01 April 2013

March Newsletter 2013


“New Important Energies Globally Are Now Present”

The start of Easter brings in many happy and new things in our lives that we must all cherish.  It is also the beginning of a new insight into what is important in our lives and what is no longer required or has become irrelevant.

Let us focus on ourselves for the moment and where we are in the world today, which is ever-changing and our roles into making life on this earth a happier and healthier place for all.

By all of us doing our little bit, life can become better for so many.  All we need to do is to put our lives aside for a few minutes and send up our thoughts to the Higher Intelligence to help all those who are suffering and in need.

Our thoughts are like waves of good will, a powerful force of good energy, which is beamed around the world.  Many people pray and it is by that means that their thoughts are heard and those powerful requests are answered, not necessarily in the way that we would wish it, but usually in a better way.

When a person becomes ill, a member of the family who is dearly loved, prayers are often said for that person to recover and little by little that person gets better.  Those prayers are a form of healing vibration, which is powerful in its own right and delivers a series of spiritual vibrational energies that helps to change the person’s negative, diseased affliction into a positive calming and healing change.

Their disease changes from being aggressive to quiescent, therefore changing the molecular structure and diminishing the disease and the patient becomes better in whatever form the healing will take.

These prayers can make a significant change in the lives of countries and nations, where disease, famine and war are all taking their toll on those environments.  The fact that individuals give up their time to send up good thoughts of wellbeing will have a profound positive effect on a people, who are suffering.

There will be noticeable effects on those people’s lives, food in the way of humanitarian aid will be supplied and come in quicker than was first realised and shelter for the poor and suffering, makeshift hospitals for those who are in medical need and where agencies give of their time freely to accommodate the needs of their fellow man.

The supply of fresh water, an essential need for those whose barren drought lands have no surface water supplies, water comes to these people from resources not discovered before.

They will see a way to find water and where they can all benefit.  Prayers, or thoughts to specify for a good thing to happen, will always be answered and all will benefit, because that person has simply asked for it for another and not for themselves.

When Mother Teresa was administering to the sick and dying in her clinic in Calcutta and there was no food for her patients and for her nuns, she asked all the nuns to stop what they were doing and to pray for food to come into her nursing home to feed all the patients and all those nuns who were serving the people.

Within half an hour, from nowhere, food and supplies came into her establishment, so that all were fed.  The power of prayer can make miracles happen and when it is done in the right way with the right intentions of serving humanity, then the call is heard and the prayer is answered.

This Easter is a time for giving and also for sharing, as new important energies globally are now present.

Think of good things for this planet, give up a few precious minutes to devote to the greater good and know that you will make a difference in some way.  With the Universal mind-set and where many people recognise that prayer is a powerful resource that can eliminate wars and famine when the right thoughts are sent up, new important ways are found.  What seems the impossible becomes the possible and know it to be true.
Jenny Ayers
Monday, 25th March 2013

For anybody who felt aggrieved that the last newsletter was sent out without BCC we apologise.  A new system has been implemented to take the growing numbers of recipients and this fell short of the expected social privacy.

“The UK Government’s chief scientist has stated there is enough CO2 in the atmosphere to have more floods and droughts. There is an urgency to deal with tackling climate change. The current variation we are seeing in temperature and rainfall has doubled the rate of the average, so more floods and droughts are to be expected.

“It is always when situations are too late or dire that Governments finally wakeup to the drastic situations they find themselves in. How many lives need to be lost before Governments see the light? It is not only the loss of the thousands of lives lost throughout the world by these disasters, but the animals and the devastated crops. We all depend on these globally, yet they are lost every year because nobody wants to do anything about it. Starvation will be the criteria which will spur Mankind on to finally do something about it The Universal Intelligence will be able to show us a way out of it, but not before a heavy price is paid to Mankind for their ignorance.”
25th March (ladylydialondon twitter)

 “As the elephant message continues to get out globally, so more support universally is given to save this endangered species. The world needs these magnificent animals to roam freely around in their own habitat & to bring dignity to a world that is now falling apart.

“The Animal Kingdom has a certain code of conduct and honour that many of us could learn from. We should introduce these behaviour skills in our own lives if we had the time to learn and to implement these skills.

“The matriarchal elephant mother is a teacher not only to her young, but to the entire herd. Her knowledge is passed down the line after decades of learning and wisdom.

“Those who are involved in elephant conservation have learnt so much. They are so humbled by the experience that they understand far better how to conduct their own lives. Therefore they are better people because of it.

“To destroy these wonderful creatures is to think that all God’s creations are only for our benefit and to do with what we like. As opposed to the bigger picture, which is to live side by side as fellow creatures in God’s sacred land.”

15th March (ladylydialondon twitter)

 “A crystal found in a shipwreck off the coast of Alderney could be similar to a Sunstone. A mythical navigational aid said to be used by the Viking mariners. French scientists believe the stone can locate the sun even on cloudy days. Modern technology with all its advancements can sometimes pale into insignificance when an oblong crystal is able to do the same technique. Our ancestors never cease to amaze us even today.”

7th March (ladylydialondon twitter)

 “The drop in Man’s ego will have significant results in so many ways. The world will be at peace for one.  The anger held within the ego will allow for dialogue to occur.  A better understanding of Man’s frailties will dissolve the many atrocities that Man inflicts on Mankind.  A united front of all creeds will do away with uncertainty and fear.  Then a restructure to Man’s thinking will allow wisdom to come in.”
28th February 2013 (jandmayers twitter)

 “Movement on the earth’s axis is causing so many anxieties at this time.  The over gentle tilt is placing an imbalance to the human species and the fear of being unsettled is the order of the day.  As the earth starts to rebalance again, which will be soon by the 12th March, a new way of working and being will occur.  Man will feel again in control for a period of time to allow for the readjusting to occur and then harmony towards issues can be resolved.  We are all going through this period of imbalance to remove all that is not right within our lives.  We need to make a fresh start, which is so much needed right now”

28th February 2013 (ladylydialondon twitter)

Lost Teachings of Atlantis

The Masses Believe
What Others Have Given Them,
Right or Wrong,
True or False.
The Wise Realize This
And Are Wary,
And Set Out to Test
and Discover.

Change Comes Only
to the Sincere.

The Greatest Service
you Can Do
For the Universal Spirit, is To
Serve Others.


CONTACT DETAILS for Jenny and Michael Ayers
+44 (0)1892 662 856
Skype mustafa44338
Twitter on ladylydialondon & jandmayers
www.spiritualist-guidance.org and www.living-proof.biz

Public Demonstrations of Jenny and Michael Ayers for SPRING 2013

Wednesday, 27th March 2013                        
03.00pm Eastbourne Christian Spiritualist Church, Eastbourne, E Sussex

Wednesday, 3rd April 2013
07.30pm Crawley Spiritualist Church, Gossops Green, West Sussex


Demonstration of Clairvoyance

Divine Service including Clairvoyance

          Finally we continue to send you our love and wish you well as the world continues to change. Our Twitter forecasts (now with 2568 followers from all over the world) continue to tell us what to expect, so we know what we need to do in order to change our own outlooks and help the greater good to survive as well as ourselves, our families and our friends.

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