01 November 2013

October Newsletter 2013


“Be at Peace and Be Happy”

Everybody should be happy, yet we give ourselves so much grief when it is absolutely not necessary to do so.  We overstretch ourselves mentally and physically, which in turn affects our home life as well as our working life.  We become grumpy and stressed out.

Our families then suffer with our irritability and we are constantly putting out negative energy, which is not only harmful to ourselves but is to others around us.

When we see ourselves approaching this angst, then we should remove ourselves to a quiet place and either sleep it off or, when we are able to, listen to soft soothing music.

Classical music of the soothing type is highly recommended and one will find it relaxes even the most tensed among us.  Pop music with its base beat stimulates the mind or reactivates it – rarely will it relax us, as it is not designed to do so.

Meditation is another way of relaxing and it often guides us into doing other things of a creative nature, whereby one can lose oneself completely and the mind is then altered into a better place and situations no longer become tense and unsatisfactory.

Creativity in the way of painting or making something with our hands is good.  Gardening is especially therapeutic, as you can always get satisfaction even from the smallest of garden beds or even with indoor plants.

They will respond to our love and give us satisfaction.  What they give us always brings a smile to our faces.  They are things of beauty and will last for weeks.  Orchids are especially beautiful for very little cost.  They can give months of pleasure and all will come to love them.

The office for many I appreciate is a hostile place with many colleagues already in an anxious state before they even arrive, which only continues to build up throughout the course of the day.  This is where the difficulty can arise for many, who find themselves trapped in this situation without any let up.

Indoor plants or palms are especially good in offices to help dilute these hostile vibrations.  The green colour is pleasing and restful on the eyes and soothes the restless mind.  This has been scientifically proven to help ease tension.

A protective bubble of light is necessary to protect us daily from the onslaught of negative people, who have no idea that their vibrational energies are being inflicted on the souls of so many.

They actually grate on us and we feel the pain constantly.  We should put them in a mental bubble of light energy, which will help to diminish their hostile anxious ways.  It begins to dilute the effect they have on so many others, who have to work side by side with them.

The escape has to be the lunchtime break, where a short walk is always beneficial, even if it is raining as the rain brings in a cleansing of negative vibrations and is a softening of all harsh vibrations.

We can return back to the office having had that all important respite and where our own energies are replenished and so we are able to start again.  The afternoon session is never as harsh as the morning one and the day seems to go much faster.

We should all try to lighten up.  I appreciate it is often difficult, but we do owe it to ourselves as much as we do to others.

If we need to relax from stress, then other ways like running or even a deep massage or relaxation hypnosis works wonders to de-stress us, so that we are energised and able to carry on.

Healing also relaxes us and empowers us in so many ways, making us more resilient to hostile situations.

Our lifestyle makes it often difficult, because of the fast pace of life and, if we live in a metropolis, then the negative vibrational energies tend to build up to such a pitch one is almost at screaming point.

When we are young, we tend to be more resilient and therefore we are not aware of the distress to our minds and bodies.  As we become older we feel it more and also, as we become more sensitive through spiritual progression, again we would feel it far more than those who have not aspired to that evolvement.

Going back to nature whenever it is possible or to have a glasshouse of plants where again one can escape and contemplate where peace is maintained and we will all find happiness in one way or another.

Sitting in our favourite chair and listening to pleasant music is absolute bliss.  We all deserve it and it is for us to try and find ways to cultivate peace, because with peace we are always happy.
Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 29th October 2013

Quo Vadis?

“As the world starts to look in on itself, there are many things now open for discussion. It is necessary to see where we are all coming from and do we actually know where we are going? So many of us are trapped in a constant cycle of working and resting and working and resting. Never do we actually think, “Where do we actually want to go?” and “Are we in fact ready for our next journey?”
            “What is for sure is that the world never stops revolving, yet most of us are or appear stuck in our lives. It seems to be too frightening to move on or to try something new. We continue almost at yawning pace to be utterly boring and like sheep tend to follow those around them in circles of nothingness.
            “It is so sad to see the human race in this way, yet that is how it is from day to day and week to week. How many of us actually stop and think, “Where am I meant to be?” and “Can I actually achieve anything different to what I am still doing?” STUCK IN A RUT may be a cliché, but is it true?  Most of us are in this way of living and thinking.
            “We are so frightened to step outside the box to see if a life different to what we are currently doing could actually be more right for us. It is high time we all took a good look at ourselves and started to think about doing something new. Now is the right time, as there are Universal and planetary energies which beckon us or even pull us on to try something new.
            “Guess what? We might find we actually enjoy it! It is this adventure which will be the makings of us and to finally get us out of our own personal familiar rut. We won’t be disappointed. Are you ready to take the next move or are you the same as everybody else, simply one of the many sheep?”
22nd October 2013 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Just around the corner is something that we cannot see, so we should live in hope that it will be good for us and not dread that it will be our undoing.  The more positive we are, the more we can cope with whatever is there for us.”

Miracles Are Happening Every Day All Over the World
“Despite falling congregations in organised religion, most people in the UK still believe in the power of spiritual forces. The research by a study for the Christian think tank Theos recorded that 77% believe in things not being explained by science or other means. 8% said that someone they knew experienced a miracle and one in four expressed a belief in angels.
            “Although there is a steady decline in congregations and a formal belief, a sense of the spiritual remains strong in Britain. Past scientific research has shown that one in every two people the world over have experienced a spiritual happening. This remains with them throughout their lives; such was the impact to them at the time.
            “Miracles are happening every day all over the world and if Theos had done further research on a global basis this would have shown up. The Spiritual phenomenon is all around us all the time and again the scientific evidence is there to prove it
“What is so unfortunate is that so many in this world are oblivious to these facts. Their lives are so busy it is the last thing on their minds to discover. It is only when a close relative dies that the individual starts looking for answers. Then the spiritual path is opened up and a new way of living becomes possible.
            “There is an appreciation of life, which was before taken for granted and now opens up to them in different ways. Their lives become richer than at any other time before. To understand a Higher Intelligence is to understand all of creation.
“Then a soul can begin to seek out the truth and understand how matters evolved for our own stability and peace of mind. We are all looked after no matter what and inspite of so many terrible things that occur. We are in the bosom of a Higher Intelligence, who cares and where love is always at the heart of everything that we do.”
18th October 2013 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Just before we decide on what we should do, have we all the facts that we need at our disposal.  It is better to ask for guidance from the Higher Intelligence and know what we should do rather than wish we had when we went the wrong way and can therefore only blame ourselves.”

Do you realise the sanctity of an earthly life?
 “To believe in an afterlife is not always possible by today’s thinking, especially where the West is concerned. Too many people are only interested in their daily lives to ever consider thinking of another life after this one. It is only when Man becomes older and mortality starts to stare him in the face that the thoughts of passing are actually considered.
            “Many dismiss it as not being true and that when you are dead, you are dead and that is it. For they fail to see the beauty that is all around them, as they tend to charge through life without even a care. This world is a beautiful planet chosen by a Higher Intelligence for us to live and to work for one another. The need to serve is paramount to our learning and our survival, not only in this world but in the next as well.
            “This seems to be generally lacking in today’s society, where the main reason is for getting on and doing what is best for themselves only. Not many will actually stop and think, “What can I do today to bring another happiness, whose lives are often mundane and directionless?”
            “Those incidents are often rare, yet they still exist and it is to these abiding souls that we must give thanks. It is they alone that can restore souls to a higher plane of understanding, where before there was none. We all must make some effort for what we give out, so we will receive when it is our turn and the need is there for our own survival.
            “To believe in an afterlife, one must first realise the sanctity of an earthly life. For it is in seeing the beauty here on earth that will reflect one’s gaze to another dimension, which is essentially more beautiful. In really appreciating and fulfilling life here, one will automatically appreciate another life when it is finally given to us.”
15th October 2013 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Life is all about being prepared and trusting.  We must always do our homework and always know that if we are true then goodness will come out in our favour, when that time is right.”

We can’t Blindly Ignore Universal Laws
 “As we continue to flaunt Universal Laws, we will experience an upward motion of discontent. Our hearts and minds must learn to adjust to what is right and what is wrong. We must learn to suffer the consequences of our actions when situations do not go right for us. Many are of the impression that it is always somebody else’s fault and that their actions have done nothing to bring about their own demise. All must now look closely within themselves and to begin to see clearly where their own mistakes have made others suffer.
            “It is naïve to think that these souls can overcome their problems themselves. Many do not realise the intrinsic ways that Universal Laws operate or are governed. We must allow them some leniency up to a point. When good advice is given and then not taken up, a period of thinking time occurs before Universal Laws come into effect. When that happens, the situations which are troubling them are taken out of their hands.
            “A bombshell of significant proportions is administered. This hits them hard, forcing them to take action, where before they would not have done. Then the full realisation of what they have done becomes clear to them. Justice is given to all those who have already suffered at their hand. It is a hard and penetrating lesson and one which will be forever stained on their mind.
            “Everybody must learn to realise that they cannot afford to continue going through life blindly. Where they give out destruction to those around them and feel that it never has any impact on others. It is not that life is hard. It is just that most go through life blindly, not realising the consequences of their actions, because they simply do not wish to see.
            “Universal Laws state that a balance of all things must exist to bring about both harmony and wellbeing to all. When that is disrupted through nativity or blind ignorance, then the awakening for them is far harder. We all have an inner gut feeling of what is right & what is wrong, as we are all connected to the Universal System of right thinking & doing.
“So it is the individual’s chosen mind-set, which goes against these Laws that brings about disharmony. It is this that has to be addressed to restore balance again. No one has a choice in this matter, as the Universal Laws are always there for our own safekeeping. It is fundamental to life itself and where it is needed for all to exist.”
11th October 2013 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

The need to serve is paramount to our learning and our survival, not only in this world but in the next as well

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To 1565 followers.


At first I saw God as my observer, my judge, keeping track of the things I did wrong, so as to know whether I merited heaven or hell when I die; He was out there sort of like a president. I recognized His picture but I didn't really know Him. 
But later on when I recognised my Higher Intelligence, it seemed as though life were rather like a bike ride, but it was a tandem bike, and I noticed that God was in the back helping me pedal.
I don't know just when it was that He suggested we change places, but life has not been the same since…life with my Higher power, that is, God makes life exciting.
When I had control, I knew the way. It was rather boring and predictable...It was the shortest distance between two points.
But when He took the lead, He knew delightful long cuts up mountains and through rocky places at break-neck speeds; it was all I could do to hang on! Even though it looked like madness, He said, "Pedal!"
I worried and was anxious and asked, "Where are you taking me?" He laughed and didn't answer, and I started to learn to trust.
I forgot my boring life and entered into the adventure, and when I'd say, "I'm scared!" He'd lean back and touch my hand.
He took me to people with gifts that I needed; gifts of healing, acceptance and joy. They gave me gifts to take on my journey God's and mine.
And we were off again. He said, "Give the gifts away; they're extra baggage, too much weight." So I did, to the people we met, and I found that in giving, I received, and still our burden was light.
I did not trust Him at first, to be in control of my life, I thought He'd wreck it; but Jesus knows bike secrets, knows how to make it bend to make sharp corners, knows how to jump to clear high rocks, knows how to fly to shorten scary passages.
And I am learning to shut up and pedal in the strangest places, and beginning to enjoy the view, and the cool breeze on my face, with my delightful constant companion, my Higher Power.
And when I'm sure I just can't do anymore, He just smiles and says..."PEDAL".
Author Unknown
This was received from a lady living in Bath, England and we wanted to share it with you all.

Religions Need to Update Themselves or Let God’s People Go!
“As the churches grapple with ever decreasing congregations, it is important to understand that life has moved on. It is necessary for the faiths to update themselves in today’s society and lifestyles. What was written in the Bible all those years ago and in the Quran and the Torah, although pertinent for some, is not for others.
            “A different ideology of modern day practice is now both required and becoming relevant. We live in a changing society, where values and ideas are constantly shifting and what was relevant 40-50 years ago is no longer valid. The Higher Spiritual Forces in the so called Heavens or Spirit World are mindful of these on-going changes and are always ahead of the game.
            “It is they who evolved first and bring about changes that reflect today’s society and mixed cultures. They do not have the hang-ups that old fashion religions have, where they are steeped in dogma, which is no longer applicable.
“It entrenches the people in ways that are not only outmoded, but out of touch with present day thinking. It is time for all the faiths, if they are to move on, to look closely at today’s changing society. They must start to reflect the values and ideologies of modern man. Otherwise they will continue to be out of touch where people are becoming more independent.
“The people now realise that they no longer need the constraints of a religion. They are able to actually think for themselves and bring about their own salvation through right thinking and right action. Together with learning, to live in a state of love is all one actually needs to be at one with God! Religion simply becomes irrelevant!”
8th October 2013 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

Greetings Michael from Zimbabwe! It is spring in Zimbabwe, and Mpata is a riot of glorious colour! The Msasa trees have burst into life, and the valley is literally glowing with the colour of their delicate new leaves – red, orange, yellow, and even some deep purple, which will gradually mature into a vibrant green over the next two weeks.

The birds seem to be “full of the joys of spring” with the Weavers busy building their elaborate nests, and the Purple Crested Louries hopping with sudden bursts of their bright red wings between the branches of the guava tree behind the Studio.

Boxer the Zebra has re-joined his herd in the game park, and even the Pookies seem to have shrugged off their sleepy winter blues and are leaping around with great excitement. It’s a time of new beginnings and great energy in Africa, and we are so excited to be part of Nature’s spectacular display!

Are God and the Afterlife Relevant in Today’s World?
“To be humble in the eyes of God is a rarity these days. It appears that most people do not approve or even believe in a higher deity over themselves. Their living on this earth and getting the most out of it for doing relatively nothing, is almost par for the course.
            “It is only when one is approaching death or has a loved one who dies that the search for afterlife information becomes critical to their survival. Wanting to know what has happened to their loved ones, becomes all important to them. but until that day arises it is not important or even relevant in their lives.
            “This lack of understanding of an afterlife tends to be peculiar to the western culture. In the Far East it is prevalent and used daily in society. People in other parts of the world speak openly to their deceased relatives. They are happy in the knowledge that they are overseen and being looked after.
            “For them it is utterly natural and, as a result, they do not fear dying or death, but a renewal of love with their long gone loved ones. These souls have more meaning, a purpose to their lives; they feel the spiritual energies and know they are accountable for all that they do.
            “Being reverent and respectful of not only the dead, but to the Higher Forces that look after them, is not only important, but vital to how they behave. They are humble, because they recognise they are in the presence of an overseeing Spiritual Force that is greater than they could ever be. For those souls, their lives are more meaningful and life is never taken for granted again.”

7th October 2013 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

“If we stand back as a nation and allow the dictators of this world to walk all over humanity for their own gains, then we deserve our fate unconditionally.”

Without Discipline and Right Thinking You will Sink into Self-made Chaos
“To see good in a person is to recognise right thinking and right actions. Respect for one another is considered and is always adhered to. This policy then allows for all people to come together and to live in harmony with only one desire, to please one another.
“Many have not been brought up with this kind of education and therefore they have been allowed to get out of hand and out of control. Discipline and right thinking have never been a part of their education, therefore chaos ensues and bedlam occurs. It leaves all who are involved feeling exasperated, frustrated and let down. Their worlds turned upside down. For those who do respect and think rightly, they will leave and move on to those who can respect and be good.
            “Leaving the others to sink further into their own self-made chaos, only so much help can be given. It has to come from education and example together with personal responsibility. Then a healthy balance can be restored.”

6th October 2013 (jandmayers twitter and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Mankind has let slip its moral guard and allowed atrocities to happen all around the world.  Are we condoning all of this by simply burying our head in the proverbial sand?”

CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
www.spiritualist-guidance.org and www.living-proof.biz

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for SPRING 2014

Sunday, 23rd March 2014
06.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex


Demonstration of Clairvoyance

Divine Service including Clairvoyance

          Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the world continues to change at a remarkable rate. Our Twitter forecasts and comments now number 15,971 over the two addresses and we have now by 3385 followers from all over the world.  The guides continue to tell us what to expect, so we know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks and help the Greater Good to survive as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

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