is international condemnation, as journalists need to cover issues around the world without fear of imprisonment.
            “We must never forget Marie Colvin. She was a Sunday Times journalist and a French photographer, who were killed in the besieged Syrian city of Homs. Colvin was known for wearing a black eye patch after she lost an eye due to shrapnel wound while working in Sri Lanka in 2001.
            “These journalists covering these kinds of work shoulder great responsibilities and sometimes they face the ultimate price. We, the general public, owe it to the brave efforts of all these courageous reporters and their colleagues.
            “They keep working in the face of extraordinary intimidation and circumstances. These journalistic rewards are much needed and more should be acknowledged by the general public. If it were not for them, the truth would never come out!”
15th April 2014 (jandmayers twitter)
Ego says: "Once everything falls into place I will find peace."
Spirit says: "Find peace and everything will fall into place."

The Natural Way to Turn Off the Street Lamp
“In the Netherlands they have now a 500m stretch of highway which has glow in the dark markings. This new invention is paint which has a photo-luminising powder that charges up in the daytime. It then is able to slowly release a green glow at night.
            “This invention is to do away with street lighting – an interactive artist together with a Dutch civil engineering firm has worked on the idea. It is the first time ‘glowing lines’ technology has been piloted on the road.
            “Once this paint has absorbed daylight, it can glow for up to eight hours in the dark. The Dutch Government are shutting down street lighting at night to save money. Energy is becoming much more important than we could ever have imagined 50 years ago.
            “This revolutionary idea is all about safety and the more that can be done to light up darken roads the better for all. The inventor Daan Roosegaarde was already working on projects involving energy-neutral streetlights when he came up with this idea.
            “He thought of jelly fish that give out light yet have no solar panel and no energy bill. Nature is a wonderful thing and all our inspiration comes from nature and its natural laws.
“We just need to look at Leonardo da Vinci, who was an inventor, engineer as well as a painter and geologist. He invented the parachute, diving suit and air flight all from watching and learning about nature.
“We are so rich in this world. However we need the skills of those whose minds are receptive to the Higher Intelligence to see what is all around us. The answers are all there when we have time to look.”
15th April 2014 (ladylydialondon twitter)

“Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul.”      Augustine of Hippo  (354-430)
CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
www.spiritualist-guidance.org and www.living-proof.biz

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for the SUMMER 2014

Wednesday, 4th June 2014                  07.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex

Sunday, 17th August 2014                  06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex


Demonstration of Clairvoyance

Divine Service including Clairvoyance

          Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the world continues to change at a remarkable rate.
Our Twitter forecasts and comments now number 22,881 over the two addresses and we still have over 3,300 followers from all over the world.
The guides still continue to tell us what to expect, so we still know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks and work for the Greater Good for all to survive and progress as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

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